
时间:2022-10-23 11:52:23 作者:网友上传 字数:1364字



Ladies and gentlemen ,Welcome to ulumq!It’s a great pleasure for me to start this first water conservancy and civil engineering conference.Let me introduce myself.I am Zhou Zhengping from Xinjiang agricultural university.Serving as host for this conference.We are very much honored to have Mir.Zhou from Xinjiang agricultural university as chairman.He will play a very important role because he will give us a grade at the end of the conference.I would also like to warmly welcome you-all the conference participants.Thank you!

So ,first, i wanna briefly introduce this conference.you know ,Engineering is really closely related to our life.With the development of science and technology, water conservancy and civil engineering has also developed into a comprehensive system with rich connotation, various variety and complex structure.This requires the application of various conditions in engineering to meet a wide variety of requirements.How to do and get better.That's why we're here The purpose of this meeting is to exchange experience and knowledge about new developments and practical applications of water conservancy and civil engineering.4 speakers will show something to us and We will have about 2 minutes for you to ask them some question.The first speaker today is wang xing, his research is modernization of residential buildings,his topic is build a modern house.Thank you.your speech is really interesting The Future buildings will be divided into many parts in factory and assembled on site.you will have some features which are you need ,right?

The next speaker today is shi xiang, his research is Inland arid plains reservoir anti-evaporation,his topic is experimental study on prevention of reservoir evaporation.I think your speech opened our eyes,Use plastic ball to prevent evaporation.The next speaker today is hujianqiang, his research is Irrigation system,his topic is Agricultural water saving is a great urgency.Thank you,So,Save water is very necessary, At the same time, it is also important to know how much irrigation can produce more grain.The last speaker today is aikeshierjiang, his research is green building,his topic is new research on the green building.Thank you.I think your speech is very impressive.Energy conservation and environmental protection are the themes which never changed.We can use Straw block to build a house.that’s a good ideal.ok, that’s all about this conference,i wish to thank all the chairpersons,speakers,and other participants for their valuable contributions.its not possible for me to summarize the proceedings, We have achieved our purpose.Our next conference will be held in ulumuq in may 2019.we are looking forward to meeting you again!Ladies and gentlemen , you have my best wishes for your Still greater achievements in your career.




尊敬的 主任,医师:您好!




安徽医科大学第二附属医院 安徽心电会诊中心-心电学基地







地址:安徽省合肥市蜀山区绩溪路218号 安徽医科大学第一附属医院心电心功能科,邮编:230022 联系电话:0551-62922369 联系人:赵静,***,徐晓,***,陆琨,***,E-mail:韩卫星,ayhwx57@163.com



会务组 2014-03-15

附件: 1.自驾:最佳路线是由徽州大道---滨湖观光大道----店中路----忠庙(碧桂园就在路边)。由于包河大道在修路,需要绕行,不熟悉者最好不选此路。

2.乘公共交通工具(火车,汽车,飞机等)到合肥市,可选下列方式:(1)转乘相应公交或出租车至八一宾馆,转乘碧桂园的业主班车。注意:如果有人询问,就告知是去看房购房的,不要说是开会的。以免乘车的业主有意见。• 八一宾馆发车,去碧桂园,• 周五: 06:40am,09:00am,13:00pm,17:00pm,17:40pm • 周六,周日: 06:40am,10:30am,13:00pm,15:00pm,17:00pm,18:00pm • 滨湖城发车,回合肥:

• 周五:07:40am,09:00am,13:30pm,15:00pm,18:40pm • 周六,周日:09:00am,10:00am,13:30pm,15:00pm,16:30pm,18:40pm(2)公共汽车:合肥明光路汽车站和汽车东站外有中巴车,合肥至忠庙或巢湖,路过碧桂园,有较大的广告牌和指示,请主动告知司机停车。(3)如未能赶上碧桂园班车,可与我们联系,酌情安排。
