
时间:2022-03-25 14:17:29 作者:网友上传 字数:1535字




我是__号选手__,我来自______。中原自古多才俊,在这块人才辈出的热土上,涌现出了诸如兰空飞行员李剑英等天之骄子。如今,在__一中受到了三年优秀教育的我,虽不能像李剑英那样架雄鹰搏击长空,可为了胸中那不灭的翱翔蓝天的渴望,为了不辜负我 1米68的身高,不辜负五官端正、举止端庄、极具亲和力的面容,我希望能通过自己的努力成为一名空乘人员,工作在蓝天白云间,仰观宇宙云卷云舒,俯看祖国大好河山。







通过三年的学习和实践,我从心理和能力等方面做好了走上空乘岗位的充分准备,我诚挚地希望能成为东方航空中的一员, 我将以靓丽的形象、热情的服务,倾我所能,不断学习我所不能,为东方航空的发展事业贡献一份力量 给我一次机会,我会尽职尽责,还给您一片惊喜,在此我期待您的慧眼和垂青,静候佳音,相信您的信任和我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!



I am a student of the first aviation college of the air force who will graduate in July 20XX with a bachelor's degree. My major is computer science and technology, and I also minor in economics and administrative management of nanjing university of political sciences (self-examination).

During the four years in college, I have learned a wealth of professional knowledge and exercised my ability. Through four years of hard study, I have mastered the professional knowledge of computer software and hardware, can carry out software design, dynamic website production, database programming and management, and under the guidance of professor li zhiwei of this major, developed the school's "teaching course arrangement system", and participated in the construction of the campus network online examination network. I have passed cet-4 and cet-6 with a good score of 412. Now I can read and translate computer materials, and I often translate for foreign students.

Since entering the university, I have made full use of the economic and management theories I have learned to participate in a wide range of social practice activities in my spare time. During the summer vacation of freshman year, I worked as a salesman in xinyang hongyuan solar energy co., LTD., where I experienced the hardships of social life and established the goal of dedication and trustworthiness, which well trained my ability to communicate and cope with situations. During the summer vacation of my sophomore year, I worked as a lobby assistant in the catering department of xinhua grill king, mainly responsible for the training of new employees and account management, consciously exercising my speech and leadership skills.

I hope that through this letter of self-recommendation materials, can make you have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of me, I am willing to devote to the development and construction of your company with great enthusiasm and responsibility.




My mane is......Im....years old.My weight is...kgs.and height is.....cm.I have stuied English for about ...years.At school my favourite subject is English.I often talk with my classmate in English.In my spare time I like playing bascketball and swimming.My health is very good .I think I can be fit for the job because I like this kind of work and l enjoy learning new things.I am ready to deal with people.I have much patience and care.So I think I can do the job well.At last,I hope you can give me the chance.If you choose me,you never regret for ever.
