
时间:2022-04-25 04:33:43 作者:网友上传 字数:9957字
















大意:第三人称单数是英语中的一种语法,也称“三单”或“单三”,用于一般现在时的句子,当动词在第三人称单数后时【she、he、it、不可数名词和人名(一个人的)】 ,要根据其情况变化。通常加s/es 变化规则:


一般情况 +s play—plays 以s、x、ch、sh和o结尾 +es go—goes 以辅音字母y结尾 变y为i +es study—studies 以f或者fe结尾 变f或fe为v+es,亦或直接加s(示例) wife—wives 特殊情况 不规则 have—has 注意:不规则变化的有have—has, be—is, go—goes, do—does 情况






1、大多数实义动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为/ s / ;在浊辅音及元音因素后发音为 / z /。 如speak→speaks /s/ ; come→comes /z/ ; play→plays /z/ 。

2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的动词,要先将“y”变为“i”然后再加“es”读/z/。 如study→studies /z/ ; fly→flies /z/

3、以“s、x、ch、sh”结尾的动词在词尾加“es”发音为/ iz / 。 如teach→teaches /iz/ ; watch→watches /iz/

4、以“o”结尾的动词,在词尾加“es”。 常出现的两个以“o”结尾的动词go和do后加“es”读/z/ 。 如go→goes /z/ ; do→does /z/

5、记住最为特别的be的三单is ,have的三单是has。

[注意]a、下面两个动词变三单时,原词的元音部分的发音发生了较大的变化,要记忆。 如do/du:/ →does/dʌz/ ; say/sei/ → says /sez/ 。

b、以不发音字母“e”结尾的开音节词,如果尾音是[s][z]时加“s”后字母“e”发音与所加“s” 一起读做[iz]。 如: close→closes [iz]。在中文中第三人称单数的三个“他”写法不一样,读音却相同。但在英语中,三个“他”既有不同的读音,也有不

1 同的写法,分别是he, she, it。在第三人称后不能使用动词的原形,而要在相应的动词后加s或es。

简单地讲,一个人就是单数,多于一个人就是复数。在咱们汉语里,第三人称复数也就是常说的“他们”或者“她们”,英语中就是they.而“第三人称单数”就是指的“他”或者“她”,在英语中,相对应的就是he或者she 句子举例: 第三人称单数: He is a student.(他是学生) 第三人称复数: They are students.(他们是学生) 以上只是一种帮助你理解的简单回答,第三人称还包括一些其他的方面,比如“it”等,这里就不多说了,希望你在学习中多多体会。



一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如: He likes watching TV.他喜欢看电视。

She has lunch at twelve.她十二点吃午餐。 It looks like a cat.它看起来像只猫。

二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数。如: ①Han Mei looks like her mother.韩梅看起来像她的母亲。 ②Beijing is in China.北京在中国。

③Uncle Wang often makes cakes.王叔叔经常做蛋糕。

三、单数可数名词或"this/that/the+单数可数名词"作主语时,是第三人称单数。如: ①A horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。 ②This book is yours.这本书是你的。 ③That car is red.那辆小汽车是红色的。 ④The cat is Lucy's.这只猫是露茜的。

四、不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如: ①Everyone is here.大家到齐了。

②There is something wrong with the watch.这块手表有毛病。 ③This is a pen.这是一支钢笔。

④That is an eraser.那是一块橡皮擦。

五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如: ①The milk is in the gla.牛奶在玻璃杯里。 ②The bread is very small.那面包很小。

六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如: ②"I" is a letter."I"是个字母。

同学们一开始学英语就学到了be 动词的三种形式:am, is, are。这时老师一定会告诉你,当主语是第一人称单数时用am; 是第二人称时用are;是第三人称单数时用 is。 但多数同学对第三人称单数的概念还不那么明朗。下面,我们就一起复习一下到现在为止我们常见的几种第三人称单数。 ____________________________________________________________________ 归类与例题:

1.第三人称单数代词有:he, she, it。 如:

How old is she? 她多大了?

Is he at home today? 今天他在家吗?

Is it your cat? 这是你的猫吗?

2.指示代词this, that。 如:

That's a Chinese car.那是辆中国小汽车。

This is my book.这是我的书。

3.不定代词 everyone, somebody, something, nobody, everything, everybady 等。

Is everyone here today? 今天大家都到了吗?

4.单数可数名词。如:Lucy, a cat, my book, an orange, the bag等。 如:

Lucy is a good girl.露西是个好女孩。

Her father is a teacher.她爸爸是教师。


There is some money in the purse.在钱包里有些钱。

6.当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。 如:

“6” is a lucky number.“6”是个吉利数字。

“I” is a letter.“I”是个字母。


What is one and two? 一加二等于几?

Eight minus five is three.八减五等于三。

(文/王 茜;英语辅导报初一(人教)版04~05学年第18期) 3


drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pa_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______


1.He often ________(have) dinner at home.2.Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Cla One.3.We _______(not watch) TV on Monday.4.Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.5.______ they ________(like) the World Cup? 6.What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 7._______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day? 8.The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays.9.She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening.10.There ________(be) some water in the bottle.11.Mike _______(like) cooking.12.They _______(have) the same hobby.13.My aunt _______(look) after her baby carefully.14.You always _______(do) your homework well.15.I _______(be) ill.I'm staying in bed.16.She _______(go) to school from Monday to Friday.17.Liu Tao _______(do) not like PE.18.The child often _______(watch) TV in the evening.19.Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have) eight leons this term.

4 20.-What day _______(be) it today? - It's Saturday.


1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) ___________________________________________________ 2.I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) ________________________________________________________ 3.She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) ___________________________ 4.Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) ___________________________________________________ 5.We go to school every morning.(改为否定句) _______________________________________________________ 6.He speaks English very well.(改为否定句) ___________________________________________________ 7.I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问) ________________________________________________________





她善于合作,勇于承担。学校学生会组织了“2人3足”活动,我们这个活动很困难,刚开始我们5个人站成一排,把绑脚的带子捆好后,我灵机一动,赶紧去借来了胶条,把每个人之间都用胶条固定死了,现在就可以练习了,我从左到右和每一个人说了一遍他们该迈哪条腿,练习了第一遍,效果不错,这时,时间到了, 她鼓励大家,"稳住,千万别乱,只要不摔倒,就一定没问题!"最终取得了前几名的好成绩。


她热爱集体,以身作则。全校召开家长会,她不仅在班级门口来招待家长,而且还负责发材料,签到等一系列工作,当老师来到班里面的时候,她已经打理得井井有条,一点也不用老师来操心。学校举办的各种活动,比如春游,秋游,参观,体检等,她都负责点名整队。 在老师的眼里她就是一个得力助手,什么事情交给她,放心;在同学的眼里她是一个开朗热情的好朋友,有什么难事跟她一说,马上困难帮你解决;在父母眼里她是一个懂事的好女儿,学习生活不用爸妈操心,每天还要帮你做做家务,让你放心而温馨。






1、大多数实义动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为/ s / ;在浊辅音及元音因素后发音为 / z /。 如speak→speaks / s / ; come→comes / z / ; play→plays / z / 。

2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的动词,要先将“y”变为“i”然后再加“es”读/ z /。 如study→studies / z / ; fly→flies / z /

3、以“s、x、ch、sh”结尾的动词在词尾加“es”发音为/ iz / 。 如teach→teaches / iz / ; watch→watches / iz /

4、以“o”结尾的动词,在词尾加“es”。 常出现的两个以“o”结尾的动词go和do后加“es”读/ z / 。 如go→goes / z / ; do→does / z /

5、记住最为特别的be的三单is ,have的三单是has。

[注意]a、下面两个动词变三单时,原词的元音部分的发音发生了较大的变化,要记忆。 如do/ du: / →does/ dʌz / ; say/ sei / → says / sez / 。

b、以不发音字母“e”结尾的开音节词,如果尾音是[s][z]时加“s”后字母“e”发音与所加“s” 一起读做[iz]。 如: close→closes [iz]。在中文中第三人称单数的三个“他”写法不一样,读音却相同。但在英语中,三个“他”既有不同的读音,也有不同的写法,分别是he, she, it。在第三人称后不能使用动词的原形,而要在相应的动词后加s或es。

简单地讲,一个人就是单数,多于一个人就是复数。在咱们汉语里,第三人称复数也就是常说的“他们”或者“她们”,英语中就是they.而“第三人称单数”就是指的“他”或者“她”,在英语中,相对应的就是he或者she 句子举例: 第三人称单数: He is a student.(他是学生) 第三人称复数: They are students.(他们是学生)




一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如: He likes watching TV.他喜欢看电视。 She has lunch at twelve.她十二点吃午餐。 It looks like a cat.它看起来像只猫。

二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数。如: ①Han Mei looks like her mother.韩梅看起来像她的母亲。 ②Beijing is in China.北京在中国。

③Uncle Wang often makes cakes.王叔叔经常做蛋糕。


①A horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。 ②This book is yours.这本书是你的。 ③That car is red.那辆小汽车是红色的。 ④The cat is Lucy's.这只猫是露茜的。

四、不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:

①Everyone is here.大家到齐了。

②There is something wrong with the watch.这块手表有毛病。 ③This is a pen.这是一支钢笔。 ④That is an eraser.那是一块橡皮擦。

五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如: ①The milk is in the gla.牛奶在玻璃杯里。 ②The bread is very small.那面包很小。

六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如: ②"I" is a letter."I"是个字母。



1.Ben_____a new bicycle.A.have B.has C.are D.were 2.Kitty_____her bicycle to the park.A.ride B.riding C.rides D.ridden 3.A man _____in front of his car.A.walk B.walks C.walking D.work 4.Sam’s bicycle ______a bell.A.have B has C.having D.is having 5.The girl on the bike _______ “Excuse me” A.say B.saying C.says D.sayes 6.How _____it feel? A.does B.do C.are D.is 7.Mog______not like his cushion.A.do B.is C.does D.are 8.He ______Min’s cushion.A.likes B.like C.does D.are 9.He_______with his mouse.A.smelling B.smells C.smell D.is smell 10.Lucy_______with her hands.A.touch B.touching C.touches D.touchs 11.Superdog________the boys A.see B.sees C.seeing D.ses 12.Supergirl and Superdog______them.A.saves B.save C.saving D.is saving 13.Jack_______their cow.A.sells B.sell C.selling D.are selling 14.Jack______up the beanstalk.A.gets B.get C.climb D.climbs 15.The giant ______boys.A.eating B.don’t eat C.eats D.eat 16.The goose_______golden eggs.A.lay B.lays C.layed D.layes 17.The woman_______the beanstalk.A.cut B.cutting C.are cut D.cuts 18.Her mother ______the beanstalk.A.take B.is take Ctakes D.taking 19Jack andher mother _____happer A.does B.are C.is D.have 20.He____the beans in the ground.A.buy B.puts C.put D.buys


1.She ______(do) homework by herself.2.Jack ______(go) home by bike.3.The giant______(climb) up the beanstalk.4.Her mum ______(run) to the goose.5.He______(do not)like apple.6,Sam______(put) it under his arm.7.The boy_______(chase) it.8.Kitty______(watch)TV everyday.9.He______(feed)them at 8:00 in the morning.10.When ______(do)he get up? 11.Grandma Wang___(live) in Pudong.12.The girls___(give) the key to Grandpa.13.That key ______(open) the old box.14.She ______(say) “I like these puppets”.15.What_____(do)Alice find? 16.Which toy_____(do) she like? 17.He doesn’t______(know)her name.18.John can’t_______(find) his watch.19.Where _____(do)Grandma live? 20.How does he______(go)to the post office? 21.I ________(write) to you as soon as I _______(get) to London.22 He doean’t feel well and ____________(not eat) any food this morning.23 He ______ not _______(see) me come in, for he ___________(read) something with great interest.24 I _________(l;et) you have the book as soon as I _________(finish) it.25 While we ________(wait) for our teacher, a little boy ________(run) up to us.26.Don’t make a niose.Grandpa __________(sleep). 27.It’s seven now, Tom’s family__________(watch) TV.

28.It ________(take) me two hours to finish my homework last night.29.What ______ your mother _______(do) at eight yesterday evening? She _______(wash) clothes.30._______ it ______ (rain) when school was over yesterday? 31.What _______(do) _______ tomorrow? We ________ (play) football.32.There ________ (be) a football match on TV this evening.33.They said they ________ (visit) the Great Wall the next summer holiday.34.Who _______ (dance) the best in your cla? 35.Will you come if he _____________ (not come)? 36.The teacher told us the earth __________ (move) round the sun.37.They _______ (have) a party in the garden if it ________ (not rain) tomorrow.38 She ________ (buy) a sweater yesterday.39.I don’t know if Mr.Wang ______ (go) to Shanghai tomorrow.If he _____ (go), I ______ (ask) him _______ (take) some books to my daughter, because she _______ (study) there.


( ) 1 -He came early this morning, didn't he? -Yes, he did.He often___ to school early. A.come B.comes C.came D.has come ( ) 2 Ann ____ her hair every week. A.is going to wash B.wash C.washes D.is washing ( ) 3 They usually_____TV in the evening. A.watch B.will watch C.are watching D.watches ( ) 4 The sun ___ in the east and___ in the west. A.raises; set B.rise; sets C.rises; sets D.rises; set ( ) 5 Mi Gao___ English on the radio every morning. A.had studied B.studies C.study D.studied ( ) 6 Our teacher will return by the time school A.will begin B.began C.is beginning D.begins 2 ( ) 1 -I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.What about you, Jim? -So do I, but my sister ___. A.hasn't B.doesn't C.didn't D.won't ( ) 2 -That ten pound note belongs to me. A.Yes, it belongs B.No, it doesn't C.Yes, it is D.No, it isn't ( ) 3 She will go if it ___ tomorrow. A.isn't rain B.don't rain C.doesn't rain D.didn't rain 3 ( ) 1 -_____ they often ___ these old men? -Yes, they___. A.Do; help; are B.Are; helping; are C.Do; help; do D.Are; helped; are ( ) 2 -___ he ___ to work on foot? -Yes, he___. A.Do; go; do B.Does; go; does C.Is; going; does D.Does; go; is ( ) 3 _____ you ___ some speaking in English every day? A.Is; speaking B.Do; do C.Do; does D.Does; do 4 ( ) 1 How ____ it in English? A.you say B.do you say C.to speak D.about talk ( ) 2 ___ you ___ to school every day? A.When; go B.When do; go .C.When did; go D.Does; go ( ) 3 ___ the girl ___ to school? A.Where does; go B.How do; go C.How does; goes D.How does; go 5 ( ) 1 _____ you ___ how to get the bus stop? A.Have; know B.Do; know C.Are; knowing ' D./; know ( ) 2 I ___ what the old man said is right. A.am thinking B.is thought C.think D.thought ( ) 3 These little boys___ playing football. A.are liking B.like C.likes D.were liking 6 ( ) 1 We won't go to the Great Wall if it ___ tomorrow. A.snows B.snowed C.snow D.will snow ( ) 2 We won't come back until we ___ the work. A.shall finish B.have finished C.will finish D.finish ( ) 3 Could you ring me up as soon as he ___? A.arrived B.would arrive C.arrives D.will arrive ( ) 4 I will not help you with your English if I ___ time tomorrow. A.don't have B.will not have C.am not D.won't ( ) 5 The next time you ___ his parents, tell them I want to see them as soon as poible. A.meet B.will meetC.are going to meet D.met ( ) 6 The key will be left on the table when I ___. A.left B.leave C.will leave D.am leaving ( ) 7 When you ___ used to the weather here, you will ___ this place. A.will get; like B.have got; like C.get; liked D.get; will like 7 ( ) 1 Our claes____at 7: 30 tomorrow morning. A.begin B.begins C.is beginning D.were beginning ( ) 2 The train ___ at five this afternoon. A.leave B.leaving C.leaves D.are leaving ( ) 3 Next month my father ___ to China from America. A.returns B.are returning C.are going to return D.would return 8 ( ) 1 Look, in___our maths teacher. A.is coming B.came C.come D.comes ( ) 2 -Have you seen my pen? -

. A.Here is it B.Here it is C.Here they are D.Here are they ( ) 3 Under the table___. A.a ball are B.is a ball C.are a ball D.has a ball 9 ( ) 1 He lived there before he ___ to China. A.come B.comes C.came D.coming ( ) 2 I ____ very hard when I was young. A.study B.studied C.had studied D.shall study ( ) 3 A girl ___ the wallet and ___. A.found; turns it in B.would find; has turned in it C.found; turned it in D.has found; turned in it ( ) 4 I ___ the blackboard but ___ nothing on it. A.looked at; saw B.have looked; saw C.saw; looked at D.was looking at; was seeing ( ) 5 I have no idea what ___ while I was asleep. A.has happened B.was happened C.happened D.had happened ( ) 6 He said he would help me with my maths if he

free. A.was B.will be C.would be D.is 10 ( ) 1 When___to learn English? A.does she begin B.did she begin C.has she begun D.she began ( ) 2 -I have finished my homework.-When ____ you ____ it? A.have; finished B.do; finish C.did; finish D.will; finish ( ) 3 My younger brother____ the army____ 1990. A.joined; at B.joined; in C.has joined; in D.has joined; since ( ) 4 The train from Tianjin ___ an hour ago. A.arrived B.has arrived C.was arriving D.arrived at ( ) 5 I___ my homework at about nine at night. A.finished B.would finish C.was finishing D.finish 11 ( ) 1 -Sorry, but your addre again, please.I___catch it.-It's 28 Zhongshan Road. A.didn't B.don't C.won't D.wouldn't ( ) 2 -Did you wait for your father very long? -Yes, I ____ to bed until two in the morning. A.did go B.didn't go C.had gone D.went ( ) 3 -Tom didn't go to see the film with you last night, did he? A.No, he did B.No, he doesn't C.Yes, he did D.Yes, he didn't ( ) 4 -Excuse me.Look at the sign: NO SMOKING! -Sorry, I___it. A.don't see B.didn't see C.haven't seen D.won't see 12 ( ) 1 _____ here and ask him about it yesterday? A.Did you come B.Would you not go C.You didn't come D.Aren't you go ( ) 2 ___ he ___ a good time last Sunday? A.Were; were B.Did; do C.Did; has D.Did; have ( ) 3 The students hardly studied the English language, ___ they? A.did B.didn't C.were D.weren't ( ) 4 -____ the bus ____ just now? -Yes, but it has left. A.Has; come B.Did; come C.Is; come D.Does; come 13 ( ) 1 He came in, ___ his coat and sat down. A.took down B.took off C.taking down D.taking off ( ) 2 We carried some water, dug some holes and ___ to plant these trees. A.begin B.began C.beginning D.begins ( ) 3 The old lady cleaned the tables, ___ some dirty clothes and did some cooking. A.washing B.washed C.washes D.wash 14 ( ) 1 When he was a child, he____ in the garden in the morning. A.always plays B.always played C.plays always D.played always ( ) 2 He is good at maths and he ___ hard. A.always study B.always is studying C.is always studying D.studies always ( ) 3 Tom ___ to school. A.never is late B.never come C.never comes D.is never 15 ( ) 1 When he was young he ____ swim in the river. A.used B.used to C.uses D.use ( ) 2 He ____ at six, but now at five. A.used to get up B.used to getting up C.used get up D.was used to get up ( ) 3 The old man ___ out for a walk in the evening. A.used to going B.go C.is used to going D.will go 16 ( ) 1 -My father will be here tomorrow. -Oh, I thought that he___ today. A.will come B.comes C.is coming D.was coming ( ).2 -He has been in the next room. -Sorry, I thought that he___ in Shanghai. A.was B.is C.will be D.has been ( ) 3 Oh, you are here? I thought you____on the playground. A.ran B.runs C.are running D.run 17 ( ) 1 -What is he doing now? -He___a picture. A.draws B.drew C.is drawing D.was drawing ( ) 2 Look! An elephant___this way. A.was coming B.is coming C.came D.comes ( ) 3 Look! The children___kites over there. A.flew B.fly C.are flying D.were flying ( ) 4 Be quiet! I'm trying to hear what the man A.is saying B.has said C.will say D.says ( ) 5 Don't talk with each other.The baby___. A.was sleeping B.is sleeping C.was sleeping D.is sleeping 18 ( ) 1 When we came in, they___their leons. A.are not doing B.weren't doing C.not were doing D^ have done ( ) 2 My father___ his clothes, but he is repairing his car. A.doesn't wash B.isn't washing C.is washing D.wasn't washing 19 1 ______ you ___ your homework now? A.Do; doing B.Are; doing C.Were; doing D.Does; do 2 ___ your mother ___ shopping at the moment? A.Are; doing B.Is; doing C.Is; taking D.Are; taking 3 ___ the children ___ the radio? A.Is; listening B.Is; listening to C.Are; listening to D.Are; listening 20 ( ) Who ___ at the door? A.do knock B.is knocking C.knock D.knocking ( ) 2 What ___ she___ when I entered? A.is; doing B.does; do C.was; doing D.did; do ( ) 3 Which car ___ he ___ when the accident happened? A.is; repairing B.was; repairing C.did; repair D.does; repair 21 ( ) 1 Could you tell me when____? A.he is coming B.he was coming C.will he come D.is he coming ( ) 2 I ___ going to London next month. A.will think of B.am thinking of C.think of D.am thought of ( ) 3 My uncle ___ to see me.He'll be here soon. A.is coming B.comes C.has come D.came ( ) 4 They ___ uncle Wang this evening. A.is meeting B.meets C.meet D.are going to meet ( ) 5 We ___ for Shanghai tonight. A.are starting B.have started C.started D.start 22 ( ) 1 Listen! Someone___ at the door of the meeting-room. A.knocked B.knocks C.is knocking D.was knocking ( ) 2 The swimming pool is closed today because the workers___. A.have made repairs B.make repairs C.are making repairs D.are made repairing ( ) 3 My brother ___ a lot.He is reading a new magazine now. A.read B.reads C.has read D.is reading ( ) 4 -Who sings best in your cla? -Mary____. A.is B.will C.does D.do 23 ( ) I My students___each other. A.are always helping B.always helps C.always are helping D.help always ( ) 2 How tired I am, for my little son ___. A.is always crying B.cry C.never cries D.always cry ( ) 3 Don't forget to bring your pen and books.You___to bring these things. A.are always forgotten B.are always forgetting C.are always forget D.forget always 24 ( ) 1 My father___ breakfast at home every day. A.hasn't B.isn't having C.doesn't have D.has had ( ) 2 I ___ supper when the boy broke in. A.has B.have C.was having D.will have ( ) 3 We ___ no cla on Sundays. A.had B.have C.has D.are having 25 ( ) 1 ___the Blacks ___TV at seven yesterday? A.Did; watch B.Are, watching C.Were; watching D.Do; watch ( ) 2 The scientist___ a walk in his garden at four last Sunday. A.was taking B.would take C.took D.was taken ( ) 3 What___ from nine to ten last night? A.did you do B.had you done C.have you done D.were you doing ( ) 4 While Tom___ a football match, his sister was reading an interesting story in her room. A.was watching B.is watching C.has watched D.had watched 26 ( ) 1 When Mi Zhao came into the claroom, the students___. A.talked B.were talking C.talking D.talk ( ) 2 When Mary came to see me, I___ the music. A.am listening to B.listened to C.was listening to D.was listening ( ) 3 When I arrived there, you___volleyball. A.has already played B.played C.were playing D.would play ( ) 4 When I knocked at the door, my mother___. A.cooked B.cooking C.was cooking D.cook ( ) 5 We heard a cry when we ___ TV last night. A.were watching B.would watch C.watch D.watched 27 ( ) 1 Mary was drawing a horse on the blackboard when I ___ in. A.have come B.came C.am coming D.come ( ) 2 The little boy ___ when I came into the room. A.is drawing B.draws C.has drawn D.was drawing ( ) 3 I ___ the floor when my father came in. A.was sweeping B.swept C.sweeping D.am sweeping ( ) 4 They ___ a meeting when I saw them. A.had B.have had C.were having D.are having ( ) 5 -What ___ when I phoned you this morning? -I ___ my homework and was starting to take a bath. A.were you doing; had just finished B.would you do; have just finished C.are you doing; just finished D.did you do; just finished 28 ( ) 1 Look at the clouds.___. A.It's going to rain B.It'll be raining C.It will be rained D.If 11 rain I ( ) 2 Myfamily____to stay in London for some time. A.is going B.are going C.go D.are go ( ) 3 There___ two English films next week. A.is going to be B.are going to have C.will have D.are going to be ( ) 4 There is going to___ a volleyball match on our school playground.The match is going to___ at six this evening. A.have; be B.be; have C.be; be D.have; have 29 ( ) 1 -Are you busy this afternoon? -No.I___to watch a football match. A.am going B.will C.shall D.can ( ) 2 Who ___ help him to move the box away? A.are B.are going , C.are going to D.is ( ) 3 Where ____ buy a computer for your son? A.you are B.are going C.you go D.are you going to 30 ( ) 1 It is getting dark.I___. A.must be leaving B.must be left C.will leaving D.was leaving ( ) 2 Tell me who_,__ to our party tomorrow. A.is coming B.was coming C.come D.have come ( ) 3 Whom ___ you ___ to for help now? A.are; turning B.are; turn C.would; turn D.do; turning 31 ( ) 1 Next year my little sister ____ ten years old. A.is to be B.is going to be C.shall be D.will be ( ) 2 They have just decided that they ___ the job. A.have taken B.will take C.would take D.are taking ( ) 3 She says that she___to Beijing next week. A.has gone B.will go C.goes D.go ( ) 4 If he___at eight, we___, too. A.leave; do B.leaves; will C.will leave; will D.is leaving; are ( ) 5 -Is this the last exam for this term? -Yes, but there___ another test three months from now. A.is B.was C.will be D.has been ( ) 6 You___ late for school again if you___ early. A.shall be; won't get up B.are; won't get up C.will be; don't get up D.have been; not get 32 ( ) 1 Will you please ___ this rubber to Xiao Ling? A.to give B.giving C.gave D.give ( ) 2 -____ I ____ the window? -Yes, please. A.Will; clean B.Am; cleaning C.Do; clean D.Shall; clean ( ) 3 ___ you like to have dinner with us tonight? A.Would B.Do C.Are D.Will 33 ( ) 1 -I'm sorry, I forgot to past the card for you. -Never mind, I ___ post it tomorrow. A.am going B.am going to C.will go D.go ( ) 2 ___ you ___ a teacher when you grow up? A.Will; be B.Are; going to be C.Are; / D.Will; going to be, 34 ( ) 1 I thought Cla One ___ in the match. A.will win B.would win C.is going to win D.was going to win ( ) 2 She didn't tell me whether she ___ back early or late. A.comes B.will come C.is coming D.would come ( ) 3 The students were told that they____ at the school gate at 2: 00 the following afternoon.A.met B.will meet C.were to meet D.were met 35 ( ) 1 Last year the old man___ under the roof, enjoying the sunlight- A.sits B.is sitting C.sit D.would sit ( ) 2 We___ each other when we studied together. A.helping B.are helping C.would help D.do help ( ) 3 Though we pushed the car hard, the car___ away. A.wouldn't move B.moved C.would move D.doesn't move 36 ( ) 1 ______ you ___ the novel that I lent you last week? A.Did; finish B.Have; finished C.Are; finished D.Do; finish ( ) 2 He ___ in our school for 20 years and he ___ here in 1977. A.has taught; came B.has taught; has come C.taught; came D.has teached; has came ( ) 3 They are late.The film ___ for five minutes. A.has begun B.has started C.has been on D.began 37 ( ) 1 A new school ___ in my hometown recently. A.is set up B.has been set up C.was set up D.has set up ( ) 2 -Did your brother go to America last year? A.No he did never go there B.No, he has never gone there C.No, he never was there D.No, he's never been there ( ) 3 _____ the Great Wall? A.Have you ever gone to B.Are you ever going to C.Do you ever go to D.Have you ever been to ( ) 4.I___ the book yet. A.haven't read B.hadn't readC.don't read D.am not reading ( ) 5 They left for Beijing last month and we ___ them ever since. A.don't hear from B.haven't heard from C.won't hear from D.didn't hear from ( ) 6 He says he___ the book several times already this year. A.had read B.has read C.will read D.is reading 38 ( ) 1 He ___ the book a week ago, but I ___ it to the library. A.have lent; returned B.have borrowed; return C.borrowed; have returned D.lent; have returned ( ) 2 You can't use the computer.It___. A.was broken down B.is wrong C.is bad D.has broken down ( ) 3 I'm sorry, I____your name. A.have forgotten B.forgot C.had forgotten D.forgotten 39 ( ) 1 The old man ___ in this house since 1949. A.has lived B.had lived C.is living D.lives ( ) 2 I hope I ___ no mistake in my work so far A.make B.am making C.have made D.was making ( ) 3 The life of the people___ greatly in the past years. A.has changed B.have changed C.changed D.are changing ( ) 4 Her grandpa___ for three years. A.has been dead B.has died C.had been dead D.died 40 ( ) 1 I ___ her only twice since last year. A.see B.was seeing C.have seen D.saw ( ) 2 Lucy ___ to Shanghai once. 118 It's a Haidian top problem A.went B.has gone C.has been D.had been ( ) 3 Judy___the Great Wall twice, and now she still ___to go there. A.went to; wanted B.goes to; wants C.has gone to; wants D.has been to; wants ( ) 4 In the past five years.I___ English words. A.have learned three thousand B.learned three thousand of C.had learned three thousands D.learned thousands of ( ) 5 He ___ there many times. A.has been B.went C.has been to D.has gone 41 ( ) 1 -- you ___ your breakfast? -Yes, I have. -When ___ you ___ it? -Twenty minutes ago. A.Have; have; have; had B.Did; have; did; have C.Have; had; do; have D.Have; had; did; have ( ) 2 -___ your homework yet? -Not yet, I___it. A.Have you done; am doing B.Did you do; did C.Did you do; am doing D.Have you done; did ( ) 3 -Where___ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere. -I ___ it right here half an hour ago.But now it is gone. A.did you put; have put B.have you put; put C.do you put; putting D.did you put; have put 42 ( ) 1 Mr Green ___ China for three years. A.has been to B.has come to C.has been in D.has arrived in ( ) 2 Tom ___ London for two years. A.had left B.has gone away C.has been away from D.had been away from ( ) 3 How long ___ a Party member? A.have you been B.are you C.have you become D.did you become 43 ( ) 1 My father isn't here now. He ___Shanghai.He ___ there twice. A.has gone; has been B.has gone to; has been to C.has been to; has gone D.has gone to; has been ( ) 2 -Hi! Bruce.I have't seen you for three weeks. -Hi! George.I___America. A.have gone to B.went to C.have been to D.have been in ( ) 3 My uncle___ London for five years.But he will be back next year. A.went B.has been in C.has gone D.has gone to ( ) 4 -Could I speak to Mrs Black, please? -Sorry, she ___ to the library. A.is going B.has gone C.has been D.will to ( ) 5 Peter is young, but he___ many foreign countries. A.has been in B.has gone to C.went to D.has been to 44 ( ) 1 ____ you ____ the book? A.Are; have B.Have; got C.Do; get D.Are; having ( ) 2 ____ you ____ to know about the news? A.Do; must B.Will; get C.Have; had D.Do; have ( ) 3 They___ finish the job by tomorrow. A.have got B.have got to C.got to D.have 45 ( ) 1 Before we got to the railway station, the train___ already. A.went out B.had gone C.has gone D.has arrived ( ) 2 The film ___ when I ___ to the cinema. A.has begun; get B.had begun; got C.has been on; get D.had been on; got ( ) 3 The meeting____ for five minutes when I got there. A.had begun B.had been on C.has begun D.has been on ( ) 4 -Let's hurry.The President is coming. -Oh, I was afraid that we___. A.already mi him B.had already mied him C.will mi him already D.have already mied him ( ) 5 When I___ to the cinema, the film___ for 5 minutes. A.got; had begun B.get; will begin C.got; had been on D.got; has been on ( ) 6 By the end of last term, we___over two thousand new words. A.learned B.have learned C.will learn D.had learned













