
时间:2022-03-16 00:40:47 作者:网友上传 字数:2441字



Ladies and Gentlemen,

A successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo will not be possible without the joint efforts by the host, participants and visitors. According to the usual practice of the World Expo, the first participants meeting is normally held two years prior to the Expo. We are holding this meeting one year ahead of the normal schedules for two purposes. The first is to provide you with a better understanding of the situation; and the second is to know through questions and answers your concerns related to the participation matters so that we can further improve our future work. It is my belief that the meeting today will lay a solid foundation for our future communication and liaison. We are looking forward to your valuable comments and suggestions, which will be a generous help to our endeavors to host a successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo。

Now, the preparatory work for Expo 2010 is well under way in all aspects. We shall, as always, keep close contact with you and take into consideration your advice and suggestions to ensure the succeof Expo 2010. We believe that, with concerted efforts by all participating governments, international organizations and corporations, and with strong support from people all over the world, Expo 2010 Shanghai China


Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates,ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:

At this special time of wonderful December, in this grand hall of the beautiful

city, our respectable guests are here getting together. On behalf of the organizing committee and the program committee, I am happy to welcome your participation in “International Phocology Developing Conference”, held in Shihezi University. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming,despite the long distance and the cold weather. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.

Let me introduce myself. I am Wang Yulin, from Epidemiology and health

statistics, and I'm greatly honored to be the anchor of the session.

We are honored to have invited professors all over the word, they are 陈宏志

(University of Oxford),杜鹃(Stanford University),黄亚兰(Harvard University),马红梅(University of Cambridge).Let's give them a warm welcome.In addition, we are also honored to invite experts and scholars from various fields.Thank you for coming. Here, let’s welcome the chairman of this conference deliver her opening speech. A great applause for宋凌勰.



在外事接待活动中,译员首先面临的一道难题是称谓的口译。称谓代表了一个人的职位、职衔或学衔,体现了一个人的资历和地位。称谓的误译不仅是对有关人员的不尊重,而且也会产生种种不良的后果。称谓的准确翻译其关键在于译员对有关人员的身份及其称谓的表达是否有一个正确的理解,尤其是对称谓语的认识。一种称谓语很可能表示多种身份,例如,英语的头衔语 president,译成汉语时可视具体情况分别译作共和国的总统、国家主席、大学的校长、学院的院长、学会或协会的会长或主席、公司的总裁或董事长等等。

一般说来,各类机构或组织的首长其汉语称谓译成英语时虽可套用通用词 head,但从比较严格的意义上看,应使用特定的、规范的称谓语。例如:

校长(大学) President of Beijing University 校长(中小学) Principal /Headmaster of Donghai Middle School 院长(大学下属) Dean of the Graduate School 系主任(大学学院下属) Chair/Chairman of the English Department 会长/主席(学/协会) President of the Student Union, Shanghai University 厂长(企业) Director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant 院长(医院) President of Huadong Hospital 主任(中心) Director of the Business Center 主任(行政) Director of Foreign Affairs Office 董事长(企业) President/Chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长(学校) President/Chairman of the Board of Trustees 首席长官的汉语称谓常以“总„„”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓语则常带有 chief general, head , managing 这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,需遵循英语头衔的表达习惯: 总书记 general secretary 总工程师 chief engineer 总会计师 chief accountant 总建筑师 chief architect 总编辑 chief editor; editor-in-chief; managing editor 总出纳 chief cashier; general cashier 总裁判 chief referee 总经理 general manager; managing director; executive head 总代理 general agent 总教练 head coach 总导演 head director 总干事 secretary-general;commissioner 总指挥 commander-in-chief; generalissimo 总领事 consul-general 总监 chief inspector; inspector-general;chief impresario 总厨 head cook; chef 有些部门或机构的首长或主管的英译,可以用一些通用的头衔词表示,例如下列机构的负责人可以用 director, head 或 chief 来表示:

司(部属)department 厅(省属)department 署(省属)office(行署为administrative office) 局 bureau 所 institute 处 division 科 section 股 section 室 office 教研室 program / section 例:

局长 director of the bureau; head of the bureau; bureau chief。 国务院 the State Council 属下的部为 ministry,所以部长叫作 minister。

另外,公署专员叫作commissioner,其办事机构叫作“专员公署”,英语为 prefectural commissioner's office。

汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配或表达习惯等情况,可选择 vice, associate, assistant, deputy 等词。相对而言,vice 使用面较广,例如: 副总统(或大学副校长等)vice president 副主席(或系副主任等)vice chairman 副总理 vice premier 副部长 vice minister 副省长 vice governor 副市长 vice mayor 副领事 vice consul 副校长(中小学)vice principal 行政职务的副职头衔与学术头衔的“副”职称往往用不同的词表达,最为常用的英语词是 associate,例如: 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow 副主编 associate managing editor 副编审 associate senior editor 副审判长 associate judge 副研究馆员 associate research fellow of ... (e.g. library science) 副译审 associate senior translator 副主任医师 associate senior doctor 当然,有些英语职位头衔,如 manager 和 headmaster,其副职头衔可冠以 assistant,例如:

副总经理 assistant / deputy general manager; assistant / deputy managing director 大堂副理(宾馆)assistant manager 副校长(中小学)assistant headmaster 以 director 表示的职位的副职常以 deputy director 表示。此外,secretary, mayor, dean 等头衔的副职也可冠以 deputy,例如: 副秘书长 deputy secretary-general 耐书记 deputy secretary 副市长 deputy mayor 副院长 deputy dean 学术头衔系列除了含“正”“副”级别的高级职称和中级职称外,还有初级职称如“助理”,“助理”常用 assistant 来表示,例如: 助理教授 assistant professor 助理研究员 assistant research fellow 助理工程师 assistant engineer 助理编辑 assistant editor 助理馆员 assistant research fellow of... (e.g. library science) 助理教练 assistant coach 助理农艺师 assistant agronomist 还有一些行业的职称头衔,其高级职称不用“正”或“副”表示,而直接用“高级”或“资深”来表示,我们可以用 senior 来称呼,例如:

高级编辑 senior editor 高级工程师 senior engineer 高级记者 senior reporter 高级讲师 senior lecturer 高级教师 senior teacher 高级农艺师 senior agronomist 有一些行业的职称或职务系列中,最高级别的职位冠以“首席”一词,英语常用 chief 来表示: 首席执行官 chief executive officer (CEO) 首席法官 chief judge 首席顾问 chief advisor 首席检察官 chief inspector / prosecutor 首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator 首席监事 chief supervisor 首席播音员 chief announcer / broadcaster 首席代表 chief representative 首席记者 chief correspondent 除了用“总”、“高级”、“首席”等词语来表示一些机构或行业的最高级职务之外,还有一些高级职务则使用带“长”字的头衔,例如:

检察长 procurator-general 审判忙 presiding judge;chief judge;chief of judges 护士长 head nurse 秘书长 secretary-general 参谋长 chief of staff 厨师长 head cook,chef 有些头衔会含诸如“代理”、“常务”、“执行”、“名誉”这类称谓语,例如:

代理市长,代理总理,代理主任 常务理事,常务副校长

执行主席,执行主任,执行秘书 名誉校长,名誉会长

本文来自美联英语 http://www.xiexiebang.com/hy/?tid=447705


Good morning ladies and gentlemen

welcom to the 2011 SUST model united nations.

SUMUN was established in April 2009. our continuous efforts and innovation, and relentless pursuit and struggle. Today, Model United Nations has developed into a powerful team which Made a lot of achievements.

Today we are pleased to gather here to host 2011 SUST Model United Nations.

let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:

now i have the great privilege of presenting our distinguished guests today. They are*******welcome

let’s warmly welcome the chairman SUMUN Miss luo to make a speech.

Finally, we hope all the delegates can make effort to show your talent and model united nations can get a complete sucess.


Ladies and gentlemen:

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary anniversary of the XXX plant, please allow me to extend my warm welcome to the distinguished guests from all over the world on behalf of the XXX plant and in my own name.

My friends have come to congratulate and discuss trade cooperation in spite of the distant journey. I feel happy for the 30th anniversary factory celebrations of our factory. I sincerely feel happy and express our sincere thanks to our friends for their efforts to promote friendly relations between the two sides.

Many of you here today are our old friends, and we have good cooperative relations. Our factory has built up factories for 30 years and can achieve today's results. We cannot do without our sincere cooperation and strong support from our old friends. In this regard, we express our sincere admiration and thanks. At the same time, we are very happy to have the opportunity to meet new friends from all over the country. Here, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new friends again, and hope to work closely with new friends and develop friendly and cooperative relations with each other.

"It's not a pleasure to have friends coming from the distance." On the occasion of the meeting of the new friends and old friends, I propose:

For further cooperation between us,

For the growing friendship between us,

For the health and happiness of my friends,

