
时间:2022-03-16 00:26:27 作者:网友上传 字数:1066字



Everybody is good! Welcome to hangzhou west lake, I am a tour guide Zhou Ziwei, please take care of a lot. Okay, now we have arrived at west lake scenic area.

West lake used to be called wulin, qiantang lake, water scenery, song dynasty according to the west lake. It is for its beautiful lakes and mountains and numerous scenic spots and historical sites and famous Chinese and foreign, is China's famous tourist resort. Now we will enter the bai causeway and su causeway and bai causeway is by the ancient Chinese great poet bai juyi and su dongpo when an official in hangzhou, later generations to commemorate their, so named bai causeway and su causeway. There is a very famous bridge on bai causeway is called the broken bridge, xu xian and the white niang son legend in this encounter.

Now we see is the west lake, the lake, north and south 3.3 kilometers long, 2.8 km wide from east to west. Su causeway and bai causeway will be divided into the lake, the lake, YueHu, outside the kiosk and small lake nanhu five parts. During the period of the southern song dynasty when people choose the xihu ten scenery, including su causeway chunxiao, QuYuan prescribed by ritual law, the foundation, middle-east cx, orioles singing, flower view fish, world sunsets, twin peaks piercing the clouds, nanping bells, just. See the beauty of the west lake in your assistant today, in the rain, emptiness. Regardless of rain and snow qing Yin, under the sunset, smoke can into view; In spring, autumn moon, summer, winter snow in each.

Today's west lake day trip so far, I hope you come again next time, bye!


杭州位于浙江省东北部,离上海180余公里,是我国历的七大古都之一,是国务院确定的重点风景旅游城市和历史文化名城。从秦朝设县治以来,杭州已有2200多年的历史,五代吴越和南宋王朝都曾在杭州定都。今天,杭州己成为浙江省的省会,是全省政治、经济、文化、交通和旅游中心,全市面积16596平方公里,人口596.97万,其中市区面积668平方公里,人口163万。杭州下辖6个区及富阳、桐庐、建德、淳安、临安、萧山、余杭7个县市,以汉族为主,另外还有回、蒙、朝鲜、 畲等27个少数民族在此居住。   杭州历来以风景秀丽著称于世,有“人间天堂”之誉。杭州市地势西高东低,西北部、西南部系浙西中山丘陵区。杭州拥有的西湖和富春江--新安江(千岛湖)两个紧 相连的风景名胜区及世界奇观钱潮、京杭大运河、自然保护区西天目山等名胜景区,并且毗邻世界山岳名胜黄山、历史文化名城绍兴,贯通普陀山、宁波、奉化溪口、雁荡山、天台山等风景区,成为人们理想的游憩之地和观光中转之地。   杭州,自然神秀,山水旖旎,境内还有千岛湖、大奇山、午潮山、富春江四个国家森林公园和天目山、清凉峰两个国家自然保护区,之江国家旅游度假区亦如明珠般点缀其间。杭州生态资源得天独厚,尤以“国家生态建设示范区”临安为最,峭壁奇峰、美荫幽谷;清泉碧潭、瀑布飞濑,翠竹修篁山野清风,宛若置身于独具江南魅力的“世外桃源”。   杭州不但风景如画,而且人文荟萃,科技文化发达。西湖四周拥有许多的石窟造像、碑刻、古建筑,都是我国珍贵的艺术瑰宝,历代名人在杭州留下了丰富的历史遗迹和诗书绘画,杭州还孕育了我国古代四大发明之一的活字印刷术发明者毕升和我国杰出的科学家、《梦溪笔谈》作者沈括等伟大人物。杭州是中国的“丝绸之府”,丝绸生产历史悠久,又是“鱼米之乡”、“茶叶之地”,为绿茶“龙井茶”产地。意大利旅行家马可・波罗赞叹杭州为“世界上最美丽的华贵之城”。可以说,杭州不仅是中国的,她还是世界的。
