
时间:2022-10-23 12:07:40 作者:网友上传 字数:519字



The struggle of the youth is the most beautiful

Friends, do you know what is meant by life? And what is meant by the "struggle of the youth"?

We know, there are many examples about the struggle of the youth appearing in the films we see, in the songs we listen, and in the friends we meet. It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one's life by a little bit.Likewise, with each page torn off the wall calendar, one's life is shortened by another day.。Time, therefore, is life.Nevertheless, few people treasure their times as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful.。So, chose to work hard in your youth.

Friends, speak up your mind, and do what you want to do!In short, hurry up to give full play to the life bestowed on you by Nature, and hold aloft a torch to offer a little light to the world, for, otherwise, your young limbs will begin to rot, your brilliant brain will be dulled and your enthusiasm will cool off. It will be too late to mend

Friends, bring your youthful vitality and life into full play right now and here!


In fairness to George, ‘pains is taken’ is the way they spoke back then. Today, Washington would probably say ‘take pains.’ Or maybe T-Pain.

But Washington, really, Washington’s point, and Washington U.’s motto, are principles I hope that all of you will take to heart: truth will prevail where pains are taken to bring it to light. And with truth comes strength.

The pains that every generation has taken to bring light are why secession didn’t succeed…secession didn’t succeed in 1794 or 1861. The pains taken by abolitionists, and suffragettes, and civil rights marchers, and marriage equality advocates brought America’s core truth to light: that all people are created equal.

And today…today, the necessity of taking pains to bring truth to light is greater than ever because the tools for spreading lies are more powerful than ever.

Since the dawn of democracy, there have always been those, to paraphrase Socrates, who try to make the weaker argument appear the stronger and who care more about winning debates than being truthful.
