
时间:2024-02-18 23:42:28 作者:网友上传 字数:4628字



classifying rubbish , improving environment good morning, respectable judges, teachers. today, standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. the title of my speech is classifying rubbish , improving environment.

personally, rubbish has been a big headache in beijing. as the year -- is coming ,every citizen has realized green beijing and green olympics will bring the far-reaching impact on beijing and even all china . the scense of rubbish nearly everywhere has given all of us a really bad impression, and i'm sure none of us wish to show off the bad side of beijing to athletes and journalists all over the world, for it would blemish the city's and even china's image and leave a bad reputation. so we really have to work hard on green olympics.

now, we are middle school students. we must improve the sense of protecting the environment and make a contribution to green olympics .

in our life, a lot of rubbish , such as waste paper, plastic bottles ,batteries and so on , is produced every day . after we learnt the passage make our environment more beautiful , we found a lot of rubbish thrown into dustbins could be recycled in fact during our discussion. so we thought it would be better if we could classify rubbish . we told our idea to our teacher and he supported us very much . we became volunteers to classify rubbish . firstly we got three big boxes and put them in a corner of our classroom . one is for waste paper , one for plastics and coke cans and the other is for batteries . with teacher's help ,soon all the students took part in the activity of classifying rubbish .in a month , we collected three boxes of paper , a box of batteries and a box of plastics and coke cans .we sold them for 28 yuan and bought some young trees with the money . we planted the trees around our school . we were all spoken highly of by our school principals. now we keep on the job and are all proud of improving environment .

the world trusts beijing .beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level the world expects, but we have the confidence to make beijing a green city. great changes are taking place, and not far in the future, beijing will be the focus of all worlds' attention. we'll grasp the opportunity and do our best to make the sky bluer, water greener and air fresher by the year --.

let's all wish the best for the -- olympics in beijing. thanks for your listening.












My Chinese Dream

——From “Made in China” to “Designed by China”

Dream, with each one of us.

Dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations, so the dream also become our long-held beliefs. And my dream is to let my country become strong.我们每一个人都有梦想,我的中国梦英语演讲稿:My Chinese Dream。梦想是美丽的,它是发自内心的期望,所以最美丽的梦想也成为我们长久以来的信仰。而我的梦想是,让我的祖国变得强大。

The various kinds of products in delicate Chinese stores, inns and shops inevitably have the sign of “Made in China”。 Even if some people do not speak English, after viewing plenty of those goods, are capable of identifying this high-frequency phrase.漫步中国街头,在那些小而精致的店中琳琅满目的商品上,总是印着或刻着“中国制造”。即使是不会英语的人,看多了这些小商品后,也认识了这个出现率很高的句子——“中国制造”。

When Mr. Xu mentioned “Made in China” during social science class when explaining concepts, he solely referred to this phrase and wished it could become “Designed by China” in the future in a regretful voice. However, when I heard his words, my heart thumped. It is indeed true that at present, most of the miscellaneous goods are made in China instead of designed by China. For instance, some of my pens have the label of “Designed by Korea Made in China” .上回的社会课上,徐老师在讲到“乌鲁木齐”时,讲到了洽谈会,也讲到了“中国制造”。当初,徐老师只是略带遗憾地说:“真是希望以后能从‘中国制造’变成‘中国创造’啊。”我的心里“咯噔”一下:的确,现在市场上,很多小商品都是中国制造的,但显然,制作那些商品所来自的创意,有些并非来自中国。在我的一些笔上写着:“Design by Korea Made in China.

I still remember the indignation from my heart last time when I saw the news that a number of multinational companies made use of the low standard of “Made in China” to produce illegitimate products. From that on, I have a dream. I have a dream that one day those pitiable “Made in China” labels can transfer into “Designed by China” or even “China patent technology”。 Though I am neither a professional engineer, nor a sophisticated designer, I am only a student who has no specialized knowledge about invention. Nevertheless, I always have the dream that there will be less “Made in China” and more “Designed by China”。 我还记得上回在网上,有些外国的企业让中国制造一些非法的产品——完美的利用了”中国制造”,中国梦演讲稿《我的中国梦英语演讲稿:My Chinese Dream》。于是,我的心中,便有了一个梦想:将“可怜巴巴”的“中国制造”,变成“中国创造”甚至“创意来自中国”。但我不是一个工程师,不是一个设计师,我只是个学生。我甚至对发明一窍不通。但我的心中有一个恒久的梦想,让那些商品上,少出现“中国制造”,多出现“中国创造”。

Without actions, determinate can only be remote dreams generated from my mind. I said to myself silently, only when I take actions can the dreams become closer to facts. For instance, I should be more focused when having science class, should take some inventive extracurricular activities, should know more about lifetime stories of renowned inventors should be an active observer, should suggest others to act. Through these ways, the dreams are more likely to become less remote and the pitiful “Made in China” are more likely to diminish. 但没有实际行动的梦想,只能是个梦,只能是我脑中空洞的想法。我在心中默默对自己说:“不能将梦想付诸行动,不是明智的选择。要在日常的课程中——特别是科学——专心听讲。在课外,要多学一些小制作,多了解一些发明家的故事,善于在生活中找到灵感,并呼吁身边的人也行动起来。或许这样,能离梦想更进一步;能让那些缩在角落中的“中国制造”稍少一些。

Unconsciously, I think of the abstract word “patriotism”。 Some “patriots” resist the consumption of Japanese products. Some “patriots” damage Japan manufactured cars. Some “patriots” make humiliating GIFs about Japan. Some “patriots” attack countries that do not admit the China’s sovereignty of Diaoyu Island. The examples are endless. At their points of view, these are demonstrations of patriotism. Nonetheless, these actions may be too impulsive. Probably, it is a better way that we can earn respect from foreign nations via making China a more powerful country in terms of economics politics. 不觉想到了“爱国”这个很抽象的词。有人坚决不买那个岛国的东西,有人拒绝日本的一些物品,有人砸日本生产的车,有人用电脑制造出一些侮辱日本的GIF图片,有人就“鲷鱼岛”事件对一些不认为鲷鱼岛是中国的国家进行抨击,有人……或许,这样的方式,在他们眼中,是爱国的行为,但这样,未免太冲动了一些呢?或许,我们可以试着让中国变得强大,从而使其他国家肃然起敬呢?或许,这样,是表达我们对自己国家的热爱的最好方式?

I do not know. But in my heart, I have a firm belief that other countries can respect China genuinely from the change of “Made in China” to “Designed by China”。 我不知道,也无从知道。但我的心中,有坚定的信念,让其他国家,真正的对中国肃然起敬,让缩在一隅的“中国制造”,变成光明正大的“中国创造”!

Finally,I want to say: We are the hope of our motherland, we should inherit the tradition of excellence, strive to advanced country contributes own strength. Here, I have a kind of inarticulate touched and proud.I for the construction of the Chinese people feel proud, proud of themselves as part of this great country!



Good morning ,everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts becoming a grow-up.’’

As a child, I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever I wanted and do whatever I liked. Now I’m a grow-up, but I find things do not go as I expected. Although I can enjoy more freedom, at the same time I realize that being a grown-up not only means this, but also more responsibilities. I hope to do more for my parents and society in the future to make my life more meaningful. To reach the the goal, I must first try my best to pass the College Entrance Examination and enter a good universityt.

Thank you for listening.



来访者:宋丹(D: Ms.Song),廖海辰(C:Mr. Chen)。接待者:武帮杰(A: Nacy),周娇娇(B: Jane)。






SB: Hello,everyone. Today,we are going to show you 4

situational dialogues.Here are our teammates:宋丹 武帮杰 周娇娇 廖海晨 and me. Let’s get start with scene one: meeting at the airport. Let’s see what will happen next.

I Meeting at the Airport

武: How nice to see you again ,Ms.Song.(song 先伸出手示意和两名接待者握手) 周: Nice to meet you ,Ms.Song.(与song握手)

宋:Nice to meet you too.Oh,you haven’t met my colleague Chen.Chen,this is Ms.Wu and this is Ms.Zhou.

廖: How do you do.

武: How do you do, Mr.Chen? I’ve been looking forward to meeting you! (先伸手与chen 握手)

周: How do you do,Mr.Chen.(与chen 握手)

周:Did you have a nice journey?

宋:Not bad except some turbulence.

武:Well,you must be very tired after such a long flight.We have reserved you two rooms.Shall we take you straight to the hotel?

宋和廖:Yes,thanks .That would be best.

周:Let me help you with your luggage.

廖:Oh,they are too heavy for you.I can manage.

周:OK. I will drive our car here.Please wait a moment.

SB: Yes,the man should do the tough work with himself.Now let’s move on to the scene 2, let’s see what they will say in the car and how do they arrange their schedule.

2.在车上,(In the Car) Arrangements

武:I will call you tomorrow so that we can set up a schedule of appointments. Is that OK?

宋:OK! Could you please depict the agenda mainly in advance ?

武:Certainly. You stady here for 3 days,one day’s talk ,two day’s weekend. By the way ,arrange some necessary meals or banquets.

宋:I see.That’s good.

廖:Yeah, I see that your Chinese are precisian.

周:It’s very kind of you to saying so. Now let me take you straight to the hotel. 宋和廖:Thank you very much.

周和武:It’s my pleasure.

SB: after they have settled in the hotel, they would probably going to do their business work. Let’s move on to scene 3.

3. At the Meeting Room

Is everybody here?

周:We’re still missing a few guys.

武:Since alomst everyone is here ,let’s begin the meeting.We can fill in others as they arrive.

周、宋和廖:All right!

武:Good afternoon, everyone. Let’s call the meenting to the order. We will discuss the issue of the potential market of our new project. First of all, let me outline the three issues we are going to cover this afternooon: first, Ms.Zhou will report on the market positioning of our new product ; second, we will discuss the publicity and promotional campaigns to be launched next month; third, Mr.Chen will report on the possibility of developing a website to sell our products. Now........


宋:Excuse me ,Ms.Wu.

武:OK. What do you have for us ,Ms,Song.?

宋:I think that Mr.Chen’s report is crucial to broadening your market ,so we should hear what Mr.Chen has to say now.

周:I agree with you there. Are you ready , Mr.Chen?

廖:I think your sales department needs to be more aggressive. On account of superior quality and competitive price, you used to be the market leader. However, there’s little new business coming in now.


宋:This is due to the world wide depression. The general trend of trade has been low during this period. As a result, orders from abroad have diminished and lots of goods have lain idle in warehouses.

(这是因为世界经济不景气。这段时间 贸易总趋势一直在下降。因此来自海外的订单已经减


周:I’m afriad I can’t agree with you .As far as I know ,the sales income of MK Company has increased every month for the last year .I think the most important factors is that other competitive manufacturers have become more active now.They are having a striking effect on comsumers.


廖:To be frank, we haven’t got enough research yet. We should see all this a bit further. Ms.Wu. May we have your comment?

武:We may have a negotiation with the cients and show them our sample.

宋:That sounds good. It seems to be the first solution to the problem.

廖:Can I come in here? (我可以说两句吗?)In my opinion,it is necessary to have an immediate research.

周:Let us end here. We are running a bit short on time. Let’s break off for a cup of tea.

SB: it seems that they have done a fierce discussion. A commercial discussion may be more complicated than that.now,let’s see what will happen in a restaurant.

4. Enjoy Chinese Food in a Restaurant

周:This is your seat Ms.Song and Mr.Chen. Take your seat please.

宋和廖:Thank you,Ms Zhou,and Ms.Wu.

廖:I’m really a bit nervous now.I konw nothing about your table manners.It would be in bad taste for a guest to make blunders.

宋:Yeah.We have the same feeling.

武:Don;t worry,Ms.Song and Mr.Chen.As for table manners ,there is only one rule you must observe. That is to make yourselves at home.

宋:No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.Now ,I have seen it with my own eyes.

周:Ms.Song and Mr.Chen,Which do you prefer,Brandly,Maotai or wine?

宋:Brandly and Maotai are too strong for me .Just a glass of dry wed wine.Ok ?Mr.Chen.

廖:It’s up to you.

武:But Juigui spirits doesn’t go to the head.Would you like to try it?

宋:Well,I wil try a little.


周:Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork?

廖:I think I will try chopsticks and see if I can manange.

宋:I also want to have try to use chopsticks.

武:Let me show you.Look, at first place both sticks between the thumb and the fore finger. Then , keep one still and move the other, so as to make them work like pincers.

宋和廖:Let me try ..... Well, how is that?

武:Fine, you are learning fast.

周和武:Well,to your health and success in business.Cheers.

宋和廖:And to yours. Cheers.

SB: That’s all.thank you.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

My topic is Honesty. As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon’s tooth. This is a true story. /chuzhong/chusan/ 65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao.

Then he was only 5 years old. He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there, which he thought was a dragon. He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure. In the late 1930s, when the Japanese occupied Qingdao, his family had to leave.

On his last day in Qingdao, he ran to the Aquarium and pulled out one of the teeth from the dragon’s mouth. He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life. It was always on his conscience, and the feeling intensified as he became older. Finally he decided to put right his childish error. In 2002, he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies. He received a warm welcome.

When James visited Qingdao, I accompanied him all the time and reported on his visit. I was deeply touched by his honesty. It has taught me a lot. I think to err is human. The important thing is to have the courage to admit and correct one’s error. Honesty is a vital quality of human behaviour. So we should try to keep an honest mind in everything we say and do. I would like to say to all of my friends: Let’s be honest people of good moral character.

Thank you.
