
时间:2022-03-25 14:26:13 作者:网友上传 字数:8018字






Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service). He will travel with you throughout the trip in China. This is Mr ____,our driver. His bus number is ***. My name is ______. I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know. We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.

篇二:英文导游欢迎词 Good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx. let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.


emple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channel’s ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of eavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years.

Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two ends of the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk in ancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate is comparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and the pottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceiling inside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. The whole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, for which people gasp in administration.Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - Avalokitesvara Pavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride. Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without——each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standing Avalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle. The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvara in China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvara are also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10 small Avalokitesvare’s heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara. Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillars of high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of the upper storey are inserted into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upper storey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lower storey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not only beautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budha statues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, the theme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which are the earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 heads and 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are full of power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains, forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secular themes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and arts of painting of ancient Buddhism in China.



Welcome to Zhangjiakou.My name is Liujingzhen,a tour guide of Happy Jurney Agency.Our driver is Mr Li,and the car we take is a East branded,white coloured,with the number 666888.Please pay your good attention to it.I’m glad to serve as your guide today.Here,please allow me to express our hornest greetings to all of you on behalf of our agency.Now,please keep your body-baggage in good care and be ready for getting on.(in the car),Now it’s 8:00 sharp,January 7th,2005.With the new year’s happy atmosphere,I hope we can have a enjoyable holiday together.I have to remind you that the weather in the north is very cold ,so please keep yourselves warm enough.

Let me say something about our trip. Hebei is situated at the north of the lower reaches of Huanghe River (Yellow River). Its capital is Shijiazhuang.At the Spring and Autumn Period, because the Kingdom of Yan dominated its northern area, while the Kingdom of Zhao occupied its southern area, Hebei was called The Land of Yan and Zhao.

Now we are going to Zhangjiakou,it located in the northwest of Hebei, 1990 kilometers away from Beijing, is the border area of Beijing.There are 4 districts and 13 counties under the administration of the government,Zhangjiakou has a long history and there are many cultural relics and places of historic interests,which are kept as witness of history,telling us stories that once happened in this old land.(get off) Ok,we arrive at our destination now.Please take all your baggages,we are going to get off.Take is easy,we have enough time.Would you please give a second look to the car we take :East branded,white coloured.

Now this is Dajingmen Gate,it locates in the nouthern part of Zhangjiakou.Two mountains named Eastern and Western peace stand facing each other..In 1927,when general Gao Weiyue,the superior of Chahaer mounted it ,impressed by the plains and mountains,he wrote down such words:大好河山.These four words is of great strength,in compliance with Dajingmen.

Dajingmen Gate witnessed the prosperity and downfall of the frontier tea-horse trade in the Ming Dynasty. It also made merchants both home and abroad gather in the leather metropolis, i.e. It became an important commercial pass because of the well-known leather, lamb and dried mushroom.. In 1673,the twelfth year of Kangxi,emperor of the Qing,Wu Sangui rebelled.Under the leading of the emperor Kangxi,thousands of brave Qing soldiers outside the Great Wall crossed Dajingmen Gate in force and marched southward,making a foundamental contribution to the repression of the “Three Region Rebellion”.Shortly after that,Ge erdan,chief of a northern tribe,led his army to invade and disturb southward for several times,making a substantial loss to the business between Zhangjiakou and Kulun,which is Wulanbatuo nowadays.So the eight business men who had provided the Qing with consistant arms and surplies before and after Qing’s crossing of the Great Wall,and therefore were granted great honor,wrote to emperor Kangxi,asking for a suppression.

The emperor had the idea to suppress them long before,so in the year1697,he led punitive expedition against Ge erdan in person for the third time.The main troop acrossed the very place: Dajingmen Gate,and marched northword.The local people gave a warm farewell to the army and served a good refreshment.Finally this war ended with the chief’s suiside.Under the suggestion of the local people when heard the happy news,a Literator called Zhang Zicheng wrote down some words:内外一统,which means all around China unified.Then they carved it on a piece of flat cliff.And now,although 300 yesrs has gone,it remains legible and in a good condition after so many years of corrosion of wind and rain.It embodies Chinese people’s desire for unity of country and peace of living.

Till now,our visit of Dajingmen Gate is going to be over.Wish today’s visit bring you satisfaction and enjoyment.

Ladies and Gentlemen:now we are on the way to the airport.In this departure time,I appreciate deeply our friendship.Although we only have spent less than five days together,we have visited Chengde Summer Resort and East Mausoleum of Qing,appreciated the beautiful sight of Baishang grassland,watched the excellent performance and tasted the local flavour.

We can say that,this is a successful and enjoyable experience,also the fruit of our efforts and cooperation.Fortunately,Mr Li and I had the chance of taking part in this meaningful and memmerable activity.Thanks sincerely for your help during our tour and wish you all happiness in the travel of life.


city,shanxi province ,70km from wutai county town ,140km from xinzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north ,with a total area of about 2837sq.km.wutai mountain scenic spot area is situated in the region with taihuai town as center in the north part of wutai county ,with an area of 376sq.km. it is a national –level scenic spot area at nation level and a national class 4a tourist scenic spot area wutai mountain has peaks rising one higher than another and chain of mountains in stagger like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger .the whole mountain has more than 1100 varieties of plant and ,among them ,the wutai mountain mushroom is both the good food for eating and valuable drug and was determined as an article of tribute by an emperor in history wutai mountain is the highest mountainous land in north china region ,with the north platform top being at an altitude of 3058m above sea level and called “roof ridge of north china ”,wutai mountain had its name because it has five main peaks with flat and broad platforms .it has five called cool mountain by the buddhists believers and is one of the five main buddhist holy lands in the world and also a famous activity place of buddhism in china ,ranking first among the “four main buddhist famous mountains in china ,where often reside 1200 monks and nuns now ,from north wei to qing dynasty ,the emperors of the past dynasties all have arrived wutai mountain and the eminent monks and great teachers of wutai mountain came forth in large numbers ,these great teachers and grand masters in the history of chinese buddhism have made outstanding contributions for the buddhist culture of wutai mountain so that wutai mountain has become an institution for the overseas believers to study abroad and listen to scriptures and written down a brilliant historic volume of sino-foreign cultural exchange. wutai mountain is a treasure –house of ancient architecture of china ,where the cultural relics gather together and treasures come together in crowds .now , wutai mountain has 47 temples ,and among them are 4 national-level key cultural relic preservation units and nearly 20 are provincial –level key cultural relic preservation units .of the four wood –structure buildings of tang dynasty kept in shanxi ,two are in wutai mountain ,tang song ,liao ,jin ,yuan ,ming and qing dynasties ,and minguo all left behind large buildings of typical wood structure and this itself is a volume of vast and numerious ancient architectural history of china.

wutai mountain has long cultural history and magnificent natural sight .in the temples of the whole mountain ate kept 17445 buddha statues ,224pieces of stone tablets, 58 pieces of horizontal boards, 7297 volumes of scriptures books in 928 cases,frescoes of 911sq.km and 1355 pieces of valuable cultural relics such as musical instruments used in buddhist mass and offering wares .all these are the valuable materials for studying the ancient history .science and culture and arts of china . wutai mountain was also renowned for the revolutionary base area .in the initial period of the war of resistance against japan, wutai mountain was the first base area of resistance against japan behind enemy’s lines in china and the birthplace of shanxi –chahar –hebei border area .in the years of revolutionary war ,the revolutionaries of old generation such as mao zedong ,zhou enlai ,liu shaoqi and zhu de and the international communist fighter batune fought and worked here. today ,what we will tour at first is xiantong temple ,xiantong temple is situated at the south foot of lingjiu peak in the central district of taihuai town and is one of five main mediation places of wutai mountain .it is also the leader temple most worshipped in the buddhist circle of wutai mountain .xiantong temple occupies a land of 43700sq.km and has 400 houses and 65 halls in total .it was initially built in the eleventh year of yongping period ,east han dynasty and has a history of nearly 2000 years to date .since the peak of posa top is very similar to the vulture peak of india (the place where sakyamuni taught scriptures of his disciples),it was named lingjiu temple after the name of the mountain later ming emperor of han dynasty added two characters “da fu”in chinese (meaning grandness and creditability )before “lingjiu temple ”so that the complete name of temple was dafu lingjiu temple .it was rebuilt in xiaowen emperor period of north wei dynasty and divided into 12 courtyards .it was also called garden temple because of the garden in front .later ,it war rebuilt once again by taizong emperor of tang dynasty and renamed great huayan temple by wu zetian because the newly translated huayan scriptures were collected here .it finally was granted a horizontal board “large xiantong temple ”by zhu yuanhang,the taizu emperor of ming dynasty[bell tower]bell tower is of two –storeyed and three-eave structure ,and on the beam in the tower is hung a bronze bell,the largest one in wutai mountain .such bell was called long ringing bell and also called nether world bell and cast in july of the forty-eighth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty .with a weight of up to 9999.5jin.[dragon and tiger tablet s]there is no heaven king hall but only two pieces of stone tablets in xiantong temple ,the dragon and tiger tablets we see now .these two tablets have the implied meaning that dragon and tiger is guarding the gate and there is no need to trouble the four main heaven kings .[front courtyard ]the tablet board “rosy clouds decorated heaven city” in gold characters on the top of gate was personally written by qinanlong emperor .in the hall are worshipped 3 statues of bodhisattvas ,with guanyin bodhisattva in the middle and wenshu bodhisattva and puxian bodhisattva on both sides separately ,so it was also called “three-main-scholar hall ” it was also called scripture collection hall because scripture books are fully placed on both sides. in each of the left and right tablet pavilions outside guanyin hall is a tablet .the two tablet pavilions are completely the same in size of tablet ,shape system and pattern, one piece engraved with “tablet inscription of xiantong temple personally written by emperor “ and the other being characterless and called characterless tablet .the stone tablets of wutain mountain are roughly divided into imperial tablet .official document tablet ,merits and virtues tablet ,event record keeping tablet ,poem and writing tablet ,tomb tablet and the special buddha foot tablet and characterless tablet .among the special characterless tablets at home ,three pieces are most attractive ,i e the first is the characterless tablet left on the top of taishan mountain for guarding against the six states after qinshi emperor defeated the six states ;the second is the characterless tablet set up by wu zetian at qian tomb in xi’an ,meaning that merits and demerits as well as right and wrong would be left behind to the later generations to comment and no handwriting was left ;the third is the characterless tablet we see just now ,which was set up by kangxi emperor .the characterless of the tablet seemed to praise that xiantong temple was so grand and magnificent and buddhism was so broad and profound that it was difficult to express them in written language.as record in “annals of cool mountain ”,under the two pieces of stone tablets were two circular water ponds .according to legend ,after kangxi arriving at wutai mountain at that time ,as soon as he entered xiantong temple he saw at far distance that the decorated arch on posa top looks like a big dragon-head .the two wood poles look like dragon horns ,and the 108 flight steps look like dragon tongues ,after entering xiantong temple ,kangxi asked at one the old buddhist abbot said just coincided with what kangxi saw ,the old buddhist abbot said that ,when the sun shines on the water ponds at noon ,there would appear two light rings on both sides of the decorated arch of posa top and posa top was just a live dragon .then,kangxi gave an order to let the monks of xiantong temple fill up the two water ponds and set up two pieces of stone tablets ,with one tablet bearing written language and the other characterless .[large wenshu hall]wutai mountain is the place where wenshu bodhisattva makes buddhist rites ,and in most of the temples were build wenshu hall .while the name of this wenshu hall was prefixed with a “large”, and such a word “large” contains 4 meanings ; the first is that xingtong temple is the oldest temple in wutai mountain ‘the second is that xiantong temple is the temple with largest floor area among the temple of wutai mountain ‘the third is that xiantong temple is the temple most completely preserved in wutai mountain ;the fourth is that the number of wenshu bodhisattva worshipped here is most (6 statues of wenshu bodhisattvas in total ),so that it is called large wenshu hall ,since wenshu in 5 directions can be worshipped at the same time ,local people call it “convenient pilgrimage platform”

[daxiong precious hall]daxiong precious hall was also called large buddha hall ,it is the main building in xiantong temple and also the center of the whole temple. in the hall is worshipped the horizontal buddha of the third generation . daxiong was the honorific title of sakyamuni, saying he was “a warrior fearing nothing ” the hall was built in the architectural form with the wood structure as primary part and the upper four –a-shaped roofs and lower four extending corridors as secondary ,with 108 wood columns supporting the whole large hall and the walls having only the function of shielding off the wind and resisting the cold ,when you enter the hall ,you will feel that it is very spacious .this hall occupies a land of 1.2 mu and is the largest daxiong precious hall in xutai mountain ,it is also the place for holding grand buddhist activities in the temple .this is the first feature of xiantong temple –complete wood structure.

[beamless hall]beamless hall is a white complete-brick architectural structure .it was built by completely laying up bricks without use of beams and hence its name “beamless hall ” ,it looks like a european –style building in appearance and was painted white .white represents pureness in the west ,while symbolizes the buddhist pure land and boundless brightness here .since this hall is mot supported bybeams and columns ,the weight of hall top is borne by the thick and heavy wall bodies on four sides ,to form a sharp contrast with form of emulating wood structure ,and the brick-laid round columns and dipper –like arches and carved extending raves embody ty//www.cnfla.com/picbined chinese and west styles .the whole large hall seems to have 7 rooms when you are looking externally ,but actually it has only 3 rooms . it looks like having two floors when you are looking outdoors but ,internally , it is a one-storeyed building ,the interior of the hall adapted the form of internal dipper –like arch ,which is reduced floor by floor to form a roof style of natural vault .this large hall was built in the thirty –seventh year of wanly period , ming dynasty and has a history of nearly 400 years till now .this is the second feature of xiantong temple-architecture of complete brick structure .in the middle of hall is worshipped lushena buddha ,the body statue of the ancestor of buddha and stands duohao buddha pagoda ,the thirteen –storeyed wood pagoda of ming dynasty, which is also the only wood pagoda in wutai mountain .beamless hall was also caked “seven-place and nine-meeting hall”, which means that sakyamuni has taught scriptures in seven places for 9 times ,therefore ,it looks like having seven rooms.[thousand alms –bowl wenshu hall

the wenshu with one thousand alms bowls ,one thousand hands and one thousand sakyas worshipped in thousand alms –bowl hall may be rated a rare rush in the casting history .it was cast in the ninth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty through designing and financing fund s by hanshan himself ,a grand master of the age .

[large bronze hall] large bronze hall is of world renown ,when you are looking externally ,you can find that it is of double eaves and lying –mountain top and divided into the upper and lower floors .on each of the four sides of upper floor are nounted 6 lattice-fans ,and on the upper and lower ends of each lattice-fan are carved and cast grass ,trees ,flowers and plants as well as birds and beasts .on each of the upper and lower parts of the four column and column base being one integrated mass and fixing the 100 thousand jin heavy bronze hall .the four sides of the upper floor of the bronze hall are surrounded by about 1m high rails .in both ends of the roof ridge of hall are cast separately two legendary animals appearing vividly to fly ,with a wind millstone and precious bottle in the middle ,the bronze hall looks like two floors in appearance but actually is only one room ,4.2m in row depth ,about 4.7m wide ,5m high and carved with 10 thousand statues of buddhas from inside ,therefore, somebody also called it ten-thousand –buddha hall .this hall was built by miaofeng ,the founder of a sect of buddhaism ,through begging alms of one wanly period .ming dynasty ,the saying “xiantong, xiantong, hundred-thousand-jin bronze” spread among the people originated from his behavior .since this hall was completely made of complete bronze by casting ,it embodies the third feature of xiantong temple –architecture of complete bronze structure.

the first bronze pagodas and bronze halls were cast in one and the same period ,and represent the five orientations and five platform tops of wutai mountain .the middle three ones among them are ruined later while being supplementarily cast in recent years .

[back high hall]behind the large bronze hall is back high hall situated in the highest position ,which was called scripture collection pavilion in the past .now ,here is worshipped sweet dew wenshu with a sweet dew bottle held in hand ,to mean that the sweet dew is sprinkled extensively .in the both flanks are eight grand expounding masters ,who were the buddhist grand master specially engaged in teaching and translating scripture texts .












Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province and an important industrial, commercial and financial city in southwestern China.

Located in one if the country's richest agricultural plains,Chengdu has 12,390sq.km. By rail,Chengdu is 2,048 km from Beijing and slightly over 2 hours by air of Beijing. Itcan also be reached by a less than 20 hours train rides with about 250 Km of tunnels. Chengdu has direct domestic and interna flights from elsewhere in China,Hong Kong and some neibouring countries. With an altitude of 500 meters, it has a temperate climate and abudant rainfall in summer. The population of Chengdu is about 9.60 million-divided among 8 districts,4 outlyihg cities and 8 counties. About 1.4 million people reside in the city center.

chengdu has a history of over 2000 years. century BC,the king of Shu moved his capital to this site.At first Chengdu Was only a county center. The second year it turnek into a metropolis.It developed so fast that the city received the name:Chengdu,which literally meant "becoming a capital". During the Western Han Dynasty(206BC~23AD),the brocade weaving and trade brought so much prosperity to the local area that the government set up a special office in the Southwest of the city to manage brocade weaving and trade business .The city became Known as Jincheng (the Brocade City) afterwards.Another mane was given to Chengdu duringthe five Dynasties Period(907-960)when Meng Chang (孟昶),emperor of the Later Shu State was in power .The emperor loved hibiscus very much ,and he had those flowers planted atop the city wall.The hibiscus in blossom made chengdu colorful for miles around .So Chengdu had another name called Furong Cheng (the Hibiscus City) .

Dated back to the Qin and Han Dynasties,Chengdu was alresdy one of the five top industrial du was already one of the five top industrial and commercial cities.In theTang Dynasty Chengdu was as prosperous as Yangzhou(扬州),a big city located in the south of China. In the Nouthern Song veloped with several huge markets inside the city.Chengdu even had night markets and particular centers ,which had exclusive sales of certain commodities.

Traditionally Chengdu has long been well-known for its many crafts:embroidery,lacquer ware,silver artistry ,pottery,bamboo ware,silk weaving,cade are regarded as one of the top four fine silks in china.Near the Du Fu Cottage is a famous embroidery factory where skilled workers stitch out with their meedles silk paintings.the elegant designs are perfect to view from both sides of the fabric.In some other workshops,artisans at work carve intricate and elaborate objects of ivory and jade ,design precious silver articles,and weave bamboo into useful and beautiful pieces .these workshops are nowadays a part of the tourist circuit as China opens up to the outside world.

Chengdu was one of the birthplaces of the an-Weng(文翁),head of the prefecture of Shu started centuries saw the cultural development by contribuXiangru(司马相如),Li Bai,Su Shi ( 苏轼)who them and in return their excellent literature works enabled the local culture to advance.

Chengdu is pleasantly laid out with broad streets and many public parks .Howevey,some older parts of the city still have marrow streets and sculptured wooden houses.Chengdu has many places of interests to see .The highlights for visitors are DuFu's Thatched Cottage,the temple of Marquis wu,Dujiang lrrigation Project and Precious Light Monastery.Besides,local restaurants serve sichuan cuisine,which is as famous as Cantonese food .Not all of the Sichuan food is spicy-hot .Flower pedals and herbs are used in such specialties as "fired lotus flower","governor's chicken"and "smoked duck with tea fragrance".

Chengdu is advancing in all fields .It attracts friends and visitors both at home and abroad.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ancient capital luoyang. Now I'd like to introduce you to luoyang.

Luoyang city is located in the west of henan province, the south bank of the Yellow River, the northern edge of the elo basin, which is named after the city of luoshui in the ancient city. It east the conjugate tiger fastened, west according to xiaohan, MangShan store in the north and south of deficiency and southeast to song, los, Iraq, Chan, jian four rivers wan, meanwhile, since ancient times has rivers, accused of wear, and centers of guilin, and reputation in the world.

Such a narrow geographical situation and superior geographical location make it the ideal place for the emperors of all dynasties. According to the archaeological excavations of calendar year and a large number of detailed historical documents authentication successively have xia, shang and western zhou dynasty, zhou dynasty, the eastern han, wei, western jin dynasty, northern wei, sui, tang, back rest, the later tang dynasty, such as rising 13 dynasties in this state, time for more than 1500 years. In addition, there are eight dynasties as a partner. Therefore, luoyang is the first of the seven ancient capitals, the earliest, the most dynasties and the longest time. Since luoyang has long been a national political, economic, cultural, technological and transportation center, all the major events in history have occurred here, and there are many important activities here. So da said historian sima guang, you ask, ancient and modern waste things, please you only see the luoyang city, which means that luoyang is a microcosm of the history of China, if you want to learn Chinese in 5000, then you must look at luoyang.

Even after today's historical scour, luoyang still has rich cultural relics and historical sites. We can't count the Numbers here, and we'll talk about them in the course of the tour.

Luoyang is not only a world-famous historical and cultural city, and it is very important modern industrial city and important scientific research base, the strength and the foreign trade in henan province, leading industry and technology. There are a number of well-known large enterprises and research institutes in China, such as the first drag airport and the bearing factory. Luoyang is also rich in coal, molybdenum, gold, bauxite and other mineral resources and forest resources; There are highways, railways, air traffic networks, aviation ports and customs; There is also a large comprehensive market in the whole country -- guanlin commercial city; There are famous Chinese and foreign famous wine du kang wine, tang sancai and luoyang water table; There is a national peony in the world. Every April, the peony flowers will attract numerous Chinese and foreign friends to see the pomp, feast eyes. It can be said that the flowers are like the sea, people are like the tide, flowers bloom and fall 20 days, a city of people are crazy!

Today, luoyang is by the national implementation of the western development strong east wind, seize this rare opportunity to implement the strategy of east led to the west, to speed up the pace of development - to cancel the suburbs, adjust the regionalization, widening urban framework; To cooperate with the creation of national excellent tourism cities and civilized cities, and to promote the construction of the gay community and the improvement of the internal and external environment; The development strategy of grand tourism is put forward, and the surrounding environment of longmen grottoes, white horse temple and guanlin temple is managed. To make the declaration of the world cultural heritage of the longmen grottoes, the decisive decision of the world cultural heritage, the decisive decision, through unremitting efforts, to achieve the success; Build lupu park to create a beautiful environment, recreating the autumn scenery.

Friends, the luoyang municipal party committee and the municipal government, will over time, with its good social benefits and economic benefits, increasingly apparent. This is a good start. I believe that in the near future, luoyang will make a new gesture to impress the world, the future of luoyang will be more brilliant!

My introduction is over, I wish my friends a pleasant trip to luoyang in the next few days!


Welcome speeches and send-off speeches

一.Writing tips

Basic features

欢迎词的开头要向对方表示欢迎, 然后对相关事宜做简单说明和介绍, 最后表达愿望或再次表示欢迎。 欢送词一般要回顾与对方相聚的美好时光, 然后致以良好的祝愿并希望再次相见。

二.Sample Study

I.Welcome speeches


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to extend on behalf of the institute a warm welcome to the delegation from New York University.I understand that arrangements are underway for a comprehensive cooperative program between our two schools, but I need not elaborate on that now.

I have, however, just heard that one specific agreement has already been signed and I wish to announce the news here, that is, an exchange of scholars beteeen our two schools.

This is a first but important step in promoting cooperation between us and I\\'m sure everyone present will be pleased at the news.

I would like to say welcome to you again and hope you will enjoy your stay in Nanjing.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are honored this afternoon to have a chance to get together with Prof.

Smith, known for his sophisticated understanding of the conflicts in the Middle East.Allow me, first of alll, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome to our guest.

Prof.Smith has studied the situation in the Middle East for many years and is well known for his many publications on the subject.During the past few years, Prof.Smith has concentrated his attentin on the question of Iraq.

Now we\\'ll have an opportunity to hear what he thinks about the situation in that trouble-ridden country.

Now, let\\'s give our warm welcome to Prof.Smith.

Expreions for welcome speech

It\\'s with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to .......

I have the honor to welcome ......on behalf of .....

It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to.....


Allow me, first of all, to extend a warm welcome and greetings to.....

II.Send-off Speeches

例1 欢送贵宾(较正式)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

How time flies! It was here that we gave Prof.William Thomson a hearty

welcome two weeks ago.We are now here again to bid him farewell.

As you know, Prof.Thomson is well known to the world for his great

achievements in the field of physics.During his stay here, he has visited many

universities and colleges and given us many notable lectures.He has also made a tour to many parts of our country.He will leave for home tommorrow morning.We,

therefore, sincerely, hope that he will give us some advice and valuable suggestions.

Finally, we want to take this oppotunity to ask him to convey our profound

friendship and best regards to his people.

Now let\\'s invite Prof.Thomson to speak to us.

Expreions for send-off speeches


We are very sad to say good-bye to...

We all feel sorry at this moment of parting.

We feel deep regret at parting with our guest.


It is an unforgettable experience that....

We enjoyed every moment that we worked with you.

Over the years, we have established close relationship with...

......has left a deep impreion on us.

We are really moved by.....


May our friendship last forever.

Wish you a pleasant journey and good health.

I wish you every succe in your work.

May you have shining prospects.

三.Writing practice

Ladies and Gentlemen,

__________________ (首先, 我代表学校领导对各位表示热烈的欢迎。)As you know, our school _______________ (具有悠久的历史。) It is very important in China\\'s history of education._____________ (它的毕业生中涌现了很多杰出人物), who are now playing a useful role in many fields of our national life。

I know all of you have many new and innovative ideas and wish to play a part


in bringing new honors to the school, and I believe you\\'ll all have many opportunities to prove yourselves here.________( 我们期望你们为培养优秀的学生而努力)。 _________(最后, 我想对你们的到来再次表示欢迎)。




在座的各位大家早上好,非常高兴在这里见到大家。一上车,就看见大家用一双双充满好奇的眼睛看着我,真有点不好意思了!首先,还是要感谢大家对我们旅行社的支持和对我本人的信任,这次能够为大家服务,我真的是打心眼儿里高兴。再者,我要为大家介绍一个人,这个人就是我自己了。本人姓冯,大家可以叫我小冯或冯导游,个人还是觉得小冯亲切点,大家怎么叫都可以。前面开车的师傅姓余,余师傅将陪同我们一起度过五天的时光,拜托余师傅了! 当然为大家服务的不止小冯一个了,另外在我旁边这位,是我们的地陪,大家可以叫她小吴,她将带领我们游遍当地好玩的地方,也是非常的辛苦啊。我作为大家的全陪,职责在于照顾大家这几天的食、住、行,游、购、娱,解决旅途遇到的问题,尽我最的努力维护大家的利益,令大家玩得开心愉快,但同时我也非常需要在座各位的合作和支持。俗话说:\\\"百年修得同船渡\\\",我觉得也可以说\\\"百年修得同车行\\\",现在我们大家一起坐在这里,一起度过这几天的旅程,我觉得是好有缘份的。










