
时间:2022-12-30 23:33:05 作者:网友上传 字数:4783字



The 12 days of military training is over, for this group of college students for our outlook on life, values have a profound impact. Look back to the days of military training have bitter have joy, tears also have laughed, but applause to cover all the pain, only unity and joy. University of military training feeling

Since the station of that a moment, I'll tell myself, I now is one of the soldiers, my heart secretly swear: is again painstakingly again tired, I also want to strong to be a good soldier, make a stand the test of soldiers. Military training content includes queue training, tactical training, shooting training and theoretical lecture. The queue is training as a soldier must be prepared. JunZi in it should be is one of the most basic of queue training, two feet apart, about 60 degrees, legs straight clamping, hip, lower abdomen micro, tall, lower jaw, neck, eyes straight away; Both natural prolapse, five fingers together, the finger stick in pants seam. This seemingly simple, but to do and need to be able to insist for a long time, it is not easy thing. Stand a long time will feel tired and bitter. Plus the weather, glistening on his head in the sun, is at the foot of hot cement floor, sweat buccal back soon, time grows, neck, waist, knee and foot was tired. Several times, I felt like I cannot stand fast, but I bullet was over.

The feeling of a philosopher said: can't aftertaste is the greatest feeling. For military training, some feel really cannot talk, only in natually sensemaking aftertaste. The taste, as always very strong tea, only tried to know of these aggregates, and then to and people who have the same experience a laugh, and the relatively good feeling between each other. Like how many readers just how many Hamlet, military training, for everyone, don't have a taste in the heart. As for me, military training, to some extent, have beyond its own simple sense, it has become a kind of precious rare an experience, written into my memory, and become a part of the do not kill, it has become a kind of power, a trouble to me, a kind of life support, support the life journey of all kinds of wind and rain of the mind. Military training and give me the best memories, is pure and honest between students and instructors is full of the milk of human kindness. Over the years, this kind of the relationship of the already very rare, very nostalgic and want to stay, look forward to!

Military training, let it become the memory of the life of a plump, brewing, in the days when mixed and then in a couple of friends and relatives gather the treasure with those sweet moments holding out, indulge, enjoy moving!




有位哲人说过:无法回味的感觉才是最美妙的感觉。对于军训,有些感受真的不能言传,只能在淙淙的意会中回味。那味道、就如品一味很浓郁的茶,只有尝过的人才知晓其中的蕴味,然后才能和有同样经历的人相对一笑,让美妙的感受在彼此之间传递。就如有多少个读者就有多少个哈姆雷特一样,军训,对于每个人,都别有一番滋味在心头。而对于我,军训,在某种程度上,已 经超越了其本身的单纯上的意义,它已经成为一种宝贵的难得的一种经历,写进我的记忆中,而成为不可抹杀的一部分,它已经成为一种力量,一种在困难时给我的动力,一种生命的支持力,支撑着人生旅途的各种风雨中动摇的心灵。而军训给我最美好的记忆,是同学们和教官之间纯洁淳朴充满人情味的关系。这些年,这种人与人之间的关系已经很少见,很令人怀念和留恋,向往啊!



weeks ago ,I had a military training . Many students think military training is not only boring but also terrible .but I don‘t think so .In my opinion ,military training life is wonderful .At first ,I‘m afraid of joining military training ,at that time ,I think military training is scaring ,but I have to take part in it ,because I‘m a student .I have to obey the school regulations .But in fact ,we are wrong,military training is cold .

but at the same time ,military training also brings happiness for us.For example , in our spare time ,the commander taught us singing songs,or had a singing match with other classes .On September third ,we had a match with Class Five . First ,one of the girls from Class Five sang songs ,she sang very well,I thought . Next, other students also performed the programmes ,some sang ,some dancd ,and another students told jokes . Finally ,our class won the first prize ,the other class‘ students are also very happy ,although they failed in the match .All in all ,all of us were very happy .What a happy day it was ! I‘ve never forgotten that day.










The bright sunshine shone on everyone's face. At the moment, we are in the final inspection of military training. The eight-day military training was over, but it gave us a lot: the orderly pace, the body of the head, the magnificent slogan... None of them shows the results of our training. Yes, the short eight days of military training, I am afraid not only that the military training that stands a little bit, more, it gives us the bath of the will, the baptism of the spirit.

Remember eight days ago, we just had the military uniform, one by one is the recruit egg. But we all embrace the baptism of the sun with full enthusiasm. In the hot sun, sweat flows out of a strong river! Remember, a few days ago, the yao instructors helped us to correct the military posture. Repeat the slogan over and over again; The rows of help train us to run. Let us understand what a true soldier is!

The eight-day military training taught me what a strong will is. The straight waist, the chest of the upright, the rising of the air, tell me that it is the soldiers of the heroic attitude; The figure that stands in the hot sun, the eyes that are in the sweat, the legs that support the heavy body but still the unmoved, let me be shocked, moved. They have a belief in iron casting, the will of steel welding. Them, the group of integrity and natural and unrestrained thering is no lack, there is no lack of serious and humorous instructors, took their iron discipline to the front of us, teach us what is the style of a soldier, what is the iron and steel, a strong will.

The eight-day military training taught me about the power of unity. The harmony in creation produces beautiful sparks. See, the uniform and neat military uniform, the bold and neat steps, with the loud slogans, rows and columns, which are pleasing to the eye, lifting the spirits. Unity is strength, again not is simple in a word, it granted us the life philosophy, warned us of idea, more in the training of the military training, upright walls, and cast up a collective sense of honor, let's put it deduced to get incisively and vividly, increasingly rich. Isn't it? The excitement of the report, the thrill of the attempt, the cooperation and the joy of resisting, all of us are showing our 53 strong hearts. The moment of unity, the moment when we win, the red face, the jubilation, the real experience of this joy, let us feel that there is a strength called unity.

The short eight days military training is over, these eight days let me gain a lot, let me understand what is friendship, what is effort, what is strong, what is unity. Let me know more -- the sweat of these days has not been whitewater!









军训,是一种考验、磨练、成熟性的活动。儿时的军训,纯粹是游戏;少年时的军训,仅不过是一种锻炼;大学的军训截然不同,性质也得以升华。长达十二天的大学军训,让我明白的太多太多人生哲理,唯有一句话让我感触最深,一分耕耘,一分收获。军训后才真正感觉到它的内涵。 阳光明媚,学子们都面对阳光在站军姿。南方的太阳,晒在皮肤上是火辣辣的,对北方的学子们来说就更是受不了。晒着眼睛都睁不开。这是我深有感触的。但无论谁都没有退缩,在跟太阳作战。在站军姿中,学子们付出努力越高就站得越好。齐步、跑步等训练都是很耗体力的活动,只要认真去做就能走齐、跑齐。内务训练亦如此,就拿叠被来说吧,压被压的时间长,被就薄;扣被扣的时间长,被就能更好成形。 一分耕耘,一分收获,的确如此呀,没有付出就没有收获。十二天的军训,对每个学子来说是多么的艰辛,在训练中付出的少怎能有更大的收获呢?但愿世间每个人都能悟出这其中的真谛,要做得好,得付出;要做得更好,得付出更多。有泪.有欢.有苦.真乃五味具全了.军训让我们洗涤去许多的酸甜苦辣,我愿意记得这些军训中的生活将是我生命中的美好回忆。 军训的日子就把自己当部队的军人看待了,在这里有中命令是绝对的服从,在这里有种纪律叫:绝对严明。虽然条条框框,却把人训练的堂堂正正,犹如中国的汉字,横平竖直,坦荡有力,在这里没有个人的魅力,只有团结的力量,在这里没有婉转的歌喉,却有高歌荡气的回肠。



