
时间:2024-02-18 23:50:26 作者:网友上传 字数:2137字



Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!

I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it, and found our young people’s advantages.

People are always taking about the problem of youth. If there is one ―which I take leave doubt ―then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves.

There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him.

About two years ago, I was graduated in Nanjing XXX university and came into XXX company and then I was assigned the department of XXX, and became an assistant of technical.

I felt that I was just young and uncertain―that I was a new person in a huge factory. I felt that people use the curiosity eyes looking at me, and gave me a message that: I have a lot of problems. Maybe some of them assumed that I was look like a child and too young to take this work.

They often said:“You have not been born when I was join work!”Others maybe assumed I was a “Bookworm” and lacked practice. Also the sense of responsibility maybe is another problem. I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

Actually,you find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. They accept new things and knowledge very quickly, and give people the impression of sunny.

Sometimes, we may be conceited, ill-mannered,fatuous or lazy. Well, I acknowledge all of the young people are interesting in entertainment.

They maybe dancing or singing very later in the night, and the next day they were very listless in the work. Please do not turn for protection to dreary clinch about respect for elders―as if mere age were a reason for respect.

We are equals, and you will argue with us, as an equal, if you thick we are wrong. If we do a mistake during the work, please think back recall when you are a fresh man in the factory. So please don not anger and give more patience guide to us just like your master worker guided you.

As the master of a company in the future, our young people must be going on learning in practice, enhance our specialized knowledge and the sense of responsibility. Treasures the time and work hard, let the short youth be more meaningful!

Thank you very much!



来访者:宋丹(D: Ms.Song),廖海辰(C:Mr. Chen)。接待者:武帮杰(A: Nacy),周娇娇(B: Jane)。






SB: Hello,everyone. Today,we are going to show you 4

situational dialogues.Here are our teammates:宋丹 武帮杰 周娇娇 廖海晨 and me. Let’s get start with scene one: meeting at the airport. Let’s see what will happen next.

I Meeting at the Airport

武: How nice to see you again ,Ms.Song.(song 先伸出手示意和两名接待者握手) 周: Nice to meet you ,Ms.Song.(与song握手)

宋:Nice to meet you too.Oh,you haven’t met my colleague Chen.Chen,this is Ms.Wu and this is Ms.Zhou.

廖: How do you do.

武: How do you do, Mr.Chen? I’ve been looking forward to meeting you! (先伸手与chen 握手)

周: How do you do,Mr.Chen.(与chen 握手)

周:Did you have a nice journey?

宋:Not bad except some turbulence.

武:Well,you must be very tired after such a long flight.We have reserved you two rooms.Shall we take you straight to the hotel?

宋和廖:Yes,thanks .That would be best.

周:Let me help you with your luggage.

廖:Oh,they are too heavy for you.I can manage.

周:OK. I will drive our car here.Please wait a moment.

SB: Yes,the man should do the tough work with himself.Now let’s move on to the scene 2, let’s see what they will say in the car and how do they arrange their schedule.

2.在车上,(In the Car) Arrangements

武:I will call you tomorrow so that we can set up a schedule of appointments. Is that OK?

宋:OK! Could you please depict the agenda mainly in advance ?

武:Certainly. You stady here for 3 days,one day’s talk ,two day’s weekend. By the way ,arrange some necessary meals or banquets.

宋:I see.That’s good.

廖:Yeah, I see that your Chinese are precisian.

周:It’s very kind of you to saying so. Now let me take you straight to the hotel. 宋和廖:Thank you very much.

周和武:It’s my pleasure.

SB: after they have settled in the hotel, they would probably going to do their business work. Let’s move on to scene 3.

3. At the Meeting Room

Is everybody here?

周:We’re still missing a few guys.

武:Since alomst everyone is here ,let’s begin the meeting.We can fill in others as they arrive.

周、宋和廖:All right!

武:Good afternoon, everyone. Let’s call the meenting to the order. We will discuss the issue of the potential market of our new project. First of all, let me outline the three issues we are going to cover this afternooon: first, Ms.Zhou will report on the market positioning of our new product ; second, we will discuss the publicity and promotional campaigns to be launched next month; third, Mr.Chen will report on the possibility of developing a website to sell our products. Now........


宋:Excuse me ,Ms.Wu.

武:OK. What do you have for us ,Ms,Song.?

宋:I think that Mr.Chen’s report is crucial to broadening your market ,so we should hear what Mr.Chen has to say now.

周:I agree with you there. Are you ready , Mr.Chen?

廖:I think your sales department needs to be more aggressive. On account of superior quality and competitive price, you used to be the market leader. However, there’s little new business coming in now.


宋:This is due to the world wide depression. The general trend of trade has been low during this period. As a result, orders from abroad have diminished and lots of goods have lain idle in warehouses.

(这是因为世界经济不景气。这段时间 贸易总趋势一直在下降。因此来自海外的订单已经减


周:I’m afriad I can’t agree with you .As far as I know ,the sales income of MK Company has increased every month for the last year .I think the most important factors is that other competitive manufacturers have become more active now.They are having a striking effect on comsumers.


廖:To be frank, we haven’t got enough research yet. We should see all this a bit further. Ms.Wu. May we have your comment?

武:We may have a negotiation with the cients and show them our sample.

宋:That sounds good. It seems to be the first solution to the problem.

廖:Can I come in here? (我可以说两句吗?)In my opinion,it is necessary to have an immediate research.

周:Let us end here. We are running a bit short on time. Let’s break off for a cup of tea.

SB: it seems that they have done a fierce discussion. A commercial discussion may be more complicated than that.now,let’s see what will happen in a restaurant.

4. Enjoy Chinese Food in a Restaurant

周:This is your seat Ms.Song and Mr.Chen. Take your seat please.

宋和廖:Thank you,Ms Zhou,and Ms.Wu.

廖:I’m really a bit nervous now.I konw nothing about your table manners.It would be in bad taste for a guest to make blunders.

宋:Yeah.We have the same feeling.

武:Don;t worry,Ms.Song and Mr.Chen.As for table manners ,there is only one rule you must observe. That is to make yourselves at home.

宋:No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.Now ,I have seen it with my own eyes.

周:Ms.Song and Mr.Chen,Which do you prefer,Brandly,Maotai or wine?

宋:Brandly and Maotai are too strong for me .Just a glass of dry wed wine.Ok ?Mr.Chen.

廖:It’s up to you.

武:But Juigui spirits doesn’t go to the head.Would you like to try it?

宋:Well,I wil try a little.


周:Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork?

廖:I think I will try chopsticks and see if I can manange.

宋:I also want to have try to use chopsticks.

武:Let me show you.Look, at first place both sticks between the thumb and the fore finger. Then , keep one still and move the other, so as to make them work like pincers.

宋和廖:Let me try ..... Well, how is that?

武:Fine, you are learning fast.

周和武:Well,to your health and success in business.Cheers.

宋和廖:And to yours. Cheers.

SB: That’s all.thank you.
