
时间:2022-03-29 17:09:59 作者:网友上传 字数:3723字



1. 祝你在新的一年里幸福绵绵,一生平安!

2. 愿你平平安安另一个365,元旦节快乐!

3. 送你一份如意,让你事事顺心。

4. 月落日出为赚钱,愿你日子如蜜甜。

5. 问候的传递载祝福,送到你眼前。祝你元旦快乐,幸福安康!

6. 祝元旦开开心心,顺顺利利!

7. 元旦快乐,新年快乐,万事如意。

8. 祝福家人身体健康,共创美好未来。

9. 祝你新年快乐,生活美满,事业中天!

10. 阳光暖照,风景美妙,愿轻松和你紧相抱。

11. 愿今年所有的遗憾,是为了来年更好的准备。

12. 元旦开心,快乐无敌!

13. 愿你元旦幸福多多,快乐多多!

14. 送你美好圆蛋,愿你美梦成真圆圆。

15. 元旦到,愿你绽放微笑,把精彩拥抱!

16. 元旦到来,幸福怀揣,新年快乐,响彻天外!

17. 圆了一个追求,担一箩美好。

18. 新年锣鼓震天响,元旦秧歌鞭炮喧。

19. 送你一份新年的喜悦,让你忘却烦恼。

20. 希望新的一年我们还能常相伴,共进步!

21. 新年到,好心情,事事顺利!

22. 祝你元旦人快乐,健健康康幸福罩!

23. 工作顺利“元”满,繁忙疲劳全完“旦。

24. 祝你健康,快乐永远。

25. 元旦来临,真诚祝愿你快乐每一天!

26. 新年好!愿你拥有一片属于自己的天地!

27. 年年今日,岁岁今朝。

28. 从现在开始,坏运清零,好运加满。

29. 为你绽放新年的烟火,愿你事情顺心多富贵。

30. 月圆人圆,阖家欢乐大团圆。

31. 放下生活的负“旦”,愿你轻装上路。

32. 祝你元旦快乐,好运连连,万事如意心也甜!

33. 元旦来临喝杯酒,愿你好运天天有。

34. 祝愿各位朋友新年好,一生平安,幸福到老!

35. 祝你来年都快快乐乐、顺顺当当!

36. 福气高,乐逍遥,生活日日美,收入月月高。

37. 前路浩浩荡荡,万事尽可期待。

38. 生活幸福“元”满,所有霉运全完“旦”。

39. 愿你梦想都实现,幸福展笑颜。

40. 祝福随风来,愿你新年新气象,越过越精彩!

















1, if money is also a kind of wrong, repeat one's mistakes to you! Happy New Year!

2, only understands the life, to appreciate the wintersweet travel.like; Only a man who knows love, can feel the beauty of life. Only through unremitting efforts, deeply know hard-won happiness. Wish you success in the New Year!

3, thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, thank you for what you did to me. Please accept my New Year wish, wish you peace and happy!

4, may all the beautiful patches of white snow, with my good wishes, fly to your side, I wish you a happy New Year, business!

5, a catty of peanuts 2 jins jujube, good luck often run with you; Three jin of apples four jin pear, good luck and you are not isolated; Five pounds six jin of bananas, oranges revenue rolled into your pockets; Seven grapes eight jins orange, may you thought it was; Nine pounds mango ten catties melons, wish you happy every day.

6, the Spring Festival to, to you ask a good: office with suitable living backgammon; Lottery midterm luck in every day; Play games victory again tastes always good; Golden wall of the family out long notes!

7, the day give you warm, give you warm, I give you blessings. I wish you the best of luck as dense as rain! Worry fly like a cloud, sad like the dinosaur extinction, happy sweet as honey.

8, I wish you a New Year is to get rich on marlboro, boarded the hongta career, lover plug ashimar, revenue in greater China.

9, I wish you the year of the ox: the famous, prosperous, martial arts, lead, artillery and red, is more astonishing, Malaysian draw!

10 the universiade, a happy New Year! Career ladder, everything wins meaning! The sparrow handy, source of money widely enter! Good health, eating sweet, sleeping, Ann, family happiness, congratulation!

11. It's an honor to the past one year, can work under your leadership and learning. I wish you in the New Year health.

09 New Year's message to your family and friends

1, every year, today is a new beginning, let the world change, times change. Happiness, peace, joy and health be with you.

2, wish: the face is not long small doug, don't long streaky, wearing a big taqiyah. 30 this year, next year, 28, will always be a flower, come quickly to give birth to a fat doll!

3, dawn breaks in the morning, happiness around you. When noon the sun is shining, smile in your heart. Xishan evening sunset, happy with you one day. I wish you happy every day!

4, wish happiness with you through every day of the year; Happiness accompany you spend every hour of the day; Peace with you each of the points of an hour; Of healthy guy. I wish you a points every second. Wish you everything goes well!

5, flower, flower fade, clouds scud across, another year. Time frame will bring you a beautiful mood, gone with the wind to send my blessing, lingering in your side. I wish you a happy New Year! Happy every day!

6, learn to trust people find freedom, learn to find easily forgotten people, caring people have friends around you. Cold not cold, cold is cold, may the warmth of you bring more people. Bless you!

7, unforgettable is you my pure friendship, the true meaning of the valuable is always the same, is this life decree by destiny with you, my warmest wishes, happy New Year to you!

8, some things will not fade as time goes by, some people will not forget that by not often met in my heart you are my forever friend. In the coming year, good friends happiness!

9 is acquainted with one another, in reason, who know each other is Yu Cheng, a true friend no matter where, always always pay off and love, is willing to friends peace and happiness.

10 and a happy New Year! These four words although it only took me ten cents, but the equivalent of 1.5 tons of wishes to hit on you!

11, point a colon to inform you, the year of the ox big geely; Write a comma congratulations to you and the New Year celebration; Draw a full stop bless you, New Year's family reunion; , an exclamation point moved you, New Year together love gas; Tracing the quotation include you, and blessed in the New Year; Lock your circle parenthesis, New Year accumulate gas; A line of ellipsis condensed words, happy New Year to you wanan, family happy!

12, the original you embrace peace have a healthy * * with happy happy * with * hug warm sweet * * with with romantic * took auspicious * carrying money * * into the New Year New Year wish you happy every day!

13, patches of green leaves to root is full of love, my home loaded with thoughts of home, every festive holiday times, think you want to home to relatives. Send best wishes, let the family happy life more sweet!

14, a bag of sun two sea breeze, a few jins of blessing, passed to the United States to buy some happy, bought two bottles of romantic French, cut off from the depths of the heart how much care, as a gift for you. I wish a happy New Year and all the best!


























