
时间:2022-03-16 00:39:17 作者:网友上传 字数:2176字



Respected leaders and teachers:

Good morning!

More than ten days in the exam, how to do a good 07 years of the exam preparation for the examination is a common concern of all of us now, in line with the "sharing of resources, complementary advantages, mutual promotion, common improvement", we have come together in several schools. On behalf of the Yangxin experimental middle school, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the colleagues from the Daye experimental middle school, the iron mine 1 middle school, the Tuan Cheng mountain experimental school, the color second middle, the nine middle and fourteen medium brotherhood schools. Health, work to win!

This year is the tenth year of Yangxin's return to Huangshi. Today we are welcome to all of us. This day appears to be of special significance. In the past ten years, we have good cooperation with the brothers school in Huangshi. To further strengthen exchanges and cooperation, to achieve "win-win" to "multi win" has always been the common desire of all of us, experimental middle school With the good reputation of "Millennium Confucianism and one hundred years old school", it is the friendly cooperation and exchange that promotes our development and expansion. Under the correct leadership of the party's total branch and the school committee, the real people set up the concept of "let every student get fully developed", and adhere to the "people-oriented, democratic decision, expert treatment and coordinated development". "Strategy" has gone out of the road of "managing schools according to law, setting up schools with quality, promoting research through scientific research, and improving quality and strengthening schools". The school has been awarded the honorary title of "Hubei province safety and civilization school", "Hubei province sports traditional project school", "Hubei province education research experiment base" and "Huangshi city education and scientific research experiment school", "Huangshi city primary and middle school 35 Prussian advanced collectives", "Hubei province civilization single place" and so on, these achievements are taken It is also inseparable from the help of the brotherhood school.

This exchange will be held in our school. All the leaders and teachers are experts in teaching and expert in preparing for the examination. We have rich experience and unique views. We believe that the exchange of this platform will let everyone get inspiration and help, and take this as the beginning, and continue to push us into the deeper level. Cooperation. This year is the first midterm of the new curriculum standard in Huangshi. It is our concern to analyze the characteristics of the test questions in recent years, to grasp the direction of the exam proposition, to clear the strategy of the exam, to take effective countermeasures and to strengthen the pertinent review. In the form of examination papers exchange, question discussion and free exchange, we plead with everyone to speak out and speak out. We should focus on the key, explain and solve difficulties; we should pay attention to the hot spots and grasp the dynamic; we should pay attention to the research and share it together; we should strengthen the connection and cooperate constantly.

In the end, I wish we will have a full success in this exchange. We have achieved satisfactory results in our mid-term exam, and I hope you will often come to our school to be a guest. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Following the increasing rapidity of our communications with countries abroad, China is having a large number of visitors from different countries. Today, we feel very much honored to have [Prof. Martin. Wilson] with us. [Prof. Martin. Wilson] is well known to the world for his achievements in the field of [mathematics].

First of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest.

Now let us invite [Prof. Wilson] to give us a lecture.





Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our school! Now let me introduce something about the changes that have taken place in our cla. We used to listen and take notes in cla, but had no time to think for ourselves.Because we were not interested in the leons, we often felt sleepy while listening.After school we had to finish much homework, unable to have some sports. However, things are different now.With the help of computers, the leons are so lively and interesting that the students are active to answer the questions instead of falling asleep.As a result, we have made greater progre than before, though we spend le time doing our homework.And we can enjoy ourselves after cla. The good teaching method is popular with all of us.We will try our best to study even harder. That’s all.Thank you!


Dear friends,Good evening!

Thanks to experts present, with you attending the symposium, the whether of Shanghai has became cool and comfortable from the day you came to Shanghai. Before this, Days of shanghai continuous high temperature above 38 degrees break the historic record, it let me really feel that environment without borders. The solution of regional issues and global environmental problems should depend on Cross-border actions and international cooperation Research. In this regard, Kyushu University, as a world-renowned university has set us a good example. I also believe the contribution of the multi-layers cooperation between Kyushu University and Tongji University is positive and profound.

At the time when Shanghai World Expo held, Kyushu University in Japan and domestic scholars in other universities take the time to come to Shanghai. On behalf of Tongji University, I extend a hearty welcome to you all.

Yesterday, we visited beautiful chongming island, Today, we completed a total of 30 presentations, and 2 keynote lectures, There are many reports on the East Asian environment problems, besides, some of the Sino-Japanese cooperation are very consistent with the theme of EAEP. Tomorrow afternoon, we have a visit to shanghai word Expo, I wish you have a good time in expo park and in shanghai,.

How happy we are, To meet friends from far away! Among of you, many are our old friends, we have a good relationship. Besides, I found some are new face, I am so happy, because of you, the symposium can be more successful. I suggest,We must drink to our cooperation and friendship. Cheers




正值上海世博会召开之际,我们迎来了来自日本九州大学与国内其他高校的.学者。在这里, 我代表同济大学,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎。

昨天我们参观了美丽的崇明岛,今天我们共完成了30个报告 ,其中有2个主题报告. 有许多报告都是共同围绕东亚环境问题,中日双方开展的一些合作,非常符合我们东亚环境问题(EAEP)program 的主题。明天下午,我们还会去参观世博,希望到时候你们能玩的愉快。



city,shanxi province, 70km from wutai county town, 140km from xinzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north, with a total area of about 2837sq.km.wutai mountain scenic spot area is situated in the region with taihuai town as center in the north part of wutai county, with an area of 376sq.km. it is a national clevel scenic spot area at nation level and a national class 4a tourist scenic spot area wutai mountain has peaks rising one higher than another and chain of mountains in stagger like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger. the whole mountain has more than 1100 varieties of plant and, among them, the wutai mountain mushroom is both the good food for eating and valuable drug and was determined as an article of tribute by an emperor in history wutai mountain is the highest mountainous land in north china region, with the north platform top being at an altitude of 3058m above sea level and called “roof ridge of north china ”,wutai mountain had its name because it has five main peaks with flat and broad platforms. it has five called cool mountain by the buddhists believers and is one of the five main buddhist holy lands in the world and also a famous activity place of buddhism in china, ranking first among the “four main buddhist famous mountains in china, where often reside 1200 monks and nuns now, from north wei to qing dynasty, the emperors of the past dynasties all have arrived wutai mountain and the eminent monks and great teachers of wutai mountain came forth in large numbers, these great teachers and grand masters in the history of chinese buddhism have made outstanding contributions for the buddhist culture of wutai mountain so that wutai mountain has become an institution for the overseas believers to study abroad and listen to scriptures and written down a brilliant historic volume of sino-foreign cultural exchange. wutai mountain is a treasure chouse of ancient architecture of china, where the cultural relics gather together and treasures come together in crowds. now, wutai mountain has 47 temples, and among them are 4 national-level key cultural relic preservation units and nearly 20 are provincial clevel key cultural relic preservation units. of the four wood cstructure buildings of tang dynasty kept in shanxi, two are in wutai mountain, tang song, liao, jin, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, and minguo all left behind large buildings of typical wood structure and this itself is a volume of vast and numerious ancient architectural history of china.
