
时间:2022-09-11 21:46:54 作者:网友上传 字数:1735字





The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney) I, the undersigned Mr./Ms._____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(addre), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms.______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name). Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all neceary and appropriate action to execute the agreement. [Signature to be authorized] [Date] [Print signature in English] [Print E-mail addre] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number] [Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature][Date] [Print signature in English] [Print E-mail addre] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print addre] 有权签字人委托书

兹全权委托 X X X 先生(女士)和 X X X 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。以上代理人的签名样本如下: X X X X X X(签字样本) X X X X X X(签字样本)


X X X X 有限公司董事长:X X X(签字)(公司印章)200X年X月X日

篇2:委托书(英文) 委 托 书

I, _____________________(Name), Paport/Identity Card 本 人, (姓名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码

兹 委 托(姓名) 护 照/身 份 证 号 码

代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取 my visa application 我 的 签 证 申 请。 on my behalf. _______________________________ Signature of Applicant Date 申 请 人 签 名、加盖企业公章 日 期

篇3:Letter of Authorization英文版授权委托书 To Whom It Maybe Concerned, Hereby we, Shanghai Construction Group(SCG), would like to authorize Peking Company for General Contracting(PKG) to be our agency in Kurdistan Region to develop busine.We will appreciate a lot if you could provide all the neceary support. Valid period from Sept.1, 2009 to Dec.31, 2012. Best regards. Sincerely yours. Jiang Zhiquan Chairman Shanghai Construction Group Shanghai Construction GroupWebsite:.cn 1


英语格式的委托书该怎么写才比较规范呢?下面学习啦小编为大家精心整理了 英文委托书范本,仅供参考。



I, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the Company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative It is hereby authorized.

Name of the Company: (official seal)

Legal representative: (signature)

Authorized representative: (signature)



To Whom It Maybe Concerned,

Hereby we, Shanghai Construction Group(SCG), would like to authorize Peking Company for General Contracting(PKG) to be our agency in Kurdistan Region to develop business. We will appreciate a lot if you could provide all the necessary support.

Valid period from Sept.1, 2009 to Dec.31, 2012.

Best regards.

Sincerely yours.

Jiang Zhiquan


Shanghai Construction Group


The Letter of Authorization

I, ZHANG San, of (社区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), hereby appoint LI Si (Passport No. XXXXXX), my mother, of (小区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), to act in my capacity to do every act of that I may do to take full responsibility of my daughter WANG Wu (Passport No.XXXX). This power shall be in full force and effect on the date from(旅游入境、出境时间)during their visit to(旅游地).

The relationship of my mother, my daughter and myself can be certified by the attached Household Register.

By (委托人姓名)ZHANG San


(Signature to be authorized)

(被委托人姓名)LI Si

July 7, 2014



The Letter of Authorization

I, ZHANG San, of (社区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), hereby appoint LI Si (Paport No.XXXXXX), my mother, of (小区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), to act in my capacity to do every act of that I may do to take full responsibility of my daughter WANG Wu (Paport No.XXXX).This power shall be in full force and effect on the date from(旅游入境、出境时间)during their visit to(旅游地).

The relationship of my mother, my daughter and myself can be certified by the attached Household Register.

By (委托人姓名)ZHANG San


(Signature to be authorized)

(被委托人姓名)LI Si

July 7, 2014






I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.

Dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__

STATE OF__(9)__

COUNTY OF__(10)__



BE IT DNOWN, that I,__(1)__,the undersigned Shareholder of__(2)__,a__(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given.

WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__.





be it dnown, that i,__(1)__,the undersigned shareholder of__(2)__,a__(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the meeting of the shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as i could do if personally present; and i herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given.

witness my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__.


general power of attorney


i,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that i may legally do through an attorney in fact. this power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.

dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__

state of__(9)__

county of__(10)__
