
时间:2024-02-18 23:50:26 作者:网友上传 字数:3867字



Good morning ladies and gentleman. My name is Miller. I’d like to talk to you today about the topic of Traffic Jams in Shanghai. The purpose of this talk is to analysis the problem of traffic jams and try to make some advices in my view. I shall only take about four minutes of your times. I’ve divided my presentation into three parts.

First. Status. Yesterday, I went to XuJiaHui. I start my route at 1:00pm. When I arrived home, it was 8:00pm. I only use nearly 3 hours on shopping. That means I almost waste 4 hours on the way. That is the Traffic Jams Status in Shanghai.

Second. Reasons. I found that the traffic management is the most serious problem in the traffic system. In some important crossroads, there are no enough traffic police to do the traffic grooming. It’s irrational. We paid so much taxes, but we cannot comfort what we should get. For example, on the overhead, two cars had made a traffic accident. This leaded the traffic jams. We had not see the traffic police from start to end. It took me nearly 10 minutes on the overhead. It was happened yesterday.

Third. To solve it. What I can advice is just add more traffic polices in the important crossroads. It’s the most useful way to solve the

traffic jams. Because yesterday when we nearly went out the overhead, the speed was increased obviously. We found several traffic polices in the crossroad. They commanded cars and then the traffic went well.

That brings me to the end of my presentation. Let me just run over the key points again. Traffic jams was made by several resources. To solve it, we can depend on the traffic police. But for ourselves, to drive more carefully, more reasonably, maybe is another way to decrease the traffic jams.

Thank you for your attention. Any questions?


As you slowly open your eyes,look around,notice where the light comes into your room;listen carefully,see if there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body and spirit,and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

Yes,yes,yes,it’s a new day,it’s a different day,and it’s a bright day!And most importantly,it is a new beginning for your life,a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions,take new actions,make new friends,and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!

In your mind’s eye,you can see clearly the things you want to have,the paces you intend to go,the relationships you desire to develop,and the positions you aspire to reach.

You can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.

You can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.

You can feel your face is getting red,your heart is beating fast,and your blood is rushing all over your body,to every single corner of your being!

You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed!And you are confident,you are confident,passionate and committed!

You will no longer fear making new sounds,showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,approaching new people,and asking new questions.

You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion,and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.

You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.You will never succumb to challenges of hardships.

You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.After all,you are the best,and you deserve the best!

As you coach and friend,I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you,but the key to that door is in your hand.

You must do your part,you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan,you must never quit,you must never fear.

I know you must do it,you can do it,you will do it,and you will succeed!Now stand firm and tall,make a fist,get excited,and yell it out:

I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!


olympics of mankind,

celebration of green nature

good morning, everybody!

let's start with the very simple question: do you know the tree coverage rate of beijing? well, the recent numerical value is 49。9%。 it sounds much, but is there simply one tree that was planted by you? if there is, let's say you're really great。 but if not believe me you are not alone cuz it's rather difficult for us students to get involved in such activities。 well, i think now we all realize that all that we've done for the green is just about claiming or declaring, painting or advertising。 however what i'm fully convinced is that someday ten years ago you must have stepped onto the grassland in the early spring and i'm sure that some of you (especially girls) must have unwittingly picked up dandelions by the roadside and gently blew their parachute like seeds into the fragrant breeze。 by the time our lives can be counted by decades, what have we done for our mother nature?

before you get lost in speculation, please follow me and try considering some other questions: put up your hands if you have watched the olympic games? (of course you have or else you wouldn't be sitting here) nonetheless how many of you had the experience of sitting in front of the television waiting for the games of the unable people? i think now we can draw the conclusion that we concern the olympic games mostly for entertainment。

have you found out that the linkage between the olympic games and the green environment is that we almost do nothing really helpful to either of them! what now i want to tell you is very realistic i wrote them from the core of my heart so please believe me they are my true feelings。

last summer when i had just finished the high school entrance examination, i came up with the idea of not using air conditioners in that coming summer。 then i had an extraordinarily hard time controlling myself and had suffered from having more than one air conditioners in sight yet cannot make use of them。 every time i caught sight of them i told myself that i was doing something quite valuable。 finally autumn came and to my surprise i had made it! you know how excited i was? i really felt very proud of myself。 sounds ridiculous right? however, will all of you here join me to do this next year, will you? i hope so。 because i feel deeply upset every time when i see my parents waste a lot of water and i don't know why i'm extremely concerned about the protection of environment and the reservation of natural resources since i was young。 my mother was against me on whether to mention her in my speech nevertheless i consider it very common among you and maybe your parents。 in the past i didn't dare to ask others to turn off the faucet while not using them because i was afraid of being described as stingy, am i? stinginess is to resources what responsibility is to the society。 it's about time we aroused the social awareness of environment protection。 doesn't the realization of our green dream and olympic dream both start from that?

because all the beautiful words seem to be so pale and feeble compared with practical actions and i don't like to say sentences like "start right from myself" so let's change it to a more romantic one: the mission of turning the green within our heart and soul into the luxuriantly green scenery out of the window is bound to cross the boundaries between nations, continents and racial groups, from olympia to the great wall and finally fall on our shoulders by the year 2008。

my favorite description of the olympic games is the celebration of mankind。 but now i want to propose a small change, which is to be: olympics of mankind, celebration of green nature。


有谁知道现在北京的森林覆盖率是多少?最近的数字是49。9%,听起来很多,可是在千千万万的树木中有没有一株是你贡献的呢?没有的话相信我你并不孤独。因为我们为绿色做的仅限于喊喊口号, 画画板报而已。但是我确定,十年前的某一天,你一定无心地踏入过早春的草坪,天真无暇地在底片上拍下令人至今留恋的风景,我也猜想到你们中的一些人,至少是一部分,一定随手掐断过路边的蒲公英,让它梦幻般的种子飘散在幽香的风里。在我们的生命已经可以用十年来计算的时候,我们为绿色做过什么?


去年夏天,我忽然决定不开空调, 无论多热都不能开,为了看不到的南极的臭氧层和就在心里的自然梦想。于是我开始遭受满眼都是空调却不能享受清凉的煎熬。舒适明明唾手可得,但我却告诉自己,我正在做的事情是非常有价值的。当秋天终于姗姗来迟的时候,我真的感到特别的自豪哎!听起来有些荒谬有些可笑,可是还是挺不容易的吧!我本想号召大家加入我疯狂的举动可是秋天来了天气凉了,我只有这个小小的心愿希望明年大家会这样做,会吗?我希望会,因为每当我看到宿舍的同学甚至家人用水浪费的时候,我都深深感到一种莫名其妙的沮丧,那是一种发自内心的难过。我想这是很普遍变得现象。








首先,非常感谢大家能在百忙之中抽出时间 来到 我们“20xx创新大屏显示及新概念会议系统解决方案展示会”济南站现场,共同体验“数字高清传输与显示新革命”,感谢大家的到来。我是来自上海金桥信息股份有限公司的 ,很荣幸能够担当此次展会的.主持人。



刚才也提到 我们今天的主题是“20xx创新大屏显示及新概念会议系统解决方案展示会”,数字高清传输与显示新革命。



首先,让我们用热烈掌声有请 山东汉邦视讯科技有限公司 总经理 先生为此次展会致辞。有请??

感谢 的热情发言,“世界上的事情怕结盟”,非常有深意的一段视频,由传统的单一产品、单一品牌的合作,到一个集众家之所长,“完整的视听解决方案平台”!的合作,合作模式上体现了“创新”,“新概念”的含义。

下面有请上海金桥信息股份有限公司-济南分公司总经理: 先生为我们介绍一下上海金桥公司及成功案例。

感谢 的热情发言。下面有请北京双旗世纪公司销售经理: 先生介绍一下公司及成功案例。

感谢 的热情发言。下面有捷视飞通市场部总监:孙銘晗 先生 介绍一下高清视频会议系统解决方案。


下面有请北京淳中科技发展有限公司营销总监: 先生介绍一下


请深圳市东微智能科技有限公司项目经理: 先生介绍一下现代会议室扩声系统发展趋势、设计及解决方案。

感谢 的热情发言。下面有请 山东汉邦视讯科技有限公司副总经理: 先生 介绍一下公司及产品介绍。



Good morning/afternoon, teachers!

I’m happy to be here. Firstly, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is xxx , my English name is xxxxx . I like to go to school. I think it’s interesting and fun. I have many hobbies in school, Ilike reading books, playing balls, drawing , painting and so on. Now, I am a football player of my school team. Look at this picture, this girl in red is me , What a proud thing!

Today, my topic is about “a sport star”. Iwant to talk about is a famous woman football player in our Country.

A girl who loves football, at the age of 12, began to play. She failed to be admitted by the football team for many years , but thecoach always encourages her: "you must be succeed next time." Later, she came into the football team. After many years, she became the captain of the Chinese women’s football is Sun wen.(展示孙雯照片)

Sunwenand her women's football team,have seen relative success ——they reached the World Cup final in 1999. The national women's team, has been knownasthe "Iron Roses"by the world.

During her training process, she suffered two serious injury, one is almost blind in the right eye; theotheris the left knee joint damage, in addition, her body hasgotdifferent degree of injury. But thosedidn’t stop her from playing , because she said: "I chose this road, I love football too much, this is my favorite cause."

She also said, “who want to make some achievementsor success ,must pay the extra effort, the reason isalsothe sameto any other area. ”

Sun Wenhas been playedfootball for 14 years, she thinks the most important thing is football, it gave hera out of the ordinary life experience, it makes hergenerous, self challenge. She also told us that, only when their team is strong , will it be respectedby audience; only when our country is strong, the motherland will be win the world'srespect.

In 20xx, International Federation of Association Footballgive The title “The Best Woman Football Player of the Millenium” to Sun Wen. At this moment, all China is encouraged.

Though she is retired now, her struggles and spirit are still moving. It will always affect the fans of football, including me. She left an unforgettable wealth for the women's will be respected for her super performance in the sport always.

Sports, including football, make us grow in the wind and rain, make us stronger and more beautiful. Come on, friends, don't wait! Come on, let’s go for dreams!

That’s my share , thank you!
