四年的大学时光过的很快,随着毕业设计、毕业答辩的结束,我们的大学生活算是接近尾声了,因为在剩下的不多的时间里我们已经是半个踏入社会的求职者了。在求职的路上,我也时常感到很迷茫,虽然总是在不停的奔波于各大 招聘会之间,也参加了不少公司的 面试,但总觉得这不是“忙”而是“盲”。冷静的想下来,也许我该好好的给自己作个总结,及时给自己定位,迈好职业生涯规划中的第一步。
在工作方面,我积极参加各种社会实践活动,尽职尽能,认真勤恳地做好自己的本职工作的基础上不断实践创新,,积极参与各种文体活动,并担任班委,工作中,虚心和其他学生干部学习、交流,吸取经验改善自己,提高自己。赢得同事和老师的好评。在社会兼职以及实习期间我努力学习到了许多专业外的知识,弥补了专业上的不足,拓宽了我的就业范围。同时我还积极参加各种 面试以求取得更多的经验。
当然,我也有自己的不足之处,那就是专业知识还有很大欠缺,工作上有时候会过分负责,不放心任务指派人,有时会太严肃。在今后的日子里,我会从自身找原因,改进缺点不足,继续努力,不断进取,培养出更好的组织能力,以饱满的热情去迎接我人生的新旅程。 对于一名大四毕业生来说,离开校园踏入社会就是人生的一个新旅程,走好这段人生新旅程的第一步也非常重要。通过对这四年的总结,我对自己有了一个更加系统地客观地认识,在以后的求职路上我会更加明确自己的职业目标,以全新的面貌面向社会、迎接未来,迈好人生新旅程的第一步。
Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am Deng Ting and my
supervisor is Mrs Xu. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. My deepest and heartfelt gratitude goes to Mrs. Xu. At the same time thank these teachers for participating in our oral defense in spite of being very busy. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.
The title of my paper is On Translation of Loanwords . I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. We all know that loanwords also refer to the borrowing words, and it is a product of language contact. Since the 1980s, with the increasingly frequent contact and communications between China and the rest of the world, a lot of new things and ideas are introduced into China which is bound to cause loanwords from English into Chinese with unprecedented scope and speed. Loanwords involves in every field of social life in the new period, appearing new borrowing climax in the history. Which make the study on translation of loanwords be very necessary.
Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts. Part one presents an introduction for some scholars’ researches on translation of loanwords from different angles. Part two provides an overview of loanwords including the definition of loan words, classification of loanwords, booming periods of loanwords from English to Chinese and the significance of loanwords translation. Part three present existing problems on translation of
loanwords: fake transliterated words may cause semantic fuzzy; many versions of translation for one single word often Lead to confusion in language use; some peculiar forms of loanwords cause obscure semantic expression; unconventionally formed loanwords will corrupt Chinese normalization. Part four on the basis of previous analysis we explore the loanword translation skills respectively from
principles and translation methods. Part five draws some conclusions that translation skills is necessary for us to achieve good translation. In addition, we must
continuously study and explore in all kinds of translation practices.Hope that it will help promote the reasonability and normative of the introductions of loanwords in future cultural exchanges.
OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.