
时间:2024-02-18 23:43:12 作者:网友上传 字数:697字




After seeing the honor list posted by the school this afternoon, I was very uncomfortable. I didn't expect that the Deputy monitor of our class had become the only "three good students" in the two-year section.


I'm not convinced. When choosing "three good students" in our class, her vote is not as good as mine. I also think her management ability, sports performance, English learning and popularity are better than mine. Besides, there are many students who are better than me in two years. Why only choose her because she's a teacher's child? I hope to be open, fair and just when evaluating "three good students" next year Let all students take orally.


今天,我看见我的红领巾脏了,又觉得妈妈很累,所以我决定自己洗红领巾。 我先接一盆水,然后把红领巾放入盆中打湿,再把红领巾上的'水拧一拧,打上洗衣皂,搓一搓,然后放入水中涮一 涮,取出来拧干水,凉在阳台上,红领巾在阳光下显得更鲜艳了,我用鼻子凑上去闻一闻,嗯!真香!妈妈语重心长的说:“你这样爱护红领巾,很好,可是只有好好学习,长大做一个对祖国有用的人 ,才能真正为红领巾添光彩!”我对妈妈说我会努力的!

Today, I saw that my red scarf was dirty and my mother was very tired, so I decided to wash it myself. I take a basin of water first, and then put the red scarf into the basin to wet, and then twist the water on the red scarf, put on the laundry soap, rub it, and then put it in the water to wash it, take it out and wring it dry, cool it on the balcony, the red scarf looks more colorful in the sun, I use my nose to smell it, HMM! Really sweet! My mother said earnestly, "it's very good that you love the red scarf, but only when you study hard and grow up to be a useful person for the motherland, can you really add luster to the red scarf!" I told my mother that I would work hard!
