
时间:2022-03-13 17:24:30 作者:网友上传 字数:1626字



The first day of my high school life

The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true. I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them. The process of learning is also a growing process.

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life. However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.



马云,阿里巴巴的创始人、CEO,中国雅虎董事局主席,同时也是软银、华谊兄弟等几家大型公司的董事。1999年创办阿里巴巴网站,目前已发展为全球最大的B2B电子商务平台,(B2B就是Business To Business即企业和企业之间的营销关系),阿里巴巴集团旗下的淘宝网目前已成亚洲最大个人交易网站。下面我简单介绍下社会对他的评价,2000年成为第一个登上《福布斯》封面的中国企业家,2004年,荣获CCTV十大经济人物奖,2008年马云获选美国《商业周刊》评出的25位互联网业最具影响力的人物,他也是唯一上榜的中国企业家。他的成就得到社会各界的广泛好评,哈佛大学两次将他和阿里巴巴经营管理的实践收录为MBA案例。



二、就是坚持 我开场说的那句话就充分反映了马云的毅力,没有坚持,他和他的团队恐怕早就被扼杀在创业初始阶段了。第





good morning, students, and welcome to the university. i'd like to begin with some information about graduate student housing, and then ]'il turn this session over to dr. pauling, who will explain some of the finafieial support services we offer to graduate students.

first of all, i hope you have a smith time getting settled here. i know that finding housing is often difficult. so let me give you some information that might help you. i know that several of you have already moved into our new graduate student unit. it's located on the west side of the campus. in this build!ne, four students share dining and living rooms, kitchen, two bathrooms, and four single bedrooms, we do have a few more empty rooms, so if you're interested in moving in, let me know right away.

if you haven't visited the family-student housing complex, be sure to go take a look at it. this small community has two-bedroom unfurnished apartments.

they're on the south side of campus, near the downtown bus stop. unfortunately, ail apartments are full now, and we have a waiting list for next year. come me me ff you want to add your name to thc list. you should apply as soon as possible for next year.

if you want to live off campus and are still taking for a house, be sure to check out the off-campus housing office. you'll find a lot of rentals listed there.

now let me turn this over to dr. paulson. he will explain some things about the financial aid program.


Ladies and gentlemen,

we engineering students take it for granted that technology is changing incredibly fast. we are thinking nervously and seriously whether our colleges are failing to provide a foundation in the skills currently needed in industry. take my major telecommunications for example. scientists say that 21st century is a biomedical time, not an electrical time. but without the help of electronic data processing and transformation, biomedical technology alone cannot go too far. funny enough, the word biomedical itself is just a combination of two disciplines. so the interdisciplinary exploitation serves as the critical part for our electric and electronics world as well as any other fields to find new way of being.

But the power of knowledge collaboration is certainly not restricted to science and engineering; it is in the full community of learning. walking around campus i absorbed a reality that there is a seamless web between students from different professional backgrounds. the engineering students are discussing animatedly in a philosophy lecture, speaking passionately in the public speaking club, and looking for sparkling ideas from learning history and arts. how wonderful that is! that, ladies and gentleman, is just a significant step forward to be well-rounded because once we jump out of the circle we can see the bigger picture.

My friends, i hope that you have already got what university is all about. please let me end my speech with the nobel prize winner li zhengdao’s words: “the realization of the perfect combination of science and engineering, science and arts, technology and humanity, is the greatest symbol of a university’s success.” thank you.


Hello, everybody!

Thank you.

Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.)

I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, so it’s understandable if you’re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now -- (applause) -- with just one more year to go. And no matter what grade you’re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning.

I know that feeling. When I was young, my family lived overseas. I lived in Indonesia for a few years. And my mother, she didn’t have the money to send me where all the American kids went to school, but she thought it was important for me to keep up with an American education. So she decided to teach me extra lessons herself, Monday through Friday. But because she had to go to work, the only time she could do it was at 4:30 in the morning.
