
时间:2022-03-16 00:28:27 作者:网友上传 字数:5849字



Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good evening everyone. I am very much honored that I have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Hunan Business College. My name is Wang Nan. who is an initiative boy from Guangdong province. My job is to smooth you way care for your welfare and assist you in whatever way I can during your stay in ChangSha. Now I would like to introduce to you Mr.yang our drive. His bus number is 湘J123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try to do our very best to make your stay a pleasant one. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

As the old saying goes:“Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand” but in my opinion Hunan business college give us a sense that after studying here we can have wisdom in mind and money in hand at the same time! Ok just a joke. Today I‘d like to show you some excellent landscapes of my alma mater. First please aloud me to show you some information about Hunan Business College.

Hunan Business College is a government-sponsored full time college one of the colleges and universities specially supported overall economic and social development in HuNan province. Located in ChangSha; the capital city of HuNan the college covers a total area of 800 mu and the floor space about 400 kilometers square meters. Convenient transportation and equipment add to the charm of the college.

Despite our great accomplishment we are still a “developing school” especially in the area of tourism. Years ago for example there were virtually no tour groups in our school but today tourism has grown by leaps and bounds. We are building more facilities and training more personnel to serve the growing numbers of people who are eager to visit Hunan Business College. Our long tradition of hospitality is legendary. We hope that your visit to Hunan Business College will be one of your special memories. Thank you!

Morning everybody after a good night sleep we are going to visit an amazing building which is filled with Knowledge.―the library building.

A criticism often heard these days is that the subjects taught in schools tend to be too academic; However I am in favor of the opinion that man does not live by bread alone knowledge can enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of mankind. In brief this marvelous building will give us wonderful affection so what we are waiting for? Let’s have a 0-meter-contect with this erection. This library was set up in 1990. She receive a copy of almost every publication produced in the china. The collection includes 1.5 million items in most known languages30 thousand new items are incorporated every year. We house manuscripts maps newspapers magazines prints and drawings music scores and patents With the rapidly development of our school the equipment of library is better and better by step and step.

This morning we are going to visit the Jing Palace.

The Jing Palace is located on the northwest suburbs of Hunan Business College about 0.5 kilometers away from the library. So it will take us about 5 minutes to get there. Before we arrived at the Jing Palace I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of this wonderful garden.

The Jing Palace is the most beautiful and the largest garden existing in college.

The Jing Palace was first built as an comfort-garden in the late 1990s The construction continued during the 20th century. Last year the building of gardens reached its culmination. In the middle of the garden a small mountain is standing there full of trees and lights. You can enjoy this good place any time. As a consequence many lovers pay a visit to here which is also a sensational seeing of Jing Palace. Ok I will give all of you half an hour to catch a sight of this microcosm we will meet here 30 minutes later I hope you will enjoy your visit. Thank you all.

After a meal and some rest we are on the way to the statuary of the most famous teacher in the history of china―Kong Zi. Firstly I’d like to give you some information about this educationalist who is also have reputation all over the world.

Kong Zi is the builder of the Ru religion. He was born in the country named Lu. By the time he was young his father died as a consequence he have no money to come to the school. however he study by himself and dig the knowledge about the life and society. Ru religion is set up by Kongzi Which is also one of the most important religions in China.

This statuary is 5.29 meters high made by copper showing enlightenment and majesty. The varnish is shining luridly. I am sure all of you will enjoy this statuary.

Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now. No arrangement will be made for this evening. Tomorrow morning I will take you all to the airport. This is the hotel we will leave in tonight. Your morning call will be at 7:00 .then we‘ll have breakfast at 8:00. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration. I also wish that my One-day guiding can make your staying in Hunan Business College pleasant and enjoyable. Please give the best regards of everybody of our corporation to your family

May be we can see each other again some time. At last I hope that your visit to Hunan Business College will be a memorable experience. Thank you!!


Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum tourists sightseeing. Today, I will take you visit the Forbidden City, in the hope that visitors can enjoy me!!!!!!!

The tourists! The Palace Museum is in the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace, the Forbidden City built on the basis of a collection of ancient buildings, collection, imperial palace culture art as one of the large-scale comprehensive museum. The Forbidden City covers an area of about more than 100 square meters, construction area of about 1 square meters. A total of 24 emperors lived in the Forbidden City, the first is the Ming dynasty yongle emperor zhu di, the last one is the qing dynasty xuantong emperor, puyi, ruled the country for 491 years. So the Palace Museum of history is very long!

Visitors, please look up, this is the meridian gate, in ancient times, what kill people to kill in front of the meridian gate! From the meridian gate, we can see the jinshui bridge. From the jinshui bridge in the past, a gate, can see the Palace Museum of taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, is the place where the emperor emperor, very grand. Out of Baohe Palace, a gate of heavenly purity, came to the palace of heavenly purity, this temple and palace of earthly tranquility, legend built the Forbidden City, is in order to world peace, to take these three places? Kun ning door, is the imperial garden, the garden scenery beautiful, there are a number of strange stone, come across these stones, remember pictures to commemorate!

Before the gate is her virginity and creature door, our trip to the Forbidden City is over. Look at this magnificent palace, and some loathe to give up?







式开场白和抒情式开场白两类。 请看案例:

①女士们、先生们:你们好!欢迎大家光临 x x。(自我介绍之后)非常高兴能有机会陪同各位一道欣赏领略这雄伟壮丽、庄严肃穆的古坛神


②女士们、先生们: 大家好!首先,我对各位的到来致以最诚挚的欢迎!各位在来长春旅游之前,想必已经对长春有所了解了吧?那么您认为中国末代皇帝是谁呢?对,毫无疑问是爱新觉罗。溥仪!那么溥仪在长春生活期间,宫殿在什么地方呢?就是我们将要到的伪满皇宫博物院了。好,现在咱们就一块到溥仪的“宫殿”的地方去看看。













Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to serve as your guide today.

This is the palace museum; also know as thePurple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperialresidence in Chinatoday. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14yearsto build the Forbidden City. The first rulerwho actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter,it continued to be the residence of 23 successive emperors until 1911 when QingEmperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987, the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy.

It is believed that the Palace Museum, orZi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, Theancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered themaround the Ziwei Yuan(North Star). The constellation containing the North Starwas called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called thepurple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods,his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of theword purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ”an easternpurple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after apurple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of anancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple isassociated with auspicious developments. The word jin (forbidden) isself-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatoryas the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.

The red and yellow used on the palace wallsand roofs are also symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth.Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of theChinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, whenonly members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in theirarchitecture.

The Forbidden Cityis rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750meter wide from east west. It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000square meters .A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter—high wall whichencloses the complex. Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of thewall. There are four entrances into the city: the MeridianGate to the south, the Shenwu Gate(Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, andthe Xihua Gate(Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the XihuaGate(Western Flowery Gate )to the west ,the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) tothe east.

Manpower and materials throughout thecountry were used to build the Forbidden City.A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed. Marble wasquarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in JixianCounty in Hebei Province.Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province. Paving blockswere fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China.Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing inShandong Province .Timber was cut ,processed andhauled from the northwestern and southern regions.

The structure in front of us is theMeridian Gate. It is the main entrance to the forbidden City. It is also knowsas Wufenglou (Five-Phoenix Tower). Ming emperorsheld lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the Chineselunar year in hornor of their counties .They also used this place for punishingofficials by flogging them with sticks.

Qing emperors used this building toannounce the beginning of the new year. Qing Emperor Qianglong changed theoriginal name of this announcement ceremony from ban li(announcement ofcalendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )to avoid coincidentalassociation with another Emperor` s name, Hongli, which was considered a tabooat that time. Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience andfor other important ceremonies. For example, when the imperial army returnedvictoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the Emperor presided overthe ceremony to accept prisoners of war.

(Afterentering the Meridian Gate and standing in front of the Five Marble Bridges onGolden Water River) now we are inside the ForbiddenCity. Before we start our tour, I would like to briefly introduce you to thearchitectural patterns before us .To complete this solemn, magnificent andpalatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis,and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of theCity of Beijing. The Forbidden City coversroughly one –third of this central axis. Most of the important building in the Forbidden City were arranged along this line. The designand arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal courtand rigidly –stratified feudal system.

The Forbidden Cityis divided into an outer and an inner count. We are now standing on thesouthernmost part of the outer count. In front of us lies the Gate of supremeHarmony .The gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions ,symbolizing imperialpower and dignity. The lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind.The one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said torepresent state unity. The other one is a female. Underneath one of its foreclaws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperialsuccession. The winding brook before us is the Golden Water River. It functions bothas decoration and fire control .The five bridges spanning the river representthe five virtues preached by Confucius :benevolence, righteousness, rites,intelligence and fidelity. The river takes the shape of a bow and thenorth-south axis is its arrow. This was meant to show that the Emperors ruledthe country on behalf of God.

(Infront of the Gate of Supreme Harmony)

The Forbidden Cityconsists of an outer countyard and an inner enclosure. The out count yardcovers a vast space lying between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of HeavenlyPurity. The “three big halls” of Supreme Harmony, Complete Harmony andPreserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group. Flanking themin bilateral symmetry are two groups of palaces: Wenhua (Prominent Scholars)and Wuying (Brave Warriors) . The three great halls are built on a spacious“H”-shaped, 8-meter-high, triple marble terrace, Each level of the tripleterrace is taller than the on below and all are encircled by marble balustradescarved with dragon and phoenix designs. There are three carved stone staircaseslinking the three architectures .The hall of supreme Harmony is also thetallest and most exquisite ancient wooden-structured mansion in all of China. From thepalace of Heavenly Purith northward is what isknown as the inner court, which is also built in bilaterally symmetricalpatterns. In the center are the Palaceof Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Unionand Peace and Palace of Earthly Tranquility, aplace where the Emperors lived with their families and attended to stateaffairs. Flanking these structures are palaces and halls in which concubinesand princes lived. There are also three botanical gardens within the innercount, namely, the imperial Garden, Caning garden and Quailing garden. An innerGolden Water Riverflows eastwardly within the inner court. The brook winds through three minorhalls or palaces and leads out of the Forbidden City.It is spanned by the White Jade Bridge.The river is lined with winding, marble –carved balustrades. Most of thestructures within the Forbidden City haveyellow glazed tile roofs.

Aside from giving prominence to thenorth-south axis, other architectural methods were applied to make every groupof palatial structures unique in terms of terraces, roofs, mythical monstersperching on the roofs and colored, drawing patterns. With these, the grandcontour and different hierarchic spectrum of the complex were strengthened.Folklore has it that there are altogether 9,999 room-units in the Forbidden City. Since Paradiseonly has 10,000 rooms, the Son of Heaven on earth cut the number by half aroom. It is also rumoured that this half –room is located to the west of theWenyuange Pavilion (imperial library). As a matter of fact, although theForbidden City has more than 9,000 room-units, this half-room is nonexistent.The Wenyuange Pavilion is a library where “Si Ku Quan Shu”- China `s firstcomprehensive anthology-was stored.

(Afterwalking past the Gate of Supreme Harmony)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the great hall we areapproaching is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the biggest and tallest of its kingin the Forbidden City. This structure covers atotal building space of 2,377 square meters, and is know for its upturned,multiple counterpart eaves . The Hall of Supreme Harmony sits on a triple“H”-shaped marble terrace the is 8meters high and linked by staircases. Thestaircase on the ground floor has 21 steps while the middle and upper stairwayseach have 9.

The construction of the Hall of SupremeHarmony began in 1406. It burned down three times and was severely damaged onceduring a mutiny. The existing architecture was built during the Qing Dynasty.On the corners of the eaves a line of animal-nails were usually fastened to thetiles. These animal-nails were later replace with mythical animals to ward offevil spirits. There are altogether 9 such fasteners on top of this hall. Thenumber nine was regarded by the ancients to be the largest numeral accessibleto man and to which only the emperors were entitled.

There was a total of 24 successive emperorsduring the Ming and Qing dynasties who were enthroned here. The ball was alsoused for ceremonies which marked other great occasions: the Winter Solstice,The Chinese Lunar New Year, the Emperor` s birthday, conferral of the title ofempress, the announcement of new laws and policies, and dispatches of generalsto war .On such occasions, the Emperor would hold audience for his courtofficials and receive their tributes.

This area is called the Hall of Supreme Harmony Square, whichcovers a total of 30,000 square meters, Without a single tree or plant growinghere, this place inspires visitors to feel its solemnity and grandeur. In themiddle of the square there is a carriageway that was reserved for the Emperor.On both sides of the road the ground bricks were laid in a special way sevenlayers lengthwise and eight layers crosswise, making up fifteen layers in all.The purpose of this was to prevent anyone from tunneling his way into thepalace. In the count yard there are iron vats for storing water to fight fires.In the whole complex there are altogether 308 water vats. In wintertime,charcoal was burned underneath the vats to keep the water from freezing .Why sovast a square? It was designed to impress people with the hall` s grandeur andvastness. Imagine the following scene. Under the clear blue sky, the yellowglazed tiles shimmered as the cloud-like layers of terrace, coupled with thecurling veil of burning incense, transformed the hall of supreme Harmony into afairyland. Whenever major ceremonies were held, the glazed, crane-shapedcandleholders inside the hall would be it, and incense and pine branches burntin front of the hall. When the Emperor appeared, drums were beaten and musicalinstrument played. Civilian officials and generals would kneel know insubmission.

The last Qing emperor Puyi assumed thethrone in 1908, at the age of three, His father carried him to the throne. Atthe start of the coronation, the sudden drum-beating and loud music caught theyoung emperor unprepared .He was so scared that he kept crying and shouting,” Idon’t want to stay here. I want to go home.” His father tried to soothe him,saying, ”It` all soon be finished .It` all soon be finished ”The ministerspresent at the event considered this incident inauspicious. Coincidentally, theQing dynasty collapsed three years later and there with concluded China `s feudalsystem that had lasted for more than 2,000 years.

(Onthe stone terrace of the Hall of Supreme Harmony)

This is a bronze incense burner. In it incensemade of sandalwood would be burnt on important occasions. There are altogether18 incense burners, representing all of the provinces under the rule of theSing monarchs. On either side of the Hall, 4 bronze water-filled vats wereplaced in case of fire. Next to the terrace on either side, there is a bronzecrane and tortoise, symbols of longevity. This copper-cast grain measure iscalled ”jialiang.” It served as the national standard during the Qing dynasty.It was meant to show that the imperial ruler were just and open torectification. On the other side there is a stone sundial, an ancienttimepiece. The jialiang and the sundial were probably meant to show what theEmperor represented: that he was the only person who should possess thestandards of both measure and time.

In the very forefront of the Hall ofSupreme Harmony , there are 12 scarlet , round pillars supporting the roof. Thehall is 63 meters from east to west and 37 meters from north to south, It is 35meters in height. In front of this architecture, there stands a triple terracewith five staircases leading up to the main entrance .It has 40 gold doors and16 gold-key windows with colored drawings on the pillars and beams. In themiddle of the hall, a throne carved with 9 dragons sits on a 2-meter-highplatform. Behind the throne there is a golden screen and in front of it, thereis a imperial desk . The flanks are decorated with elephants, Luduan (alegendary beast), cranes, and incense barrels. The elephant carries a vase onits back that holds five cereals(i. e. rice, two kinds of millet, wheat andbeans),which was considered a symbol of prosperity. As ancient legend has itthat luduan can travel 18,000 li (9,000 kilometers )in one day and knows alllanguages and dialects. Only to a wise adjust monarch will this beast be aguardian.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is alsopopularly known as Jinluan Dian (gold bell hall or the throne hall). The floorof the hall is laid with bricks that turn it into a smooth, fine surface as ifwater has been sprinkled on it .The so-called golden brick, in fact, hasnothing to do with gold. Reserved exclusively for the construction of the royalcourt, it was made in a secretive, and complex way, and, when struck, soundslike the clink of a gold bar. Each brick was worth the market price of one dan(or one hectoliter ) of rice.

The hall is supported by a total of 72thick pillars .Of these, 6 are carved in dragon patterns and painted with goldand surround the throne. Above the very center of this hall there is a zaojing,or covered ceiling, which is one of the Specialties of China `s ancient architecture.In the middle of the ceiling is a design of a dragon playing with a ball inlaidwith peals. This copper ball, hollow inside and covered with mercury, is known asthe Xuanyuan Mirror and is thought to be made Xuanyuan, a legendary monarchdating back to remote antiquity. The placing of the caisson above the throne ismeant to suggest that all of China` s successive emperors are Zuanyuan` sdescendants and hereditary heirs. Now you might have noticed that the Xuanyuanmirror is not directly above the throne. Why? It is rumored that Yuan Shikai, aself-acclaimed warlord-turned emperor moved the throne further back because hewas afraid that the mirror might fall on him .In 1916 when Yuan Shikai becameemperor, he removed the original throne with a Western-style, high-back chair.After the foundation of the People` s Republic of China in 1949 the throne wasfound in a shabby furniture warehouse. It repaired and returned to the hall.

(Leadingthe tourist to the bronze vats either on the east or the west)

the water vats in front of the palaces orhouse were called “menhai,” or sea before the door by the ancient Chinese. Theybelieved that with a sea by the door, fire could not wreak havoc. The vatsserved both as a decoration and as a fire extinguisher. They were kept full ofwater all year round.

During the Qing Dynasty, they werealtogether 308 vats in the palace enclosure. They were made of gilt bronze oriron. Of course, the gilt bronze vats were of the best quality. When the alliedforces (Britain, Germany, France,Russia, the United States, Italy,Japan and Austria) invaded Beijing in 1900 under the pretext ofsuppressing the Boxer Rebellion, the invaders ransacked the imperial compoundand scraped and gold off the vats with their bayonets. During the Japaneseoccupation of Beijing,many vats were trucked away by the Japanese to be made into bullets .

(Infront of the Hall of Complete Harmony)

The square architecture before us is calledthe Hall of Complete Harmony. It served as an antechamber. The Emperor camehere to meet with his courtiers and add his final touches to the prayers whichwould be read at the ancestral Temple.The seeds, sowers and prayer intended for spring sowing were also examinedhere. The two Qing sedan chairs here on display were used for traveling withinthe palace during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.

(Infront of the hall f Preserving Harmony)

this is the Hall of Preserving Harmony.During the Qing Dynasty, banquets were held here on New Year` s eve in honourof Mongolian and Northwestern China` s xingjiang princes and ranking officials.The Emperor also dinned here with his new son-in-law on the wedding day.Imperial examinations were also held here once every three years. During theMing and Qing dynasties, there were three levels of exams: the county andprefectural level, the provincial level and national level. The national examwas presided over by the emperor. The civil service exam in ancient China startedduring the Han Dynasty. It served the purpose of recruiting Confucian scholarsto the ministers and high officials. During the Tang and Qing dynastiesreinstituted and ancient system. Once every three years, three hundred scholarsfrom all over the country came to Beijingand took exams for three day and night. This system was abolished in 1905.

(Behindthe hall of preserving harmony)

this is the largest stone carving in thepalace . It is 16.73 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick .Itweighs about 200 tons. The block was quarried in Fangshan County,roughly 70 kilometers away. To transport such a huge block to Beijing, laborers dug wells along theroadside half a kilometer apart, and used the groundwater to make a road of icein the winter. Rolling blocks were used in the summer. In 1760, EmperorQianlong of the Qing Dynasty ordered the carving of the existing cloud anddragon design in place of the old one which dated back to the Ming Dynasty.

Note : From here, the tour can be conductedvia three different routes: a western route(Route A), a central route (Route B)or an eastern route (Route C) .The commentary for each follows.
