
时间:2022-03-16 00:35:05 作者:网友上传 字数:2211字



Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage ― in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pig's feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the 'three thousand' hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pig's feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pig's feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, what's the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pig's feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say 'Wan Santi'. This is the origin of 'Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water ― zhouzhuang!!!!
















Hello, my name is Qiu Huangxuan, below, I tell you the zhouzhuang.

Zhouzhuang is an ancient water town, is China's five a-class tourist area. One went in, and came to a small lake, the lake is the pearl of zhouzhuang, across the lake in the middle there is a small stone bridge, go to zhouzhuang pearl's entrance.

, looking to watch on the roof, zhouzhuang scene most in fundus, and a growing old house in the distance, each channel around my house, every household vehicles are boats.

Zhouzhuang convenient waterway, the boat can to every doorstep, osprey and fisherman's boat, discussing the characteristics of lake water, full of ancient buildings, no modern buildings.


Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pig's feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the 'three thousand' hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pig's feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pig's feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, what's the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pig's feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say 'Wan Santi'. This is the origin of 'Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!!





整个周庄就是一幅美妙的"小桥、流水、人家"的水乡风情画。周庄的魅力,还在于它的文化蕴涵:沈厅、张厅、叶楚伧故居、澄虚道院、 全福寺等名胜古迹,具有一定的历史、文化和观赏价值。西晋文学家张翰(字季鹰),唐代诗人刘禹锡、陆龟等曾寓居周庄;元末是初沈万三得天时地利,成为江南巨富;近代柳亚子、陈去病等南社发起人,曾聚会迷楼饮酒吟诗;当代名人到周庄采风者更不胜枚举,像旅美华人画家陈逸飞画了油画《双桥》后和"双桥"一样驰名世界,像著名古画家吴冠中赞誉 "周庄集中国水乡之美"等等,他们对周庄情由独钟,可见周庄的魅力何其无穷 !


Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pig's feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the 'three thousand' hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pig's feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pig's feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, what's the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pig's feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say 'Wan Santi'. This is the origin of 'Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!!
