
时间:2022-06-25 02:42:14 作者:网友上传 字数:597字


  Dear teachers and students

Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is "buckle the door of civilization".

When I mentioned the word "civilization", have all of you here thought of such behaviors: protecting the environment, respecting the old and loving the young, being polite in words and deeds, etc. These are the most imaginable behaviors, and they are also the behaviors that school teachers encourage students to strive to achieve. But have we forgotten some details, some things that are not done well and happen frequently around us, such as this one:

When the bell rang, the teacher began to have class. Then, there was a loud and hurried knock on the door outside the door, which not only interrupted the teacher's thinking, but also was very impolite and attracted the strange eyes of many students. It was not until the classmate came in and the annoying knock on the door fell that everything returned to calm.

I believe that there are countless things like this happening around you or him. Don't say I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, because it does exist in our lives and is very common. Although in the activities of striving to be civilized people some days ago, the phenomena of littering, dirty export and trampling on the lawn have all been improved to some extent, such knocking at the door has never been improved. Why is it unknown but enduring? It is because we have a weak awareness of the most basic civilization, and the students have been familiar with it for a long time. But how many people can think that knocking on the door is also a civilized move. If they think of it, whether they have put it into action. If not, please think twice!

Besides, I don't know if you have found it yet. Almost every classroom door in the school is printed with a personalized picture. I named them Foshan shadowless feet. As the name suggests, the door is full of footprints, not only big ones, but also small ones, double ones and single ones, and they are stacked tightly one by one! If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look. It has not only the front door, but also the back door. It is not inferior to the front door.

Seeing a scene, should we think deeply about whether the quality of our middle school students is really so poor? I'm too lazy to reach out and "knock" with my feet. I don't believe it, because we are the most energetic, aren't we? The post-90s who can release their enthusiasm most. Therefore, we should take civilization as the first, seriously do everything well, let our predecessors give us a thumbs up, let our future generations take us as an example, and let us be proud of ourselves!

So dear students, no matter which door you want to enter in the future, please don't forget to knock first. Knock on the door with your hand, and tap with your hand!

That's the end of my speech. Thank you.
