
时间:2024-01-21 00:35:10 作者:网友上传 字数:528字



president clinton:

thank you. thank you, president chen, chairmen ren, vice president chi, vice minister wei. we are delighted to be here today with a very large american delegation, including the first lady and our daughter, who is a student at stanford, one of the schools with which beijing university has a relationship. we have six members of the united states congress; the secretary of state; secretary of commerce; the secretary of agriculture; the chairman of our council of economic advisors; senator sasser, our ambassador; the national security advisor and my chief of staff, among others. i say that to illustrate the importance that the united states places on our relationship with china.

i would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. gongxi, beida. (applause.)


Lottery, booming all of a sudden all over the world, attracts all kinds of people.

Nearly everybody, old or young, rich or poor, is right now trying his luck in lottery or is thinking of doing so. Despite many disputes that lottery is receiving, I still assume, personally, that lottery does mere good than harm.

The worst effect caused by lottery, as many socialists indicate, is that it produces in people an idea of "gain without pain'.But at the same time, they neglect one point--it is human nature that people all expect to obtain most while offer least.

The thought of "gain without pain" is buried in everyone's heart and is not bred by lottery.

Consequently, lottery is innocent in this way. But there still remain a large group of people against lottery, among whom are some lottery addicts. Such people are fond of lottery but unfortunately luck is never fond of them. Finally, they end up in complaining about lottery, declaring the great harm, both psychologically and economically lottery has done to them. In this case,the problem lies in the attitude of people, not lottery.

Since the major two sorts of harm are not lottery's fault,let's have an objective look on lottery. For the society, lottery is the most practical way to accumulate funds. For those who happen to win a large fortune, I think they can't kiss their lottery enough. Also for those who have not a single chance to be lucky dogs, lottery can mutely tell them the truth of "no pains, no gains."

Spare the lottery! It, in itself can do more good than harm.
