
时间:2022-03-25 14:03:54 作者:网友上传 字数:1864字



The poetic and picturesque Li River originates in Mountain Mao’er (Cat) at Xin’an county about 80 km in the northeast of Guilin. It winds and meanders its way for 170 kilometers, passing through Guilin, Yangshuo to the outlet of Gongchen river in Pingle county and then joins the Xi River, which is the upper reaches of Pearl River. The 83-km-long section from Guilin to Yangshuo has the best scenery and is the masterpiece of Li River, decorated with rolling hills, steep cliffs, fantastic caves, leisurely boats and lined bamboos, which constitute a fascinating hundred-kilometer picture gallery. Gorgeous Karst pinnacles give you surprises at each bend of the limpid river under the blue sky. Its banks are covered with lush bamboo and luxuriantly green woods.

The daily routines of the local people present you a picture of leisure country life: water buffalos patrol the fields, peasants reap rice paddies, village women do their laundry in the river, school kids and fisherman float by on bamboo rafts. With its breathtaking scenery and taste of a life far removed from the concrete metropolis, the scenery along the Li River become one of China’s top tourist destinations and attracts thousands of visitors both from home and abroad. Such numerous natural wonders along the 83-kilometer riverbank from Guilin to Yangshuo have inspired the saying: "Guilin has the most beautiful scenery in China, and Yangshuo is the most beautiful part of Guilin."

Hanyu, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty, vividly described the enchanting beauty of the Li River in his poem: “The River looks like a blue silk ribbon, and the mountains resemble emerald hairpins”.

The Li River is famous for its unique beauty of four characteristics: verdant mountains, crystal-clear water, mysterious caves, and exquisite rocks. The Li River’s charm varies with every change of light. At the rainy season, the river is shrouded with mist, the hills look more graceful when covered with such a fine gauze. Rain or shine you may enjoy it just as well. The eye-feasting landscape and country scenery will never disappoint you.

Li River cruise is a tour of highlight in Guilin that no one should miss. Depending on the season and level of the water, your boats depart from piers downstream from Guilin and disembark passengers in Yangshuo, a journey of about four hours.

The Li River also is a pleasant setting for displays of cormorant fishing. Fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish. The cormorants, which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks, catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen.


各位游客,大家好!今天,由我带领大家领略西双版纳的迷人风光。我先将西双版纳做个简单介绍!西双版纳风景名胜区位于云南南部西双版纳傣族自治州境内,距昆明740公里。景区包括景洪县风景片区、勐海县风景片区、勐腊县风景片区三大块。 每一块内又有若干景区,共有19个风景区,800多个景点,总面积1202.13平方公里。该区有著种类繁多的动植物资源,被称之为动、植物王国。其中许 多珍稀、古老、奇特、濒危的动、植物又是西双版纳独有的,引起了国内外游客和科研工作者的极大兴趣。景观以丰富迷人的热带、亚热带雨林、季雨林、沟谷雨林风光、珍稀动物和绚丽多彩的民族文化,民族风情为主体。该区景观独特,知名度高,经国务院1982年批准定为第一批国家重点风景名胜区。









