
时间:2024-05-23 23:25:53 作者:网友上传 字数:3529字



verybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are discarded everywhere.You might have seen plastic bags flying in the sky and getting caught in the trees when the wind blows or maybe you have seen old cans floating in the rivers and polluting the water.Our environment is the place in which we live,but it is being ruined by us.

There is a story about house and trees.It is said that a man's house was surrounded by a lot of trees.Though the wind was strong,the man could have a good rest under the trees.How comfortable the life was.One day,the man wanted to enlarge his house,so he cut down all the trees.Then the autumn came without the protection.the strong wind blew the roof of the house into the sky.The house was gone with the wind.What a pity!But that is the price people have to pay for destroying in the ecology balance.People shouldn't be short-sighted,Protecting the environment is everyone's task.




  Good afternoon, everyone!

  As we all know, health is the most important thing in our lives. Without good health, we cannot enjoy our lives to the fullest. Therefore, it is essential for us to cultivate healthy habits and take care of our well-being.

  There are many things we can do to maintain our health. For example, we should exercise regularly to keep our bodies fit and strong. We can also eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. It is important to avoid unhealthy foods such as deep-fried, processed, and sugary foods.

  Another important aspect of maintaining good health is getting enough rest and sleep. Our bodies need time to recharge and recover, and getting enough sleep can help to prevent fatigue, irritability, and other health problems.

  We should also avoid bad habits that can harm our health, such as smoking and excessive drinking. These habits can increase our risk of developing serious health problems like cancer, heart disease, and liver damage.

  In conclusion, by cultivating healthy habits and avoiding bad ones, we can take control of our health and well-being. So lets make a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of ourselves. Remember, a healthy life is a happy life!

  Thank you for listening.










  Good evening, distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen.

  I am very happy to stand here and give my speech -- change the world, change ourselves.

  It is worth noting that Western festivals are becoming more and more popular, while traditional Chinese festivals are neglected. Not long ago, 10 doctors from Peking University and Tsinghua University declared that we should resist the invasion of Western holidays, which they see as a challenge to our traditional festivals and culture.

  Frankly speaking, I dont quite agree with them. Indeed, we should not neglect or even abandon our traditional festivals, because China has a splendid history and splendid traditions. (Example). But why cant we absorb the meaningful festivals and cultures of the West?

  It is obvious why some Western festivals are so popular in China. On the one hand, some western festivals that we Chinese dont have are reasonable and meaningful, such as Fathers Day and April Fools Day and so on. On the other hand, the prevalence of globalization makes Western culture prevail in China. The trend has overwhelmed the Chinese, who are desperate to get involved in Western festivals and culture.

  With the further development of the world, the cultural exchanges between different countries and nations are becoming faster and more important. It is true that we come from different countries, but we are citizens of the same world, so the excellent culture of different peoples is the common wealth of everyone on earth. The way to protect our traditional culture is to reject foreign culture. The answer is definitely no. What we should do is spare no effort to educate the Chinese people to understand and cherish our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign cultures. Only through education can we build confidence and faith in our culture. Only through education can we preserve and promote the wealth left to us by our ancestors.

  Finally, I would like to share with you a famous quote from Gandhi, which is: If you want to change the world, you must first change yourself. "









  Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I would like to share with yomy thoughts on the importance of learning a second language.

  Learning a second language is becoming more and more important in todays global society. In a world where people from different countries and cultures are increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate in different languages is a valuable skill.

  Not only does learning a second language help yocommunicate with people from other countries, but it also opens up new opportunities for travel, work, and personal growth. It can broaden your perspective and give yoa better understanding of different cultures and ways of life.

  Furthermore, studies have shown that learning a second language can improve cognitive function, memory, and problem-solving skills. It can even delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.

  In conclusion, I believe that learning a second language is an important investment in yourself and your future. It can open up new doors and provide yowith a unique set of skills and experiences. Thank yofor listening.







  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

  Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by the world of science and technology. I remember spending hours tinkering with electronics and taking apart gadgets just to see how they worked. As I grew older, this passion developed into a desire to become an electrical engineer.

  My dream job is to work for a leading tech company, designing and developing new technologies that will revolutionize the world. I want to be part of a team that creates products that make people’s lives easier and more convenient. I want to be at the forefront of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

  To achieve this dream, I know that I need to work hard and gain the necessary skills and knowledge. I am currently studying electrical engineering at university, and I am constantly seeking out opportunities to learn more about the field. I have also completed several internships at tech companies, where I have been able to gain practical experience and learn from experts in the field.

  My dream job may seem ambitious, but I believe that with hard work and determination, it is within reach. I am willing to put in the effort and sacrifice to make it a reality. I know that there will be challenges and setbacks along the way, but I am confident that I have the skills and determination to overcome them.

  In conclusion, I believe that we should all pursue our dreams, no matter how big or small they may be. Life is too short to settle for anything less than what we truly desire. So let’s all work hard, chase our dreams, and make them a reality. Thank you.









The protection of the environment is getting more and more attention. However, I find that there are many uncivilized phenomena on our campus. I saw people spitting on campus, people throwing rubbish, and people destroying trees and breaking flowers. How dangerous these uncivilized behaviors are to the world! If everyone spit and throw rubbish, how dirty the road is! If there were no trees and flowers, would our earth still be able to live? So, protecting the environment, we should start from every little thing around us.

Let's go, class! Be a civilized student, protect the environment and create our beautiful homeland together.



