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宣化区污水处理厂的调查报告 调查时间:2015-2-21






一、污水处理工业流程 (1)粗格栅间




旋流沉砂池主要设备是砂水分离器,其优点为占地面积小,沉砂效果好,安装使用方便等。设计流量3325 m3/h沉砂池直径4.2m,水深4m。(5)计量设备


露天厌氧选择池内有缓慢移动的潜水搅拌器,回流污泥与污水在池中接触、混合反应,可以达到部分除磷作用,并改善活性污泥的性质,还能分离喜氧细菌和厌氧细菌。设计流量1250m3/h,池有效容积3925 m3/h。(7)奥贝尔氧化沟 奥贝尔氧化沟,它为椭圆形钢筋混凝土池,分为2座。每池分为三条环形沟道,污水依次进入外沟道、中沟道及内沟道,最后经中心岛的出水并排入沉淀池配水井。设计流量1250m3/h,每座有效容积11000m3,混合液浓度4.5 g/l,设计水深4.2m,水力停留时间17.6h。



氧化沟处理后的水会排入沉淀池,沉淀池采用辐流式沉淀池,中心进水,周边出水,直径D=38m,共2座。设集配水井二座,经过沉淀后的污水进入接触池。每座沉淀池设周边驱动的全桥式刮吸泥机,沉淀池泥至回流及剩余污泥泵站。设计流量1813m3/h,最大表面负荷0.8 m3/ m2.h,单池池边水深4m,停留时间4.3h.(9)接触池

由于要保证出水的清洁程度达标所以需进行消毒处理,因此设接触池1座:1813 m3/h流量,接触时间30min,有效接触容积1056 m3,有效水深4m。本工程采用二氧化氯消毒方式,负责污水二级出水的接触池加氯。污水的加氯投加点在接触池前端。设计回流1813 m3/h,平均加氯量8 mg/l,单台有效产氯量7.5kg/h。(10)回流及剩余污泥泵房

由于部分水会沉淀出一些污泥,所以回流污泥泵采用潜水轴流泵,剩余污泥的提升采用潜水离心泵,土建结构简单紧凑。回流污泥量1250 m3/h,污泥含水率99.1%。(11)加氯间

本工程采用二氧化氯消毒方式,负责污水二级出水的接触池加氯。污水的加氯投加点在接触池前端。设计回流1813 m3/h,平均加氯量8 mg/l,单台有效产氯量7.5kg/h。
















1.强制要求企业设立环境监测部门,对本企业对环境污染进行检测和评估。 2.加大政府资金投入,进一步完善符合国家标准的生活污水处理场所。





7.政府设立相应的举报部门和奖赏措施,提高公民参与社会监督的积极性。 8.试行对城市居民生活下水排放收费措施,以此增强居民节水意识。

六、污水处理调查感想 通过这次调查,我学到了很多关于自己专业的知识,而且好多都是课堂上学不到的。我对自己的专业有了新的认识和理解。对自己将来的工作方向有了初步的了解。在这次调查中我遇到很多困难,但是我都努力克服了。在整个过程中我学会了怎么与人交流和沟通,也学会了怎么独立解决问题。


Survey Xuanhua District sewage treatment plant Survey Time: 2015-2-21 Survey Location: Zhangjiakou, Hebei Xuanhua District Wastewater Treatment Plant Science sewage treatment is an urgent requirement of economic and social development, but also practical problems of urban construction proce must face.In recent years, the county government attaches great importance to urban environmental remediation work, will this work for the improvement of urban living environment, promoting urban and rural development, an important starting point to build a harmonious society.Over the past few years, Xuanhua District sewage treatment has done a lot of work and achieved some succe.Xuanhua District sewage treatment plant and sewer network project in 2001 by the Provincial Development Planning commiion approved the project.The project is environmental conservation projects supported by the state.2004 by the Office of the National Development and Reform commiion approved the construction, plans a total investment of 63.16 million yuan.The project is to deal with our lives, an important part of the sewage of towns, the recent sewage treatment 30000 m³, long-term daily treatment 50000 m³.Site is located 5 km southeast of the city of Xuanhua District, covering 65.2 acres;at the same time supporting the construction of one or two 25.8 km sewage pipe network, mainly East River and KSL intercepting pipes and part of the old city pipe network.Since the wastewater treatment plant self-running, stable operation, 16,000 tons of water into the stage day, the pollutant index COD, NH3-N and so have to meet emiion standards.A sewage treatment industrial procees(1)between the coarse grid Coarse grid in the water before pumping stations, sewage into the plant to remove larger particles of impurities, safe and stable operation of the pump intake.The design flow is 3325m3 / h, the main equipment within this structure there are rotary grill.(2)water pumping station Advantages of sewage from between the coarse grid to flow out into the water pumping stations, pumping stations simple and compact structure, the selection of sewage submersible centrifugal pumps, according to the staff said that the pump has not plug-type runner, low efficiency and high energy consumption, while the effective treatment of sewage also saves resources, and its design flow of 3325m3 / h.After the initial treatment of sewage pumped into the fine grid between.(3)between the fine grid Fine grid in the room equipped with a mechanical fine grid, auger compactors and other equipment used to handle small particles of garbage, which was filtered out of the garbage landfill loading uniform to a specified location;which is still inside the bacteria at the same time denitrification, nitrification produce mutual foam product, followed by precipitation of particles blowing blower to prevent the accumulation of sand, so to dispose of the soil and sand.The design flow is 3325m3 / h.(4)cyclone grit chamber The main device is a cyclone grit chamber sand-water separator, the advantage of small size, grit effective, easy to install and so on.Design Flow 3325 m3 / h grit chamber diameter 4.2m, depth of 4m.(5)metering equipment There are many instruments after grit chamber, an electromagnetic flowmeter after grit chamber, sewage flow into the plant can be continuously monitored, and set water quality monitoring instruments, such as PH meter, thermometer, SS meter, the signal transmitted to the central control measure room, to prevent any flaws in.(6)Select the anaerobic pond Anaerobic outdoor pool has a slow-moving selection submersible mixer, return sludge and sewage tank in contact with mixed reactions, can achieve part of the role of phosphorus, and improve the properties of the activated sludge, but also the separation of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria bacteria.Design flow 1250m3 / h, pool effective volume 3925 m3 / h.(7)Orbal oxidation ditch Aubert oxidation ditch, it is elliptical reinforced concrete pool, divided into two.Each pool is divided into three annular channel, turn sewage into the outer channel, the channel and inside the channel, and finally by the center of the island and into the sedimentation tank with water wells.Design flow 1250m3 / h, every seat effective volume 11000m3, the mixture concentration 4.5 g / l, the design depth of 4.2m, HRT 17.6h.Aubert and oxidation ditch is a core part of the entire proceing system, its main function is to make the cultivation of domesticated activated sludge degradation, adsorption, aggregation of organic matter, and through the action of bacteria so that the suspended particles and diolved particles tend to precipitate, resorted to water The organic content is reduced.Each seat is installed oxidation ditch aeration plate spinning disc 10 sets, outside the channel diolved oxygen control in 0.5mg / l, in the meantime oxidation, nitrification and denitrification.The intermediate channel and an outer channel diolved oxygen controlled at 1mg / l and 2mg / l, of organic matter in sewage further oxidation, to ensure the organic content of the effluent to meet the design requirements.(8)sedimentation Water will be discharged into the oxidation ditch treatment after sedimentation tanks, sedimentation tanks using radial flow sedimentation tank, water center, surrounded by water, the diameter D = 38m, a total of two.Set with wells located two blocks, through contact with sewage into the pool after precipitation.Each seat settling ponds located around the drive full-bridge scraping suction machine, sedimentation tank sludge and sludge pumping station to reflux.Design flow 1813m3 / h, maximum surface load 0.8 m3 / m2.h, single-cell pool depth of 4m, the residence time of 4.3h.(9)contact tank To ensure the cleanline of the water due to the standards required to be disinfected so, it set up contact with the cell holder 1: 1813 m3 / h flow rate, contact time 30min, effective contact volume 1056 m3, the effective depth of 4m.This project uses chlorine dioxide disinfection, contact tank responsible for wastewater effluent chlorination.Chlorine dosing point sewage pond in the front contact.Design reflux 1813 m3 / h, the average amount of chlorine 8 mg / l, a single effective yield chlorine 7.5kg / h.(10)reflux and sludge pumping station As part of the water will precipitate some sludge, so the return sludge pump submersible pump, to enhance the use of sludge submersible centrifugal pumps, construction simple and compact structure.Return sludge volume 1250 m3 / h, the sludge moisture content 99.1%.(11)between chlorination This project uses chlorine dioxide disinfection, contact tank responsible for wastewater effluent chlorination.Chlorine dosing point sewage pond in the front contact.Design reflux 1813 m3 / h, the average amount of chlorine 8 mg / l, a single effective yield chlorine 7.5kg / h.Second, the significance of the sewage treatment With the development of urban water shortages increasing preure to pursue the root causes of urban water crisis, it is increasingly recognized that community water cycle beyond the natural cycle of water can carry a range.Therefore, only full respect for the natural movement of water, the rational use of water resources, making water recycling upstream region does not affect the function of water downstream waters, without prejudice to the objective laws of social cycle natural circulation, thereby maintaining or restoring good water environment and the watershed of the city, The effective way is the sustainable use of water resources which requires us from "water-user" into open water unidirectional mode is "sparingly wateruser-recycled water" feedback circulation procees, improve water use efficiency.achieve this major shift patterns of water use and enhance wastewater reuse is the key.With the advancement of science and technology, urban sewage is no longer a waste, but a valuable resource.Since is a resource, it is neceary to maximize the utilization.improve urban sewage recycling rate, one can reduce pollutant emiions, and second, to save the limited water resources.Water Division of Water Resources Deputy Director Xiao-ice from Tsinghua Speaking on the university and China Water Network's "2010 Urban Water Sector Strategy Forum", he pointed out that the shortage of water resources in China, urban water shortages highlight, wastewater treatment and reuse is a strategic choice, significant urban wastewater treatment and reuse in Alternative sources of clean water while reducing emiions, reducing the city sewage load, with water stability, water a short distance, low cost of water can provide a safe and reliable alternative water sources, is a strategic choice to solve the city's water shortage Propulsion wastewater treatment and reuse work fully reflects the scientific concept of development is about people's demands, reflecting the urgent desire of the maes, is to promote the urbanization objective need, is an important means to achieve rational allocation of water, scientific conservation, recycling for building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society of great significance to China's fast economic growth is significant.Third, there is a problem(A)environmental health infrastructure is weak.Distribution network extends to rural areas has just started, Xuanhua District sewer pipe network has not yet formed.(B)the local municipal wastewater treatment system is still in the development stage.(C)poor awarene of environmental protection, do not know the relationship between conservation and sustainable development of resources, lack of initiative to curb environmental pollution to the environment "dirty, chaotic, and poor" phenomenon for granted, turn a blind eye.Therefore, the existence of the phenomenon are still natural emiions.Fourth, the problem of reason After my research and ask our staff to blame for urban sewage treatment and disposal difficult for many reasons, including:(A)re-development, light environment.After the first few companies in the development of the concept of governance is still the dominant idea in economic construction, caught in the proce of industrial development, sewage treatment is lagging behind.(B)the publicity is not in place.Propaganda of the government and the society is not in place, people are not aware of the difficulty of sewage treatment, water waste.(C)supervision flawed.There are omiions surveillance departments, resulting in people taking advantage of a loophole, causing water pollution.Construction funds(four)of urban sewage treatment facilities gap larger.Urban sewage treatment facilities are public projects, public financial investment is very limited, leading to the sewage treatment plant equipment behind, low proceing efficiency.(E)the appropriate punishment laws is inadequate.Strict punishment is not enough cause many companies ignore the law and regulations, after the punishment is still its own way, can not completely solve the problem of environmental pollution.(Vi)lack of appropriate methods and incentives to report, citizen participation enterprise reporting pollution are not enthusiastic.Fifth, make recommendations To solve these problems we propose some suggestions: 1.force businees to set up environmental monitoring department of the enterprise for the detection and aement of environmental pollution.2.increase government funding to further improve the sewage disposal sites in line with national standards.3.Learn the advanced wastewater treatment technology, the introduction of foreign advanced sewage treatment equipment to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment and disposal.4.to build waste water treatment facilities, the construction of multi-financing platform to solve the financial problems of sewage treatment plants.5.Establish and improve environmental sanitation in the laws, regulations and punishment measures, so that government law, the production heart and fear.6.Government to strengthen the social and civic education and promotion of water-saving and environmentally friendly, water-saving society from every citizen to start saving in order to achieve the best results.7.The government set up the appropriate reporting department and reward measures to increase citizen participation in social monitoring initiative.8.Trial of urban residents living water emiions charges measures in order to enhance awarene of water conservation residents.Six sewage treatment survey feelings Through this investigation, I learned a lot about their own profeional knowledge, but many are le than the claroom.I myself have a new profeional knowledge and understanding.The future direction of their work have a preliminary understanding.In this survey, I encountered many difficulties, but I try to overcome.Throughout the proce, I learned how to communicate with people and communication, but also learned how to solve problems independently.In this investigation, I learned that sewage treatment is a comprehensive technical energy intensive.Over the years, energy consumption, operating costs hindered the construction of urban sewage treatment plants to some extent high, built of some treatment plants is also due to the reason in the cut consumption and semi-shutdown state.In the future for a long period of time, energy iues will become the bottleneck of urban sewage treatment.Can solve the energy consumption of the wastewater treatment plant problems, make reasonable energy distribution, sewage treatment plant has been decided to run benefit the quality of the key factors.Energy consumption is low, the decisive factor is the future of a new sewage treatment plant feasibility analysis, develop a high energy efficiency of sewage treatment technology, reasonable design and operation of sewage treatment plants, sewage treatment plants is bound to be the future design and operation of the only way.To this end, the implementation of the sewage treatment plant management model innovation may well be a feasible way.Water is an indispensable part, is a neceary condition for human survival.Ours is a shortage of water resources at national, regional water shortage is particularly prominent.With the rapid economic development and urbanization, and water pollution problems are more serious.Strengthen and improve urban water supply, water conservation and water pollution control work to promote sustainable economic and social development, to maintain ecological balance, has become an important measure of social development, but also the obligation of every citizen, as a university students, we should start from ourselves, from scratch.










3. 资料的分析过程中,缺少对错误出现原因的分析和讲解。在本课题立项之初,对于同学们常犯的词汇和表达错误出现的原因的分析,是预想的重要任务之一。小课题研究开始至今,对于这方面的研究甚是欠缺,只是简单地罗列和整理错误,修改之后没有认真科学的对其产生的原因进行分析和讲解,这是本阶段小课题研究的一个重大失误。



















1 、国际贸易实务方向

本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务与秘书工作的高等应用型人才。该专业由英语语言能力、商务运作能力和计算机应用技术三个技能模块构建成整个教学计划的核心,就业前景乐观。2 、国际商务管理及秘书方向

本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务管理与项目策划工作的高等应用型人才。该专业学生毕业后掌握商务运作的知识与技能,能熟练运用英语和计算机从事国际商务及秘书工作。3 、会展英语方向

本专业方向掌握会展与广告设计基本理论和知识 、具备会展设计规划和运用计算机进行艺术创造设计的实用型高级专业人才。学生毕业后能从事国际、国内各种会展的组织与策划、会展翻译、会展协调与服务、外事办公等工作。


随着社会的发展和我国市场经济的不断完善,不仅是外资企业、 民营企业还是国有企业 都在开发海外市场或存在发展意向, 商务英语已经渗入到各种各样的企业里, 但企业内商务英语专业人才无论是在数量上、层次结构及专业素质上都还存在许多不足。

1、人才总量需求不断增长,商务英语人才需求增长较快 随着我国经济的持续高速发展, 我国各种体制的企业数量也快速增长, 使得我国人才总量需 求也稳步增长。中国入世以来,

极大地拓展了商务英语的发展空间,上万家企业拥有自营进 出口权,商务英语专业人才炙手可热,就业前景十分广阔。目前,无论大型三资企业,还是 国营、民营中小企业都存在开拓海外市场、参与商务英语的行为和意图,越来越多的专业商 务英语人才如单证员、报关员、外销员等都将走俏职场。

2、企业国贸人才素质继续提高,人才层次出现新的变化 通过本次调查发现,商务英语人才素质在不断提高,人才层次结构出现新的变化,进一步呈 现重实际操作、年轻化的趋势。调查还表明,同国有企业单位相比,非公有制经济中商务英 语人才队伍的重实际操作、年轻化的优势更加明显,高层次商务英语人才队伍逐步壮大。









职业(岗位)知识要求 :

1、专业面要进一步拓宽, 要有一定的市场营销、 信息资源管理、 办公自动化等专业基础知识。

2、系统、实用的英语语言基础知识:语音语调正确,语法概念清楚,语言基础知识扎实,能用英文 书写商务函电及其它应用文;

3、国际贸易理论及进出口贸易实务,较为系统的市场营销、经营管理、市场经济法规、海关法规、 报关实务等相关的商务知识;






入世后,经济全球化、市场国际化的进一步深化,各个领域都离不开英语人才,尤其是既懂商业贸易、市场营销、经济管理,又精通英语的复合型人才更是紧缺,商贸英语人才 已成为各行业、各领域的骨干人才、通用人才。 目前英语已经成为事实上的国际通用语言。 很多国家和地区都将英 语指定为官方交流语言。在世界性国际会议、论坛和学术研讨会,在国际商务谈判和国际商贸合同文本,在外资企业或合资企业工作中,英语已成为重要的交流工具。随着世界经济一体化的迅速发展,特别是我国加入 WTO 以后,以及 2008 年北京奥运会的开办,我国更加广泛融入国际社会,与世界各国在政治、经济、文化等领域的交流活动日益频繁,与英语专业有关的行业如外贸、外交、海关、旅游、管理等涉外工作部门 获得前所未有的发展契机,使得我国对英语人才的需求数量越来越大。 据劳动人事部统计,

英语专业毕业生的就业率一直在各专业中居于前 10 位。即使在近年来大学生就业 普遍不景气的情况下,大多数院校英语专业毕业生的就业率仍然保持 90%以上,就业前景乐观。毕业生在走上工作岗位后,大都能发挥他们的外语优势,受到学校、外事部门、 公司企业等用人部门的重视和欢迎 。随着中国经济发展进一步加快,中国和世界的联系也会加强,在一个 较长的时期内,英语专业仍会继续 保持自己良好的就业前景。 除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较多。

随着改革开放的进一步深入,中国对外语类人才的需求会与年俱增,就业前景更是非常乐观。更为重要的是,在我国与世界经贸接轨并不断发展的前提下 ,对于外语尤其是英语专业人才的需求不断增长,这包括英语翻译、英语教育、英语日常运用方面的人才 。而且,一方面从师资来源看,各大院校的英语教师在知识水平和教学 综合能力等方面大都是英语专业的 精英;另一方面从教学目标要求看,各大院校在英语教育方面越来越重视学生对于英语实际运用能力的培养和锻炼,毕业后能够尽快适应工作岗位发挥专长,种种因素也在促进 外语专业人才和国际交流类专业人 才需求的不断增长。 经贸及翻译方向毕业生能在国家机关、外事、外贸、外企、各类涉 外金融机构、商务管理公司、专业翻译 机构、出版、新闻、旅游、高级宾馆酒店等部门,承担商务管理、商务翻译、外贸洽谈、经贸文秘、英语编辑、英语记者、驻外商务代理、涉外公关、涉外导游等工作;也可在中学、中专、职高、技校和英语语 言培训中心、大中专院校及科研部门等从事教学和科研工作 除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较多。
