
时间:2022-03-23 09:45:49 作者:网友上传 字数:7716字



49. 平安夜来临,流星雨带来吉祥,让你实现心中的梦想;祈祷钟声响起,烟花绽放美丽,照亮你的人生轨迹;温馨的祝福送到,让你幸福快乐欢笑,疾病忧愁不来打扰。愿你人生平安,生活幸福!

50. 鹿儿蹦蹦跳跳,铃儿轻轻摇晃,平安夜的钟声又一次的敲响,远方的你是否一切顺利。一千句祝福送给你,愿你幸福美丽。

51. 美丽平安夜,悠悠鹿铃声,在这个特别的日子,我把祝福送,愿快乐,鲜花,美丽,平安与你同在,祝你幸福一生,快乐一世,平安一生一世。

52. 平安夜,祝你家人平安,朋友平安,爱人平安,父母平安,兄弟姐妹平安,自己平安,出入平安,身体健康一生平安,成行千里前程平安,平安夜,快心狂欢吧。

53. 让平安夜悠扬的钟声带给你平安一生,让圣诞树上斑驳的彩灯照你前程似锦,让长筒袜中的礼物带给你好运终生,让这条短信带给你些许温馨:圣诞快乐!

54. 冬至夜漫长,护好脾和肾;平安夜祥和,平安又如意;圣诞节快乐,幸福把歌唱,提前派送节日的祝福,愿您健康开心,如意顺心,百事无忧,欢乐开怀!

55. 平安夜尚未到,平安已默念;圣诞节尚未来,祝福已起草;短信准备了一条又一条,只是为了把心意表。在美丽的烛光里,闪耀出我的问候,圣诞节快乐!

56. 平安夜到祝平安,声声祝福送身边。身体健康无病患,快快乐乐福无边。妻子贤惠儿孝顺,家庭和睦笑开颜。事业顺利业绩建,领导同事都称赞。朋友深情常惦念,问候不断情谊绵。愿你每天都平安,吉祥如意伴身边!

57. 平安消息很奇妙,带来五色苹果到,青青苹果是不老,黃色苹果是可靠,红色苹果是升高,各色苹果任你要,平安夜,消息送上喜讯,愿你平安幸福开心笑!

58. 彩色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节。在这宁静的时刻,衷心祝你圣诞快乐,有个完美的新年!

59. 一点爱,两点情,三点吉祥,四点好运。五点财,六点福,七点顺心,八点如意。九点喜,十点乐,十一点想念,在平安夜十二点钟声敲响的那一刻全属于你。

60. 平安夜到,让平安搭上幸福的快车道,让烦恼通通往边靠,让吉祥对你多关照,让快乐陪伴你到老,让生活乐观多欢笑。

61. 平安夜,送你一块圣饼,愿你消除所有罪业,得到永恒的生命;送你一支蜡烛,愿你常得神光的照耀,幸福平安一生;送你一棵圣诞树愿你常得神的恩赐,圆满一切所愿。

62. 圣诞临近百花香,一香送你摇钱树,二香送你贵人扶,三香送你心情好,四香送你没烦恼。五香送你钱满箱。六香送你永健康!

63. 平安夜,吃一个苹果可以平安的话,那我吃两个苹果,是不是就可以长长久久平平安安的。

64. 平安夜的钟声回响在小路,我送你一棵真诚的圣诞树,上面闪着我们友情的回顾,挂满了我对你的祝福,愿好运永远把你呵护,愿你一生平安幸福。




























17. 夜晚一缕月光映在你的床上,轻轻的掠过你的脸庞,还没有安睡的你的模样,月亮都为你感伤,经历的不过是不同寻常的过往,所求的就是家兴业旺。祝你平安夜快乐,忘记惆怅。

18. 美丽的平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐!

19. 悠扬的钟声,飘来宁静。悠闲的白鸽,彰显和平。圣洁的白雪,妆点着祥和的平安夜。精美的橱窗,精致的生活,婉约的祝福,祝你平安,祝你平安夜快乐!

20. 这个节日里,大家可以像孩子般,尽情地玩耍,过一个狂欢平安夜;尽情地嬉戏,过一个浪漫圣诞节。不过狂欢浪漫的同时,别忘了送祝福哦!

21. 平安夜,送你一张平安符,保你心“平”气顺,“安”居乐业;生活“平”和,“安”泰幸福;健康“平”稳,“安”然无恙;人生“平”坦,事事平“安”。祝你心想事成,平安如意!

22. 平安夜,祝平安,平安夜里话平安。平安是福,平安是宝,平平安安活到老!祝你出入平安,老少平安,万事平安,收到短信一生平安!祝平安夜幸福平安!

23. 平安夜的钟声,为你敲开幸福之门。和蔼老人,为你捎来开心礼物。雪花中的好运精灵,为你带来吉祥瑞意。长青树上,挂满了青春财富。它们同时到来一起祝你:圣诞快乐!

24. 十二月里来喜事多,冬至团圆平安夜,圣诞快乐元旦欢。饺子汤圆包和谐,平安烛火照吉祥;烤鸡烤鸭藏学问,琴声炮声奏凯歌;玉树长袜存好运,一生福气享不完。

25. 平安夜,夜夜平安,今夜冬风,明朝春风,室外寒气,室内暖意,祝福声起,礼物飞来。今夜是平安夜,祝君来年事事如意,天天美满。圣诞快乐!

26. 平安夜,送你一颗“平安符”,祈祷生活更幸福,送你一串“平安珠”,保佑岁岁满财富,送你一个“平安果”,祝福圣诞更快乐。平安夜,愿你健康一生,平安一世。

27. 时差让我们隔离,空间让我们看不到彼此的微笑,但简了的些许文字,是我对你祝福的化身,让异乡行走的你不那么孤单,因为有我,一直都存在,平安夜快乐!

28. 平安夜到了,向唯美的星空许个愿,愿你生活甜蜜平静;向悠扬的钟声祈个祷,愿你事业路上顺利平坦;向亲爱的朋友问声好,愿你快乐无忧,幸福安康,一生平安。祝平安夜快乐!

29. 你的笑容,我见过,曾迷倒众生;你的幸福,我路过,看你逍遥快活;你的痛苦,我承诺,立马赶尽杀绝;你的好运,老天说,比想象的还多!祝你万事如意。

30. 幸福是你的笑脸,挂在我平安夜的窗前;幸福是你的声音,系在我平安夜的风里;幸福是偷偷地提醒你,平安夜到了,记得祝福我,我在等你!

31. 平安之夜大家忙,祝福收发累得慌。我用诚心攒祝福,一共三百六十五,今夜全部转给你,愿你平安每一天;我用爱心发微信,所有情谊和祝愿,融入此条微信中,平安夜里发给你,愿你幸福一整年。

32. 平安夜里“喜临门”,送你一只“聚宝盆”,装花装果装吉祥,装金装玉装财富,装了甜蜜装快乐,愿你平安幸福怀中抱!




































1、happiness is on the road,drums are beating.Happiness is at the door,the fireworks had blossom;Make peace with you for Christmas,lucky squatting beside you forever,beautiful Christmas,wish you a happy and healthy forever!

2、air,rain and dew,mist...Around a lot of good things is god has given us in vain,but this does not mean worthless,salvation,and the more the more precious things free,because we cant afford it!

3、today want to eat Fried rice with egg,but can only eat,cannot eat eggs.If you can reach the state egg separate meal,will surely remnant egg is happy!If you can the egg in the Christmas greeting SMS Fried rice again,back to complete egg,round egg is happy!

4、no sorrow,no suffering,peace is the source of happiness;No disease,no pain,peace is the foundation of happiness;No cross,no failure,peace is the core of the best;On Christmas Eve,the sincere blessing good people around me,peace be to the good life!

5、didnt expect you to accept a gift of socks last year,this year also use but also didnt wash,I can only say"I fu le you",even Santa Claus is in the hospital,so entrust my message,I wish you a merry Christmas!

6、this is not busy,Christmas will come,in all directions JiQingHe,SMS tide.At work,well-written,into the infinite love,happiness in your heart.Christmas is coming,wish you happy!

7、all over the sky stars,in my night prayer peace;Beating the candlelight,there is the desire of the Christmas Eve;Long bell,send me New Year blessings,gently take a greeting for you,I wish you a happy,peace and happiness.

8、the stars twinkle,Christmas Eve more light;Universal and all the people with celebration,and all the heavens exultation.Enlightened JiHuan drop proud,happy festival,bosom:everybody:merry Christmas!

9、snowflakes in the sky is dancing notes,which are set to music,hope of played by blessings,brings you a happy New Year!

10、the fallen petal is speechless,maternal gentleness more protect flower;Though it is silent earth,nourishing all glory,though friends apart,oceans than tell,SMS is cheap,blessing the mood of true meaning,,I wish you a happy Thanksgiving,Thanksgiving to feel life,happiness without limit.

11、no special blessing,only care about words;There is no sweet words,only a true to you;My eyes only you,I love you!Dear,I wish you a merry Christmas!

12、no charming appearance,just keep moving smile,add your happiness;Not elegant temperament,maintain a positive attitude,show your energy;No gift,just send me a greeting,reveal your feelings.Wish me merry Christmas!

13、listen to the footsteps of history,answering the call of The Times,we ushered in the 2014.Back poignant journey along the way,we have laughter,tears,there are weak,have courage,we way,triumphant return.Also the journey of hope in the future,all friends can be healthy body,all the best and every success.All dreams can come true,all hope to achieve all desires can be fulfilled.May the coming Christmas happy.

14、today is Christmas,celebrating the birthday of Christ.I also do a prayer for you.May your troubles disappear,good mood.Suffering and restart the good luck.May all your wish come true,everything goes well.Merry Christmas.

15、today is Christmas Eve,it is said that today the apple placed on the top of the head can reach a wish.I tried,the results were achieved.You try it,soon.By the way,my desire is to fool the people look at the messages.

16、no faith can have ideal,have no dreams can have dreams,have no ambition can have baggage,no girlfriend can have one prisoner,not immortality can be super to living,can not lay eggs have Christmas.Go to a crow!

17、no snow,still romantic.Even if the cold winter,feel warm.Flickering candles,hanging lights.,the decorating.Christmas tree,gifts,however.Bell,auspicious romance.Bless music,happiness forever!

18、no snow even not romantic Christmas,with the blessing even winter is warm,Christmas Eve I wish:may happy life with you always!Wish you a gift a mountain

19、your eyes let me drunk,you let me of crime,your tolerance let me awake at night,but cant follow you,so we have to say take care of eyes with tears:in a few days to Christmas,you again want to drag the old man to the affected.

20、take festival post,on the car,on a good path,enter the peaceful yard,hear happy fun,smell the delicious fruit,walk into a room of laughter,see the appearance of happiness,send blessings of silver,and say to you:Christmas Eve,wish you peace for a lifetime.

21、a bright moon snow,on Christmas Eve.Miss distance,the countrys more sorrow.Pass to blessing thousands of words,text messages.But each peace,everything is healthy.Wish distant with you,the heart with songs.

22、tomorrow is Christmas Eve,Santa Claus will drill your chimney,his head came out to take some for you take plank brick,the gifts all of you!Dont say goodbye!The average person I dont tell him!

23、in the face of Christmas,in front of the person you around in a hurry over,think of you,there is a kind of touched in my heart.Love is the kind words cannot express.

24、beautiful snowflakes flying in the sky,hot stove burning in the room,busy for a year of hard,you also should have a good rest,lets enjoy this beautiful Christmas Eve!

25、like the bride dressed in costumes,lovely apple like feelings accumulate full blessing treasure that joy beats with zero bell like song,let my blessing with snowflakes,with apple,meet with zero bells on Christmas Eve,I wish you peace and happiness.

26、wine,swaying in the glass;Lights in the dark decayed;Happiness in life intoxicated;Happy,laugh in holiday;Snow,falling in the auspicious;Greetings,in the sincere service.Friends,I wish you a merry Christmas and happy infinite!

27、each piece blossom petals,have my sincere blessings,each piece of bud bud,have I sound greetings,please slowly breeze transmission,may flowers and green leaves,embellish your colorful life!Wishing you all a merry Christmas!

28、hello,Christmas is coming,I am a Santa Claus,please put your door keys,the bedroom door keys,the best and safe are keys to me,I will give you a good Christmas gift:absolutely let you surprise,happy Christmas!

29、you appeared,like the fairy to meet;You like lightning,piercing blue sky dark;Your smiling face,beauty is worth fairy;You a leering,chi for you folks around the world;Christmas to read your message again,happiness forever,merry Christmas,infinite information with you peace and happiness.

30、where are you now?There is a thing to tell you,you must be calm to be prepared,there are a group of people in the inquired about you,also said that catch light rao not you,him,one is called the god of wealth,a call almost every leader,is called happiness.

31、rose is my passion,candy is my taste,stars are my eyes,the moonlight is my soul,expecting you,merry Christmas!

32、every time I see you I will have a strange impulse,to listen to your breath,kiss your lips.Wait to do bet with life,to be a"I love you".

33、bless you,every time the disappearance of the money is like running water,every time I miss you,thoughts and the rain poured continuously,before I didnt stop,I want to be safe on Christmas Eve,send my blessing to your heart,I wish you peace and happiness every day life.

34、every snowflake is a picture of a fine design,each snowflake represents my wish,is a happiness,is a piece of wealth,is a happiness,is a piece of ankang,one is the best,is a piece of good luck,patches of flying around you,long patches of friendship,I wish a happy Christmas!

35、peace is people can say words,peace is people living warm hint,peace is a blessing in peoples life,peace but also the artistic conception of people want to.Wish you and your family have a year in peace"silent night"!Every day happy!Healthy forever!Of happiness!

36、really is flat,the Christmas Eve was;The night is dim,the moonlight romantic,and there was a bell.Very good day,sweet to send blessing:I wish friends happy and healthy life and peace.

37、each snowflakes floating down,every fireworks lit,every second time flow,each transfer.Represents I want to send you a blessing:merry Christmas!

38、each passing pedestrians,please slow down your footsteps,I pointed to the sky and your honest swear:I want to say,I can say,just the most ordinary but again the most loving words,that always hot three words:I love you.

39、you have,or however,Christmas is there,with joy,you eat,or do not eat,the dinner is there,lick ones chaps,you accept,or dont accept,the blessing is there,mean it.To send me a gift,or,let me go to pick up.Silent,looking forward to,cant push you.Merry Christmas!

40、you always want to use one thousand reasons to insist on and believe me,but just an excuse to give up;And I use one thousand reasons to insist on like you,but only for a reason I believe you.Wish you a merry Christmas!

41、Christmas Eve,report peaceful,wish your family all peace;Christmas,carnival night,send you a beautiful table functions;Christmas,Christmas tree,protect you all my life have to eat to live;Gift,with luck,may you life long happiness.

42、Christmas Eve,report peaceful,I wish you a flourish.Christmas,carnival night,send you a beautiful table functions;Christmas,Christmas tree,protect you all my life have to eat to live;Gift,with luck,may you life long happiness.

43、if you are waiting for the Santa Claus chimney for a Christmas gift?Dont wait any more,he wont come this year,because he is your smelly socks smoked last faint!Ha ha...Merry Christmas!

44、you is the pursuit of my life,my each minute rotation for you!

45、Christmas Eve,report peaceful,if tonight the peaceful cantus transflux from your in a dream,so do you think,thats my across the mountain must fall asleep again and send to you my most sincere wishes!

46、Christmas Eve,"fu lu shou"three fairy gave you good luck good luck;"The sound and light"three brothers gave you healthy power;"The sun moon star"give you wealth and three sisters.You receive so much love gift,my gift is black and white,into a genuine messages;Wish hello people life peace!

47、and peace,is a song,with a happy song,with happiness as words,between the mountains and rivers,in lifes singing,in the near years.On Christmas Eve,singing Christmas songs for you,may you enjoy happiness!

48、and peace,is a tree,with rigorous as branches,with careful Mosaic,thrive in the work of ups and downs,draw nutrition in dribs and drabs of life.On Christmas Eve,kind of Christmas tree for you,wish you enjoy the happy life.

49、Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!

50、Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.
