
时间:2022-06-08 23:18:50 作者:网友上传 字数:2625字



Hello, tourists! Today, Im going to take you to visit Shaolin Temple, a famous Buddhist temple with an extremely important position in China. First of all, let me introduce the general situation of Dengfeng City and Shaolin Temple.

Dengfeng city is located in the middle and west of Henan Province, south of Songshan mountain. The total area is 1220 square kilometers and the total population is 610000. Dengfeng is a famous historical and cultural city at the provincial level. It is a famous town of cultural relics and martial arts. Dengfeng has a long history. According to historical records, the Xia Dynasty, the first slavery country in China, first established its capital in Yangcheng (now Gaocheng town), Yudu Yangcheng, and Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Che, visited Songshan Mountain, officially established Gaoyuan County, which was changed into Songyang County in the Sui Dynasty. In 696 ad, Empress Wu ascended Songshan Mountain and granted Zhongyue, and achieved great success. She changed Songyang County into Dengfeng County, Yangcheng County into Gaocheng County, and the two counties were merged into Dengfeng County in the Jin Dynasty. Since 1983, it has been subordinate to Zhengzhou. In 1994, it was withdrawn from the county to the city.

Dengfeng has unique tourism resources, such as zhougongkaojingtai, Zhongyue temple, Songyang academy, Zhongyue Songshan, etc. Song Mountain is divided into two parts, Taishi mountain and Shaoshi mountain. It is said that song mountain is the two wives of Yu king. Shaoshi mountain is steep and hard to climb. The famous Shaolin Temple at home and abroad is named after the dense forest built in Shaoshi mountain.

The temple was built in 495 A.D. in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It was built by the Emperor Xiaowen after he moved his capital to Luoyang to settle down with the eminent Indian monk samanbada. It is the ancestral hall of Buddhism and Zen in China, the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts, known as the first famous temple in the world. It was founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty and flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, king of Qin, was rewarded by Li Shimin for his contribution to the battle. Thanks to the strong support of the imperial court, Shaolin Temple has developed rapidly, becoming a famous Buddhist temple at home and abroad, and won the title of the first famous temple in the world. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were two thousand Shaolin temples. In the Ming Dynasty, Shaolin Temple was at its peak. From the end of Qing Dynasty, Shaolin Temple gradually declined. Especially in 1928, during the warlords scuffle, Shi Yousan set fire to the Shaolin Temple, and the main buildings, the Scriptures and cultural relics collected in the temple were all burnt. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, Shaolin Temple has been renovated. In the 1980s, movie star Jet Li shot the famous film "Shaolin Temple" here. In addition, the promotion of master Shi Yongxin, the current abbot of Shaolin Temple in recent years, made Shaolin Temple gradually return to its former fame.

Now, we have come to the gate of Shaolin Temple. Please close your Windows, take your valuables, get off with me and visit Shaolin Temple.

Now you can see that the temple gate is the Mountain Gate of Shaolin Temple. Because most of the Buddhist temples are located in the deep mountains, they are called the mountain gate, and they symbolize the three liberation of Buddhism. Also called the three liberation gate, the word "Zen and martial arts" on the mountain wall is the annotation of Shaolin Temple as the ancestral hall of Zen and Shaolin martial arts. Zen is the soul, martial arts is the garment, martial arts is practised, and Zen is the foundation of martial arts. When you enter, you will protect the temple and serve the country To save all living beings, retreat to Zen and practice martial arts.

The first thing you see when you enter the Mountain Gate hall is the Maitreya Buddha with big belly, also known as the welcome Buddha. He is kind-hearted and welcomes you to come here. He is dignified and solemn. He likes to see the worlds shining light. He laughs and welcomes people to bless the bliss forever. A couplet represents that only ordinary people can join the Buddhist gate with a smile. At the back is Bodhisattva Weituo holding a Vajra treasure pestle to protect the three Buddhist monks in the temple.

On the east side of the corridor is the Stone Gallery. Shaolin Temple has a history of 1511 years since it was built. Among the 108 stone tablets, there are not only the prosperous times of the northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also the burning and disaster of the late Sui, yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic of China and cultural revolution. In 1928, Shi Yousan, the warlord, burned the temple for more than 40 days, burning the buildings on the ground, while Shaolins The spirit of Zen and martial arts is rooted in Songshan Mountain and in the hearts of the people all over the country.

Please follow me into the mountain gate. The building we see now is the temple of the heavenly king. In front of them are two guard Buddhas. Its said that there are 500 followers of the Buddhas when they travel, mainly the two secret trace and Narayana. However, according to the sayings in the romance of the gods and their mouth shape, people call the two Buddhas the second general of hum ha. This is the source of hum has voice when Shaolin monks practice Kung Fu. The four heavenly kings enshrined in it are the eastern holding heavenly king, the southern growth heavenly king, the Western light eye heavenly king, and the northern multi heard heavenly king. Their duties are to help the people in danger and help the poor, and to help the people in the world. The magic weapon in hand represents the smooth weather, which also represents the most simple desire of people under the feudal agricultural economy.

Its five minutes in hammer spectrum hall. We have Shaolin Kung Fu. Now we come to hammer spectrum hall. Wooden statues or plaster idols are eager for a fight. Strike while the iron is hot. The 4 groups of 216 hammer images are shown in the form of clay sculpture. They are shown in the origin, development, practice, elite routine, national defense function and monk soldiers achievements. They are Zen meditation, running around the Buddha, eight segment brocade, Xiaohong boxing, big red boxing, six and boxing, cross arm boxing, Luo Han Quan and Zhaoyang boxing. Its Shaolin Kung Fu.

Now we come to the central building of the temple, the Mahavira hall, which is an important place for monks to carry out Buddhist activities. The southeast corner in front is the bell tower, and the southwest corner is the drum tower, which is the fixed building of the temple. We often say that the morning bell and evening drum is a sign of monks daily life and Buddhist activities.

There are three important steles beside the bell tower. This stele, the monument of Shaolin Temple in Song Yue of the Tang Dynasty, is Li Shimins achievement in praising the monks for helping the Tang Dynasty to pacify Wang Shichong, the rebellious party. On the back is the stele of imperial script given to baiguzhuang of Shaolin Temple, which tells the story of thirteen stick monks saving the Tang King. At that time, the monks of Shaolin Temple rescued Li Shimin, the Qin king, and helped to pacify Wang Shichong and Wang Renzes uncle and nephews rebellion, and finally tanzong was appointed as the general, and also allowed the Shaolin Temple to build its own barracks to prepare 500 monks, which was also the basis for the shooting of "Shaolin Temple" starring Jet Li in the 1980s.

What we see below is the Xiaoshan Zen masters practice stele, which refers to the public morality of his expedition and rejuvenation of Shaolin Zen. On the back is the monument of three religions and nine streams of praise of Hunyuan. From different aspects, we can see the statues of Laozi, Confucius and Sakyamuni. Coincidentally, these three lives in the same era. Confucius once went to the state of Zhou to learn rites and music from Laozi, who was the director of the national archives. Now there are stone tablets in Luoyang, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, where Confucius entered the Zhou Dynasty. Sakyamuni was 12 years older than Confucius. This monument reflects that mount song is a place where Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism gather together, and also reflects the thought of the confluence of the three religions.

Please follow me to visit the Mahavira hall. In the center of the hall, there is the real Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha. On the left, there is the past Buddha, the pharmacist Buddha in the Oriental static glass world. On the right, there is the future Buddha, the Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. Different from other temples, there are Bodhidharma and the king jinnaro, the founder of Shaolin stick Why? The answer is in the next visit. Curious friends may find Kirin statues under the pillars of the main hall, which represents that Zen Buddhism is completely Chinese Buddhism.

Walking into the hall of Jinaro, it shows three different images of King Jinaro: holding Dharma, protecting Dharma and responding to the body. King Jinaro is the unique Dharma protector of Shaolin Temple. In Sanskrit, it means the flying sky of the Buddhist God. It is said that on March 26, 1351 A.D. (one day in the Yuan Dynasty), the red scarf army raided Shaolin, and many monks were beaten back. At this critical moment, a unkempt fire monk ran out of the kitchen, holding a fire stick, roaring and flashing, and retreated in an instant. After that, he claimed that he had gone away. The temple monk honored him as the first person to show his martial arts.

After listening to the story of King jinnara, lets take a look at the history of Bodhidharma. I walked into the six ancestral halls with six ancestors worshiping Avalokitesvara. They are Bodhidharma of the first ancestor, Huike of the second group, can of the third ancestor, Daoxin of the fourth ancestor, Hongren of the fifth ancestor and Huineng of the sixth ancestor. When it came to Hongren, the fifth ancestor, the time came to the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The Zen School was divided into two groups: the north and the south. The body was a bodhi tree, and the heart was like a mirror platform. Always brush to avoid dust. It is the opinion of the northern school on behalf of Shenxiu that Zen needs long-term practice. Huineng of the southern school advocates epiphany. He believes that as long as the heart is sincere, everyone can become a Buddha on his own. There is no Buddha outside the heart. I am not the Buddha in the world, but in peoples hearts. A Bodhi has no trees, a mirror is not a platform, there is nothing. Where to provoke the dust has laid the status of his six ancestors. On the Western gable is a picture of Dharma returning to the West. Bodhidharma, the 28th generation descendant of Sakyamuni and the nantianzhu monk during the reign of emperor Xuanwu of Wei Dynasty, came to the Jinling of Nanliang for three years and had no chance to talk with emperor Liangwu. After that, he crossed the Yangtze River with a reed, went to Luoyang in the north, and then went to the wall of Shaolin temple for nine years. When he died, someone found Dharma wearing a shoe during the journey, and opened the tomb with only one of Dharmas shoes.

Next we came to the library of the temple, the Sutra collection Pavilion. Behind it was the Abbots room, where Emperor Qianlong stayed when he visited Shaolin.

From the time of Zen to the Southern Song Dynasty, it combined with Confucianism and formed Neo Confucianism in Songyang Academy. In Buddhism, there are also stories of seeking Dharma with broken arms. Its said that our Bodhidharma master first preached Zen in Shaolin at that time, and there were many apprentices. One of them was a Luoyang monk named Shengguang, who learned Dharma with sincerity. On a snowy day, the God light said in front of the Abbots room: please teach the Buddha Dharma to all living beings. At that time, it was snowing like goose feather, and it wasnt long before the divine light became a snowman. Dharma said: its OK to pass the Dharma and wait until when the red snow falls. At that time, the God light took out his Sabre and cut off the snow on his left arm without hesitation. Dharma said: Hui Ke became his Dharma name and the second ancestor of Zen. It is also the embodiment of Zens insistence on the peoples mind, the Buddhas nature and the writing. From then on, Shaolin monks built a snow pavilion to commemorate his sincerity in learning Dharma.

Come to the Wenshu hall on the right side. In addition to the worship of Wenshu Bodhisattva, there is also the temple treasure of Shaolin Temple, the shadow stone of Dharma face wall. Our Bodhidharma has been facing the wall for nine years. When he was settled, the bird built a birds nest on his body. He didnt know it. His eyebrows fell off to form a kind of silver eyebrow tea. Water droplets can penetrate hard rocks, and the shadow of our Dharma Master can also leave a shadow on them. In fact, his body reflects the ultraviolet light and the radioactive radium light in the deep mountains, and the shadow is carved on the rock for a long time.

Now you can see the largest building in the temple, the thousand Buddha Hall, with seven rooms in width and 20 meters in height. It is dedicated to the Dharma body Buddha of Sakyamuni, Pilu Buddha. Behind him is a large-scale color painting of five hundred Arhats in Pilu. Whats amazing is that the color of these Arhats faces will change at any time. Every 12 years, one arhats face will change.

Well, friends, this is the end of the tour of Shaolin Temple. Please visit freely. We will gather in the car in half an hour.


Welcome to Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China.Its in the north of China.Beijing is a fascinatingplace.There are many places of interest in Beijing.Such as Tianan Men squera(and)the Great Wall is the longest wall in the worldWe will stay there for two hours.And well come back at 12:00.The bus will wait at the exit.

Please get back on time.

Have a good time!
