
时间:2022-06-08 23:10:44 作者:网友上传 字数:2700字



大家好,我叫陈汛贤,在这阳光明媚的日子里,我带大家去北京故宫游玩,首先我简单介绍一下北京故宫,然后再说一个关于北京故宫的传说吧!故宫位于北京的中心,东西宽730米、南北长1402米 有100多个篮球场那么大,那里还有皇上住的永乐殿,皇后住的永慈殿,这里有一口井,据说里面不是水,而是已经死掉的人的骨灰,真恐怖呀!下面我就说一个关于故宫的传说吧!燕王朱奴在皇宫做了皇帝后,就觉得故宫不够漂亮,就叫亲信大臣做管工大臣“在皇宫的四个角上盖四座样子特别美的楼房,要有九梁九十九柱,限期是三个月”管工大臣就叫工厂里的工人们:“皇上要盖四座要有九梁九十九柱的楼房,限期是三个月。”工人们听了非常郁闷!一个月过去了,工人们还没想到怎么盖,工头去街里闲逛,看到一个装蟋蟀的笼子,刚刚好是九梁九十九柱,工头就买回去,按照这个笼子做了出来。旅客们!目的地到了,要注意不要破坏公物哦!





Among the numerous cultural relics and historic sites in Guiyang, there is a national key cultural relics protection unit Xifeng concentration camp; there is the only wooden structure with three stories and three eaves and unequal sides of jiujiaozanjianding attic in China; Wenchang Pavilion built in 1610, the 38th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty; Jiaxiu Pavilion, as the current symbol of Guiyang City, built in 1598, the 26th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty; There are the largest Buddhist jungle in Guizhou, Hongfu temple built in 1672, and Yangming temple built in 1794 in memory of Shou Ren, a famous philosopher and educator of the Ming Dynasty.

Guiyang is a multi-ethnic city with the Han nationality as the main population. Its long history has bred the splendid national cultures of 38 ethnic groups in this land, and formed a strong national customs. There are young men and women of ethnic minorities through affectionate songs and dances, and "April 8", "March 3", "June 6" and "dance field" festivals to find their favorite people; Nuo opera and local opera, known as the rudiment and "living fossil" of Chinese drama, trace the long history of Chinese culture and record the blend of Central Plains culture and Guizhou national culture.

Embroidery and cross stitch are two wonderful flowers blooming in the hundred flower garden of Guiyang National traditional crafts. Batik products contain the artistic charm of national culture. They are favored by friends at home and abroad, just like the rough, simple Nuo masks and other national cultural products.


hello everyone! Now we are on the way to Shaolin Temple. Before we arrive at the destination, I will introduce the general situation of Shaolin Temple to you.

I think everyone has seen the film "Shaolin Temple"? You will be deeply impressed by the superb martial arts of Shaolin disciples and the simple flavor of Shaolin Temple. Since the film became popular, Shaolin Temple has gained a great reputation, and a large number of tourists from home and abroad have come to Henan. In recent years, we have vigorously developed tourism with martial arts as the medium, and hold "Shaolin International Martial Arts Festival" every two years, which not only attracts many overseas martial arts groups to participate, but also promotes the development of regional economy.

Shaolin Temple is located at the West foot of Songshan Mountain, about 13 kilometers northwest of Dengfeng City. In 495 ad, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei dynasty built this temple to settle down the Indian monk Batuo to spread Buddhism. Because it is located in the dense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it is named "Shaolin Temple". Thirty two years later (527), another Indian monk, Dharma, came to the Shaolin Temple. He believed in Mahayana Buddhism and advocated universal living. He collected a wide range of believers in Shaolin Temple and first preached Zen. Later, the Zen spread all over the country. Shaolin Temple was called the ancestral hall of Zen. At the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Shaolin Temple was praised by the court because of the help of 13 monks to Li Shimin, king of the Tang Dynasty. Shaolin martial arts became famous all over the world, and the temple also developed rapidly, known as "the first famous temple in the world". These are the reasons why Shaolin Temple is famous. If we use two self generalizations, they are "Zen" and "Wu".

Zen is an important sect in Buddhism. It is a combination of Chinese religion and Confucianism, and has a great influence on Chinese culture. "Zen" is the meaning of ordinary mind, feeling without attachment, excluding all miscellaneous thoughts and not persistent. There is a story that can explain this very well. Zhao Zhou Zen master went to visit the world all his life to spread the Zen method. He said: "if a child can surpass me, I will worship him as a teacher. If an old man is inferior to me, I will teach him." One day, a group of monks came to worship. Zhao Zhou asked one of them, "have you ever been here?" "Yes.". Zhao Zhou said, "have tea." He asked the second person again and replied, "I havent been here yet." Zhao Zhou also said, "go to have tea." The head of the courtyard didnt understand. He asked Shifu, why do you ask them to have tea? Zhao state Zen master still said: "eat tea!" That is to say, in daily life, Zen is not learned, but realized. Its all about carrying water and cutting wood, eating and drinking tea. The essence of life is the ordinary heart in daily life and the indifferent and peaceful feelings. At this time, all people are the same. OK, what we said just now is the meaning of Zen. What is the way of Zen practice? Yes, its meditation, that is, sitting on the wall to eliminate distractions. Its said that the first ancestor of Zen, Dharma Sutra, has been facing the wall for 9 years, so that his shadow is deeply printed on the opposite stone wall. The one and only deep mountains and forests, wild animals, and the wild animals came to life. Damour created a set of gymnastics and taught the disciples to exercise. When Shaolin Temple was located in the mountains and forests, wild animals came and went, some practical combat techniques were added to defend themselves. After thousands of years of evolution, they merged into the essence of Chinas major martial arts schools, and became a unique earthquake. Lin martial arts. Lets go to Shaolin Temple today. One is to understand "Zen" and the other is to appreciate "martial arts". I believe that after the tour, you will not only understand the Buddhism Zen, but also take three moves and two moves.

OK, the general situation of Shaolin Temple will be introduced here for you. After the meeting, the guide of Shaolin Temple will give you a detailed explanation. OK, tourists, Shaolin Temple is coming soon. Please take your own things and get ready to get off.

Dear guests, the place we are going to visit is the birthplace of Chinese Zen - Shaolin Temple. Shaolin Temple was founded in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (AD 495) by Yuanhong, the emperor of Xiaowen, in order to settle down the Indian monk Batuo and build a foundation on the mountain. Because it is located in the dense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it is called "Shaolin Temple". In the third year of Xiaochang in the Northern Wei Dynasty (A.D. 527), Bodhidharma, the 28th generation of Sakyamuni, arrived at Shaolin temple for three years, and first passed on Zen, which had a great influence. Therefore, Shaolin Temple is called the "Zen ancestral hall" by the world Buddhism, and develops rapidly on this basis, especially after the thirteen stick monk rescued Li Shimin in the early Tang Dynasty, it has been highly valued by the Tang Dynasty and won the reputation of "the best temple in the world".

Todays Shaolin Temple is not only famous for its ancient and mysterious Buddhist culture, but also for its superb Shaolin Kungfu. "Chinese Kungfu tops the world, and the worlds kungfu is out of Shaolin.". This is the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts, which is also recognized as the authentic School of Chinese martial arts.

Shaolin Temple scenic area is also one of the famous tourist attractions in China. In 2000, Shaolin Temple scenic area was first recognized as the highest level 4A tourist area in China by the National Tourism Administration.

Shaolin Temple scenic area includes the main tourist attractions of Shaolin Temple, such as often hospitalized, Tallinn, chuzuan, erzuan, damodong, Shifang temple, martial arts museum, etc.

Now the first thing we see is that Shaolin Temple is often hospitalized.

Shaolin Temple is the core of Shaolin Temple. It is the place where monks and deacons conduct Buddhist activities. The total area is more than 30000 square meters, which is a seven step building. Now the first thing we see is the mountain gate, which is the gate of Shaolin Temple. This is a building of Qing Dynasty. It was renovated in 1975. The word "Shaolin Temple" on the forehead of the gate is written by Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. There is a square seal of "the treasure of Kangxi imperial pen".

The stone lions on both sides of the steps of the Mountain Gate hall are carved in the Ming Dynasty, which not only shows the style of Buddhism, but also symbolizes the evil and auspiciousness of the town. On both sides of the mountain gate are the East and West stone houses built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty.

You see, in the niches of the temple of the mountain gate, the Maitreya Buddha with big belly is also called welcome Buddha. He is kind-hearted and welcomes you with a smile. We call Maitreya Buddha "a dignified and solemn mountain gate that enjoys the worlds shining light, and laughs and welcomes peoples blessing of bliss.".


shaolin temple is chinas famous temple, and chan sect. it is located at the foot of shaoshi mountain and got its name from its location. shaolin temple has a reputation for its zen buddhism and shaolin gongfu, which is the main attraction of the scenery ot. shaolin temple was built for indian monk patuo in 495 or 9 of the yaihe year in the northern wei dynasty by xiaowen emperor.

shaolin was built against the hills. in the period of its great proerity, seven buildings lined the central line of the temple, but in the war among warlords in the period of kuomingtang, some main buildings were burnt by shisanyou, including the hall of heavenly king, the abbots room and the hall for preaching the buddhist doctrines and the bell tower and many precious buddhist sutras pugilism charts were destroyed as well. in the late 20th century, shaolin temple was rebuilt to the old system.

the stone tablets in shaolin temple are also well known, which are mainly in the ciyun hall, or the tablet passage. about 20 pieces of handwriting works are stored here, dating from the northern qi dynasty. many famous masters, such as caijing, mipei, zhao meng fu and dong qichang, ever left their handwriting here.

tower forest is where the monks were buried. the one in shaolin temple is the biggest in china, 232 all together. it is of great value in the study of buddhism scriptures, buildings and zen buddhism.

besides, some other famous places include the buddhist convent, built in memory of damo buddhist meditating facing the wall; damo cave and the sweet dew tower, where batuo ,the founder for the shaolin temple, translated the sutras.

in addition to the visit to the historic buildings, shaolin would give performance of shaolin gongfu, which will broaden your outlook and let you have a taste of the charm of shaolin martial arts.

chinese kungfu: chinese is a general designation of chinese wushu and gongfu, a culture developed from the long practice in life and the knowledge of the body. its a traditional precious heritage, and at the same time a ecial ort of great value.

with chinas reform, chinese gongfu has read over the world. to promote its development worldwide, the olympic committee has included chinese wushu in the events of the XX sydney olymipcs.


Notre-dame is a Romanesque church located in the center of Paris. Construction of the church began in 1163 during the reign of Louis Ⅶ and completed roughly 180 years later in about 1345.

It is famous not only for Victor Hugo's famous novel but also for its gothic architechture which was considered to be the sign of European architecture. It has very distinctive architecture style and had been called "the symphony of stone". There are 3 doorways called the kings gallery on which 28 portraits of the king in Jew and Israel were hanging. There is handly and decoration inside the church. The main hall that had held a lot of important ceremonies can hold nearly 9000 persons.
