
时间:2022-05-29 00:46:06 作者:网友上传 字数:8403字




Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to KM, a beautiful city of eternal spring. My name is Tom, and I am pleased to be your tour guide. An old Chinese saying goes like this: friends should come from afar, isn’t this delightful? So I am very delighted to have this chance to serve you, to show you the most beautiful of KM and YN, to feed you the most delicious local food, to introduce to you the most precious local specialties. In one word, I’ll try my best to help you have a happy and gainful tour here.

Now, you must want to know some general info about this city. Situated at the center of YN-GZH Plateau, KM has a history of over 2400 years and now serves as the capital of YN Province. It features pleasant climate all the year round and various natural sceneries as well as places of historical interest.

A poem portraits KM like this: the weather is like April constantly, flowers blossom for four seasons. Hence its name ‘city of eternal spring’. It’s neither hot in summer nor cold in winter. The average temperature in summer is about 23℃ while that in winter is about 9℃, and the average temperature year round is approximately 15℃. There are two distinct seasons here: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season is from May to Oct. when the humid air from the Indian Ocean brings rich rainfall. The other months are the dry season with very few rains.

So ladies and gentlemen, now you must have a question in your mind: why is the climate like this? The geographical location of KM is about at the same latitude with Guilin, Xiamen and Taipei. But these places are much hotter in summer and colder in winter. The reason mainly lies in the topography and landscape of KM. The city is located on the plateau area with an altitude of over 1800 m. So it’s not very hot in summer. In winter, the high mountains to the north of KM block the cold air from Siberia. Therefore, the affect of the cold air to the weather of KM is not as strong as other areas in China. Consequently, KM enjoys a pleasant climate all the year round.

KM’s history goes back over 2000 years to the Waring States Period of ancient China. In BC 279, a general of Chu Kingdom in the area of today’s Hunan and Hubei provinces came here with his troops and settled down near Dianchi Lake which is a large lake adjoining the southwest edge of today’s KM city. In AD 109, during the reign of emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the city of "Kunzhou" was established to the southeast of present day Kunming. Towards the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which was about 600 years ago, this area became known as KM County. In 1832, a traditional city with high wall was erected, which became Kunming municipality in 1928.

In the book Guide to China the author says that if your time is limited while visiting China and you could only afford to travel around one place, the best choice is YN Province, because it is the most ethnically diverse province in China with various landscapes. It’s absolutely true. 26 ethnic groups inhabit different areas of YN Province. During the long course of history, each ethnic group has developed their own unique culture and diverse customs. In different ethnic communities we can see different architectures, costumes, and taste local foods of various flavor, of which the most famous one is Across Bridge Rice Noodle whose name originated from an ancient legend. Most of the ethnic groups are good at singing and dancing and they also have their own traditional festivals, such as the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Splashing Water Festival of the Dai people. Their marital customs are also different, among which the most amazing one is that of Muosuo people who is a branch of Naxi ethnic group and lives in Shangri-la. They actually don’t get married all their life. I’ll explain to you the details during our tour later.

Now we’ve arrived at our hotel. Please gather your belongings and follow me.


the Ancient Silk Road of China

This ancient trade route starts in the old capitals of Luoyang and Xian, and reaches the Yellow River at Lanzhofollows along the "Gansu Corridor" and stretches along the edge of deserts and mountains.Before the discovery of the sea route to India,the Silk Road was the most important connection between the Orient and the West.

The Silk Road experienced its last great era during the time of Mongols,when the entire route from China to the Mediterranean was part of one empire.At that time, Nicolo and Marco Polo traveled from Kashgar to the Far East along the southern route.The overland link quickly lost its importance as trade across the seas developed.

Today it has been replaced in China with the railway line Lanzhou-Hami-Urumqi.The last part, to Alma-Ata in Kazatchstan was completed in 1992.

The trade route was never known as the Silk Road historically.It was given the name by a German geographer Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen.

Silk Road tours allow you to step back into the 13th century as you visit the cities of the legendary silk traders and monks.

Travel through deserts where silk traders have traveled for thousands of years.You can discover the ancient mysteries of the Silk Road including bazaars where merchants haggle over camels and carpets,where you can meet the nomadic minorities of China, and attend music, dance and artistic performances.

These tours are often combined with stops to Beijing, Xian, and Dunhuang to make your China travel adventure vacation complete.


导游英语常用 词组

1 观光旅行 sightseeing travel

2 抵离时间 arrival and departure time3 办手续 go through the formalities

4 合单结账 one bill for all5 储存贵重物品 store the valubles

6 外币兑换 foreign currency exchange7 问讯部 the information desk8 值班经理 duty manager

9 前台收银员 front office cashier10 兑换限额 currency exchange limit

1 精选路线 selected itinerary2 附加旅游项目 add-ons

3 自由活时time for personal arrangements4 特别服务要special service requirement

5 组团人数 group size6 民俗旅游 folk custom tour

7 行业考察旅游 trade observation tour8 路线图 itinerary map

9 旅游者过夜数 guest night10 延长逗留 extension of stay

1 中国画 traditional Chinese painting2 水彩画 water color painting

3 草书 cursive hand4 文房四宝 the four treasures of the study

5 牙雕 ivory carving 6 唐三彩 Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

7 彩陶 painted pottery8 景泰蓝花瓶 cloisonné vase9 檀香扇 sandalwood fan

10 刺绣 embroidery1 故宫 The Palace Museum2 龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes

3 秦始皇兵马俑 The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin

4 乐山大佛 Giant Buddha of Leshan5 布达拉宫 Potala Palace

6 毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Memorial Hall7 文化遗产 cultural relic

8 天下第一关 No.1 Pass Under Heaven9 天坛 the Temple of Heaven

10 孔庙 Temple of Confucius1 水族馆 aquarium2 传统文化 traditional culture

3 自然美景 natural beauty4 商业区 commercial district5 工业园 industrial zone

6 高新技术开发区 Hi-tech Development Zone 7 高速公路 expressway

8 立交桥 flyover9 地铁 underground 10 儿童乐园 children’s playground

1 朝圣的游客 pilgrim2 登上探险旅行 mountaineering and adventure tour

3 发源地 cradleland4 悬崖峭壁 sheer cliffs and steep mountains5 道教圣地 the Taoist Holy Place

6 温泉 hot spring7 自然景观 natural wonders 8 常青树 evergreen trees

9 日出 sunries10 海拔 above sea level1 丝绸之路 the Silk Road

2 艺术宝库 treasure house3 彩塑 colored modelling

4 历史文化价值 historical and cultural value5 石雕 stone carving

6 贝壳题记 tablet carving inscription7 佛塔 Buddhist dagoba

8 文物 cultural relic9 木质建筑 wooden architecture10 藏经洞 sutra cave

1 垂柳 weeping willow2 泄洪闸 flood discharge gate3 沙滩浴场 beach bathing place4 黄金水道 golden watercourse5 文化艺术走廊 cultural art gallery

6 内河 inland river7 上游 the upper reach 8 漂流 boat drifting9 大运河 the Grand Canal10 三峡大坝工程 the Three Gorges Dam Project

1 大雄宝殿 the Grand Hall2 罗汉堂 the Hall of Arhats3 钟鼓楼 Bell Tower and Drum Tower4 素材馆 vegetarian restaurant5 西方三圣 the Holy Triad of the West

6 极乐世界 the paradise of the west7 苦海无边 the endless sea of suffering

8 诵经 chanting sutra9 卧佛 Reclining Buddha10 完美的建筑 perfect architecture

1 机场建设费 airport construction fee2 登机牌 boarding card

3 安全检查 security check4 普通舱 economy class5 告别演说 farewell speech

6 免费行李限额 free baggage allowance7 超重费 excess baggage charge

8 登机口 boarding gate9 海关官员 customs officer 10 返程票 return ticket


1 国内航线

domestic flight2 海关手续

customs formalities3 手提行李

hand luggage 4 航班号

flight number5 免税商店

duty-free shop 6 旅客联

passenger coupon7 行李认领牌

baggage claim card8 入境签证

visa9 软卧

soft berth10 旅客通道

passenger route


natural reserve2 水上公园

water park

3 风景点

scenic spot4 民俗风情

folk custom

5 人造奇迹

man-made wonders

6 国际杂技节

International Acrobatic Festival

7 名胜古迹

places of historic interests

8 黄鹤楼

Yellow Crane Tower

9 鱼米之乡

the land of rice and fish 10 建筑技术

construction technology 3 办手续

go through the formalities

4 合单结账

one bill for all

5 储存贵重物品 store the valubles

6 外币兑换 foreign currency exchange 1 精选路线

selected itinerary

2 附加旅游项目 add-ons

3 自由活时time for personal arrangements

4 特别服务要special service requirement

5 组团人数 group size

6 民俗旅游 folk custom tour

7 行业考察旅游 trade observation tour

8 路线图 itinerary map

9 旅游者过夜数 guest night 10 延长逗留 extension of stay 1 水族馆 aquarium

2 传统文化 traditional culture

3 自然美景 natural beauty

4 商业区 commercial district

5 工业园 industrial zone

6 高新技术开发区 Hi-tech Development Zone

7 高速公路 expressway

8 立交桥 flyover

9 地铁 underground 10 儿童乐园 children’s playground 1 朝圣的游客 pilgrim

entry 2 登上探险旅行 mountaineering and adventure tour 3 发源地

cradleland 4 悬崖峭壁

sheer cliffs and steep mountains 5 道教圣地

the Taoist Holy Place 6 温泉

hot spring 7 自然景观 natural wonders 8 常青树 evergreen trees 9 日出

sunries 10 海拔 above sea level 6 免费行李限额

free baggage allowance 7 超重费

excess baggage charge 8 登机口

boarding gate 9 海关官员 customs officer 10 返程票

return ticket 1 customs luggage declaration form 海关行李申报单 2 unaccompanied baggage

非随身载运行李 3 luggage chek-in counter

行李过磅处 4 parking area

停车场 5 transfer passenger

转机旅客 6 airport inquiries

机场问讯处 7 tour leader

旅游团领队 8 time difference


9 non-smoking room

禁烟室 10 reception program


1 type of accommodation desired


2 cash in advance

预付现金 3 cash payment on departure

离店现付 4 automated bill

自动开账单 5 ambulatory room

残疾人专用房 6 hold mail


7 registration form of temporary residence临时住宿登记表

8 change slip

客人住房变动单 9 assistant manager

经理助理 10 basement car park


1 foreign escorted tour

国外派导游的旅游团 2 final itinerary

最终旅行路线 3 full appointment


4 best-selling China-tours

最畅销的中国旅游路线 5 entertainments and diversions


6 on-shore visit

上岸参观 7 estimated time of arrival

预计抵达时间 8 travel arrangements

旅行安排 9 mini destination area

中途小目的地 10 sightseeing tour

观光旅行 1 group visa


2 departure lounge

出境旅客休息室 3 board the plane

上机 4 take oof

起飞 5 exit visa

出境签证 6 luggage rack

行李架 7 platform ticket

站台票 8 express extra ticket


9 mother-and-child room

母婴候车室 10 identity card


一. 旅游概述

China's catagory A travel agency 一类社

China's category B travel agency 二类社

China's category C travel agency 三类社

Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表

guidebook 旅游指南

guild practice 导游实践

international tourism 国际导游

itinerary 旅行计划,节目

local guide 地陪,地方导游

local tourist organization 地方旅游组织

low season 淡季

minimum tour price 最低旅游价格

multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游

national guide 全陪,全程导游

national tourist organization 全国旅游组织

off-peak season 淡季

off season 淡季

on season 旺季

peak season 旺季

professional (staff) 旅游专业人员

programme 节目

receiving country 旅游接待国

regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织

season-high 旺季

season-low 淡季

selling season 旺季

shoulder period/season 平季

sightseeing 游览

slack season 淡季

state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城

tour arrangement 旅游安排

tour brochure 旅游小册子

tour catalog 旅游团目录

tour code number 旅游代号编码

tour escort/conductor/director 旅游团陪同

tour leader 领队,团长

tour operation 旅游业务

tour route 旅游路线

tour talker 自动导游磁带机

tourism 旅游业,旅游

tourism activities 旅游活动

tourism circles 旅游界

touring 游览

touring club 旅游俱乐部

tourist 游客

tourist association 旅游协会

tourist authority/office 旅游局

tourist council 旅游委员会

tourist destination 旅游目的地

tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区

tourist destination country 旅游目的国

tourist map 旅游地图

tourist organization 旅游组织

tourist periodical 旅游周刊

tourist spots 旅游点

tourist trade 旅游界

travel 旅行

travel business 旅游业务

travel expert 旅游专家

travel industry 旅游业

travel journalist 旅游记者

travel press 旅游报纸

travel publication 旅游出版物

travelling 旅游

travelling expense 旅费

travel-see tourism 旅游(美)

travel trade 旅游业

travel writer 旅游作家

trip 旅行

World Tourism Day 世界旅游日

World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织

Tourist Administration 旅游局

China's National Tourism Administration 中国旅游局

……Provincial Tourism Administration ……省旅游局

……Autonomous Region Tourism Administration 自治区旅游局

……Municipal Tourism Administration 市旅游局

……Autonomous Perfecture Tourism Administration 自治州旅游局

……County Tourism Administration 县旅游局

" 二. 饭店种类

inn 旅馆,饭店

lodge 小旅馆

tavern 酒店

caravansary 马车店,大旅馆

hostel 招待所

hotel 饭店,酒店

motel(=motor hotel)汽车饭店(旅店)

budget hotel 廉价旅馆

economy hotel(one-star hotel)一星级饭店

some comfort hotel(two-star hotel)二星级饭店

average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭店

high comfort hotel(four -star hotel)四星级饭店

deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级饭店

三. 客房种类

(1)single room 单人房(一张单人床)

double room 双人房(二张单人床)

double double 双人房(二张双人床)

big single room大床房(一张双人大床)

tripe room 三人房(三张单人床)

(2)economy room(ER) 经济间

standard room(SR) 标准间

superior room(UR) 高级套房

standard suit(ss) 套间

deluxe room(DR) 豪华间

presidential suit(PS) 总统套房

(3)studio room 工作室型客房(设沙发床或躺椅)

multi-functional room 多功能客房

combined type rooms 组合客房

四. 饭店计价方式

(1)European plan(EP) 欧式计价(只计房租,不包括餐饮等费用)

(2)American plan(AP) 美式计价(计算房租并包括每日三餐费用在内)

(3)modified American plan 修正美式计价(计算房租且包括两餐费/早餐,午餐,晚餐中选两餐)

(4)continental plan(CP) 欧陆式计价(计算房租且包括欧陆式早餐餐费)

(5)Bermuda plan(BP) 百慕大计价(计算房租,包括美式早餐餐费)

五. 常用旅游英语词汇

standard rate 标准价

en-suite 套房

family suite 家庭套房

twin room you 带两张单人床的房间

double room 带一张双人床的房间

advance deposit 定金

reservation 订房间

registration 登记

rate sheets 房价表

tariff 价目表

cancellation 取消预定

imperial suite 皇室套房

presidential suite 总统套房

suite deluxe 高级套房

junior suite 简单套房

mini suite 小型套房

honeymoon suite 蜜月套房

penthouse suite 楼顶套房

unmade room 未清扫房

on change 待清扫房

valuables 贵重品

porter 行李员

luggage/baggage 行李

registered/checked luggage 托运行李

light luggage 轻便行李

baggage elevator 行李电梯

baggage receipt 行李收据

trolley 手推车

storage room 行李仓

briefcase 公文包

suit bag 衣服袋

travelling bag 旅行袋

shoulder bag 背包

trunk 大衣箱

suitcase 小提箱

name tag 标有姓名的标签

regular flight 正常航班

non-scheduled flight 非正常航班

international flight 国际航班

domestic flight 国内航班

flight number 航班号

airport 机场

airline operation 航空业务

alternate airfield 备用机场

landing field 停机坪

international terminal 国际航班候机楼

domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼

control tower 控制台

jetway 登机道

air-bridge 旅客桥

visitors terrace 迎送平台

concourse 中央大厅

loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路

airline coach service 汽车服务

shuttle bus 机场内来往班车








现在我闷已经踏入了 恩施市中心边沿,眼前的就是我恩施唯一的两所高校之一恩施职业技术学院。恩施职业技术学院是湖北省人民政府于2000年8月25日下文批准由鄂西教育学院、恩施州职业技术学校和恩施州农业学校合并组建而成的公立高等职业技术学院,是湖北省少数民族地区唯一







这个上坡路上面 左边便是恩施本地明星企业 恩施享买乐集团,享买乐集团是集超市百货,商品贸易于一体的民营企业,目前年销售额3亿多元。超市内日用百货吃的用的一应俱全,还有丰富的恩师土家特厂。


左边就是我们恩施州最高的行政机构 恩施州政府了,看他那庄严与肃穆代表着我恩是的历史与文化积淀。

各位朋友们我们此次的终点站恩施亚洲大酒店到了,恩施亚洲大酒店[1]位于东风大道,地处繁华商业区,可谓“旺中带静”的“世外桃源”。装修改造后的酒店客房全部采用中央空调系统、宽带网络系统,并配置电脑、彩电、雪柜、保险柜及全套洁净安全的卫浴设施,是商务宾客理想的居停地点。 恩施亚洲大酒店金碧辉煌、充满异国情调的罗马套房,令您尽享贵族风范;风格独特、具有民族特色的亚洲厅及各式厅房可同时容纳500人用餐;厨艺高超的烹饪大师为您提供色、香、味、型具佳的粤菜、川菜及本帮菜。 恩施亚洲大酒店以源远流长的清江命名的多功能厅,备有多媒体电脑投影仪、宽带网络系统及先进的音响设备设施,可随时根据您的需要调整布局,是举办各类中外会议、经贸洽谈、大型展览、学术演讲、经济研讨的理想场所。 相信大家一定住的愉快




黄石寨(公园门口)朋友们好!张家界森林公园到了。这是公园门。家看,这座门一边是具有当地土家族民俗风格的青瓦园林式建筑,一边配以砂岩石峰,将门与自然巧妙地结合在一起。1992年5月28日,联合国教科文组织派来考察验收武陵源申报世界自然遗产事宜的两个官员,在车穿过公园门驶进去百把米之后,连连呼喊:“门!门!”又让司机把车倒回来,一边赞不绝口欣赏门返朴归真的自然情调,一边频频按动相机的快门。因此,欢迎家在这道“自然之门”前面,摄下自己的光辉形象。  (老磨湾)老磨湾是张家界森林公园各景点的始发站。从这里可以爬腰子寨,登黄石寨,上朝天观,下金鞭溪,还可去黄石寨索道站。  (黄石寨路碑)“不上黄石寨,枉到张家界”,可见黄石寨在张家界风光的地位了。相传汉朝留侯张良看破红尘、辞官不做,追随赤松子,隐匿江湖,去游张家界,被官兵围困,后得师父黄石公搭救而得名黄石寨,是张家界美景最为集的地方,也是张家界最的凌空观景台。一位诗人这样评价黄石寨:“五步称奇,七步叫绝,十步之外,目瞪口呆。”所以,建议徒步登黄石寨,再乘索道下山,或者先乘索道上山,再从前山下山,否则,您可真正是“枉到张家界”了。黄石寨全程约5时,步行上山约5公里。  (杉林幽径)我们现在走的是杉林幽径。自古登黄石寨只有后山一条路,今天我们走的这条路,是十多年前人工开凿的。  前面,说过张家界是我国第一个国家森林公园,这个名词,还是从国外传过来的。早在1864年6月30日,美国总统林肯宣布设立优胜美地保护区,1890 年10月1日,在自然保护主席者谬尔的奔走下,美国总统班杰明批准将优胜美地设立为国家公园,于是世界上就有了“国家公园”的新名词。此后不到一个世纪,世界100多个国家建立了1200多个国家公园,又叫国家森林公园。这是保护人类赖以生存的生态环境的重举措。可是幅员辽阔、人口众多而植被遭严重破坏的国,直到二十世纪七十年代末,仍没有作出反应。就在这年,一位外宾对国务院总理说:“国有没有国家公园?”总理答得很艺术:“有,正在建设,过几年请您来看。”送走客人后,国家计委负责人被请到了总理办公室,受命与林业部一道物色建设我国第一个国家森林公园的对象。而恰在这时,在湖南湘西武陵山脉发现了张家界这片神奇的土地,于是就诞生了第一个国家森林公园。据统计,从1982年到1997年底,全国已建立不同层次、不同级别的森林公园达 870多处,其森林公园292处,经营面积748万公顷。国家森林公园的建立,有效地遏制了破坏森林资源的不法行为,对保护生态环境产生了不可估量的作用,同时,为人类提供了一处处优美的旅游休闲风景地。以1997年为例,国内森林公园吸引游客达5000万人次,并以每年15%-20%的速度递增。到20世纪末,每年到森林公园游览的游客已突破1亿人次。所以专家说,张家界国家森林公园的建立,是对人类作出了重贡献,它的意义已远远超出了它的自身价值。  (丹葫芦)这座的石山,多像一个瓜葫芦!相传张良追随赤松子云游天门山、张家界,就在这岩屋,发现赤松子仙的踪影并得到赤松子的炼丹葫芦。不料,几百名官兵跟踪而来,张良仓忙率徒儿撤往黄石寨,一不心,丢了丹葫芦,官兵争先恐后去抢,丹葫芦突然飞上九天,发出一道祥光,慢慢化成一座石峰,从空落下来,把官兵压在石峰底下。张良突然醒悟:“原来是赤松子仙搭救,要不然我命休矣!”        (点将台)这里是登黄石寨的第一个观景台。据史科记载:明代初张家界出了个土家族首领向坤,因不满廷压迫,自称向王天子,在水绕四门举旗起义,震动朝野。朱元璋派征南将军杨景、邓愈等率十五万军征剿,向王天子依据张家界千山万壑,与官兵展开血战,终因寡不敌众,最后投神堂湾壮烈牺牲。向王天子死后,民间将其故事附丽在这里的山山水水之上,代代相传。家将会注意到,在张家界,向王天子的魂灵几乎无处不在。这座“点将台”相传就是向王天子点兵点将的地方。  (天书宝匣)家看,搁在峰顶的那块长方形石块,像不像一个盒子?再请家看仔细,“盒子”上有一块薄石片呈半抽出状,特别像神话那个珍藏天书而失盗后的宝匣。民间传说向王天子起义前,曾得张良仙师“天书”一部,可惜向王天子只读几页,就被龟精盗走,只留下一个空匣子。“天书”被盗,“天机”泄露,就注定向王天子难成气候,怎不令人扼腕叹息!  在整个武陵源风景名胜区,类似“天书宝匣”这治态各一的景观比比皆是。因此,您旧以发挥各自的想像力,给它们取一个有意思的名字。家看,右前方那座高高的石峰,像不像挂着的一块石碑?那就是龟精仓惶丢下的天书,民间桨天书高挂”,三个山峰之间正的那个山峰,像不像只报晓的金鸡?传说龟精盗天书之时,正赶上金鸡报晓,故名金鸡报晓。  (定海神针)现在我们前方可看到一块翠谷,每逢阴雨天气,谷内云翻雾涌似海狂涛,谷底有一峰如流砥柱岿然屹立于云雾之上,坚不可摧,因此得名定海神针;另在其西南百米外一峰似猴头,缩颈握拳窥视,似孙悟空欲取此定海神针。  (南天门)(前行20米)现请家抑头望,可见一洞门,此门高约30米、宽4米左右,由游道两侧的两座石峰斜倾拱峙而成。门右边不远处一峰高约20米,峰顶如人头,有脸有面,似把门将军。  (南天一柱)现在我们前方幽谷峰林有一高达200多米的孤峰,宛如擎天玉柱。上部灌木点缀,部岩身赤*,下部树木遮掩,峰体浑圆、伟岸,因立南天门下而得名。  (王光美诗刻)1983年11月30日,前国家主席刘少奇夫人王光美在省人副主任罗秋月等人陪同下,登上了张家界,她是最早访问张家界的上层名流。想当年,这里还是一条人工刚刚挖出来的毛路,王光美被一路风光所震撼,也不免勾起了许多关于刘少奇的往事。这四句诗并不是一气呵成的,前后到了四处景点,才吟出这四句诗来:奇峰异石,冠绝天下,苍松青杉,美不胜收。  有人说这是一首双关意诗。一个“奇”字是对刘少奇同志的全部评价:一个 “美”字,则暗示了她自己深隐在心底的不宜直言的另一层意思。想想看,在那“*国的赫鲁晓夫,再踏上一只脚”的苦难日子里,一个拖着一群孩子的女人能挺过来并能奇迹般活下来,这不正是“苍松青杉”的真实写照么?  (黄石寨)这就是黄石寨!黄石寨海拔1200多米,面积250余亩。四周全是刀切绝壁,是俯视砂岩峰林景观的最观景台,也是观日出的选地。如果天气晴朗,我们还可以看见百里外的天门山洞。  (摘星台)现在,让我们上摘星台摘星星去,摘云雾去,摘诗情画意去!请家注意安全,当心一失足而成千古恨啊。说起摘星台,还是建公园初期,时任国务委员兼国家经委主任的张劲夫同志,那天清晨,天边残留着几颗星星,便迫不及待爬上这座石台,面对足下千百座石峰,信吟诗道:“千峰竞秀,万木葱笼,琳琅满目,美不胜数。虽非天上,不似人间,借以喻此,不为过也。”这摘星台也就是他叫出来的。  (六奇阁)请各位猜猜,这“六奇”是指哪“六奇”?多数讲对了,准确地说是指山奇、水奇、云奇、石奇、动物奇、植物奇。“江山留胜迹,我辈复登临”;“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”。站在这里,可以看到袁家界、杨家界、天子山、朝天观、三姐妹峰......
