
时间:2022-03-16 00:30:35 作者:网友上传 字数:9396字













The tourists are all good, today we will visit the Jiexiu Mianshan Mianshan, Taihang Mountain branch, at an elevation of 2000 meters, it was named Mianshan beans and cotton. After the spring and Autumn Period Jin Chen Jie burned the mountain reputation. The construction of many temples in Mianshan Buddhist temple, and became a famous Buddhist shrine. But Mianshan great scenery, is China's famous tourist scenic area of the north.

From the Jiexiu south for 20 kilometers to reach the foot of the mountain and then South Village, about 1.5 km away, we will start climbing. The natural and cultural landscapes on the mountain are very rich, but the scenic spots are scattered. The journey is about 9 kilometers. It is commonly known as "nine Li eighteen bend, twenty-four small temple". The first important scenic spots we are now arriving in Mianshan -- leading temple. The leader of the temple at the entrance of the temple is the throat, lying very Xianyao from here, the south line mountain hinterland. The temple is divided into two layers, which are the faucet monastery. The next is the Guan Yu Temple. Leading from the temple, along the way between two mountains, phosphate rocks ring, great scenery. The road like a ribbon around the mountainside.

Friends, please continue to climb up. In the advantageous place, there is a megalithic Fort when standing, about 7 meters high, 4 meters wide, there is room for people to guard the fort in the door. There is a deep ditch in front of the door, with a door plate suspension bridge. From the above lookout hole can see the man entering the mountain. If the suspension bridge is put down, the suspension bridge will be pulled up again after the person has passed. The door is around deep cliffs, it is yifudangguan, mofu. Continue to move forward, not far away you can see the "free bridge", "deer bridge", and then climb the 127 steps is the main scenic spots: Mianshan bracegirdle rock. The famous "Datang Fenzhou bracegirdle temple is hidden in a huge cave, in addition to hold abdominal temple, where there are empty king temple, thousand Buddha Temple, Buddha Temple, the temple and the referral push Wulong temple and other buildings, these buildings are deep in the rock to hold abdominal belly, rain and snow can not invade, the quiet no risk of the scene is rare.


















清明节,又叫踏青节,是我国传统节日,年期在每年公历四月五日前后。这时,万物沉睡的严冬过去,万象更新的春天来到。到处是春光明媚,草木萌动的清明景象。禁火寒食(一种旧俗,时间在清明节的前一天或两天。据说这一风俗是为纪念春秋时代晋文公的贤臣介子推。) 春秋时期,晋公子重耳为逃避迫-害而流-亡国外,流-亡途中,在一处渺无人烟的地方,又累又饿,再也无力站起来。随臣找半天也找不到一点吃的,正在大家万分焦急的时候,随臣介子推走到僻静处,从自己的大腿上割下一块肉,煮一碗肉汤给重耳喝,使他渐渐恢复精神。当重耳发现肉是介子推从自己腿割下的时候,流下眼泪。




Everyone, first of all, represent of Anhui travel agent, I welcome all of you to Lishan Mountain Scenic Area to visit. Let me introduce myself, I was Wang Ping, is your guide during this tour. You can call me guide Wang. Sitting close to me is our driver. We hope that our services could make you satisfied; we also hope that you could have a good visit experience today.

Now, let me introduce you Lishan Mountain Scenic Area briefly.

Lishan, known as the mountain of the king Shun, is about 12 kilometers far away from the East Town, close to 206 National Road, Jinhu Nature Reserve Landscape, east Daogongci, natural towers, and other famous scenic spots. In 1998, it was approved by the provincial government to the provincial level scenic area, in 20xx was named the first batch of Grade AA national tourist areas.

In our legend, Lishan is where the Yao and Shun Abdication and not only has a long history and many cultural relics, but also is very beautiful natural landscape. It is divided into West area, underground caverns area, Fazang temple area, the Eastern Wangjiang Taiwan, and other five areas.

We now come to the West area. First of all, we can see an arch gate attraction, which is 12.88m high and 13.8m wide. The style of arch is Hui style, with three floors and four pillars. And it is carved by White Marble. Lishan word is Bao Tin Masters’ original handwriting. Yao and Shun towards the Pure Land is written by the famous Chinese Calligraphist, vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphy association ZHONG Ming Shan. This words show the tremendous changes of Lishan. The arch was destroyed in the war.The one we now have seen is rebuilt by the original style and now it has become the particular sign of the Lishan area.

Now we go to Yao Shun Cultural Square. This Sakura garden is planted in April the 23-24 of 20xx by the 29 volunteers from Japan Kochi and many our people. Including Sakura, plum blossom, Ginkgo biloba, bamboo, this project witnesses the China-Japanese friendship and cooperation. As the first item in Anhui Jiangnan, it also hints the China-Japanese friendship in the 21st century toward the more glorious.

You can freely take photographs, Tour. 20 minutes later, we will gather in the plaza to where there are the most scenic areas and the most profound cultural connotation in Lishan attractions ----Fazang temple scenic spots and the cave scenic spot.

You tourists, the area where we are now are the area of the cave. By the roadside is Barn swallow hole. This hole goes through the Yangtze River and was named swallow hole Because of too much Swallow inside. Lack of repairs in long-term, it has been dust-laden for a long time and occupied by the bats. People can hardly enter it. In double dragon hole, the limestone formation of the calcification looks like two giant dragon roaming and life likely. The local people said that they are the embodiment of Yao and Shun king.

There is still Tiger hole, the 8- Prophet Hole, 100-dragon hole, and cloud hole near this hole.

After the cave wonders, through the mountains and the path, we come to another spot-- Bamboo sea. This Bamboo Sea has been extended to the Peak, a famous ancient Toll of the Temple Fazang. Wangjiang stage is placed in the Green shadow of the bamboo sea. By the stone steps, we come to the foot of Fazang temple .We can see that at the end of the sky-like stage, the temple looks like hanging in midair and being wrapped by the Sacred light. It is also hanging like a piece of an ink painting. A solemn feeling of intelligence arises spontaneously. Entered the Temple, there is a pair of Scrolls on both sides: kind and the people know, not real kind. Evil afraid known, is the big evil, I do not know whether you can comprehend about the true meaning of Buddhism. When we finished the last step, a big censer meets us. It is heavy enough, and it is for the visitors who had come from far away to offer joss sticks. Looking up, the kind-looking and self-confidence Buddha Maitreya smiles toward you. It is precisely this often laugh, laugh ridiculous, people of the world; big stomach to accommodate, accommodate the things hard to accommodate”. His open-minded and looking down at all creatures affected us.

After the king hall is Treasure hall. In the middle is Skamania Buddha, with the 18 Arhats standing on his both sides. Surrounded by incense wind, you will easily come from the light atmosphere into the Buddhist world; it seems that we are doing a wash to soul.

We finish the Fazang temple, now it is the end of the trip here today. I thank everyone for your support and cooperation; I hope that you can give me valuable opinions and suggestions.

the good thing is the new goods or old friends. This time, we are new friends. If you have the opportunity to come back next time we will be old friends. I hope by that time I could once again serve you. Look forward to seeing you again and I wish you a good trip, thank you!


Everyone, first of all, represent of Anhui travel agent, I welcome all of you to Lishan Mountain Scenic Area to visit. Let me introduce myself, I was Wang Ping, is your guide during this tour. You can call me guide Wang. Sitting close to me is our driver. We hope that our services could make you satisfied; we also hope that you could have a good visit experience today.

Now, let me introduce you Lishan Mountain Scenic Area briefly.

Lishan, known as the mountain of the king Shun, is about 12 kilometers far away from the East Town, close to 206 National Road, Jinhu Nature Reserve Landscape, east Daogongci, natural towers, and other famous scenic spots. In 1998, it was approved by the provincial government to the provincial level scenic area, in 20xx was named the first batch of Grade AA national tourist areas.

In our legend, Lishan is where the Yao and Shun Abdication and not only has a long history and many cultural relics, but also is very beautiful natural landscape. It is divided into West area, underground caverns area, Fazang temple area, the Eastern Wangjiang Taiwan, and other five areas.

We now come to the West area. First of all, we can see an arch gate attraction, which is 12.88m high and 13.8m wide. The style of arch is Hui style, with three floors and four pillars. And it is carved by White Marble. Lishan word is Bao Tin Masters’ original handwriting. Yao and Shun towards the Pure Land is written by the famous Chinese Calligraphist, vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphy association ZHONG Ming Shan. This words show the tremendous changes of Lishan. The arch was destroyed in the war.The one we now have seen is rebuilt by the original style and now it has become the particular sign of the Lishan area.

Now we go to Yao Shun Cultural Square. This Sakura garden is planted in April the 23-24 of 20xx by the 29 volunteers from Japan Kochi and many our people. Including Sakura, plum blossom, Ginkgo biloba, bamboo, this project witnesses the China-Japanese friendship and cooperation. As the first item in Anhui Jiangnan, it also hints the China-Japanese friendship in the 21st century toward the more glorious.

You can freely take photographs, Tour. 20 minutes later, we will gather in the plaza to where there are the most scenic areas and the most profound cultural connotation in Lishan attractions ----Fazang temple scenic spots and the cave scenic spot.

You tourists, the area where we are now are the area of the cave. By the roadside is Barn swallow hole. This hole goes through the Yangtze River and was named swallow hole Because of too much Swallow inside. Lack of repairs in long-term, it has been dust-laden for a long time and occupied by the bats. People can hardly enter it. In double dragon hole, the limestone formation of the calcification looks like two giant dragon roaming and life likely. The local people said that they are the embodiment of Yao and Shun king.

There is still Tiger hole, the 8- Prophet Hole, 100-dragon hole, and cloud hole near this hole.

After the cave wonders, through the mountains and the path, we come to another spot-- Bamboo sea. This Bamboo Sea has been extended to the Peak, a famous ancient Toll of the Temple Fazang. Wangjiang stage is placed in the Green shadow of the bamboo sea. By the stone steps, we come to the foot of Fazang temple .We can see that at the end of the sky-like stage, the temple looks like hanging in midair and being wrapped by the Sacred light. It is also hanging like a piece of an ink painting. A solemn feeling of intelligence arises spontaneously. Entered the Temple, there is a pair of Scrolls on both sides: kind and the people know, not real kind. Evil afraid known, is the big evil, I do not know whether you can comprehend about the true meaning of Buddhism. When we finished the last step, a big censer meets us. It is heavy enough, and it is for the visitors who had come from far away to offer joss sticks. Looking up, the kind-looking and self-confidence Buddha Maitreya smiles toward you. It is precisely this often laugh, laugh ridiculous, people of the world; big stomach to accommodate, accommodate the things hard to accommodate”. His open-minded and looking down at all creatures affected us.

After the king hall is Treasure hall. In the middle is Skamania Buddha, with the 18 Arhats standing on his both sides. Surrounded by incense wind, you will easily come from the light atmosphere into the Buddhist world; it seems that we are doing a wash to soul.

We finish the Fazang temple, now it is the end of the trip here today. I thank everyone for your support and cooperation; I hope that you can give me valuable opinions and suggestions.

the good thing is the new goods or old friends. This time, we are new friends. If you have the opportunity to come back next time we will be old friends. I hope by that time I could once again serve you. Look forward to seeing you again and I wish you a good trip, thank you!
















这是大罗宫的第一层建筑叫财神殿,此殿中供奉的是武财神“赵公明”,文财神“比干和范蠡”,左右分别是利市仙官和招财童子。武财神赵公明座元宝座,左手持元宝,右手拿铁鞭,两位文财神一位怀抱如意,一位手捧珠宝。大家可以看一下这香炉上的这幅对联,是为了歌颂绵山的开发者闫吉英老板而写的,大家可以在这里烧几柱薄香来祈求自己来年发大财,大家上香的时候也得注意一下,不管在佛家还是在道家,都讲究的是神三鬼四,所以您上香的时候可以上三柱而不能上四柱,如果您不是道家或佛家的信仰者那也请您保持一份肃静,信则有不信则无。 参观了第二层的救苦天尊殿,现在我们来到的是大罗宫的第三层建筑――三官殿。三官是指“天官,地官,水官”,又被称作三官大帝,天官能赐福,地官能解难,水官能赦罪。中国历史上唯一的女皇帝武则天就常拜三官大帝。附近的乡亲为了感谢三官大帝除去水怪便在此处修建了三官殿。大家也可以进去拜拜,祈求三官大帝赐福、解难、赦罪。








The Ching Ming Festival, also known as the Qingqing Festival, is a traditional festival in my country, around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, the severe winter in which everything fell asleep passed, and the spring of Vientianes renewal came. Everywhere is a bright scene of bright spring and sprouting vegetation. The Cold Food Festival was the day before Qingming, and the Cold Food Festival appeared to commemorate a famous minister, and who is this famous minister? Everyone listen to me tell a story first, I believe everyone will understand after listening to it.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the son of Jin Guozhong was in exile in order to escape persecution. On the way to exile, in a deserted place, he was tired and hungry, and could no longer stand up. With the introduction of Chenchenzis "cutting stocks to share the king", he did not intend to return. Nineteen years later, Chong Er became the monarch. After his throne, Jin Wen Gong rewarded the heroes who had accompanied him in exile, but he only forgot the meson. Many people complained about meson, and persuaded him to ask for a reward. However, meson despised those who contended for the most. He packed up his clothes and quietly went to Mianshan with her mother to go into seclusion. When Jin Wengong heard of it, he was ashamed and took someone to ask Jiezi to push. However, Jiezi pushed away from home and went to Mianshan. Jin Wengong, who repays his gratitude, misunderstands the proposal of Chen Chen, burns the Mianshan from three sides, and forces meson to push. The fire was burning all over Mianshan, but there was no figure of Jiezi pushing. After the fire went out, people found out that Jiezi pushing carrying the old mother was sitting under an old willow tree and died. When Jin Wengong saw this, he wept bitterly. While pretending to die, a book written in blood was found in the tree cave and said: "Cut the meat and serve the king to do his best, I hope the protagonist will always be clear." To commemorate the meson push, Jin Wengong ordered this day to be a cold food festival. In the second year, Jin Wengong led the ministers to celebrate the altar and found that the old willow tree died and was resurrected. He gave the old willow tree "Qingming Willow", and spoke to the world, and the day after the cold food festival was designated as the Qingming Festival. After the story is over, I believe that everyone now knows who this famous minister is, so today we will enter the world pushed by Jie Zi, and experience the kind of richness in his heart that cannot be prostitute, poor or cheap, and mighty and unbending.

Now in front of everyone, this rolling mountain is Mianshan. Mianshan is the branch of Taihang Mountain, with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. It is named Mianshan because of the mountains. Many monasteries and zen rooms have been built in Mianshan over the ages, and they have become famous Buddhist shrines. Moreover, Mianshan has beautiful scenery, dense trees, beautiful environment, refreshing and pleasant, and is also one of the famous tourist scenic spots in northern my country.

Please follow in my footsteps. Now we come to the scenic spot of Da Luo Palace, which is known as "the first Taoist temple in the world". "Sanqing Shangyue, Da Luo", Mianshan Da Luo Palace is built on the mountain, with stacked floors, green walls and gold tiles, with a construction area of more than 10,000 square meters, which is comparable to the Potala Palace in Lhasa. The Luo Palace is a fusion of Taoism and Buddhism. It mainly enshrines some Taoist spirits. It has a total of 13 floors. Now please join me in the Da Luo Palace.

This is the first floor of the Daluo Palace called the Temple of Wealth, which houses the God of Wealth "Zhao Gongming", the God of Wealth "Bigan and Fan Li", and the left and right are the Lishi Xianguan and the Lucky Boy, respectively. The god of wealth, Zhao Gongming, is in the throne, holding the ingot in the left and the iron whip in the right. One of the two gods of wealth and wealth is in his arms, and the other is holding jewelry. You can take a look at this couplet on this incense burner, which is written to celebrate the boss Yan Jiying, the developer of Mianshan. You can burn a few thin incense here to pray for your fortune in the coming year. It should be noted that whether in Buddhism or Taoism, the gods are three ghosts and four, so when you incense, you can use three pillars instead of four pillars. If you are not a Taoist or Buddhist believer, please also Keep a quiet, but believe there is no. Visited the second floor of the Temple of Salvation Tianzun, and now we are at the third-floor building of Daluo Palace-Sanguan Hall. The three officials refer to "the heaven official, the earth official, and the water official", also known as the emperor of the three officials, the nature blesses the earth, the earth solves the problem, and the water functions to forgive sins. Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, often paid tribute to the three emperors. In order to thank the emperor Sanguan for removing water monsters, the nearby villagers built the Sanguan Hall here. Everyone can also go in to pray and pray for the three officials to bless, solve problems, and forgive sins.

I have seen more than 200 sculptures on the eighth floor, admired the portraits of "Jiexiu Three Sages" on the ninth floor, experienced the 108 full-length woodcuts of the Tao Te Ching inscribed by 100 calligraphers on the tenth floor, and passed the eleventh The highest-level Taoist god of the Taoist layer―invisible, nameless, and supreme heavenly god, has tasted the 300-square-meter “Quanxian Dynasty Yuantu” drawn from the murals of the Yongle Palace in the Qunxian Hall. Now we are at the top floor of the Daluo Palace― -The Tibetan Classics Pavilion, which contains tens of thousands of classic collections of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, including "Tao Zang", "Si Ku Quan Shu", "Ancient and Modern Book Integration", Twenty-four History, "Vajra Sutra", "Shang Shu", etc. Including calligraphy, sculpture, painting, archaeology, architecture and other categories, it is the most booked scenic spot in the national scenic spots.

boarded the 13th-floor Daluo Palace. The building behind us is Baofu Temple, also known as Yunfeng Temple. Named after being built in Baodu Rock. The Baoduyanzi is east to west, 60 meters high, 50 meters deep, and 180 meters long. It is divided into two layers, and it has more than 200 palaces and belly, which is unique in the world. The three must-haves of Mianshan are gathered in the scenic area of Yunfeng Temple. These three must-have are: wishing to hang a bell, a bone-shaped real figure, and Tie Suo Ling.

The cliff above the head, these copper bells hanging in mid-air, are left by the local folklore activity of "Hope to Hang the Bell". Kind men and women who came to wish, please ask the local people to go from Houshan to Baodu Rock, tie one end of the rope to the pine tree on the mountain and tie it to the waist. When two people are lowered at the same time, one pushes the other To sway people, walk them into the cave, use iron hooks to hang on the top of the wall, and then hang the pre-prepared brass bells on the cliff wall. After the bells are successfully hung, firecrackers sound to celebrate. There are one hundred and twenty steps in front, and the one hundred and twenty steps are Yunfeng Temple, the main temple of Belly Rock. The fierce beasts on both sides of the steps are called 狻猊, which are the mounts of Buddha and Bodhisattva. In Buddhism, there are 108 life Trouble, you can forget one trouble every time you climb a step, and climb all these 108 steps to forget all the troubles in your life, so as to enter the world of carefree bliss. The remaining 12 steps represent the year’s Twelve months, I hope everyone will work hard to climb these 120 steps.

The two iron ropes that run down the rock, each with a length of more than 70 meters, are used for people to climb the Tiesole Ridge. When the great poet He Zhizhang of the Tang Dynasty climbed that year, he left the exclamation that "the Baizhang dangerous cliff has a vertical rope, and the thousand-year-old ancient road is strange in the world." Tiesuoling was also a secret passage connecting Jinji, Luyu and the revolutionary shrine Yanan during the Anti-Japanese Period, and made important contributions to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

This zigzag path with a length of more than 300 meters leads to "Zhengguo Temple", also known as "Zhengu Temple". The 13 monks and Taoists of Song, Yuan and Jinde in the temple are all bone-bearing statues. Although these statues have experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, they still retain their attitude when they died.

After going to the 13th-floor Daluo Palace, and walking past the Baosi Temple with Mianshan Sanjue, now we are coming to the last attraction today―Shuitaogou, which is known as the summer resort of "Ten Li Gallery" The Wulong Waterfall in here is more than 80 meters high and more than 10 meters wide. The Wulong Lake below the waterfall has a wide water surface, clear water quality, and cool and pleasant. The lion waterfall is majestic, like thousands of horses and horses. The roaring noise is like a roaring lions roar. When you enter the water curtain cave to watch the scenery, it looks like a flower in the fog.
