
时间:2022-03-25 14:16:29 作者:网友上传 字数:8038字



















Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the famous tiger hill which owns the first place of fame of wu zhong.

In ancient times, tiger was a bay on the east coast, submarine volcanic eruption of lava piled up to form the island, the island at high tide flooded, flowed from the sea at low tide, over time, the island has evolved into the hills, so it drives is also called the ground sea mountain. Then why is it called tiger hill? This should also start from the spring and autumn period of wu yue. In 5XX b.c., the king of wu rump built the city of suzhou, and wu reached its golden age. In 496 BC, the prince he lu by the chance of king's death, personally rate soldiers attacked yue, the pride he lu lightly, the result's king goujian ambush, seriously injured, li died on the way, his son fu chai is here for he lu tomb built, will he lu buried here. It was said that after three days of burial, a white tiger appeared on the top of the hill and appeared to be guarding the tomb of the family, so the mountain was renamed tiger hill.

We are sure to find that the temple is hidden in the mountains, but tiger hill is different. The special thing about tiger hill is that it is hidden in the temple, not the temple hidden in the mountains. Huqiu is known as the first place of interest in wu and because of its unique scenery. So su dongpo said that it is a pity to visit suzhou.

Now the bridge in front of us is called the haichung bridge, which is a kind of antique arch bridge made of granite. We can see the bridge with twelve small stone lions in different poses, part six, lion's hands are holding a ball, which means that the supreme power, and the lioness is holding a small lion, this means that for progeny.

We looked up this side of the hill. What did you find? Please give full play to your imagination, do you think tiger hill is like crouching tiger? We see in front of the entrance, two is like a tiger head, giving away like a tiger's mouth, window is like a tiger eyes, prominent on both sides of the eaves is like a tiger's ears, this mountain like a backbone, pagoda is the tiger's tail, whole is a crouching tiger, this is what makes the tiger tiger's second statement.

As they walked on, the temple in front of them was the hill gate of tiger hill, which was called the broken beam hall. The two statues that entered the door were hem and ha-ha, and the mouth was shut. You can look up, found that the ridge purlin of the doors of the temple is not a whole wood, but two joint, there is apparent juncture, according to suzhou folk tales, yuan dynasty, the emperor which purport to suzhou official deadline in huqiu to build a house door. When the work is ready, they found can't find a enough wood to do ridge purlin, root length and deadline is nearly again, this time, the old craftsmen ruban tried to, the two short wood splice, ridge purlin. Although the beam is connected, it is still very strong. From this, we can see the ingenuity and skill of the ancient working people.

Ok, let's go up this mountain road, and this well, this well, is called the naive spring. Legend has it that there was a monk in the liang dynasty, who was blind from childhood. He fell down here and thought that there must be a spring in the mossy place. A woodman saw this and said, it is impossible to have a spring in the middle of the hillside. If you can dig it, I will become a frog. In the words, a spring came out, and the woodcutter became a frog, and he cured his eyes with the spring water.

We continue to go forward, we are now seeing this stone is very special, in the middle is cracked, this stone engraved on the flank of shijie sword-power-test rock three big, according to legend, the prince he lu life casts sword master ganjiang sword at that time, presence and his wife m-sword acquisition heaven and earth reiki, finally moulds the ganjiang m-sword male and female double sword, the prince got the presence of sword, a sword blade, stone splitting into two, this is the big stone. Legend has it that the first emperor of qin went to look for king wu's tomb, saw the huge stone squatting on a white tiger, then struck down the sword and killed it. The white tiger escaped, leaving only the scar on the stone.

Let's go north. What's the shape of this rock? Yeah, like a pillow. This rock is called a occipital stone, and it will be a great delight to throw a stone on it.

This pavilion, which is now in front of us, is a tomb, called the tomb of the ancient true mother. In the tang dynasty there was a woman named hu ruizhen. Because of the chaos, she fled to suzhou, helpless, forced into the brothel, but she only sells the art and not to sell her body, she can sing and dance, the talent is outstanding, it is a beautiful girl. At that time, there was a handsome scholar, wang yinxiang, who wanted to stay at the real niang. When the real mother knew, she threw herself into the air and kept her body. Mr Wang was shocked. He buried his wife in tiger hill and built a pavilion on the tomb.

Go on, we see the stone in this place is red. The stone is called a thousand stone. Legend prince king fuchai first funeral service, on the ground and the house was buried many swords and other treasures, fu in order to keep the secret, it is placed under the celebration dinner, will this thousands of workers gather in this place, reward poisoned wine colorless, tasteless, killed thousands of artisans, the rivers of blood, the side of the stone are dyed red, when it rains, the stone of the Red Cross showed very dazzling. Because the stone was dyed red by more than one thousand workers, it called it a thousand stones.

It is said that because of this, people are very afraid to pass through here, and the senior monk zhu daosheng is here to tell the story.

He spoke to the stone for three days and nights, and when he said that all the wicked could become buddhas, the stones nodded and seemed to agree with what was said. Hence, the living public lecture, the stubborn stone nods to say. The block in the pool was the head stone. Three thousand people sat on the stone beside it.

We say the mountain is not high, there is the immortal name, the water is not deep, there are dragons, so where is the fairy of tiger hill? The fairy is here. This is the second fairy pavilion, where one of the eight immortals, lu dongbin and the sleeping fairy Chen, were playing chess. Play chess legend lu dongbin and Chen tuan, a woodman beside watch, played after the woodcutter went down the mountain, but down the hill after he found out that people in the village he don't know, but people in the village from the perspective of the dress of the woodcutter, he from previous years ago, so there are fairy a chess game, has been one thousand years in the world. We see two pairs of couplet on the stone pillar of the duxian pavilion, the first is “ Once in the past, yueyang has made a trace. . It was said that lu dongbin had been in yueyang, now to the tiger hill to leave the trail. The other one is “ In the dream, the dream is not a dream, the yuan is called yuan ” It is said that Chen took the woodsman as the man of the dream, and the woodcutter repeatedly explained that the committee knew that it was not a dream, and that the next link was to explore the mysteries of Taoism to achieve immortality.

As we go this way, we come to the most mysterious and fascinating historical sword pool of the huqiu. We see four big &ldquo in this round hole. Tiger hill sword pool ” Originally, it is said that the four big in tang dynasty calligrapher yan zhengqing said, after years, served by weathered and denuded, huqiu two break fall into oblivion, sharpening a suzhou famous Zhang Zhong photos the same hook rubbing resharpen, carefully watching the sword can be found a monk to a pretty much, so the pool of suzhou and false huqiu real sword.

Into the open sky, the sword pond of tiger hill. It was named as the sword pool because when the family was buried, fu chai would bury the sword as a martyr and bury it in his grave. Renovation in 1955 huqiu, dry sword pool of water, the triangle dew mouth out, to walk about ten meters. Then go inside, but turn to the left, the staff found four huge piece of stone, is a lie, arranged the rest of the three pieces of finished product, experts have discovered that the tablets of stone and the spring and autumn period, rocky, so this sword underground pool is probably he lu tomb is located. Then why not dig in? (we guess) because it has huqiu tower, if to explore, will affect the foundations of the tower, which means it might fall over, that in order to protect the huqiu tower, there will be no further explore he lu tomb, so up to now, he lu tomb is still a mystery.

Now we come to the hututa, known as yunyan temple tower. It was built in five dynasties, seven stories and eight sides. Why is that? Huqiu tower is called “ The Leaning Tower of Pisa in China. . After seven fires, the seventh floor was burned in the Ming dynasty. We know that the hangzhou leifeng pagoda in the same period of huqiu tower collapsed in the 1930s. By the 1950s, tiger hilta was also at risk. In 1956, iron hogging method was adopted, and the steel hoop was used in each layer, and the cement was poured in the foundation, which effectively eliminated the crack. There is an interesting history about the 56 years of the tower. When we met to discuss the plan, an old man smiled in the corner and asked him to speak if he was in a position to hold the meeting. After the old man's repeated dismissal, he finally put forward the principle and plan of the barrel maser, and the people in the room were praised. So, the su dongpo is confirmed, to suzhou, to visit huqiu. I want to add a word: to tiger hill, not not to the tiger hill tower.

















现在我们来到得就是虎丘塔,俗称云岩寺塔。始建于五代,七层八面。为什么呢?虎丘塔被称为“中国的比萨斜塔”。经历过七次火烧,明朝时第七层被烧毁了。我们知道,与虎丘塔同期的杭州雷峰塔在三十年代倒塌。到五十年代,虎丘塔也是岌岌可危。 1956年采用铁箍喷浆法,每层塔内用钢筋箍起来,地基灌浇水泥,有效地消除了裂缝。关于56年修塔,有一段有趣的历史。当年开会讨论修塔方案时,有一老工人坐在墙角微微地笑,主持会议的人见他胸有成竹的样子,便请他发言。老工人再三推辞后,终于提出了箍桶匠修桶的原理和方案,在场的人员是啧啧称赞啊。所以,又印证了苏东坡的话,到苏州,不可不游虎丘。我还要添一句:到虎丘,不可不留影虎丘塔。







穿过狮子林,出去约 5千米,可以见到寒山寺。说到寒山寺,大家自然会想起“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”的诗句吧!现在寺庙内有一方碑,上面刻着张继写的《枫桥夜泊》。


