1.Research Purpose :
Now, more and more people pay attention to appearance, people demand for clothing and selection is not only related to the person's psychology, age, personality, also influenced by other objective factors.Therefore , the company in order to get more information and understand the Youngor clothing market situation, questionnaire survey is in progrein the company to meet the needs of the customer
2.Research Content:
(1)Survey methods:
combine field investigation with inquiry method andobservation method, To learn more about the consumer market demand for clothing by using questionnaire,(2)Scope of survey site:
All teachers and students of Guilin University Aerospace and TechnologyCity Resident of Guilin
1, The sample of the survey :
In the survey, there are 16 student s , accounting for 22.85% of the total;The White-collar workers and the company staff a total of14 people, accounting for 20% of the total;there are 9 Ordinary workers, accounting for 12.85% of the total;Individual busineman 11 people, accounting for 15.7% of the total;There are 20 people for the others , accounting for 28.6% of the total.2, The condition of the age of the respondents:
15-25, there are 27 people, young people accounted for 38.6% of the total;25-35, there are 18 people, accounting for 25.7% of the total;there are 17 people of 35-45 years , accounting for 24.3% of the total;Eight people over the age of 45, and 11.4% of the total.3, A monthly income of respondents status:
there are 19 people’s Monthly income of 800 yuan of the following , accounting for 27.2% of the total, most of them are students;Monthly
income of 800-1500 with 16 people, 22.8% of the total;Monthly income of
1500-3000 with20 people, 28.6% of the total;Monthly income of more
than 3000 with15 people, accounting for 21.4% of the total.3.Data analysis of research:
(1)the differences of the age and choose clothes
The age between 15 to 25 years of age of the population, accounting for
38.7% of the total survey people, between 25 to 35 years old and 35 to 45
years old crowd accounts for 25.8%, more than 45 years of age accounted for
9.7%, young people almost for the students and enter society worker , they
demand for clothing diversification, the pursuit of fashion, individuality, which
focus on the quality of the clothing men over women..People who age
between 25 to 35 years old, most of them are worker or married, years of office
worker, when choosing clothing clothes they don’tlike 15 to 25 years old
young people considered design, the quality of the dre, the price in purchase
factor is also a big factor for them , because of their work need, need to dre
looks more mature.Ranging in age from 35 to 45 years old people over the
age of 45, when they buy clothes, the more consideration is the quality of the
clothing and practical, there are few care about clothes’ style, fashionable.After
all, older people often consider the clothes’ value and practicality.(2)the types of clothing choice and gender differences
Now ,male consumers in the choice of clothing type, theypursues the
comfort of clothing, not only pay attention to the trend.women not only pursues
the comfort of clothing ,but also pay attention to the fashion and economic
benefits.With 51.6% of boys and 33% of girls are prefer sports casual, but
type and the pursuit of fashion clothing of male, female accounted for 12.9%
and 12.9% respectively.(3)Prices and promotions on the impact of the buyer
The price is another important influence factors of buying clothing.There aremost of the buyers can accept 100-200 yuan, because the quality of clothes is
usually between 100-200 is very good, the price is more easily accepted by
people.Clothes prices should meet with as many as poible between 100-200 yuan.The busineman also can attract customers in competitive price.For the clothing sales promotion way, more than half of consumers are more loyal to the discount , and buy one and get onefor free , there are only 12.8%.but with 10.5% of customers tend to gifts.4.summary of Market research report
With the increase of consumer spending power, many consumers aremaking clothes to buy is no simply to consider the basic function of the product, on the premise of reaches a certain economic income,It’s in order to satisfiedwith the work needs, psychological needs, life needs, and the social demand of supply.Accompanied by a faster communication speed, brand consumption of consumer groups and the pace of the fashion demand almost unanimously
20XX年9月13日至10月17日 我到xx市xx三中进行为期一个月的教育实习,实习内容包括两个方面,一是英语教学的教育实习,二是班主任的工作实习。在这期间我积极地努力地工作,虚心向有经验的老师请教,取得了优异的成绩。同时,我还在实习期间做了一次深入的调查工作,是针对英语这门课而言的。为了得到教师和学生的真实想法,我费了一番心思,最终的调查结果对我将来的从业有很大的帮助。
一 些先进的教学方法和教学理念我发现在现在的中学的教学中并不是很受欢迎,重要的原因就是采用这种教学方法取得的效果不是很理想,上课时学生的眼球多被吸引到了大屏幕上去,很少有学生再看书本了。学生多爱看一些图画,对图画的记忆倒很清楚,但却忽略了图画旁边的文字。这种教学方法对于该地区也较难普遍使用,因此,老师们仍然保持使用传统的教学方法。
在调查中我还发现有经验的老师进行教学时,课堂气氛相对和谐。老师说本校的学生的记律较差,自觉性不足,如果气氛过于活跃,课堂就会乱哄哄,难以克制。而且学生的自主学习能力差,合作能力欠缺,实际效果为达到但花去了大量的时间,从而影响教学进度。大部分学生喜欢那种上课幽默的,不爱批评学生的,能够和学生很好相处的老师,他们都希望老师能够多关注自己,即使是成绩差的学生也这样,这种愿望甚至比其他 学生更加强烈。他们希望老师多了解他们的真实的想法,宽恕他们的叛逆心理,同他们做好朋友,而不是老师用一种居高临下的气势去对待他们。而且,有的学生还喜欢关注老师,对老师的衣着,对老师日常工作中所发生的一些事情都感兴趣。看来我们做老师的要好好和学生进行及时的沟通,以了解学生的真实想法,以便自己在教学中更好地开展工作。
一、 培养学生学习语文的兴趣,只有学生对他所学的科目提高兴趣了他们才有可能很快地提高成绩。老师可以多组织一些语文活动课,让学生积极地参与进来,叫学生在自己的参与中意识到学语文的重要性。上课时老师可以多举一些生动、形象的例子,让学生有个直观的感受,而不仅仅是理论上的枯燥理解。对课文的解析要深入浅出,例子最好能贴近生活,最好是当下发生的,人们关注的事情,这样能更好地让学生展开讨论,进而使学生兴趣更进一步。
三、对待学生要一视同仁,赏识每一位学生。无论学生的成绩好与差,老师都要充分尊重学生的人格,这也是一个合格教师的基本要求。现在我们讲尊重,不仅仅只是要求学生尊重老师,而且还要求老师尊重学生,作为一个老师要知道,你只有尊重学生,学生才能更好地尊重你。另外,对于成绩差的学生也要积极地鼓励他去学习,这样的学生只要一有进步,就应该及时表扬,表扬是促使差生进步的一种好的方法。在平时的教学中尽量少批评学生,以鼓励为主,即使是批评学生时,也要注意方法,语言最好不要尖锐刻薄,不要伤害学生的自尊心。有批评错的地方也应该向学生道歉,这一点恐怕老师们很难做到,其实学生的宽容之心并不比老师差,真心地向学生承认错误的老师可能会更加受学生尊重的,我在实 和调查的过程中就有这样的感受。
四、 除了做好自己的本职工作以外,我认为语文老师最好能多参加学生们组织的一些活动。在参与中同学生交流,了解学生的真实想法,对学生的组织成果给予肯定,这样能和学生更好地融合。多主动同学生谈心,做学生的好朋友,消除老师和学生之间的鸿沟,促进教育、教学 更好地展开。
总之,以上就是我在这次实习期间调查的有关情况。其中有些看法也许不尽正确,但毕竟这是我通过实际调查得到的结果,我会从中吸取一些优秀老师的做法,结合自己实际的水平应用到今后的教学中去。我想只要我能够以积极的心态坚持下去,多了解当下的教学情况,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进, 我在不久的将来会成为一名合格的人民教师,但愿我的想法能变成现实。
问题之一:纵观我镇六所小学, 这些小学中均开设了英语课程。英语课在小学三年级开始学习小学英语课程。就我校来说整个学校只有三名固定英语教师,每周只有两节英语课。部分学生学习习惯较差校根本不学英语,小学英语课课时及教师配备是学生学习英语差异较大的主要原因之一。学生进入初中后,由于对英语学习的要求有所提高,学习英语对他们来说是一大难题,因为没有兴趣或着第二兴趣培养还没完成,在单词,背诵,句型理解和语法等问题前无法招架,开始放弃对英语的学习。
1、 组织办英语手抄报
2、 组织办英语板报
3、 学习英文歌曲
一、 调查概述
(一) 调查目的
(二) 调查对象
(三) 调查内容和方法
二、 调查结果分析
随着全球经济的发展。就业社会对毕业生的要求越来越高。英语水平有要求,越来越多的国企和民营企业也都对英语水平提出了要求。不仅对企业中层和管理层提出英语水平的要求,即使对初级岗位的招聘,企业也有基本的英语要求。在中国加入WTO的新形势冲击下,各行各业各个方面都在 接受着来自国际化的洗礼。特别是人世让我们更大程度上明英 语已经成为职场杀手锏,甚至可以说:英语能力决定个人命运。英语人才资源在一个企业当巾的至关重要性。这也就对就业社会的进一步发展提出了国际化的高要求。
与此同时,也就应运而生了许多的职称英语培训班;幼儿的,学生的,成人的。再则,随着近些年社会的进步和发展,特别是沿海城市和大城市的日益趋于国际化,大型企、叱外资企业,日益成为毕业生向往的就业目标。特别是在北京上海等国际化大都 市,企业在工作中会有大量的场合要接触到英文文件、材料, 资料以及直接和外方进行业务上的接触。甚至有些公司会在 公司的日常文档中要求直接使用英文。所以现在的高水准的 企业对英语水平特别是英语实际应用水平的要求实际上是相当高的。
三、 总结
1. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.
2. our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.
3. the main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.
本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。"main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标'。
1. according to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Chinese Taiwan.
2. the numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Chinese Taiwan.
3. as the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of Chinese Taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.
1. if you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of
tv and magazine ads.
2. by looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.
3. as you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.
1. to conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.
2. in summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.
3. i've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet i also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.
在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"to conclude","in summary"或"i think"都是做结论的实用词汇