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1 Introduction

● Background to the problem: s how the relevance of your research to other

research that has been done.

Why is this problem or question important?

Who else has worked on this or similar problems?

What methods were used?

What were the results or conclusions of previous research?

● The present study: a paragraph summarizing your topic of research, who or

what will be the object of data collection, how the data will be collected, how it will be analyzed, and what results you expect:

This study aims to investigate…

A number of …students were asked to assess…using the questionnaire…

Statistical analysis provides support for…

Results indicate that…

2 Research Design

2.1 Research Questions: What problem do I want to address or what questions do I want to answer?

The present study examined…More specifically, the following questions were addressed:

1. …

2. …

3....(if any)

2.2 Sample/ Participants: Identify the population that has been surveyed

A sample of …. students was chosen from….

The average age of students was…

There were…male (?%) and … female (?%) students.

Detailed demographic人口统计学的 information of the sample concerning distribution of age, gender, university… is illustrated in the following table…

2.3 Instrument: Explain the procedures of designing and developing the questionnaire

The questionnaire … was used for assessment of…

It was designed by…, and it was developed in Chinese/ or English to evaluate… There were…items in total.

The questionnaire contained … items in total.

Modifications of the questionnaire were made by…

2.4 Data Collection: when and how did you administer the questionnaire so as to collect the data?

The questionnaire was administered … (time)

Students were surveyed in classroom/ randomly online…

The researcher visited the participants’ class to administer the questionnaire.

Students were asked to complete the questionnaire carefully/ honestly…

Students were assured to complete anonymity匿名 of answers.

2.5 Data Analysis: Procedures and softwares used to statistically analyzing the

collected data

The data collected from questionnaires were entered into … for statistical analysis. ….were applied to evaluate…

First, … analysis was used/ employed to analyze …

The second research question was explored using…

3 Findings: what results did I find from my research?

In this section, elaborate on how you use your data to answer your research questions, to make generalizations, to defend assertions 主张, to examine possible alternative outcomes to construct a plausible貌似真实的,貌似有理的;貌似可信的 argument.

References 参考文献
