
时间:2022-10-04 23:56:54 作者:网友上传 字数:3404字













This semester I take English word and culture as my elective course,I learned many things I don’t know before in this course , I found English is a old and beautiful language ,it has a long history,and there has more than one hundred thousand words nowadays ,moreover, the word increased in a rapid speed in every year ,and English is a global language today,I think the reason why the language is so glorious is easy ,just as the textbook said;“That happy tolerance ,that willingne to accept words from anywhere ,explains the richne of English and why it has become,to a very real extent,the first truly global language ”,we can see the language English become more and more important in our life,English word can be seen everywhere,to adapt the rapid development society ,we shouldtry our best to learn English well, I’ll introduce some words and the culture about it in the next.

Nearly every word has his own history, I’ll talk about the animal dog with you ,it is known to all dog is a smart and faithful animal,there has various dogs in the world,I’ll introduce some varieties of dogs with you ,do you know the afghan Hound ?the afghan Hound is an aristocrat, he gives the impreion that is

noble and aloof, not any ordinary or crude signs,straight to his forequarters, head of the proud erect, his eyes staring into the distance, like memories paing years,people feeling slightly exaggerated knee angle, the afghan Hound the appearance, so he became the emperor of the dog, this is a long time, the right of traditional legacy,do you like it?have you ever been to Tibet?there has a famous kind of dog”Tibetan mastiff”,it is called”God dog Tibetan mastiff”,Tibetan Mastiff produced in China's Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan Plateau3000-5000 meters high cold region,its characteristic is the body like a donkey, Benz as tiger, such as the lion roar, imposing majesty,it is known as the Oriental god dog and a national treasure,have you ever heard”Sausagedog ”?Sausagedog is lively, bold hunting breeds, in pursuit of prey, with amazing endurance and strength,German as the cave bear dog meaning, this canine olfactory acuity, although hunting dog, shape resembling a small dog, can freely into the rabbit and fox prey drive, and can find out where anakuma lived.There has another dog alaskanMalamute,it is the oldest one of the sled dogs, physically hard and strong, which belongs to the beak dog, the dog's strength than the Siberia sled dogs, not only capable of carrying heavy loads, can bear heavy walking very far away.I think you should

know Di dog ,Di dog shoulder height twenty-five cm, weight from three to four kg, is the poodle family of a minimum size, cheerful personality, interesting, very smart dog, there are some special preference for small dogs, are very suitable,they can be small watchdog, put one's heart and soul into to protect its own security, but it will not be too nervous .Those dogs which I have introduced are famous in the world,dogs are our mankind ’s friends,we should not hurt them,we should protect and cherish them!

We can use some phrases which contain the word “dog”to expre some specific meanings in English, I’ll discu some specific uses about the word”dog”with you ,I like the animal dog,because it is so smart and faithful,dog can stand for various meanings in different country,for example ,someone say you are a dog in China,that mean he was scold you,however, in Britain the situation is entirely different,like the lucky dog, that mean you have a good luck,the phrase”a gay dog ”also has the same uses,if we say somebody work like a dog that mean the man work very hard,I found many phrases about dog,like,a dirty dog,a gay dog ,a guard dog ,a guide dog ,a hunting dog ,a lazy dog,a lucky dog ,a pet dog,a police dog,an old dog ,a top dog ,an underdog,a dog in manger ,a dog’s chance,a

dog’s dinner/breakfast,a hair of the dog that bit,be like a dog with two tail,die a dog’s death/ die like a dog,dog paddle ,go to the dogs,help a lame dog over a stile,in the doghouse,keep a dog/walk a dog ,treat/kick sb.like a dog,lead a dog’s life,live a dog and cat’s life ,put on the dogs,the dog days,work like a dog,those phrases are about dog,we can seethe phrase which can be used as a paive or negative meanings,

There also has many proverbs relate to dog,for instance,a barking dog is better than a sleeping lion,a barking dog seldom bites,a dog is made fat in two meals,a dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone,

a dog with a bone knows no friend.,a good dog deserves a good bone.,a living dog is better than a dead lion,a stick is quickly found to beat a dog with

all are not thieves that dogs bark at,an old dog bites not in vain,an old dog bites sore, an old dog cannot change its way of barking,an old dog will learn no new tricks,you can’t teach an old dog a new trick.

beat the dog before the lion,better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion,do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail,dog does not eat dog,

dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand,dogs that put up many hares kill none,dogs that run after many hares kill none,dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread,every dog has its day,every dog is a lion at home,every dog is allowed his first bite,every dog is valiant at his own door,

give a dog a bad name and hang him,he who lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas,let sleeping dogs lie,love me, love my dogs,one barking dog sets all street a-barking,the dog and the cat may ki, yet are none the better,the dog that fetches will carry,the dog that has been beaten by a stick is afraid of its shadows,the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.If someone said to you “love me ,love my dog”,his means is that you should like all the things related to him no matter you like or dislike,there also has some phrases about the dog in our language,such as, a cornered beast will do something desperate,a dog trying to catch mice oke one’s nose into other’s busine ,unreadable rubbisha person who offers bad advice; inept adviser ,a hired thug, a running dog ,let loose a stream of abuse against sb,be a bloody snob ,be a bully with the backing of a powerful person ,a filthy mouth can’t utter decent language,

what can you expect from a dog but a bark /An enemy’s mouth seldom speaks well,as is known to all, we can see those phrases everywhere.I have collected many informations about the dog,in a word,English culture is broad and profound,if we spend more time to study the English culture,we can find English is so beautiful and interesting! Let’s study English more hard.









我是一个非常乐观的女孩,我认为我们应该分享每一分钟的快乐时光。当你快乐,你才会感到阳光是那么灿烂,蓝天是那么的明朗,我们是那么的富有活力。追求快乐的人是不断争取的。追求快乐的人是不会被困难击垮的,追求快乐的人是会勇敢地去面对每一件事的 因此,在老师和家长的教诲下,我才懂得了怎样感恩、乐观、坚持。初中生开学自我介绍初中生开学自我介绍。我最大的特质就是执着,只要是我所选择的事情,我所选择的道路,我都会非常坚定地走下去。


我和爸爸的关系弄的很融洽。我爸爸是一个非常 好玩 (不知道用这个词形容对不对)的人,我平时在家都不叫他爸爸都可以。我喜欢叫他的外号和他的名字。不过这些外号都拜我所赐。可是他从来不生气,


我的爱好画画、唱歌、听音乐、读书等。我的专长是画画和唱歌,在我看来,画画能修身养性,唱歌能陶冶情操 我是一个像向日葵一样追求阳光的女孩,我的人生观是快乐每一天,希望我可以把快乐带给大家!








