
时间:2022-03-16 00:44:34 作者:网友上传 字数:3027字





Chiseled grottoes on the base of the natural limestone caves are also seen in Longmen, and the Lotus Cave is one of them. Unlike the sitting statues, Sakyamuni is of standing figure, showing that he has trudged a long distance to develop Buddhism from India to China. A huge relief of a well sculpted lotus flower is engraved on the dome, with a seed bud in the center and petals of honeysuckle patters circling around. Around the lotus are six flying musicians with vivid gestures, as if they are dancing along with the melodies of the music.


Xiangshan Temple,which is ranked the first among Longmen Grottoes’ten temples,is situated in the middle mountainside of the East Hill.The East Longmen Hill is teeming with spices and is therefore very fragrant smelling.It’s name,Xiangshan, means“Fragrant Hill”in Mandarin.The temple was also named Xiangshan Temple.The present Xianshan Temple was reconstructed during the Qing Dynasty in 1707 and this work was based on the old Temple’ design.In 2002,Xiangshan Temple was expanded on the basis of the Qing Xiangshan Temple by Longmen Grottoes Administration, with a newly constructed Bell and Drum Tower,Wing Room,as well as Halls of Mahavira and Nine Persons. In addition, the belfry, Hall of Arhats, Emperor Qianlong’s stele and palace, Wing-room, Jiang Jieshi and Song Meiling’s Villa, along with the stairs, plank roads and temple walls have all been rebuilt and restored.A new gate was constructed south of the temple.The temple takes on a new look today, and it is really a rare scenic world cultural landmark.








潜溪寺 朋友们,下面我们将参观龙门石窟西山北端第一个大窟潜溪寺。潜溪寺为唐高宗初年雕造。洞内造像为一佛、二弟-子、二菩萨、二天王。主像阿弥陀佛居中而坐,身体各部比例匀称,面容丰满,胸部隆起,表情静穆慈祥。两侧观世音、大势至菩萨体躯比例适中,丰满敦厚,表情温雅文静,富于人情味,揭示了唐初雕刻艺术的长足发展。阿弥陀佛和观世音、大势至菩萨合称为“西方三圣”,是佛教净土宗供奉的偶像。


宾阳中洞 北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳后,实行了意义重大、比较彻底的汉化改革,历史上称为“孝文改制”。由最高统治者实行的政治上的改革必然对当时皇家贵族发愿开凿的佛教石窟造像有一定影响。下面我们将参观的宾阳中洞的造像风格和服饰就是孝文帝改制在文化上的反映。








Fengxian Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty and it is the largest grotto in Longmen Grottoes with a width of 36 meters (about 118 feet) and a length of 41 meters (about 136 feet).There are nine major figures of various facial appearances and temperaments in the temple that were built in accordance with Buddhist rites by the artists.The most impressive figure is the statue of Vairocana Buddha sitting cross-legged on the eight-square lotus throne.It is 17.14 metres (about 56 feet) high;the head alone is four meters (about 1 3 feet) high,and the ears are nearly 2 meters (about 6 feet) long.Vairocana means illuminating all things in the sutra.The Buddha has a well-filled figure,a sacred and kindly expression and an elegant smile.According to the record on the epigraph,the Empress Wu Zetian together with her subjects took part in the ceremony of Introducing the Light (a Buddhist blessing that the Buddha opens the spiritual light of himself and shares it with others).At the sides of Vairocana there are two statues of Vairocana Buddha’s disciples,Kasyapa and Ananda,wearing prudent and devout expressions. The figures of Bodhisattvas and Devas can also be found in the temple.Some have dignified and genial expressions,while others are majestic and fiery. The various appearances and delicate designs are the representations of the Tang Empire’s powerful material and spiritual strength and the wisdom of its people.


Welcome to Longmen Grottoes. I'm the Chen guide of the Marie family. Today I'll show you the wonders of Longmen Grottoes. First of all I have to say about the matters we should pay attention to: shouldn't throw rubbish, not spitting, not too excited about graffiti on the wall...... If you make these mistakes, you'll have to touch your wallet.

The journey begins, I want to say something about the knowledge of Longmen Grottoes: Longmen Grottoes excavated in the Northern Wei Emperor Xiaowen moved to Luoyang (AD 494 years) and, later, after the things of Wei, Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Sui and Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, and to create a continuous mass for more than 400 years. The clouds in the two mountains cliffs, 1 km long from north to south, a total of more than 97000 statues, more than 1300 grottoes. The existing 2345 grottoes, inscriptions and inscriptions on more than 3600 products, 50 Buddhist pagodas, statues of more than one hundred thousand tons. Among them, the largest Buddha is as high as 17. 14 meters, the smallest is only 2 centimeters. All of these reflect the high artistic attainments of the ancient working people in china.

OK, my explanation is over. Then, please get off the bus and go and have a taste of it yourself! I hope my explanation will bring you satisfaction and smile!


Guyang Cave is the oldest cave in Longmen Grottoes.There are three tiers of niches on the northern and southern wall of the cave,in which are hundreds of statues,and most of the statues are engraved with the names of the artists,the dates and the reasons for carving them.The sculptures are of diverse shapes and patterns that are representations of the Gandhara Art style after the grotto art transmitted to Luoyang. A stature of Sakyamuni is situated in the middle and is nearly 8 meters (about 26 feet) high. Nineteen of the most famous Twenty Calligraphies are found in Guyang Cave. The Twenty Calligraphies represent the Wei style steles, which are the Longmen Grottoes’ basic stele calligraphies.


Welcome to Longmen Grottoes.They are located in the south of Luoyang City.They are

between Mount Xiang and Mount Longmen and face Yi River.Longmen Grottoes,Yungang Caves and Mogao Caves are regarded as the three most famous treasure houses of stone inscriptions in China.The grottoes were started around the year 494 when Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534 A.D.) moved the capital to Luoyang.Work on them continued for another 400 years until the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127 A.D.).The first caves of Longmen were excavated in 494,the 12thyear of the Northern Wei Dynasty Xiaowen Emperor's reign.The grottoes extend for some 1,000 meters (about 1,094 yards) from north to south.They contain over 2,300 holes and niches,2,800 steles,40 stupas,1,300 caves and 97,000 sculptured figures that have survived the test of time.Most of these works date from the Northern Wei Dynasty and the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.).Lots of historical materials concerning art, music, religion, calligraphy, medicine, costume and architecture are stored in the Longmen Grottoes.
