
时间:2022-09-12 19:23:28 作者:网友上传 字数:2415字



During the term of office of the Education Bureau, he successfully organized many on-site meetings of the rural vocational education work in the autonomous region, and the technical skills of the vocational schools in the autonomous region were also improved. Competition and other major events, on behalf of the national vocational education in Xinjiang vocational skills exhibition held by students, by the Ministry of Education and other leaders of the high praise. With a solid literary skills and excellent writing skills, not only can well handle the daily office documents and the leadership of the speech, but also actively guide the preparation of various secondary vocational schools, construction projects feasibility report and other large materials. Focus on strengthening business learning and improve their quality, work ability, high efficiency, with remarkable results.

The comrades can consciously abide by the party's self-discipline and self-discipline, civil servants to the strict requirements of their own professional ethics, and always adhere to the principle of fairness and impartiality, to eliminate fraud, favoritism, the same level and superior departments of staff to treat each other, The masses and grass-roots staff can be warm and patient service; strict requirements of their spouses, children and their families, do not make use of power for friends and family for personal gain, love and respect their jobs, honest.







思想上,积极向上,能够矢志不渝地坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓-小-平理论和“xxxx”重要思想不动摇,把全心全意为人民服务的宗旨贯穿于工作和生活的始终。并时刻能够以党员的“八条标准”严格要求自己,她在大学期间就已光荣地加入了中国共-产-党。该同志立场坚定,坚持党性原则,在政治上,始终与党中央保持一致,坚持党的群众路线,关心群众疾苦,倾听群众呼声,善于用辨证唯物主义观点分析和解决现实问题,并能经常深入农村一线调查研究,理论和实践相结合,使得思想和行动有机统一起来,达到事半功倍的目的。 工作上,踏实勤恳,能够创造性 地开展工作。具有强烈的事业心和责任感,坚持实事求是的原则,自觉实践党的宗旨,在自己的工作岗位上作出了突出成绩:1、积极作好政府各部门内部协调和对外接待工作。政府办是乡机关内部的“枢纽”和对外接待的“窗口”,代表政府的形象。每天,她早来晚走,认真有礼地接待外来办事和上访村民,并有条不紊地处理好政府各部门之间的沟通和协调工作,使得全乡各项工作步入了良性发展轨道。2、全力负责乡政府办各种材料的撰写和修改工作。政府办不同时期需要书写不同材料,如红星乡xxx规划、全乡工作总结、政府工作报告、经验材料、会议纪要、文件等等,她都亲自书写、校改。有时材料多、要求本资料权属文秘资源网查看更多文秘资源网资料急,她就加班加点、不分昼夜,全身心投入工作之中。她在学中干、干中学,现对各类公文写作已轻车熟路。3、认真作好乡长办公会和其他会议记录。定时随同各位乡长下到各村现场办公,扩大了视野,增长了处理实际问题的能力。4、认真做好政府办各类文件、材料的整理、存档工作。文件类按时间顺序存档,材料类按性质分门别类整理,及时装入档案柜收存,随用随调,极大地节约了时间,提高了工作效率。5、做好了乡政府楼内外环境装璜和清扫工作。春季,协助常务乡长完成了楼内装修和楼外花草种植工作,美化了办公环境。6、定时做好锅炉检修和冬季供热工作。锅炉检修抢前抓早,保证了及时供热,为全乡工作人员提供了和-谐、温暖、舒适的工作环境。7、深入实地,为民服务。在春耕前夕,到农家地头与农民促膝谈心,帮助他们进行农业结构调整,为其提供新技术、新信息,把党的关心送到百姓的家中,温暖了百姓的心田。


总之,xxx同志无论在思想上、工作上,还是生活上的表现都很突出,达到了很高的标准。 根据该同志的表现,乡党委成员一致同意推荐其为副科级后备干部。


During the term of office of the Education Bureau, he successfully organized many on-site meetings of the rural vocational education work in the autonomous region, and the technical skills of the vocational schools in the autonomous region were also improved. Competition and other major events, on behalf of the national vocational education in Xinjiang vocational skills exhibition held by students, by the Ministry of Education and other leaders of the high praise. With a solid literary skills and excellent writing skills, not only can well handle the daily office documents and the leadership of the speech, but also actively guide the preparation of various secondary vocational schools, construction projects feasibility report and other large materials. Focus on strengthening business learning and improve their quality, work ability, high efficiency, with remarkable results.

The comrades can consciously abide by the party's self-discipline and self-discipline, civil servants to the strict requirements of their own professional ethics, and always adhere to the principle of fairness and impartiality, to eliminate fraud, favoritism, the same level and superior departments of staff to treat each other, The masses and grass-roots staff can be warm and patient service; strict requirements of their spouses, children and their families, do not make use of power for friends and family for personal gain, love and respect their jobs, honest.
