
时间:2022-12-31 00:00:10 作者:网友上传 字数:4264字












军训是大学的第一堂课,在这堂课上有严明的纪律、有紧张、有欢笑... ...火热的阳光炙烤着大地和我们的身躯,这几天对我来说就像是几个世纪一样的难熬,好想为自己找一个逃避的理由。教官教诲我们:“想尽一切办法,克服一切困难,完成一切任务,争取一切荣誉。” 我的思想开始转变,考入大学并不意味着一劳永逸,人生中有好多的关口要过,有好多的责任等我们去抗,又有好多的义务等我们去荆大学只是万里长征中的第一步,那种“船到码头车到站,兵器入库马放南山”的思想对当代大学生的成长都是不建康的。

军训不仅仅是对我们的身体的考验,更多的是对我们的意志的磨练,同时提高我们的思想水平和团队精神,“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”人是在不断的磨练中长大的,就像一棵小树一样经历风雨后才能变成参天大树,军人的气质和钢铁般的意志给我很深刻的印象,正如一首军歌歌词描写的一样:“还铁还硬比钢还强”。在我们军训中我们军人、学生一家人,了解不少的军中生活,体会到了军人的艰辛,感受到了军人的豪迈气概,他们肩负着保卫国家的重任,苦中的乐,教官说:“当兵后悔二年,不当兵会后悔一辈子” 。军人的奉献精神和大公无私深深的打动我们每个人,我们的新生班主任给我们讲解生活中要注意的事项,为我们今后的学习生活做准备,辅导员教师像大哥哥一样照看着我们。在这里有酸楚的泪水,有苦咸的汗水,有飘扬的歌声,有欢乐的笑声,这些就像不灭的音符跳动不已,我们是充实的,我们是快乐的,苦与累已化作美与甜,军训——我们不后悔 。
















It is no doubt that the military training is a unforgotten experience just for it is very hard. Although it gave us so many pain, but as a saying goes, no pain no gain. I want to say, I didn't regret to join this training.

Just like the most students, I was excited and worried before the beginning, I was worried about I can't do it well so that the military officer punish me and I afraid that I can't eat and sleep well,however, the officer is very friendly, although he always pretend to be very strict to us, and sometimes he punished us with different means, but he never forgot to remind us of dressing more in case of getting ill. In spare time, he will play and talk with us friendly, all of us were very happy to enjoy this times, his warmth smile will remind our heart all the time. We got along well with each other and had our meals together silently, But it make us feel warm!

By this training,I learnt a lot, I realized that I should smile to everyday, rather than complaining!


We have just finished our military training。I have to admit that I have so much feelings to express! This has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new school。No doubt it has left a good impression in my mind。I feel very happy to study here。During the training period,I had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe trainers。With time passed by,I gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we faced。Furthermore, there was a lot of fun during the training。 I has enjoyed a good relationship with my new classmates。Now that the training is over, I still have learned a lot 。 I can\'t wait any more to start my new life in high school。


Class 7. WFLS. Am I too late to say it’s just like a dream come true?

Quite frankly, military training is tiring. I’ve been told a million times about how exhausted I would be as soon as I finished this grueling training, and I don’t have any objection about that. However, now, I’ve got an Yes and No! I mean, physically,Yes, I have sun-tanned skin right now and for the first time I loathe being under the sun. Not to mention my sore legs and back. But this is just the heads of the coin. Tails, which means mentally, No! My inability to find proper words to express my feelings seems more and more overwhelming. Incredible? Unbelievable? Marvellous? Extremely impeccable maybe? These words are pale in comparison to the big picture of my future life. It’s like unwittingly, you fall in love with a new group of people, you feel for everything, you fall for everything.

I don’t know if I am being sensitive here. I remember us sprint out the door to assemble because we are running late. I remember us complaining about the miserable food when it’s time for lunch. I remember us sitting weirdly comfortable in a cool dark place when other classes were sweating. I remember us sharing jaw-dropping details about our lives and feel connected to others. I remember all those moments of rapture and ecstasy, all those senses of déjà vu, all those smiles of genuine happiness.

It’s like suddenly, I am no longer a prosaic girl living a plain life. It’s been a long time since the last time I didn’t regard myself as a catastrophe. As a lonely highway.The strong hope for the future made me the girl on fire. As I spoke with some friends of my pastimes and passions, words of such silky texture poured out from my soul with unparalleled candor and cadence. The voice that issued from my lips was at once richer, deeper, stronger than I had ever produced. It was as though an inner self, a core essence, had broken free and taken control. I broke out of my niche!

Anyway, I shouldn’t be too excited because it’s just five days. Even though I have already found some friends with extraordinarily similar interests as I do. Even though this is breaking news for me because I enjoyed be in this together finally. Even though the words of encouragements faded, I still recall them from time to time to taste it all over again. I swear I’m not severed from reality. Momentarily, it’s just impossible to describe all the details that happened during 5 days. I just need to speak all these things about how delighted I am to be in this class and try to be in tranquility…

I am a relatively total stranger to my new school. But it’s such a sensory bombardment for me even to think about it. I wanna be a part of something I don’t know. A fledging dragonfly is ready. I believe that the monarch will be crowned. May the best man win! You are gonna hear Class 7 ROAR!


The day we were looking forward to came at last----a week's military training began.

During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time.

In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn't wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were tanned.We felt happy and proud of it .

Our platoon officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs.

The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We'll never forget it.


There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic whether students should attend military training in China in the past years. Opinions on this issue differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that the training can not only build up students' bodies but also temper their willpower. Besides, through the training, students can develop their team-spirit and sense of discipline.

Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. Instead, we should lay emphasis on their daily exercise and activities for such purpose. What's more, a sudden increase of intense physical exercise, especially during summer, does harm to students' health and may even cause deaths. What happened in the past years has proved this.

Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view. Military training is not only a means to strengthen student's physique and willpower, but also an effective way to enhance their sense of national defense and foster their patriotism. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Besides, the deaths are perfect evidence that students need more such training. Of course, measures should be taken to ensure that the least harm is done to the trainees.
