
时间:2024-06-25 01:07:22 作者:网友上传 字数:3315字








1. 有良好的师德


2. 有较高的专业水平


3. 有较强的教学能力










“不爱学生就教不好学生”,“爱学生就要爱每一个学生”。作为一名教师,要无私地奉献爱,处处播洒爱,使我的学生在爱的激励下,增强自信,勇于创新,不断进取,成长为撑起祖国一片蓝天的栋梁。 用质朴的心爱护学生,用诚挚的情感染学生,用精湛的教学艺术熏陶学生,用忘我的工作态度影响学生。




May is a symbol of Spring when the wild geese fly north and the gardens are full of flowers.

The general strike of workers for eight-hour workday in 1880s in the western countries gave birth to Labour Day!

We should sow the south mountain after sowing the north mountain. How can we show our favoritism when help our neighbors sow There will be less wasteland if everyone does as what I do. This is a poem which described people’s working life in the mountain area. Their collaboration in working shows their diligent and brave spirit. Work creates man, work creates beauty, and it is also work that creates our better life. Since ancient times, the Chinese create our splendid Chinese civilization with their hands. It is work that gives us the precious material and spiritual wealth.

It is the sweat and diligent work of thousands of workers that build the modern buildings and highways and change wastelands into fertile fields. These workers include our parents, our teachers as well as the cleaners in our school. On the coming of Labor Day, please give our sincere wishes to all the workers when we enjoy this lovely spring and our happy life.

However, there are many students who hate working, they don’t think that learning or tidy up our bedrooms is also a kind of working. If we don’t grasp these little trivial skills, we can’t be an eligible worker in the future. Attitude is everything! If we treat work as making a dish, the proper attitude towards it is the core ingredient of the dish which can make the dish more delicious.

My dear fellow students, let’s take actions from now on to make our classroom full of vitality, keep our classrooms tidy and decorate our dormitories to be more beautiful and comfortable. Let’s learn to respect and love working, I believe our life will be more meaningful for us!


only mother love is true love .it's gives everybody everything in all his life ,when you are still a baby ,mother takes good care of you as much as possible. in your waking hour she always holds you in her arms. when you are ill, she stop her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about herself. when you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy. when you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. on cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. she always stands in the window waiting for you back from school. when you are hurry to leave home for school for breakfast ,she feels worried about you at home.she usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things . when you do well at school . you will see the brightset smile on her face. mother is ailways ready to give everything she has to her children ,not to receive. what true love that is in the world !we will remember mother love forever friendship every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. my friends will listen to me when i want to speak, will wipe my eyes when i cry, will take care of me when i am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life. as students, we could share more time with our friends. the friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and si-mp-le. i often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. especially when i had justin as one of my best friends. justin was my english teacher from the usa. i met him in 1996 when i was a student who could only speak very little english. justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the claactive and attractive. he taught us english by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. i could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on christmas eve. it was so interesting and unforgettable. justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to study english well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others' lives. i know there was friendship and pure love in our hearts. facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. justin is the best friend i have ever had, and i know i will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory. friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. it is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it is also like a cup of tea. when we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink. however, in this fast-developing mo.











I love English because it can be very helpful in my future career,for English is so widely used in the world. Moreover, I find it very interesting to learn a subject that is absolutely different from Chinese culture. In the course of learning English, I learn a lot of things about Western countries, which is very fresh and interesting for me.I make friends with somes foreigners in a Englsih website,we communicate with each other about our countries'unique culture,I think I am making contribution to connecting China and the world.

我热爱英语,因为它对我未来的职业生涯可能会很有帮助,因为英语在全世界被广泛使用。 更多意义上来说,我觉得学习一门和中国文化完全不同的学科是非常有意思的。在学习英语的过程中,我了解到了很多关于西方国家的事情,这对我来说很新奇。我在一个英文网址上与一些外国人成为了朋友,我们经常交流各自国家的独特文化,我想我也为中国和世界的沟通做出了贡献。
