
时间:2022-03-11 00:03:47 作者:网友上传 字数:3173字



Dear Bob,


Yesterday I heard from you. I am very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Peter Zhang. I am sixteen years old. I live in...


I am a middle school student, too. I like English and maths very much. I also like sports. I am good at singing. I know a little about America. Could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?


Please write to me soon.




Peter Zhang





The Embassy of Germany in Beijing

此处写单位英文名称 People’s Republic of China Presents its compliments to the Embassy of Germany in Beijing and has the honor to request for the issue of entry visas of Germany for 此处写学员姓名的汉语拼音, who is leaving China on October, 3, 20xx.此处写单位英文名称avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Germany the assurances of its highest consideration.・介绍信模板 ・介绍信格式 ・实习介绍信 ・入党介绍信 ・自我介绍信此处写英文单位名称,并盖章

July 5, 20xx


1 文体介绍

正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:






(1)subject: introductiondear mr. / ms.,

this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketingspecialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to


yours faithfully,

yang ning


Good morning/afternoon, my name is xxx ,you can call me yanzi. i like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow.

it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.

now i will introduce myself briefly. i am 20 years old, born in shandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brother and myself. i am an optimistic and confident girl. i have full confidence in a bright future,and i believe i can do well in cpunctuality and diligence are crucial to most future careers,i will try my best. altough i just graduated from school, i have confidence to venture my funture.

scoaring in the sky as an airhostess has been a dream for me since childhood, this is why im longing for a job on a plane, and this is why im standing here for this interview. i hope my application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best servies throughout the world as a airhostess member of c and my dream can come ture.

thats all. nice talking to you .thanks.











一封推荐信除了信头、发信日期、收信人姓名、称呼、信尾谦称、签名、推荐人姓名、职务等必需部分之外,正文内容说明应包括下列各项:被推荐者的签名——为便于对方查询,被推荐者的签名仅写“mr wang”或“miss zhang”是不够的。用标准的汉语拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必须由被推荐者自己提供,且前后必须一致。认识被推荐者的时间(how long have you know him/her)——何时开始认识,或认识了多久。认识程度(how well do you know him/her)——是偶尔见面还是关系密切,或仅教过一年还是担任其导师。与被推荐人的关系(relationship)——师生关系,上、下级领导关系等。被推荐人的表现(performance)——学习上、生活上、课堂上和课外活动上的表现。结论意见——愿意推荐或不愿意推荐,无保留或有所保留的推荐、普通推荐或极力推荐,必须明确,当然极力推荐为最好。以上六项是任何一封推荐信所必须包括的,缺其中任意一项则都会失去函件应有的功能或会大大降低推荐的效果。


写这类书要注意慎重、谦恭。在信封左下角常写有to introduce ……或introducing……,信封一般不封。

1. 介绍中学同学 introducing a middle school classmate

dear [mr. chang].

the bearer, [ms huan], is a classmate of mine at middle school, who has recently been assigned to work in your city. [she] is well educated, having good habits and agreeable manners. any assistance you may give [her] concerning [her] life will be esteemed as a great favor for me.

yours truly,



2. 介绍本人 self-introduction

dear [sirs],

from your advertisement in [yesterday’s usa today] i find that you are wanting a [chinese teacher] in your college. i beg leave to take the liberty of offering myself for the position.

born in [beijing] in [1970], i am a graduate of [beijing university], and therefore have a good knowledge both in chinese and english.

should my application be regarded favorably, i shall endeavor to justify the confidence you may repose in me.

faithfully yours,







3. 去具体单位的介绍信 letter of introduction with a known unit

china travel service

[april 15, 1993]

bureau of travel and tourism


gentleman in charge,

the bearer of this lette


As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your PhD program.

In September, xx, Miss Zhang was my students in General Biology, the first professional course they take in the field. She likes it very much. I teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.

Upon ending of General Biology course, I asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology. I discovered Miss Zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to Biology literatures. In essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. All of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about General Biology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for granted.

I believe Miss Zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommend her without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program.

Sincerely yours,
