
时间:2022-03-16 00:38:35 作者:网友上传 字数:4780字




各位朋友,我们已经到了今天要游览的被誉为“天下第一奇观 ”、“阿诗玛故乡”的国家重点风景名胜区——石林。请大家拿好随身物品随我下车。





















Sani tribal invaders also thrust out of the fruit Rao. I do not know the number of road running, Sani hide in a cave, hole quickly concluded on the spider web.Yapping at their heels arrived holes were not Sani. Some said may hide in your hole, one can see a spider web portal Guitar, certainly they were not hiding Sani cave. Sani not, the invaders leave.Sani who saved the day and pull through. Since then, as they put the Spiders to worship God.

Now you please look at the car window, the car is from Sani living side after the stockade.Tsaitsu said, it was necessary to brief you Yi housing.

In Shilin County and throughout the different natural conditions, therefore, the housing Sani has different forms. Yi people have four words : "the sea-line territory coffers, waxy black Danbanfang, Wo Hop the fence, Lake on the grass. "four phrases to sum up the Yi four local representative and housing.Soil Treasury, also known as the palm of the soil, soil, wood as raw material, in general-the upper and lower floors, live in the upper and lower levels of clearance livestock. Danbanfang, mostly two-storey buildings, upstairs and downstairs of the three, beam, column, beam, floor, all wood, gables, back with stone walls built from, and the general soil-brick buildings and the different.Of the fence, stone walls, and bamboo, woven into a tree, fence, and then paste on earth, brushing smooth, as the walls.The grass, stones pad, and the walls of tamped earth, with the best of logs or wood-side, the grass covered roof, double-sided slopes. Thatch grass roof, swing down to make grass, splashed Sheung Shui let the wind, and then the grass ablaze. saturated with water for part of the wind quit and not combustion, forming a solid grass roof.Although the grass than the shabby brick, but cost savings While some visitors.

Now, I like to talk about people Sani bright and colorful costumes.

Sani women spend Baotou is remarkable exquisite works of art.Baotou in red, green, blue, purple, yellow, green and orange colors of the seven silk preparation; Edge nails silver bubble, A sergeant on both sides "rosy" (color embroidered logo 1.30); After a beaded vertical, end-Yin Ling Ying Sui dynasty. Yinling impact mistake. Baotou legend flower is to imitate rainbows in the sky produced for the Memorial 'to fire a love of Love. Because of the fascination with death into seven, color rainbow, the rainbow descendants imitate production Baotou, love it as a symbol of loyalty.The girls were equipped with color sleeve silk cloth impregnated two wide sides. Left married with purple fringe or black velvet inlaid center stage-profile width. Back up to a black velvet coat so small Yanggaopi, Jianku embroidered packets.Wei Yao anthers waist, belt line in the funeral, like the men's neckties, so that the "strange Sani girl costumes, When the suit tie belt.Downloaded the past homemade kindness, it is more of trousers.Shoes have also been embroidered shoes into a pair of sports shoes or semi-Duan shoes. In peacetime, and more young women to wear the same fashion Han, festivals or rush Street (Series) days, girls dressed in colorful ethnic costumes, Yi Heung added strong ethnic characteristics.















Dear visitors:

Hello, welcome you to the famous scenic spots in Yunnan Dali Three Pagodas, OK, now let me introduce you to start the general situation in Temple worship it! Please follow me Three Pagodas Dali "Documentary", a symbol of history and culture of ancient symbol of Yunnan, southern China is the oldest and most magnificent buildings. March 1961 the first batch of the State Council promulgated a national key cultural relics protection units of the group of buildings 14 kilometers from the Shimonoseki, located 1.5 km north of Dali Cangshan peak should be fun, the back hills, facing Erhai Lake, Three Pagodas by a large composed of three two small pagoda, was Kingdoms of the state, from afar, Zoran graceful, Toshihaya extraordinary, is one of Cang-er of the attraction Well, the name suggests is a three tower, there should be three towers fishes is to, yes, you are three now Tara, in the middle is the main tower - Chihiro tower, 9.9 meters wide at the bottom, the existing height of 69.13 meters, 16 floors for hollow brick tower square Miyan Shi, is one of the highest existing towers, and large Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an Tang Dynasty with a typical building, modeling and Xi'an Pagodas are also similar to a typical tower of the Tang Dynasty one. Tower with lime painted surface, each level has four niches, two niches for statues relative, the other two niches for the window opening. Tower equipped with a wood frame, tower and down through the vertical wall, with wooden stairs, through the staircase up to the top, from a hole in the appreciation of Outlook Dali picture. Tasha canopy top metal, ding, and Rooster, etc., the bottom engraved in marble inlaid with the "mountain town forever," the four characters, this is the descendant of the Ming Qian Mu Ying Gong Sun Country World Order the book. The base of the tower was a square, divided into three layers, the lower side length of 33.5 meters, surrounded by a stone fence, the four corners of columns carved lions stigma; the upper side of 21 meters, the middle east a stone screen wall, "Yong Town, mountains and rivers" four characters ascended the throne of this, 1.7 meters per word, the pen are powerful vigorous, magnificent. Look under the tower, saw the tower chu clouds, clouds moving in the tower, the trend seems to be dumping.

Beside the two small towers, three towers in the south and north for two towers in the main tower of the West, with the main tower offset 70 m north-south confrontation, 97.5 m apart, were built during the Five Dali. Two-tower system, as are 10-story, 42.4 meters high, is octagonal Miyan Shi hollow brick tower, decorated loft-style appearance, every angle has columns, each grade level set square Block, 4,6 there fighting chess, the top gilded Tasha ding, very gorgeous. Each the eaves, angle to the bend, do not beam brackets, so as to achieve the artistic effect contour. Tower quintana wiping Carboniferous, like Yuzhu Atlas.

Now give us some time to freely look around, wait a minute we will go to another, more fascinating attractions.

To the three towers three towers will want to go to the park reflection, reflection Three Pagodas Three Pagodas Park is located south of 1 km and park facing south, backed by three towers in the park lake to the reflection of three named after the majestic towers. Park was built in 80 years, building area of 7 acres, the center is a pool of nearly 10 acres of pools. The planting of Grevillea pool, cedar, willow, etc., surrounded by rattan frame,

marble Zhuodeng, long marble bar, creeks around the lake. Beiting pond west of Dali, booths along the verandas over the line a few meters up to the water ripples wave booths. Bo Ting Yang a small island south of the island, a pair of lifelike plastic crane, water, reflection, shadow people moving wave shift and Yang Ting exist side by side.

Reflection of the water park green jade, crystal clear, waves do not panic, flat as a mirror. With different viewing angle, the reflection forms also will be different. Every winter, the entire hills covered with snow, Santa reflection of the more charming.

Well, now is free to visit the time, you can click here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, wait a minute here, we will set, what problems can also find me.
