
时间:2022-03-14 22:33:06 作者:网友上传 字数:15105字



博士论文工作计划及开题报告有关说明 博士研究生应在文献阅读、调研、选题的基础上写出论文工作计划并做开题报告。






河海大学博士研究生学位论文工作计划及开题报告 姓名学号学科 、专业 研究方向指导教师(姓名、职称) 培养单位(学院 年月日1论文工作计划及开题报告参照下列内容阐述:

课题来源 本课题的特点,理论意义及实用价值 国内外已有研究成果及目前研究动态 本课题研究所依据的基本理论 本论文拟研究的主要内容、关键技术及预期创新点 拟采用的主要研究方法、研究手段及技术路线 进度计划及其它需说明的问题 内容:

(不够可另附页) 论文论文计划及开题报告考核会议记录 考核时间:



约人考核小组成员姓名 职称 工作单位 备注 3 考核结果(参照下列几方面阐述):


二、所选课题是否具有先进性、创造性,作为博士学位论文是否合适(是否过浅、 过易,或过难)。





(不够可另附页) 导师签名:

















































整理资料时,要注意按照问题来组织文献资料,写文献综述时不是将看过的资料都罗列和陈述出来,而是要按照一定的思路将其提炼出来。只有这样,才能写出好的文献综述,也才能写出好的论文开题报告,进而为写出好的论文打下基础。WWW.DIYIFANwen.com第 一范文§网整理该文章……





为了提高论文质量,研究生必须首先从思想上重视论文开题报告,在平时的学习中注意积累,从各个方面提高能力,尤其要注意培养通过理论思维发现研究问题的能力。论文开题报告是研究工作的开始,良好的开端为优秀的学位论文奠定了坚实的基础。参考文献(略)(摘自《江苏工业学院学报》2007.2,原文:“试论撰写研究生开题报告的技巧与方法” 作者 李艳 董良飞)












第一阶段 准备阶段

11月8号至11月20号 选题计划

11月21号至11月30号 开题计划

12月1号至12月31号 查阅论文资料

第二阶段 攥写阶段

1月1号至1月8号 撰写论文提纲

1月9号至2月20号 撰写论文初稿

2月21号至3月31号 修改毕业论文

4月1号至4月10号 填写中期检查

4月11号至4月24号 撰写论文终稿

第三阶段 提交终稿

4月25号至5月9号 提交论文终稿



开题报告, 就是当课题方向确定之后,课题负责人在调查研究的基础上撰写的报请上级 批准的选题计划。 它主要说明这个课题应该进行研究,自己有条件进行研究以及准备如何开 展研究等问题, 也可以说是对课题的论证和设计。开题报告是提高选题质量和水平的重要环节。





(三)国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势。就是本课题有没有人研究,研究达到什么水平, 存在什么不足以及正在向什么方向发展等。开题报告写这些内容一方面可以论证本课题 研究的地位和价值, 另一方面也说明课题研究人员对本课题研究是否有较好的把握。我们进行任何科学研究,必须对该问题的研究现状有清醒的了解,这在第一部分已经谈到。

(四)课题研究的理论依据。我们现在进行的课题基本上都是应用研究和发展研究,这就要求我们的研究必须有一些基本的理论依据来保证研究的科学性。比如: 我们要进行活动课实验研究,我们就必须以课程理论、学习心理理论、教育心理学理论为研究试验的理论依据。我们进行教学模式创新实验,就必须以教学理论、教育实验理论等为理论依据。



(七)课题参加人员的组成和专长。主要看参加人员的整体素质与水平,尤其是课题负责人的水平怎么样。如果参加人员和负责人既没有理论又没有实践经验, 这个课题就无法很 好地完成,也就无法批准立项。




一、开题报告 开题报告就是课题方向确定之后, 课题负责人或课题组主研人员在调查研究的基础上撰写的报请上级批准的选题、研究计划。它主要说明这个课题应该进行研究,自己有条件进行研究,准备如何开展研究等问题,是对课题的再论证和再设计。












一是课题单位的自我论证评价;二是同行的论证评价;三是科研管理部门的论证评价。由预审、初审、学术评审、综合评审四个阶段组成。预审与初审可在开题前后的时间里进行。 重点侧重在课题选择和课题计划的制订上。学术评审与综合评审要贯穿于课题研究的全过程,重点放在计划实施与成果的预期鉴定上。








5、正文。开题报告的正文部分占报告的主要篇幅,它是报告的主体。正文部分必须对再次论证的内容进行全面的阐述和论证,包括研究前的观察、测试、调查、分析、学习,材料形成的观点和理论。如调查的问题、现状和实质,产生问题的原因及其发展趋势。正文部分是开题报告的关键部分, 它体现了课题组的水平, 同时也可以看出今后课题研究的状态和水平。撰写开题报告的正文部分,同样要掌握充分占有材料, 要认真对材料进行分析、综合、整理,经过概念、判断、推理的逻辑组织,最后得出正确的观点。可采用图表来集中反映数据,要注意少而精,数据必须准确无误。正文部分要层次清楚,观点鲜明,逻辑性强,大标题涵盖小标题,小标题服务于到标题,标题统帅内容,内容说明标题。

(1)课题、问题的提出? A、提出和研究的背景:现实背景、历史背景。 B、提出和研究的依据:政策依据;理论依据;实践依据。 C、问题的研究现状:国内的、国外的,省市县内外的研究的,单位研究现状及问题点评,已取得了哪些成果?已进行了那些研究? D、问题研究的价值:理论价值;实践价值;应用价值;科学价值;改革价值。对解决教育实际问题(包括对本校、本地区的教育工作实际存在的问题)或回答教育理论问题有什么意义?对教育的改革和发展会有什么贡献? E、问题研究的意义:现实意义;历史意义;实践意义;方法论意义。以上几点要求做到:少而精;针对问题;能指导操作;表述简明、准确,有具体贯彻要点,涵盖子课题,能理解把握。


(3)改革的主张、研究设计。 A、研究的指导思想。指导思想就是在宏观上应坚持什么方向,符合什么要求,可以是哲学的、政治理论的,也可以是政府的教育发展规划,也可以是有关研究问题的指导性意见等。 B、研究的具体目标。总目标、分目标,目标要实在,要可行。和内容。课题研究的目标也就是课题最后要达到的具体目的,要解决哪些具体问题,也就是本课题研究要达到的预定目标:即本课题研究的目标定位,确定目标时要紧扣课题,用词要准确、精练、明了。相对于 目的和指导思想而言,研究目标是比较具体的,不能笼统地讲,必须清楚地写出来。只有目标明确而具体,才能知道工作的具体方向是什么,才知道研究的重点是什么,思路就不会被各种因素所干扰。 C、研究的具体内容。内容要紧扣课题的目标来分解。 D、研究的方法、原则与策略:方法、原则与策略的理论支撑;方法、原则与策略的可操作性;方法、原则与策略的活动性。课题研究的方法:有观察法、调查法、实验法、经验总结法、个案法、比较研究法、文献资料法等。确定研究方法时要叙述清楚“做些什么” 和“怎样做” 。 E、课题研究的步骤。课题研究的步骤,也就是课题研究在时间和顺序上的安排。研究的步骤要充分考虑研究内容的相互关系和难易程度,一般情况下,都是从基础问题开始,分阶段进行,每个阶段从什么时间开始,至什么时间结束都要有规定。课题研究的主要步骤和时间安排包括:整个研究拟分为哪几个阶段;各阶段的起止时间;各阶段要完成的研究目标、任务;各阶段的主要研究步骤;本学期研究工作的日程安排等。 F、预测课题研究的成果及形式:本课题研究拟取得什么形式的阶段研究成果和终结研究成果。如调查报告、实验报告、研究报告、论文、经验总结、调查量表、测试量表、微机软件、教学设计、录像带等。其中调查报告、研究报告、论文是课题研究成果最主要的表现形式。 G、有效的组织保障:课题研究的组织机构和人员分工在方案中,要写出课题组长、副组长、课题组成员以及分工。课题组组长就是本课题的负责人。一个课题组应该包括三方面的人,一是有权之士,二是有识之士,三是有志之士。有权了课题就可以得到更多的支持,有识了课题质量、水平就会更高,有志了可以不怕辛苦,踏踏实实踏实实去干。课题组的分工必须是要分得明确合理,争取让每个人了解自己工作和责任,不能吃大锅饭。但是在分工的基础上,也要注意全体人员的合作,大家共同研究,共同商讨,克服研究过程中的各种困难和问题。 H、其他保障:如课题组活动时间;学习什么有关理论和知识,如何学习,要进行或参加哪些培训;如何保证研究工作的正常进行;课题经费的来源和筹集;如何争取有关领导的支持和专家的指导;如何与校外同行交流等。


7、可以写上引文注释和参考文献。撰写开题报告时引用了他人的材料、数据、论点、文章要按要求注明出处。反映出课题组严肃的科学态度,体现出开题报告的科学依据,同时也是尊重他人劳动的体现。可以是页末注(脚注,在本页文章的下端)、文末注(段落后或篇后 注)、文内注(行内夹注)和书后注四种。 开题报告也可以有“致谢” 。对于曾经指导、参加过选题、论证,或对此工作提供建议或便利条件,而又没有在课题组的同志,可用简短的文字表示感谢。开题会上,有关专家必须详细审查开题报告,向研究者提问质疑。但开题会不同于成果鉴定 会,更主要的应该是完善方案。在确定研究有明显价值的前提下, 论证双方应全力讨论方案,提出意见和建议、修改补充方案。专家审查的内容包括:




4、课题组力量如 何或分工是否得当;



7、是否具备完成本课题所 需的其他条件;









1.1 相关软件

根据电影特效制作方式的不同,其特效主要包含三维特效和后期特效两大类。一部好的特效电影,往往是通过这两种特效方式的良好结合实现的。现在,应用最为广泛的三维特效软件主要是Autodesk公司的3ds Max。这款软件能够实现三维建模、动画制作和渲染等功能,并且由于采用了内部按钮设计,所有的操作都能通过界面上的按钮来进行。3ds Max在三维特效的制作中,表现出的优点是相当明显的,由它做出的特效,物体质感强烈,并且在光线、阴影、镜像和色彩等方面,都无可挑剔,因此,它被广泛应用与视觉设计、动画、影视等行业。

另一款软件是Side Effects Software,它同样是一款非常强大的特效软件,像《指环王》、《后天》这些好莱坞一线大片的特效制作,均有这款特效软件的参与。

此外,在合成特效方面,Adobe公司的After Effects也是被业内应用得极为广泛的后期合成软件。它主要应用于高端视频编辑系统的专业非线性编辑。After Effects的使用,使得视频编辑合成达到了一个更高的水准。并且由于该软件兼容的特效插件较多,因此特效制作的能力进一步增强了不少。比如,使用After Effects进行后期合成,能够很方便地制作出缥缈、爆炸等特效。

1.2 通过高级语言二次开发

电影特效制作作为交叉学科之一,它的不仅涉及到电影艺术,也涉及到了计算机技术,比如不少电影特效就能够采用相关软件进行的高级语言二次开发来完成。Maya作为一款电影高端制作软件,具有功能完善,制作效率高,特效真实感强烈等优点,而它之所以能够在世界范围被广泛应用,很大部分理由就是因为它可以通过开发相关插件和编写MEL脚本来进行广泛定制。它的这种可以二次开发的特性,在三维特效的制作过程中发挥了重要作用。此外,基于虚拟现实软件VRML,GeoVRML或开放图形程序库OpenGL, Direct3D等高质量的3D图形开发平台,在高级语言C++、VB、C#中编程实现三维建模、几何变换、色彩、纹理、三维地形以及在场景中漫游。而在Maya基础之上开发的插件,主要用在细节步骤的处理上面,通常这些小小的插件,就能在整个电影特效的制作过程中发挥事半功倍的效果。


2.1 虚拟场景的创建


2.2 动力仿真


2.3 后期合成特效




The opening report, subject meaning and function Opening report, that is, when the subject direction was determined, research project on the basis of investigation and study to write the report to the approval of the selected topic plan.It mainly shows that the subject should be studied, they have a condition to study and how to open exhibition, also can saying is the subject of design.Opening report is an important link in improve the quality and level subject.Second, the structure and writing the opening report Opening report mainly includes the following aspects: (a) project name (2) the research purpose and meaning (3) the domestic and foreign research present situation, level and development trend.Is this topic any study, at what level, what deficiencies and to what direction, etc.Opening report writing these content on the one hand can prove this topic research status and value, on the other hand, this research also suggests that research personnel have good grasp.Any scientific research, we must be a clear understanding of the current research status of the problem, this in the first part is about.(4) research theory basis.We are now the subject are basically applied research and development, which requires our research must have some of the basic theoretical basis to ensure the scientific nature of the study.For example: we want activity experiments, we must study in curriculum theory, psychology theory, education psychology theory as the study of theoretical basis.Our innovative teaching mode of experiment, it has to be on the theory of teaching theory, and the theory of education experimental basis.The main research contents, methods (5) subject (6) research work steps (7) the composition of project participants and expertise.Basically see the overall quality and level of participants, especially the level of the research project.If the participant and principal no theory and practical experience, this task cannot be completed well, also cannot be approved.(8) the existing basis.Main www.dawendou.com www.dawendou.com www.dawendou.com is personnel and material basis.Many subjects of personnel and equipment demand is higher, if none of the conditions of basic research, the subject can't.(9) budget estimate.In what way is subject to use money, with how many money, how to management, etc.How to write the education scientific research subject of the opening report One, the opening report Opening report is subject direction was determined, research project or task group host grinds written on the basis of investigation and study report to the approval of selected topic, the research plan.It mainly shows that the subject should be studied, their conditional study, prepared to such problems as how to conduct research, is the subject of argumentation and redesign again.Second, the role of the opening report.Further research thought clear, improve the implementation plan, clear the technical line, once again demonstrated significant step research topic.Third, the main content of the opening report argument 1, the authorized subject name.One is whether name suggests is accurate, specifications.Accurate name is subject to research what is the problem, research object is clear.Specification is used in the words and sentence patterns to standard, scientific, specious word cannot be used, sloganeering, conclusion of the sentence pattern do not use.2 depends on whether the name is concise, not too long, can the words don't just try not to, such as: "the application of information technology to build a high school geography teaching practice of middle school students' autonomous learning research"www.dawendou.com www.xmtfs.net, "high school English listening to read under the network environment teaching to improve students' cultural quality and the impact of learning strategies to form", "with the aid of information technology, change study way", "effective application of information technology, accelerate the development of the teachers and students happy".2, looking for the research basis.Policy basis, theoretical basis and practice basis, fully, relevant, accurate, label, la banner, don't shout slogans.3, analyze the research background, realistic background, historical background to clear, practical.4, the research present situation and problems of research status, the unit was found review; The domestic research status; The research status of abroad.'book inspection and inspection method.5, demonstration, research value, theory of value; Practical value; Application value; Scientific value; Reform of the value.6, in this paper, the research significance, practical significance; Historic; There are practical significance; A methodology.7, defining the core concepts.Is the keyword, correlative concept, meaning, eence, contact.8, perfecting the research design.Determine the research program; Put forward the research hypothesis; Determine the research goals.The measures are put forward; To carry out the research contents; Provides research methods; Divide the research phase; To carry out the researchers; Prediction research achievement effect; Establishing study organization; Planning research management; Analysis of the guarantee of planning study.Four, opening method is given priority to with comprehensive evaluation It is a subject unit self argument evaluation; 2 it is peer evaluation of argument; 3 it is argument evaluation of scientific research management department.By investigating, preliminary examination and academic evaluation, comprehensive evaluation of four stages.Pretrial and trial can be carried out before and after the opening time.Mainly focus on the topic selection and the proce of making the project.The academic review and comprehensive review to throughout the course of research, focus on expectations of appraisal on plan implementation and results.Five, the opening report writing (a) of the opening report.Three main parts: preface, text and epilogue; Three secondary parts: title, name, annotation and reference citation.(2) the structure of the opening report writing.1, the subject name.The subject must be consistent with the content.Exactly, to the point, specific, distinct, concise, eye-catching.Opening report generally does not use subheadings.2, signed.Under the title, must be signed research unit, generally don't write author name.The purpose of signature is responsible for the opening report said.3, opening report can not write abstract and key words.4, preface.The preface is the prologue of opening report.Introduction should be generally clear topic topic selection, formulation, approval proce, as well as the preparation before opening, the causes and the opening, the opening, opening the investigation in the work, etc.Should strive to simple, straightforward, and seeking truth from facts, to open, straight into the theme.Don't trying, irrelevant, irrelevant; Or to my check, but it will leave no room for manoeuvre.5, the body.The body part of the opening report main pages of the report, it is the body of the report.Body part again the content of the argument must be thoroughly discued and demonstrated, including research before the observation, test, investigation, analysis, study, material form the point of view and theory.Such as the problem of investigation, the present situation and eence, causes of problems and its development trend.The text part is a key part of the opening report, it embodies the level of the project group, at the same time also can see the future state of the research and level.Write the body part of the opening report, also want to have full poeion of material, carefully on the material, sorting, analysis, synthesis through concept, judgment, reasoning logical organization, finally it is concluded that the correct point of view.Can use charts to concentrated reflection data, attention should be paid to fewer but better, data must be accurate.Body to hierarchy clear, bright, strong logicality, headline covers headings, subheadings serve to the title, title commander in chief content, content description title.(1) of the subject,? A, put forward and the research background, realistic background, historical background.B, put forward and the research on the basis of: the policy basis; The theory basis; On the basis of practice.C, the research status quo of the problem: the domestic and abroad, the research of inside and outside the provinces, cities and counties, unit study reviews the present situation and the existing problems, which has made achievements? Has conducted the research? Value: D, study on the theory of value; Practical value; Application value; Scientific value; Reform of the value.To solve the problem of education practice (including for the school, education work in the region of the actual problems) or answer education theory question what is the point? Contribution to education reform and development will be a what? E, significance of the research: the practical significance; Historical significance; Practical significance; Methodology.The above required: fewer but better; Aimed at the problem; Can guide operation; Statement concise, accurate, specific implementation points, cover the corpus, can understand.(2) the definition of project: the project definition of subject; Definition of the conditional word, keywords, including the connotation and denotation.(3) the idea of reform, the research design.A, the guiding ideology.Guiding ideology is what should adhere to the direction in the macro, conforms to the requirements, can be philosophical, political theory, also can be the government's education development planning, guidance may also be related to the research problem, etc.B, the research of specific objectives.General objective, target, the target to reality, to be feasible.And content.Research goal and final to achieve the specific purpose, subject is what specific problem to solve, also is this topic research to achieve the intended target: namely this topic research goal orientation, to stick to subject, target words to be accurate, concise, clear.Relative to the purpose and the guiding ideology, the research goal is more specific, cannot speak in general, must be clearly written.Only specific goals and specific, can know what is the specific direction of work, just know what is the focus of the study, thinking will not interference by various factors.The specific content of C, research.Content should be closely related to the goal of subject to decomposition.D, research method, principle and strategy: methods, principles and strategies of theoretical support; Methods, principles and strategies of maneuverability; Methods, principles and strategy of active.Research methods: a method of observation, investigation method, experimental method, experience method, case method, comparative method, literature material method, etc.Determine the narrative research method is to make sure that the "what" and "how to do".E, the steps of the thesis.The steps of the thesis, that is, the arrangement of the research on the time and sequence.Steps in the research of the relationship, we must give full consideration to the research content and ease, in general, starts from the basic problem, in stages, each stage from what time to start, until the end of what time has a regulation.The main steps of the thesis and schedule including: which studied in the paper is divided into several stages.The time of beginning and ending each stage; To be completed for each stage of research objectives, tasks; Each phase of the main research steps; This semester's work schedule, etc.F, forecasting research achievements and form: this research intends to achieve what kind of stage research results and put an end to the research results.Such as survey, experiment reports, research reports, papers, experience summary, the survey scale, test scale, computer software, teaching design, video, etc.The survey report, research report, the paper is the research results of the main form of expreion.G, effective organization safeguard, the organization of the thesis and personnel division of labor in the scheme, to write a project leader, deputy team leader, team members and division of labor.In charge of the team leader is to this topic.A team should include three aspects, one is entitled to, two is a man of insight, three is a person with lofty ideals.Shall have the right to the subject can get more support, knowledge and the level of subject quality, will be higher, to the can not afraid of hard work, steadfast steady real to do.Group of division of labor to segment must be clear and reasonable, to let everyone know their own work and responsibility, cannot eat pot.But on the basis of division of labor, also should pay attention to staff's cooperation, common study, discu, overcome various difficulties and problems in the proce of research.H, other security: such as group activities; Learn about the theory and knowledge, how to learn, want to undertake or participate in what training; How to ensure the normal conduct of research.The source of the project funds and raise; How to win support from the relevant leaders and experts to guide; How to communicate with external counterparts, etc.6, a brief conclusion.The conclusion of the opening report should be concise, can hope to project management department, gave the researchers request, can represent the attitude of the team and determination.7, can write the citation annotations and references.Quoted from others in writing the opening report of the material, data, argument, articles should indicate the source as required.Reflects a serious scientific attitude, reflects the opening report of scientific basis, but also respect the labor of others.Can be a note at the end of the page (footnote, on the lower end of the article on this page), at the end of the article (for backward or after Note), note (inline interlinear notes) and book four.Opening report can also be "thank you".For once instructed, participated in the selected topic, argument, or provide Suggestions or convenient conditions to the job, and no comrade in the team, available thanks brief words.Opening the meeting, experts have to scrutiny opening report, ask the question.But the opening will be different Yu Chengguo appraisal, mainly should be a perfect solution.Has significant value in determining the research under the premise of argument on both sides to discu plan, put forward opinions and Suggestions, modify, supplement.Expert review content includes: 1, the topic whether when, whether meet the requirements for the project; 2, subject argument whether fully; 3, the head of the quality or level could undertake this task; 4, team strength such as how or whether the division of labor is proper; 5, how data preparation; 6, final results predict how; 7, if you have completed this topic to the other conditions; 8, through comparison, this topic whether people who are more suitable to undertake; 9, for other reasons (explained).Opening report model eay First computer animated films, mainly USES the programming language is related to programming, and due to the continuous development of computer technology and information technology, there is a computer application of animation in the movie stunt, let us see together! 【 abstract 】 the computer animation is using computer graphics and image proceing technology, with the help of the programming and related software to get scene images, it above the effects of the movie, play an important role.This paper first introduces the related software and computer animation technology to their senior secondary development language, and then introduces the virtual scene creating, dynamic simulation and synthesis of late three computer animation is mainly used in special effects, and finally analyzes the computer animation technology's influence on the film market.Hope that this article research, to the development of film production in our country, make its contribution.【 key words 】 the computer animation technology; Software; Application; impact 1.Computer animation technology First computer animated films, mainly USES the programming language is related to programming, and due to the continuous development of computer technology and information technology, system operation platform, friendly degrees than ever before has been greatly improved.The special effects film production proce, is almost no longer require the participation of computer experts, as long as the relevant personnel mastering computer animation software.Can say, the application of the computer animation technology, in the special effects of human, material and financial resources in the proce of filmmaking has played an important role in saving.Now, computer animation technology has become a main way of special effects movie production, most of the operations can be implemented directly by computer animation software, some higher requirements of operation, can also be done by high-level language secondary development.1.1 related software According to the different methods of film special effects production, its effects mainly include two categories: 3 d effects and postproduction.A good special effects film, is often accomplished by good combination of these two kinds of special way.Now, the most widely used 3 d special effects software mainly Autodesk 3 ds Max.This software can realize 3 d modeling, animation and rendering, and other functions, and the adoption of internal button design, all operations can be through the interface button.3 ds Max in the 3 d special effects production, show that the advantages are quite obvious, made by its special effects, object simple sense is strong, and in the light and shadow, image and color and so on, are faultle, therefore, it is widely used and visual design, animation, film and television industries.Another Software is Side Effects Software, it is also a very powerful Effects Software, such as "Lord of the rings", "the day after tomorrow" a Hollywood production line of large Effects, are involved in this special Software.In addition, the synthesis, special Effects of Adobe After Effects are also very widely used in the software industry.It is mainly used in high-end profeional non-linear editing video editing system.The use of After Effects, make video editing synthetic reached a higher level.And because of this software is compatible with the special effects plug-ins is more, so the special ability to make a lot of enhancement.For late synthesis using After Effects, for example, can easily make the ethereal, explosion and other special Effects.1.2 through the secondary development in a high-level language Special effects production, as one of the cro subject, it not only involves the film art, also involves computer technology, such as a lot of special effects will be able to use relevant software for secondary development to complete in a high-level language.Maya as a high-end film production software, has the perfect functions, high production efficiency, special advantages of strong sense of reality, and it can widely used around the world, a large part of the reason is because it can by developing relevant plug-ins and write MEL scripts to conduct extensive customization.It can the characteristics of the secondary development, the 3 d effects play an important role in the proce of making.In addition, based on VRML, virtual reality software both GeoVRML or open graphics library OpenGL and Direct3D high quality 3 d graphics development platform, programming in a high-level language c + +, VB, c # realize 3 d modeling, geometry transformation, color, texture, three-dimensional terrain and roaming in the scene.And developed based on Maya plug-in, mainly used in the proceing steps in detail above, these small plug-ins, usually can in the production proce of the whole movie special effects play a twice the result with half the effort.2.The applications of computer animation in the movie stunt 2.1 the creation of a virtual scene In the whole movie production, hard to avoid can have some of the lens and scenes shooting cost is larger, or high risk, and even hard to finish filming in reality.Some disastrous film, for example, almost all of the big disaster scenarios need to be finished by computer technology.And through the computer technology to complete the whole proce of special effects, virtual scene model creation, often is the first step.In the creation proce of the model, often is the real world as a foundation, and then according to the film plot characteristics, role Settings, and so on, through the application of the related software and computer technology to complete the creation of a model data.2.2 dynamic simulation Kinetics of particles is one of the most dynamic part of, and as the branch of physics that is mainly used to expre the use of objects in the physical world.Dynamic simulation is an important part of film special effects production, its operating group if done by software of particle system.Such as Maya has quite a powerful particle system, and has a very comprehensive parameter Settings, allowing the operator to depending on the need to create a model, to define the different forms of particles, but also improve the flexibility and artistry of particle system.Particle systems are used for the effects of dynamic performance, mainly related to time, speed, these two factors, is used to create some need the abstraction in the movie., so to speak, film special effects production, the application of dynamic system makes it hard for some traditional key frame technology to realize the real effect can be realized.Such as an object fell on the ground, debris collision between the realization of this effect, it can be an object into a rigid body model, so you can make a model to participate in the follow-up of a series of rigid body dynamics, so as to realize the simulation of the movement.Such as "2012," the implementation of the building collapsed in the scene, just the buildings as a rigid body, and then the results of kinetics calculation of relevant for building every part of the damage of time sequence and trajectory after their collapsed and fell to the dust of the ground effect, etc.2.3 late synthesis effects Synthesis is mainly refers to some late completed film material, through proceing, together, some actors can not real effect.Before late synthesis, actor standing in front of a blue or green background, after completion of shooting, and technical personnel through the software will dig in addition to the background, and use of computer image proceing technology will get material to synthesize together, to achieve a real effect.For example, in the movie forrest gump, forrest gump to shake hands with the President of the scene is late synthesis are used to realize.Of course, in addition to the picture, the synthesis of sound is also an important component of the late film synthesis it used often to let the audience could not judge in the movie soundtrack play or electronic synthetic effect is real.3.The computer animation technology's influence on the film market The application of the computer animation technology, greatly improving the creative level of the entire film industry, it makes the film more realistic scenarios.Especially in recent years the rapid development of 3 d special effects technology, is to let a writer and director's imagination sharply higher, the special effects film production quantity have improved significantly, there are statistics show that by using the computer animation effects of live-action film in 2011 accounted for all the major theaters live-action film overall video busine income of 45.4%, compared with 26.8% in 2001.In Hollywood, the use of the special effects of film accounted for more than 80% more, it can be said that the highest-groing movie, are made of special effects involved in computer animation technology, their distribution, also let participate in making special effects company won the high profits, such as making a "transformers" harry potter "movies in Hollywood special effects company annual turnover of more than $100 million.And, the emergence of computer animation technology, also for the majority of the film and television practitioners brought a creative way, with all my heart, for film production increased a unique art form.Computer animation techniques and special effects, so to speak, is complementary to each other, and the combination of computer technology and special effects animation is also a trend of the future must be.








