
时间:2022-03-25 14:03:39 作者:网友上传 字数:16238字





























“舍小家,顾大家,舍自家,顾国家“,移民们想通了,移得情愿,移得开心,移得满意。如今,走进三峡库区,移民新城灿若星河,田野、果园瓜果飘香,乡镇企业,个体商业星罗棋布。谁能说这不是重庆直辖市五年的最大变化呢? 考试大编辑整理 来源:考试大

各位尊敬的客人:大家好! 欢迎来到重庆旅游。我叫╳ ╳ ╳,是╳ ╳ ╳旅行社的专职导游,持证号码是 ╳ ╳ ╳号。乘坐的车辆是╳ ╳ ╳公司的旅游车,驾驶员是╳ ╳ ╳。今天我们能为大家服务,感到十分高兴和非常荣幸。我们的责任是是安排和照顾好大家载重庆的吃、住、行、游、购、娱,努力维护好大家共同利益。希望大家的此次旅行愉快和顺利。

另外,为了保证大家安全,按照重庆市旅游局的规定,驾驶员开车期间不使用手机,他的手机由我暂时保管。如果我们在工作中有什么不对之处和服务有什么不周到的地方,敬请大家指出,我们一定会改进,同时也欢迎大家投诉,重庆市旅游投诉电话号码是:╳ ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳。





一、山水之城——重庆山环水抱的地形地貌和城市禀赋 重庆被称为“山水之城”,是因为重庆北有大巴山,东有巫山,东南有武陵山,南有大娄山,地形大势由南北向长江河谷倾斜,起伏较大。地貌以丘陵、山地为主,坡地面积较大,分布着典型的石林、峰林、溶洞、峡谷等喀斯特景观。整个重庆市层峦迭嶂,起伏不平。重庆主城和很多区县城市完全坐落在山上,是一座典型的“山城”。


重庆的气候属亚热带季风性湿润气候, 夏热冬暖,湿润多阴,气温高,雨季长,霜雪少,阴天多,湿度大。春夏之交总是晚上下雨,白天放晴,这种独特的气候景象造就了充满诗意的“巴山

夜雨”。唐代著名诗人李商隐在重庆作《夜雨寄北》生动形象地描绘出重庆夜雨的气候特色。“君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池.何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”。巴山夜雨成为深情思念的意境和重庆诗意栖息地的象,重庆市市花被定为山茶花,因为重庆山多水多、水分充足、空气湿润的非常适合山茶花生长。重庆的各公众场所、风景区、庭院、楼台普遍种植,山茶花以其鲜艳夺目的色泽和热情奔放的花姿夺得了她 重庆市民厚爱。 重庆市市树为具有顽强。

(四)美女如云大舞台,惹人艳羡大风景。重庆盛产美女,是一个仅凭美女就能让人流连的城市。解放碑步行街是世界上聚集漂亮女孩和看漂亮女孩的人群最多的地方,“三步一个张曼玉,五步一个林青霞”,形容解放碑美女之多。那儿是花的海洋,步行街像巨大的竞美台,整条街涌动着群群美女,让人眼花缭乱。美容专家靳羽西女士也说,全国最漂亮的女人在重庆。重庆有一个很流行的词语叫“打望”,指解放碑街心的长凳上搜索扫描的眼光,通俗的说法叫眼睛过生,文雅的表述叫秀色可餐。 重庆女孩子个个身材苗条,肌肤细嫩,天生水灵,天生柔媚。重庆女孩是那种充满活力的女孩,时而温柔如水,时而热情似火,不仅有女人的细腻,还带有一点男人的阳刚之气性格。她们敢爱敢恨的品格在全国有口皆碑。她们个性直率、泼辣大胆、大方豪爽、开朗能干、为人心直口快,具有北方的性格、南方的姣美。她们会很义气,即使是淑女也能大声与你划拳;她们敢穿,敢打



三、激情之城—— 重庆人耿直和豪爽的性格



种文化需求的生活方式,因此它的人气越来越旺,传播也越来越广。吃重庆火锅,关键就在于吃出一种大家乐的气氛,吃出一种无拘无束,自我满足的情景。重庆火锅已经得到了世人的认同与喜爱,遍及全国,名噪天下,红遍大江南北,成为最具大众化的一道美食名品,成为重庆饮食文化的烫金“名片”。以重庆火锅为代表的重庆菜,已经成为我国饮食文化中的一支奇葩了。 重庆人从外地返渝,下车离船或走下飞机,第一件事就是直奔火锅店大吃一顿。吃正宗的重庆火锅,只能在重庆吃,特别是街头巷尾的小店更具风味。 在烈日炎炎的夏天,经常可以看到重庆人背后吹电扇,胸前烫火锅,吃得很过瘾的场景。吃火锅就像蒸桑拿,吃的过程大汗淋淋,吃完之后浑身通泰,神清气爽。 重庆人好吃会吃,在全国闻名。重庆人把“吃”变成了一种融入自然山水的体验,叫做“山水特色餐饮”。重庆人最爱去吃的地方要么到山上,要么去水边。南山、歌乐山和两江滨江路美食与美景相连,坐在江边或者轮船饭店上,看着美轮美奂的夜景,品尝着鲜辣爽口的美食,在山水田园中就餐,不亦快哉! 重庆人喜欢刺激,不墨守成规,喜欢创新,厨师不爱照菜谱做菜,民间厨师常常创造各种新菜品,在重庆传播,然后流传到大江南北。重庆好吃的东西大多了,如著名的重庆菜就有:鸡有辣子鸡、泉水鸡、瓦块鸡、口水鸡、竹笋鸡、安平鸡、烧公鸡、叫花鸡、棒棒鸡、土匪鸡、山菌烧山鸡、黔江鸡杂等;鸭有啤酒鸭、香坛鸭、樟茶鸭、虫草鸭、老鸭汤、泡坛醉鸭等;鱼有干烧鱼、脆皮






重庆的历史就是三次建都、三次开放和三度直辖的历史。 三次建都:第一次建都是在公元前11世纪,巴人在重庆建立了古代巴国的首都,称“江州”。因嘉陵江在此汇入长江,嘉陵江古称为渝水,隋朝在这里设臵了渝州,所以重庆简称为“渝”。





五、“青春之城”——最年轻的直辖市朝气勃勃、奋发有为 重庆是一个大城市与大农村并存的特殊直辖市。全市幅员面积8.24万平方公里,人口3100万,辖40个区县,一半为贫困县。和京、津、沪截然不同,重庆是世界上农民最多的城市。像重庆这样由大城市带动大农村,大工业带动大农业,是一个世界罕见的难题。直辖后,中央交给重庆四件大事:国企改革、农村脱贫、生态保护、三峡移民。这四件事没有那一件事轻松。 历史选择了重庆,重庆没有辜负历史。直辖8年来,重庆农村贫困人口已从366万减少到65万,贫困县已全部成建制脱贫;三峡重庆库区搬迁安臵移民今年突破100万,提前一年完成三期移民安臵任务,为三峡工程三期蓄水创造条件。经过8年的探索实践,重庆市找到了一条既有直辖共性,又有别于京津沪的建市思路——以建成长江上游经济中心为战略定位,实现大城市带大农村、城乡一体共发展共繁荣。关于长江上游经济中心,其内涵概括可以概括为:“三中心、两枢纽、一基地”。所谓“三中心”,就是要在长江上游形成商贸、金融、科教文化三个中心;“两枢纽”,就是要建成辐射西南,汇接全国的交通、通信两大枢纽;“一基地”,就是要建成中国西部以高新技术为基础的现代产业










到重庆旅游,有几个景点你不能不看,否则抱憾终身: 一是雄伟壮丽的长江三峡不能不游。长江三峡是是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称,是世界著名的大峡谷,也是中国最火爆的旅游胜地和长盛不衰的黄金旅游线。长江纳百川容千流,穿山越谷,浩浩荡荡,气势磅礴,在重庆至湖北境内形成了雄奇俊秀的三峡数百里山水画廊。 瞿塘峡两山夹谷,在奉节形成“夔门天下雄”绝景,气势雄奇壮观。巫山十二峰,峰峰奇绝,景色幽深秀丽,是绝妙的风景长卷。西陵峡奇险壮观,山灵水秀。三峡沿线还有丰富的人文景观,例如丰都鬼城、忠县石宝寨、云阳张飞庙、奉节白帝城等。三峡二期工程蓄水成库,水位达到海拔135米,更增“高峡平湖”胜景。






各位朋友,重庆概况就介绍到这里。当你站在朝天门码头俯看长江,再仰望山城,你会被一种气势所震撼,不由自主地发出感叹:重庆绝对是一个雄性的城市,一个充满自信的城市!让我们为明天的重庆祝福吧:愿它像长江一样奔腾不息、勇往直前! 请大家记住,游览重庆的关键词是:山城、都市、三峡、大足、美女、温泉、夜景、火锅、红岩、温泉,这是重庆的十张靓丽“名片”。













Fellow friends hello:

Welcome you to come the Qingdao Mount Laoshan to visit the tour. Qingdao area size mountain peak several dozens, the Mount Laoshan comes the pen for the nature god.

The Mount Laoshan scenic spot total area 446 square kilometers, in which long circles the mountain sea cliff line to amount to 87.3 kilometers, the prominent peak height 1,133 meters, mays be called rises suddenly, stands. The Mount Laoshan climate fresh and is moist, the annual mean temperature is 12.6 degree Celsius, the winter average temperature is -0.2 degree Celsius, summer the average temperature is 23 degree Celsius. The Mount Laoshan history is glorious, the historical site gathers together. Far in 140 million year ago cretaceous period early time, the Mount Laoshan namely has formed, five, 6000 ago, the ancients have lived together in this live, have created the bright Longshan culture. << Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty Meets sprouts passes on >>, << Nan shi Ming Sengming passes on >> and so on to have the record.

Mount Laoshan natural landscape alone natural characteristic. The mountain sea is connected, a sea day color, the grand magnificent sight; In the mountain the group peak towers, the grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, the level mountain range folds , the wall truncates like the knife, the gorge canyon , in each peak the vivid stone everywhere, differ in thousands of ways, is lifelike; The blue sea boundless, Shan Gaolin is dense, the cloud was mad the meeting and parting, the mist light fluctuates; The sea cliff line windingly winds, or broad lonesome and quiet, the smoke wave is vast, or startled Tao strikes the shore, Gu Yingshan cry.

Mount Laoshan famous spring holy water rich characteristic. The god spring, the saint spring, and so on spring, six second grades springs respectively leads coquettishly; Sound of the tide waterfall, Longtan waterfall and so on famous waterfall each charm. The famous Qingdao beer and Mount Laoshan mineral water depend on this Shui Niangjiu to become.

The Mount Laoshan forest dark green is strongly fragrant, the colored numerous grass cyclopentadiene, in the area only the precious flower has more than 110, some tree age reach as high as for more than 2,500 years. The mountain deep place, spring day Paris green, summer the thick shade blocks out the sun, autumn full valley golden yellow, the severe winter then the eucalyptus fine jade is everywhere colored.

Of the Mount Laoshan by its mountain sea marvelous sight, the profound lonesome and quiet beautiful scenery, "the deity hole dwelling", "the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals luck place" the fine reputation, doubles esteem the king military and political leader, , the famous road eminent monk. Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai has left behind "me in this if in East China Sea, Mount Laoshan meal purple light" famous verse. The Qing Dynasty loose age has written << the fragrant jade >> take Mount Laoshan local scenery as the content, << the Mount Laoshan taoist priests >> and so on the masterpiece. In the mountain the Daoist temple temple hut spreads all over, is prosperous when has "the imperial palace eight view 72 huts" saying.

In brief, fresh and moist air, glorious and bright historical culture, the humanities and the natural landscape, constituted the rich connotation which the Mount Laoshan travels.

The Mount Laoshan travels a minute southern line, north the line, the east line, each coarse thread like identical pearl necklace, is establishing contacts the innumerable landscapes (). This article defers to "the Mount Laoshan on first tour" the custom traveling line, introduced in each coarse thread several main landscape (), not and the introduction keeps and so on Mount Laoshan own appreciates. 2nd, basic traveling line (southern line)

Too Cm - - Ming Xiadong - - on Cm - - Longtan waterfall

Scenic spottourguide:

Too Cm

Too Cm also called Cm, the native also calls the palace. Is located south the Mount Laoshan foothill old Mr. under the peak, first is near Yellow Sea, boundless, back according to seven peaks, peaks and ridges unexpectedly Xiu, topography quiet and beautiful, the bamboo grove old man is strongly fragrant, the summer natrium cool breeze, the winter separates the new moon to be mad, is known to be "north small Chiangnan".

The Mount Laoshan saying of the bright hole immortal dwelling, handed down the prosperous time to have the imperial palace eight view 72 huts since old times, at the present may counting have 17. According to << too Cm will >> record: Too Cm constructs at west Martial emperor of Han dynasty constructs a Yuan first year (140 B.C.), founds for Jiangxi auspicious state government office Gao Lexian person Zhang Lianfu. Zhang Lianfu, the character is static like, number Leshan, had been born in the Chinese written language emperor nine years, official supreme doctor, latter abandons the duty to become a lay priest. Researches in thorough detail the metaphysics, enters Mount Zhongnanshan to study the magical skill to carry, results in the teacher to proselytize, comes the Mount Laoshan to be positive, shore of near the sea, repairs cogon grass hut, consecrates the big emperor ancestral tablet. Constructs a Yuan three year (138 B.C.), reconstructs the temple, consecrates the Taoist trinity likeness of a god or buddha, the name said "too Cm", this is too Cm the origin, until now already some more than 2,000 years history. The Tang Dynasty last years, east Li Zhexuan tour the Mount Laoshan, also expands the palace room, consecrates three emperors likenesses of a god or buddha, by now, too Cm has begun to take shape. Five generations of ten countries times, handyman in buddhist temple Liu Rezhuo swims to the Mount Laoshan, carries on a time of large-scale restoration to too Cm. The Southern Song Dynasty celebrated a Yuan first year (in 1195), Qiu Chuji came the Mount Laoshan from the elder brother mountain to explain religious doctrine. From this time on, the Mount Laoshan Taoism, raises the world including too Cm, the day 下道 multitudinously comes to see a famous person with admiration, some live in seclusion in this dives repairs, some write a book and to establish a theory or expound on one's views in this. If three abundant, Xu Fuyang and so on has cultivated oneself according to religious doctrine in this.

The bright Wanli 13 years to 28 years, too Cm have had struggle a Buddhist monks and Daoist priests. The Buddhist priest gruff mountain master and handyman in buddhist temple Geng Yilan mutually capture too Cm the temple site, the lawsuit continuously projects on the throne room, the lasted more than 10 years, the end to the handyman in buddhist temple wins considers the conclusion. Presently too in front of Cm "sea Qiu seizes the ruins" the stele carving bright Wanli 13 year gruff mountain master to construct sea Qiu Siyu in front of the palace, 28 years emperor issues an imperial decree destroys the temple duplicate palace, is this matter which records.

Too Cm the 30,000 square meters, the floor space is 2,500 square meters. The temple altogether divides three courtyards, respectively sets up the entrance. the palace consecrates "the day official", "the official", "the water official" the three sacred criteria picture; The Taoist trinity palace consecrates "the morals to revere" "Bethlehem Donghua Emperor ", "works the valuable day to revere"; Three emperors palaces consecrate "Fu Hsi", "Shen Nong", "the shaft" three emperors.

Too Cm is towering, outside the courtyard "the main item siberian elm" the other name "the Tang siberian elm", faces upwards for Tang to bless the year Li Zhexuan to plant. In the courtyard the gingko, the copal hand down the tree age to be longer. The Ming Dynasty plants two to bear the iceplant, the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, each state of the harvest completely spring returns, the flower opens resembles the brocade long, the flowering season reaches for more than three months. The Qing Dynasty famous writer loose age "the fragrant" jade which the center << the fragrant jade >> in records in << Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio >>, "the deep red snow" the story, it is said is in the courtyard a red peony and this incarnation.

outside in the palace courtyard has a water seepage to call the god spring, the water seepage to be chilly , the great drought does not dry up, big waterlogging nonspillable, is the Mount Laoshan first spring.

Ming Xiadong

Ming Xiadong is located the elder brother mountain under the positive Xuanwu peak, is a natural pit hole, originally for an on Cm other courtyard.

<< The rubber Australia will >> carries, Ming Xiadong "constructed to Jin Da decides for two years (in 1166)", the hole summit "Ming Xiadong" three characters, handed down for Qiu Chuji the book. The famous road grandson once dived repairs to this. Outside the hole on the cliff inlays engraves the beginning to end which << the grandson is sparse >> carries it to lead a pious life. Yuan Dai constructs in the hole side has "fights the female palace", presents Buddhism. Ming Longqing the year (in 1567 --1572 year) repaired when constructed "the Taoist trinity palace", the end of the Qing constructs "the Goddess of Mercy palace". It is said, here once has had the monk, the road in turn history.

Ming Xiadong the topography is high spaciously, the scenery , faces the corona setting sun, the fog winds around, the multi-colored sunlight mountain color fluctuates infinitely, usually has "Ming Xiasan " laudatory name, for Mount Laoshan one of 12 scenery.

On Cm

On Cm is located south the Mount Laoshan the cordillera high mountains, here because enters Shan Yishen, the mist and dust is widely separated by, air fresh, again Singapore uphill under dark green pine Paris green, Xiu lounge, Qingquan the bird, the wonderful stone stands erect, not only joy static, moreover is specially quiet and beautiful.

On Cm is all really said Huashan sends the Daoist temple, is in the Mount Laoshan has a distinctive style "the jungle" the temple. The Taoism "on clear", "under is clear", "Yu Qing" three palaces is called "the Taoist trinity fairyland". "On the clear day outside certainly the rosy cloud, some eight emperors old Mr., transports nine days immortals, but place on Cm also", therefore acquires fame. And further because is symmetrical with too Cm, also is called on the palace, with too Cm, Ming Xiadong with for Mount Laoshan's southeast main Daoist temple.

On Cm founds to the beginning of Song, originally is Emperor Taizu in Song dynasty Zhao Kuangyin the Buddhist temple which constructs for canopy honorable person Liu Rezhuo, waste collapses to Song Moyi. Yuan Daida the Germany first year, acquired understanding of esoteric teachings greatly teaches hole emblem master Li Zhiming, the dove labor has repaired on Cm.

Around on Cm has two gardens and the leaning courtyard, palace houses 28, the approximately 1,000 square meters. The first palace old offers sacrifice to the Taoist trinity, the latter palace offers sacrifice to Jade Emperor, about the minute offers sacrifice "Cabinet ", "seven really".

On in Qing old trees towering, gingko tree diameter at chest height 2.53 meters, horizontally use bad language on to have three milky burls, is extremely rare, it is said in 1000 Fang Nengchang left. East of the main hall leaning courtyard has a megalith, " the stone", with stone stone Gu in, engraves has Qiu Chuji << the sapphire document >> word. West the palace has the round earthen mound shape arc stone, "boils on together the mountain ", but also engraves has Qiu Chuji to chant Mount Laoshan seven line ju ten, under the stone has , "the saint spring", one of for Mount Laoshan famous springs.

Longtan waterfall

Longtan waterfall other name jade Longtan, the water source comes from the elevation 500 meters days teas to go against with the northern fontanel between the mountain valley. The Jianshui River Chuanshan range, along the road has more collected dozens of mountain streams, gathers jet stream, gallops under, goes against in the platform in high approximately 30 meter cliffs, straight runs out outside several feet; The water circled in flight after the midair several is winding, can synthesize Daoist priest approximately 30 meters, the width approximately 5 meters waterfalls, is falling into under the cliff along 90 cliffs in the blue deep pool. That imposing manner, just like a vigorous jade dragon, summit of from the cliff, mounts the clouds and rides the mist, howls under, strikes in the deep pool the water splash four to splash. The people draw up its shape, takes its, view its color, calls it "the Longtan waterfall", under the waterfall deep deep pool names "Longtan", the waterfall peak "the dragon recites" two official scripts large brush-written Chinese characters, a diameter meter, is the contemporary famous calligrapher yellow seedling in 1981 toured when the Mount Laoshan book. Under the waterfall under the long shape megalith the sharp first tone, the tourist sits under the platform is far may look into the distance from a high place all around the group peak, nearly may look up at "Longtan spurts the rain" the grand scenery.

3rd, basic traveling line (north line)

North nine General Shui Jiangu - - white horse with a black mane camelback - - the Gu - - golden color looks the borax - - to fly the stone - - to fly wind cliff - - Lian Yunya the - - waterfall sound waterfall - - luxuriant bamboo hut

Scenic spottourguide:

North nine water

North nine Shui Jiangu the beginning to the bay, stops to the Mount Laoshan reservoir "the month spigot", span approximately 11 kilometers. This section of gorges valley path winding, the scenery exceptionally is beautiful, Shui Shengsi speaks with absorbing interest the music movement, the both banks strange stone like three-dimensional marvelous decorated corridor, each kind of pavilion approaches sets up nearby two. << The rubber Australia will >> once like this described this belt scenery: "Two mountains clamp, get down have the deep deep pool, Shan Xiuxia is along the way wonderful, the pure running water rigidly adheres , Shui Zuolong recites, Shi Tonghu secludes, the cliff danger stone, strikes the eye all is, the music drawing, has both at the same time". The ancient came this to travel for pleasure, stays behind many has praised the verse, braised 炙 the population poem to write like this: Nine water water nine tunes, Qu Quchuan glen. Shan Seqing, both banks pine Tao is all around green. A gorge bottom line drawing, strange stone what . Running water from east, a several steps of reply. Road steep running water extension, a revolution of mountain bunch.

Travels for pleasure along northern nine Shui Jiangu, either rides in a carriage the slow line, either advances in great strides wanders about, raises eyes bows the head, far Shan Jinshui, everywhere is the mobile picture, mobile sentiment.

White horse with a black mane camelback

Along the northern nine water lines , the multitudinousscenic spotis along the way eyes cannot take it all in, the white horse with a black mane camelback is enters "water" the first landscape.

Passes through "water" south, gains ground looks, opposite has a high mountain peak in the black Hushan, looks just like a giant camel to hold up the head to the northeast direction to look into the distance from a high place. Out of the ordinary is this camel unexpectedly steadily three camelbacks, perhaps this was in the world is unique. When enters "six water", in eastern part group peak, also appeared a camel, the frontage to the southwest, as if anxiously must "three peaks camels" meet with that head. Continues the vanguard, that camel more reveals the bearing to be uncommon, must as if from the summit straight leap under. But walks to , the scenery suddenly had the change, camel unexpectedly turned the old person which sat respectfully, was pondering with rapt attention, such dignified, such was gentle. However, after passes through several dozens step looks back on again, the gentle old person suddenly turns which arrogantly sets up the peak. Really is "far and near the height is respectively different". Nature can not but make one sigh the clothing.

General peak

Enters "two water", in deep ravine south side obviously Dai Jinkui, the body throws over the golden armor, holds up the head to throw out the chest, powerful ancient times general, this was "general Gu". General under the place mountain peak native is named "the chin. armchair with marble on back". Looks out from the southeast direction, truly likes a pendulum in the summit of a mountain big chair. In but the tourist are many is enters nine water canyons from the western end, saw is the bronze mountain peak. In 1957, Marshal Zhu De and then public security Minister Luo Ruiqing toured the Mount Laoshan, as soon as entered "two water", is attracted by this marvelous sight, when the accompaniment personnel told he was called "the chin. armchair with marble on back", he shakes the head, frank smiled: "Where is a chair, clearly was an ancient times general!" Mentions also strangely, exposes after Mister Zhu, this mountain peak resembles lives, more looked more looks like general which proudly stands erect. From this time on, this big pinnacle had the new name - - "general Gu".

The golden color looks the borax

Enters "three water", crossed "the hawk nest river", raises eyes looks, on the south side cliff lies prone an image lifelike giant stone turtle, is extending to front, carries the shell to stick out, the claw closely digs out in the stone, its gruff condition is lifelike, lovable side.

Why does this stone turtle climb up the summit, how also turns the stone turtle? Is spreading a very interesting story in the locality.

Very before long time, under the cliff in the puddle is living a millennium tortoise. Because Shan Gaogu is deep, it only heard in the another day has a moon, actually always has not seen. Moon round, in the mountain valley the midnight very is also bright. The moon fell, in mountain valley dark. The turtle was determined climbs up the summit to look at the moon, but also must tell her not to have to be again loaf, must evening all come out every day, illuminates brightly. It does not eat does not drink, continuously crawled three days three nights, finally climbed up the summit. But, is catching up with the end of the month. It does not have disappointedly, waits patiently, finally turned the stone turtle, again has not crawled the gorge valley. This landscape is called "the tortoise full moon".

Flies the stone

In the Mount Laoshan mountain, the strange stone is densely covered, also each stone nearly all has an enchanting myth fable.

Enters "four water", in curb stone Gu sets up the hanging desire to fly together, the wonderful stone which . The stone is not big, both likely raises sail, and likely launches bird wing, if approaches, can let the person feel so long as gently as soon as pushes, it can drop. It is said blows when the gale could the real undulation, actually, it stand in the here safely crossed several millenniums, several ten thousand years. The native called it "flies the stone". Whether really is flies, has been unable to textually research. But it actually has a beautiful fable: It is said, "flies the stone" originally is the Jade Emperor big emperor Emperor's garden together the ordinary stone, because approaches the deity every day in the heavenly palace, gradually moistened the immortal to be mad, it saw Sun Wukong also was the stone changes, actually could . Ascends the sky into, the ability extremely excels in, in the heart envies, then wants to study an ability, equally does an earthshaking enterprise with the stone monkey. It has led a pious life with hardship for several hundred years, finally could soar, then the space underground everywhere roamed through. One day, it has flown the Mount Laoshan sky, saw the scenery is extremely exquisite, is block rare , then fell on the here has forever lived down.

Flies the phoenix cliff

Enters "five water", front in big stone Gu is engraving three striking large brush-written Chinese characters: "Flies the phoenix cliff". As the name suggests, the here is a place which the phoenix flies. But, phoenix in where? Please looked that mountain peak high place, is as though a huge color phoenix to open the phoenix wing to want to soar the soaring. This landscape is called "the color phoenix to spread the wings".

The color phoenix not only takes the form of, moreover the fable extremely is also interesting. Very before long time, in Jimo County has a country girl, the facial expression is beautiful, clever and deft, embroiders the colored flowered unrefined resin, embroiders the bird bird to be able to fly. The county magistrate to the girl saliva long time, has thought of every means to want to wrest away her, but the company sent three female matchmakers all to expel by her. Thereupon, the black heart county magistrate had thought the strip treacherous plan, limits her three days to embroider an imperial robe for the emperor, the above must have "two Long Xizhu" - - Long Yaohui to fly, the bead must be able to roll. If embroiders inadequately, dispatches troops to snatch the person. The girl only embroidered two days to embroider, the county magistrate launched the imperial robe as soon as looked, had not thought two Jinlong threw oneself, has ripped open county magistrate's chest, stressed the black heart. The emperor heard. Flies into a rage, dispatches troops to catch the girl immediately. The girl is embroidering a phoenix, but also good is left over a wing not to embroider. The officers and soldiers rush, the phoenix throws oneself immediately moves the wing, carried on the back the girl to fly the sky. Because has a wing not to embroider, therefore flew is flying has been being insipid, had to fall in the Mount Laoshan, turned this place "to fly the phoenix cliff".

Sound of the tide waterfall

The sound of the tide waterfall other name "the scale waterfall", by Shui Shengsi the tide, the water vivid scale acquires fame. Nearby the waterfall on the steep cliff is engraving "the sound of the tide waterfall" three large brush-written Chinese characters, is the 30's Nanjing government's Irrigation Minister Ye Muchuo handwritten letter.

The sound of the tide waterfall originates to the Mount Laoshan the cloudy fountainhead. The water seepage from the elevation 900 meters megaliths, flows after approximately 10 kilometer long cool Qinghe gorge valley, water of the collection size hundred mountain streams, flushes the high mountain ridge, the minute three folds from the sheer precipice under. The first booklet, goes against under the megalith from the cliff in the hole to spray but, flows in "to fight" in the shape depth quarry; The second booklet, the water from "fights" in the shape quarry to overflow, on the cliff halfway dust pan shape cliff, the wave light sparkles, shape with scale; The third booklet, the dust pan shape cliff sprinkles the water, weaves breadth approximately 5 meters, the long approximately 20 meter water curtain, moves mountains the potential, the wave pushes the tide to well up the sound, falls "cylinder" shape gulf. This bay water depth approximately 5 meters, the diameter approximately 22 meters, clear enough to see bottom, ancient personal this is " the bay". The tourist may the view waterfall listen to the sound of the tide in the pavilion. The ancient scenery once inscribed a poem regarding this acclaims: "Nine water nine swish slow, the dangerous mountain peak to leaves for a day; Has the beautiful scenery place, the bead curtain three packs fall the blue deep pool ".

Luxuriant bamboo hut

The luxuriant bamboo hut is located north the Mount Laoshan under foothill phoenix Gu, east passes the skidding mouth, west passes the double stone building. It is said in constructs in front of the hut, managed the recluse once to build the housing in this, therefore luxuriant shop. Bright ten thousand all previous years (in 1589), Song Chongru the honorable person wandered the Mount Laoshan, saw here mountain range to fold green jade Jianshui River to call the qin, actually the fairyland, clear repaired the beautiful place, then completed a Daoist temple, and moved the bamboo link to plant grows into a forest, names the luxuriant bamboo hut.

The luxuriant bamboo hut two Chinese acres six divide, have houses 20 between, forms an exquisite exquisite small courtyard. Has main hall during three, originally offers sacrifice carves the god of the north and the brass casting likeness of a god or buddha, is the precious cultural relic, but has been destroyed.

The luxuriant bamboo hut is situated at in the mountain canyon, here indistinctly resembles the silk fog to fill the air from time to time, from time to time the cloud disappears the peak to leave the high in the clouds. The breeze blows, the green bamboo plays the cry, the water seepage bites rat-a-tat becomes the rhyme, forms Mount Laoshan one of 12 scenery "the luxuriant bamboo calls the spring". After renowned writer Yu Dafu reaches this point, , reads poems approves the road: "The willow tree gathers the stone building to meet the clear deep pool, the fog deep Tibet luxuriant bamboo hut; Ten mile clear brook thousand feet waterfall, really the scenery resembles Chiangnan ".

4th, basic traveling line (east line)

The peaceful palace - - seeks day hole - - that Luo Yanku the - - white natural tunnel - - still natural tunnel - - Hua Yansi the - - white clouds hole - - checkerboard stone

Scenic spot tour guide:

Peaceful palace

The peaceful palace is located east the Mount Laoshan foothill Yang Kouwan in the bank on park mountain, carries Shan Mianhai, the scenery is beautiful, high peak different stone, ancient wooden hole. The road two sides have two ancient pines, it is reported is Song Chujian when the palace plants, sets up the side on the megalith to engrave "is doubting is the fairyland" four large brush-written Chinese characters.

In the Mount Laoshan extant monastery, the peaceful palace has the most ancient Daoist temple which the historical data to test. According to the the Ming Dynasty Jiajing 45 years (in 1566) along governed for ten years with the Qing Dynasty (in 1653) to repair the peaceful palace the inscribed text record, the peaceful palace was Emperor Taizu in Song dynasty Zhao Kuangyin (the A.D. 960-976 year) is a Buddhist temple which canopy honorable person Liu Rezhuo established, because was completed in the peaceful prosperous country year, therefore at the beginning of the name "the peaceful prosperous country courtyard", latter changed name as the peaceful palace.

The peaceful palace palace assumes "" the glyph, in the courtyard on has the single track hook to engrave "the marine palace" four large brush-written Chinese characters, the structure rigorous, straight is full, it is reported is Qing Dynasty calligrapher Hua Ju the Kui book. The main hall old offers sacrifice to the Taoist trinity and Jade Emperor,east offers sacrifice , west presents the god of the north. Palace although small, actually quite has the Taoism quiet insipid characteristic, elegant is plain. In the courtyard the water well is called "Long Xianquan", east courtyard Zhong Tingnei hangs ancient bronzes clock, "on the park dawn clock", after sounds the sound to call the valley, Yu Yunke passes on to 10 inside and outside.

The peaceful palace occupies the high peak to surround, the green bamboo create shades in complementing, the palace all around has many landscapes to praise to the heavens the tourist. East leaves the palace outside the front gate, namely sees the Mount Laoshan famous different stone "the sheep stone" and the high peak "the lion peak". "The sheep stone" is builds by several natural megaliths, has been through repeatedly 100.01 million years wind and rain to flatten, is a sheep as if which the artificial vulture chisels, kneels bends down on the hillside. "Lion peak" then the potential like male lion roars. Daybreak the time-sharing mounts the peak considerable sunrise and East China Sea's grand scenery.

In recent years, the peaceful palace after the comprehensive repair, one of for Mount Laoshan main victory marks, specially when the curtain of night arrived, Yang Kouwan sea Tao sound shouted other with on park mountain pine Tao sound this should, is called "on the park to listen Tao" the marvelous sight.

Seeks the day hole

Seeks the day hole is a collection is profound, the wonderful danger, grandly to a direct access to the highest authorities wonderful hole, is apart from southwest the peaceful palace two kilometers. Folds multi- blocks megalith by the cliff between builds becomes, the high 30 meters, about altogether 5, Dongkou clamps in both sides cliff, the hole volume "seeks the day hole" three characters to open a canal gentleman for Liu to write personally. Hole winding, danger strange strange, confusing, is suddenly dark, suddenly the different boundary day opens, fluctuates infinitely. Outside hole scenery particularly pleasant, spring the fresh flower , enters the summer peaks and ridges to fold the green jade, late autumn the red leaves full mountain, the winter pine dark green is strongly fragrant. The hole goes against on two cliffs to engrave "unbearable" and "the hole jade rain grass from is wet, Shan Gaowu the rain hot weather
