
时间:2022-04-21 21:19:29 作者:网友上传 字数:3304字



男:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2011 FLTRP CUP and the 17th 21st century national English Speaking Contest in our Shanxi Datong University. And I am Yang Xiao.

女:Hello, everybody. I am Guo Xiaofei. Today is the great final day for this competition. And it?s quite honorable to be today?s hostess. I also was a contestant last year.

男:Yes, I remembered that and you won the 2nd place last year. Personally, I?ve been hosting this contest for the third time. It?s marvelous to witness this grand competition all the way.

女:That?s right! And all the contestants have given us impressive performances during the past years. And today, all winners of the preliminaries, which mean the 10 finalists, are going to give us a feast.

男:Definitely, we all know that today will be a very rigorous competition. So first, please allow me to have the great privilege of presenting today's judges. And they are: Mr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (女单 男双)

男:And also we?d like to give our sincere welcome to all the teachers and students who are sitting in the audience.

女:Ladies and gentlemen, now please welcome all our contestants up on the stage! They are contestant no.1***2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.(男单 女双)

男:Now Please let me introduce the regulations for today?s show. There are two parts including the prepared speech, impromptu speech, and responses to questions.

女:Yes, in the first section each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to deliver their prepared speeches. And the topic is ?A word has changed the world ?or “Cultural diversity vs. cultural integration”.

男:And then they will give their impromptu speeches with only 10 minutes preparation. Finally, they will answer the challengeable questions raised by the judges. And the judges will mark the scores from aspects of content, language and deliver. And the total score will be 10pts and the starting point is 8pts.

女:So, time for business. Now, let?s welcome contestant NO.1...up to the stage.

男:Thank you contestant NO.1, Now, please welcome contestant NO.2......Contestant.

女:Thank the last contestant?s wonderful performance. You really did a good job. Next let?s welcome------give some comments on our contestants? performance.

男:Thank you. Thanks for your wonderful remarks. Now, we?ve already get all the final rankings here. First, let me announce the list of the winning prize.

女:And then the third prize, and they are__________

男:Ladies and gentlemen, there?re only there contestants left. And one of them is the champion. And let?s reveal the result step by step. First, let?s announce the first second prize winner-------.Ok. Who will gain the first prize? Let?s hold our breath, ------- the luckiest person tonight is------ Congratulations!

女:Congratulations to all you again.

Wow, what a great day. And now, the Speaking Competition is ending. Thank you. Thanks for all the contestants? hard work and the distinguished judges, together with all the audience.

男:Ladies and gentlemen, now I have to announce that this year?s English Speaking Competition is over. Thanks you your time. See you next year.


2014即将成为历史,时光匆匆滑过2014的天际线,2015的新年将至,公司,学校各种行业都会举行迎新年的晚会,如果有外宾参加,免不了是双语轮换的主持方式。此贴是特别为晚会主持人准备的,中英对照。 男:新年的钟声就要敲响,庆典的序曲正要奏响。 The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play. 女:让我们伴着管乐队的乐曲,祝福我们的祖国更加强大昌盛,祝福我们的祖国。 With the accompan-im-ent music of our band, let’s wish our motherland more prosperity and our Country 合:更加郁郁葱葱。 More verdure . 女:新春的脚步已在耳畔响起。 The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer. 男:是啊,春天是“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”。 Yes, you are right. 女:春天是“西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥”。 男:盼新春,望新春,道不尽心中憧憬无限。 Looking forward to the coming of the new spring, we are full of hope. 女:贺新春,唱新春,说不完心中欢乐无限。 Celebrating the new spring, we are full of happiness. 男:联欢会的帷幕即将拉上,但是我们知道,在华初的这块沃土上,我们将更加茁壮成长。 Though the Get-together is about to end, we still know we are reaching more maturity. 女:让我们衷心祝福我们的嘉宾在新的一年里工作顺利,家庭幸福! Wish each of our distinguished guests a successful career and a happy family. 男:祝福我们的同事工作进步,再创佳绩。 Wish our colleagues great progreand more achievements. 女:祝福我们的祖国,在新的一年里, Wish our country a more splendid future 合:再攀高峰,再创辉煌。 In the new year. 男:2015年新年晚会到此结束。 That’s all for the New Year’s Celebration . Thank you for being with us.


Good evening:

Us: the warm sunshine, attractive flowers, smile of joy, excitement in the chest, joyfully sing in the grass The children, with the bell of June, we ushered in the annual "June 1" children's day. Children is the most happy year, most looking forward to the day.

June is the season of singing;

(male) birds fly freely in the wide sky, and their songs are especially crisp and happy today;

June is the season of dandelion;

(male) flowers in the sunshine, smiling face, revealing fragrance;

June is an attractive season for green apples

June is the season of flaming pomegranate flowers

We are here to celebrate our holiday and celebrate 61

On this special day, our hearts are filled with gratitude.

(male) let's work together!

Let's forge ahead together!

Together, create a better tomorrow

(female) I declare that east liang kindergarten "61" artistic confluence - now

The future may be a little further for us, but what we're learning now is all about preparing for a better future. So welcome to the class with a warm clam. "hey, my dream."

(female) : please enjoy the song and dance "little mouse" by xiao class.

(male) : thanks for the children's heart singing, the following program should be more powerful. Let's invite the children of middle class to bring energetic "go on the gas".

(female) : after enjoying a dynamic dance, let's walk into a lotus pond with our children. Please enjoy the moonlight in the lotus pond.

(male) : I come to be a mother, I come to be a father, please appreciate small class song and dance "play house".

(female) : a year ago, they also inseparable from the mother's arms, today, they are in the clearance of the teacher, gathered the footsteps of confidence, please enjoy the dance performed by the student. "I am really good."

(male) : we are the spring of our motherland, we are the hope of the motherland, please enjoy the dance "I love Beijing tiananmen"

(female) : grandpa always said that this time change is fast, even play toys are updated with technology. Please enjoy the big class dance "toy dream"

(man) : what should we do in our lives when we meet strangers? Now see GSM children bring you dance. "I don't take your bait of large end: today's children, is our army of children in our kindergarten for the last time, three years of time, let us from babble to going into primary school, have a good, have a happy, here is my childhood, my first teacher, with I grew up together, study together, a play of partners, my childhood thank with your company, please welcome of large lang recite all students graduated from the poem".


The sun of the new century is ours,

New century flowers are ours.

(man) : dream up, let her shine in the future sky.

Step on the earth, let the child fly in the spring breeze.

Thank you teachers and parents for our hard work education and training!

The time of happiness is always too short.

(female) : happy days are always in such a hurry!

(male) : east beam nursery school celebrates "61" the art of the performance to end

Finally wish everyone: good health! Happy every day!




An old fisherman and his wife live in a small house.

The fisherman goes fishing everyday.

One day,he throws his net into the sea and pulls out a gold fish.

The gold fish says,“Please don’t wantme!I can makeyour wish come true.....!”

The old fisherman says,“I want nothing.Go back to the sea now.”

He goes home and tells his wife about the gold fish.She says,“Go and tell the fish thatI want a big house........”

The old fisherman goes back to the seaside and shouts,“Goldfish!Goldfish!”

The gold fish swims to him.

The fisherman says,“My wife wants a big house.....”The gold fish says,“OK,go home and her wish ..... ”When the fisherman goes back home,there is really a big house!

But his wife is not satisfied. She says ,“Go and tell the fish that.......!”The fisherman goes back to the seaside and shouts,“Goldfish!Goldfish!”

The gold fish swims to him.

“My wife wants to .....”

“OK,her wish will 。。。。.”

But his wife is not satisfied.“Go and tell the fish that I....... !”

The old fisherman goes back to the seaside. He shouts,“Goldfish!Goldfish!”

The gold fish swims to him.

The fisherman says,“My wife wants to ........”

“OK,her wish will .....”

But his wife is not satisfied.

She says to the fisherman,“Go and tell the fish that I want .........!”

The old fisherman goes back to the seaside again.He shouts,“Goldfish! Goldfish! Goldfish!”

The gold fish swims to him.

The fisherman says,“My wife wants to .........”

The gold fish says nothing.It swims back to the sea.When the fisherman goes back home,he sees a small house and his wife is standing next to it.










































