
时间:2022-06-14 02:17:24 作者:网友上传 字数:2861字



Welcome speeches and send-off speeches

一.Writing tips

Basic features

欢迎词的开头要向对方表示欢迎, 然后对相关事宜做简单说明和介绍, 最后表达愿望或再次表示欢迎。 欢送词一般要回顾与对方相聚的美好时光, 然后致以良好的祝愿并希望再次相见。

二.Sample Study

I.Welcome speeches


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to extend on behalf of the institute a warm welcome to the delegation from New York University.I understand that arrangements are underway for a comprehensive cooperative program between our two schools, but I need not elaborate on that now.

I have, however, just heard that one specific agreement has already been signed and I wish to announce the news here, that is, an exchange of scholars beteeen our two schools.

This is a first but important step in promoting cooperation between us and I\\'m sure everyone present will be pleased at the news.

I would like to say welcome to you again and hope you will enjoy your stay in Nanjing.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are honored this afternoon to have a chance to get together with Prof.

Smith, known for his sophisticated understanding of the conflicts in the Middle East.Allow me, first of alll, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome to our guest.

Prof.Smith has studied the situation in the Middle East for many years and is well known for his many publications on the subject.During the past few years, Prof.Smith has concentrated his attentin on the question of Iraq.

Now we\\'ll have an opportunity to hear what he thinks about the situation in that trouble-ridden country.

Now, let\\'s give our warm welcome to Prof.Smith.

Expreions for welcome speech

It\\'s with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to .......

I have the honor to welcome ......on behalf of .....

It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to.....


Allow me, first of all, to extend a warm welcome and greetings to.....

II.Send-off Speeches

例1 欢送贵宾(较正式)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

How time flies! It was here that we gave Prof.William Thomson a hearty

welcome two weeks ago.We are now here again to bid him farewell.

As you know, Prof.Thomson is well known to the world for his great

achievements in the field of physics.During his stay here, he has visited many

universities and colleges and given us many notable lectures.He has also made a tour to many parts of our country.He will leave for home tommorrow morning.We,

therefore, sincerely, hope that he will give us some advice and valuable suggestions.

Finally, we want to take this oppotunity to ask him to convey our profound

friendship and best regards to his people.

Now let\\'s invite Prof.Thomson to speak to us.

Expreions for send-off speeches


We are very sad to say good-bye to...

We all feel sorry at this moment of parting.

We feel deep regret at parting with our guest.


It is an unforgettable experience that....

We enjoyed every moment that we worked with you.

Over the years, we have established close relationship with...

......has left a deep impreion on us.

We are really moved by.....


May our friendship last forever.

Wish you a pleasant journey and good health.

I wish you every succe in your work.

May you have shining prospects.

三.Writing practice

Ladies and Gentlemen,

__________________ (首先, 我代表学校领导对各位表示热烈的欢迎。)As you know, our school _______________ (具有悠久的历史。) It is very important in China\\'s history of education._____________ (它的毕业生中涌现了很多杰出人物), who are now playing a useful role in many fields of our national life。

I know all of you have many new and innovative ideas and wish to play a part


in bringing new honors to the school, and I believe you\\'ll all have many opportunities to prove yourselves here.________( 我们期望你们为培养优秀的学生而努力)。 _________(最后, 我想对你们的到来再次表示欢迎)。



Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to Beijing,today I will lead you to visit Beijing。

Street vendors in Beijing, the most popular with the children is blown sugar creature. Simple sugar sugar mice is the cheapest guy, blown sugar creature vendors from small POTS covered with cloth, dig out the size of the thumb a syrup, hand rubbing strips, and then put in the wooden mold, blows, the expansion of the long syrup, open the wood pattern, has turned into a real mouse.

Monkey diarrhea is a little complicated, it is by hand make syrup to knead into a small monkey, set in a small reed stem, underneath is a little sugar bowl, a bit into the rare sugar paste, with a curet spoon size small spoon scoop the sugar to eat. Blown sugar sweet vendors should have pinched sugar person craft, have the spirit of the abdomen and blowing hard.

So beijingers often to "blow sugar-coated figurine origins - great tone" love to boast, swagger. Blown sugar creature vendors use syrup is the main raw material, it is made of yellow rice and malt boil, cost is low, and little profit, so have "blown sugar guy in the building - boil" a word, implementation is not easy to describe things, it also says the former Beijing vendors and folk artists of hard life. Is said to be blown sugar sweet this line of business has been in the tang dynasty. When sugar syrup and a fragrance, so blow sugar-coated figurine vendors to "sweet printed as cries." In the song dynasty, song taizu emperor, "print", "three-dimensional" homonym, and the feudal era, in order to avoid, blown sugar guy to beat small gong had to replace.

That handed down generation after generation, causeway is blowing sugar man a sign of the industry.







我们的行程到这就基本结束了,非常开心与大家在一起相处的日子。虽然舍不得,但还是不得不说再见了,感谢大家几天来对我工作的配合和给予我的支持和帮助。在这次旅游过程中,还是有很多地方做得不到位,谢谢大家不但理解我而且还十分支持我的工作,这些点点滴滴的小事情使我很感动。也许我不是最好的导游,但是大家却是我遇见最好的客人,能和最好的客人一起度过这难忘的几天这也是我导游生涯中最大的收获。作为一个导游,虽然走的都是一些自己已经熟的不能再熟的景点,不过每次带不同的客人却能让我有不同的感受,在和大家初次见面的时候我曾说,相识即是缘,我们能同车而行即是修来的缘分;而现在我觉得不仅仅是所谓的缘了,而是一种幸运,能为最好的游客做导游是我的幸运。 我由衷地感谢大家对我的支持和配合。其实能和大家达成这种默契真的是很不容易,大家出来旅游,收获的是开心和快乐;而我作导游带团,收获的则是友情和经历,我想这次我们都可以说是收获颇丰吧。最后预祝大家在以后的工作中更上一层楼!以后的生活开开心心!



1.表示欢迎 2.介绍活动安排




旅游搞笑欢迎词样本 大家好!







welcome toHuzhouhuzhou County, located in the eastern Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing City, southeast of Cao'e River upstream. Latitude 29 ° 27 ', longitude 121 ° 01'. East of Fenghua, Ninghai, roof south, southwest and Dongyang, Pan to the west and north sides of and adjacent Shengzhou. 52 km from east to west county, 37 km from north to south. Located in the hills east of Zhejiang, roof, Siming, Hueiji mountains Mountains Stretching the territory, the terrain from the southeast to the northwest was stepped down. County mountains of southeast, central and western hilly plateau, northwest valley basin. The county landscape of "half water half-field eight mountains," said.

Spring and Autumn Period, Xinchang County has an environment more, Wu, Chu and other countries, from Hueiji County Qin, the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty are under the jurisdiction of the county Hueiji quiet part of the county. Two years after Liang Kaiping (908), analysis of 13 rural home in southeastern Yan Xinchang county, the county name is derived from Xinchang township name. Have been part of more state government and Shaoxing in Shaoxing, Shaoxing City. East Xinchang Yan Gu Cheng, and Ming Nanming, in the jurisdiction of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province in the east. Before the Tang Dynasty is a quiet county, Five years after the Liang Kaiping (908 years) to build the county. Are included in the coastal economic open areas, is Shanghai's economic zone, with the Ningbo international "Alive" completion and opening up, Xinchang regional advantage is more significant. Ninghai County east, Fenghua, south roof, southwest adjacent Pan, Dongyang, Shengzhou from the north west border. A distance of 52.3 kilometers, 36.9 kilometers north-south interval.
