辽宁省概况导游词 -范文
The briefing of Liaoning province
Liaoning Province is located in northeastern China bordered by Jilin Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hebei Province. The province overlooks the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea as well as bordering the nation of North Korea on the Yalu River. Liaoning serves a key link between China’s northeast economic region and the Bohai Sea economic zone. The province is a vital communication line from the northeast region to the north and the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall to the south. Liaoning also provides a gateway from Manchuria to the Eurasian Continental Bridge to the west.
Liaoning Province covers a total land area of 145,900 square kilometers,The population of Liaoning Province is 42,000,000 ,Liaoning is composed of fourteen prefecture-level cities: These prefecture-level cities are in turn divided into 100 county-level divisions Liaoning is a multi-ethnic province with 44 different minority groups represented. Besides the predominant Han ethnic group, there are 43 minority groups, including the Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Korean and Xibo. The minority population is 6,550,000, comprising 16% of the total provincial population.
It is possible to think of Liaoning as three approximate geographical regions: the highlands in the west, plains in the middle, and hills in the east. Liaoning has a continental monsoon climate, and rainfall averages to about 440 to 1130 mm annually. Summer is rainy while the other seasons are dry,long winters, warm summers and short springs and autumns. the seasons are Cleary divided
Liaoning province has a long-standing history and time-honored culture tracing back to antiquity. There have been a number of significant archaeological discoveries in the region including human fossils near Dashiqiao and stone tools near Chaoyang. Approximately 6,000 years ago Liaoning entered the New Stone Age and there have been a large quantity of utensils found in Xinle, Shenyang dating from that period. The ruins at Niuhe ridge reveal an early civilized society and places Liaoning as one of the origins of Chinese civilization.,
In the 16th century BC, Liaoning was a neighboring State of the Shang Dynasty and was under the Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Various dynasties have established their adminstrative institutions in Liaoning and Liaoning was the birthplace of China’s last dynasty, the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911 A.D.). The Imperial Palace and Three Imperial Burial Tombs in Shenyang are from the early Qing Dynasty and reflect the political and cultural, history of the period. In 1929 changed the name of Fengtian Province to Liaoning Province, Liaoning meaning the peaceful valley of the Liaohe River. Liaoning Province is also the site where the Japanese imperial invaders launched their war of aggression against China on September 18, 1931. The Chinese Civil War that took place following Japanese defeat in 1945 had its first major battles (the Liaoshen Campaign) in and around Liaoning.
Liaoning is rich in mineral resources and with a complete range, Liaoning has the most iron, magnetite, diamond, and boron deposits among all province-level subdivisions of China. Liaoning is also an important source of petroleum and natural gas. Salt is produced along the coast. Liaoning has a Strong industrial base, with nearly a hundred years of industrial history. he province has developed into an important industrial base As China's major base of heavy industry, Liaoning holds an important place in iron and steel production, machinery, chemicals, electric power, oil extraction and processing and sea-salt production, along with coal, cotton textiles, tussah silk, and paper mills, etc. State-owned textile mills in Liaoning province, one of the oldest industrial bases in northeast China, It is also a national food and agricultural and sideline the important grain production bases, The sea off Dalian abounds with quality seafood, such as abalones, sea cucumbers, scallops, prawns, crabs, and sea urchins.
Liaoning province has Beautiful natural scenery, and the historical sites spread all over, there estimated more than 11300 existing heritage for example the three imperial tombs dating from the Qing Dynasty are located in Liaoning. These tomb sites have been grouped with other Ming and Qing Dynasties tombs (such as the Ming Dynasty Tombs in Beijing, and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing) as a combined UNESCO World Heritage Site. Benxi offers a boat ride though a large stalactite filled cave and underground river Liaoyang, one of the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in northeast China, has a number of historical sites, including the White Pagoda (Baita), that dates to the Yuan Dynasty. Dandong, on the border with North Korea, is a medium-sized city that offers a cross-river view of the North Korean city of Sinuiju.
Liaoning has a simple folk customs of the people .there areRich and colorful local art, Two-person show, Yangko A wide range of Arts Festival are holded every year sucn as dalian International Fashion Festival, Shenyang International Tourism Festival ice and snow tourism festival
the beautiful east of Liaoning peninsula ,colorful liaoxi corridor people of LN invite the tourists home and aboard to LN warmly to enjoy the scenry of manzu nation and sightseeing in LN
辽宁省简称辽,位于中国东北地区的南部,是中国东北经济区和环渤海经济区的重要结合部。地理座标处在东经118°53′至125°46′,北纬38°43′至43°26′之间,东西端直线距离最宽约550公里,南北端直线距离约550公里。辽宁省陆地面积14.59万平方公里,占中国陆地面积1.5%。陆地面积中,山地面积8.72万平方公里,占59.8%;平地面积4.87万平方公里,占33.4%;水域面积1万平方公里,占6.8%。海域面积 15.02万平方公里。其中渤海部分7.83万平方公里,北黄海7.19万平方公里。
辽宁,满族语祈愿辽河流域安宁。28万年前,人类即栖息于斯。一条大辽河,曾弹响多少狂飙壮歌。努尔哈赤新宾啸聚,八旗军铁马金戈,弯弓射日,经九门口长城血战,清王朝的发祥,被这片龙兴之地稳稳托起。今伫立沈阳故宫、“清初三陵”(永陵、福陵、昭陵),听松涛阵阵,犹闻鼓角声声。 展北国之雄奇,藏江南之毓秀,富名山、秀水、奇石、异洞,兼火辣辣的关东风情,令多少游子,沉醉不知归路。人称“东方鲁尔”,又谓“共和国长子”,为新中国工业崛起,曾孵化出无数神奇。第一炉火红的钢水喷涌,第一架喷气式飞机凌空,第一艘万吨巨轮入海,第一台深海机器人大洋探秘,第一个软件园报晓于知识经济……。无数个新中国第一,就从这里冉冉升起。北温带大陆气候,陆地与海域面积各约15万平方公里。更2177公里海岸线风光无限,惹万余家外资企业,从开放的大海,奔涌抢滩。海浪有意,海风温暖,而4200多万辽宁儿女,迎八方友人,比海风更温暖,比大海还多情。 辽宁,将所创造的辉煌永载史册,将以不懈的努力,顽强的拼搏,走向更加宏伟、灿烂的明天。
滨海路修于70年代,原是一条战备公路,两端被军队镇守。80年代初邓小平来大连参观,建议开放,从此这条路变成了一条旅游观光路。80年代初,邓小平来大连滨海路连参观,建议向全市开放,从此这条路变成了一条旅游观光路。 1988年8月。国务院把该风景区与旅顺口风景区一并划为国家重点名胜区。滨海路被称为“中国城市滨海观光第一路”。